Towed Car

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[Music] this is the play-doh michelle saptari she says her car was illegally towed from a parking lot by the defendant and he also damaged her car in the process that's right her car is an all-wheel drive car the defendant didn't bother to flatbed it now she's suing for the four thousand dollars she's most definitely due this is the defendant brian sheehan he says the plaintiff's kids parked the car in one lot and went across the street to another business so he towed it the bratty son of the plaintiff even spatted his driver and on the truck bottom line the plaintiff never mentioned any damage to her car when she retrieved it the car was towed on dollies and he owes this desperate woman nothing he's accused of snatching an auto all parties please use your right hands welcome back to the people's court next case on the docket the plaintiff says the defendant illegally towed and then damaged her car by not flatbedding it but the defendant says the tow is illegal and the plaintiff's kid spat on his truck it's the case of hello dolly thank you douglas michelle satari yes you're suing b m electronic diagnostic repair services you're the tow company right yes okay for four thousand dollars in damages because they towed your car now you were not driving the car that day no is this your daughter this is my daughter and the platoon behind her is yeah only all your reinforcements that's my son dominic he was driving okay brother okay so what would they pick her to speak instead of you they trust her more apparently i'm a people person exactly i'd be a little disturbed so the four of you were in the car is that accurate or is anybody here just killer all right so what happened that day so basically me my two best friends and my brother and i and his girlfriend but she's not here today obviously we went to the beach went to rockaway beach um we picked up juliet we have the texts at 11 30. it takes an hour to get there we also have a picture of us our car going over the bridge right we have an easy pass receipt showing what time we were over the bridge so we get to the beach we go to key food first it's on a saturday let me just say that it's packed it is so busy so we get our sandwiches whatever we're getting sunscreen actually didn't go to the beach so we're in key food for honestly like a hot minute key food key food yes in the shopping center or after you went to the beach this is before we went to the beach okay we didn't even get to go to the beach oh okay because so i'll get to that so um we're in key food we're ordering sandwiches we have to wait for that it's just taking a long time right so my brother's girlfriend tries to find a bathroom still in the shopping center it's a whole it's a big shopping center still in there she went to at like dunkin donuts or one of the stores popeye's one it's on a long strip so we get out we have all of our groceries we have the ice for the coolers the car is gone we're like was it stolen do you have the receipt from the facebook yep we had the receipt from food yep and also key food when we were stranded in rockaway with no car and no money because we bought all the food um so i'm like so nervous right now that's right i'm so nervous it's okay so you were stranded in rockaway with no car and no food you had lots of food i'm sorry no car no money i'm so sorry um we were shining rockaway no car no money i was like literally where could the car have gone because what did you buy what did we buy we bought ice we bought sandwiches we bought like chips we bought dips we bought um i what gatorade we bought like oh salt and vinegar chips i remember we bought salt and vinegar chips we got um tostitos lime chips as well um and some salsas some dips we bought a lot of stuff and key food all had to hold that for us because we had no carbs so what time were you at key food um obviously it was after 11 30 because it took like the hour of time um don't answer and do not say a word okay what time were you at key food i would say at 12 something i'm sorry it was kind of a while ago too but okay let me see the toe paperwork please so you come out and your first call is to who mom my mom yeah of course it is yeah because i'm like uh yeah your car's kind of not here oh and it's her car yeah that's why too because it was like my mom's car not even like mine and my brother so it was like even more scary yeah and um so then i called the police i called the police about three times so unhelpful like literally so unhelpful i call they're like oh like call 3-1 or they're going to be there in 30 minutes and we were waiting and waiting and wait how long were you waiting honestly like an hour at least even more after an hour what happens the police arrive or the tokyo after an hour so we're kind of like walking around the shopping center and there's like these little signs everywhere kind of saying like oh like if your car is towed like this is basically where you can get it like this is what happens right so we call two ubers because the first uber can only fit one person so then i go and it says on the sign you have to pay a fee to get your car back even though it's a legally told what else am i going to do so my brother gives me the money i go to this place and um i'm i see the car had you called them i mean why wouldn't you just call them to see if they have your car um doesn't that sound like yeah i think we did i'm pretty sure we did it also i'm like 17 i had no idea what to do 17. i didn't know what 3-1-1 was i didn't know what to i literally had no idea so in any way you end up you are the one who ends up the one who ends up going to this place first right but they're not going to release the car to you because exactly 17. and it's not in your name yeah it's online so but my mom was on her way in my car and that's an hour away yes right so you get there mom and what happens where do you go you go to the tow company because your daughter says i see the car right okay and so you go to the tow company and what happens they told me that i had to pay 190 was there a little office there uh like a glass and there was a person there who i guess is a dislike or a woman and i saw it and then you tell them um okay i need to get my car but why did you do you get involved and say yeah i asked them they said they they went to the beach when i called up to verify i was there we saw with our own eyes that you went to the beach wait what how far is this from the beach one block eight minutes are you the one who did the actual tow are you the owner yes how far was this from the beach uh where the car was towed from about a block or two a portal is this a problem over there yes and people just park there and then go to the entire summer is there any parking at the beach no what time was this called into you i was called into you by your spotter right no it was called into a property management all right do you have an affidavit from property management to prove to me that they called you no don't you normally no i have the person's name who called and he called you and said what meddling kids they parked up my lawn they just said he didn't say any of that he gave the description of the car the plate number of the car i said kids parked there off the property okay um and according to you the sun got hostile and spit in your face you spit on the truck oh spit on me driving away because come on up son it's your time to shine so if the tow truck company did what the property owner said but the property owner is wrong is the tow truck company responsible to the car owner i think the property owner is in the error here because they clearly no no clearly but is the tow truck company responsible um i'm not sure about that what do you say no because it's the property manager's responsibility maybe so but the car was towed illegally it was it was towed legally because the property owner it was his fault originally it was illegal because the person was there the person was there but it's not on the tow truck company it's not their fault they were doing the service that they were asked to provide okay going inside the courtroom what's your name dominic did you spit on the truck i don't recall not oh i don't recall okay that's a lie because you're under oath and you shouldn't lie to me you'd recall if you spit on the truck i'm gonna ask you again did you spit on the truck no sit down dominic all right um your the call comes in at 1 23 and your toe is at what time no the call was towed at 1 15. that's not what you wrote here it's in military time i'm sorry i yeah i know what military time is i need you to come over here and i need you to tell me what numbers i'm looking at this says time called in and this is a one a two and a three what time is that 12 30. just so that yeah all right yeah you need to be neater because it's always it always comes down to this we've been complaining about that yeah no it's not a small issue if you can't write clearly for the police and the judges and everybody else to see it later if it everything hits the fan you can't keep that job so 13 15 the tow 12 30 the time called in see the time on the key food receipt yeah 122. 122 is after the toe so really what this all boils down to is whether in fact you got a call at 12 30 for this car so now let's see what you're suing for because you're not suing for the cost of the toe alone you're suing for 1 103 to repair the front and rear bumper two thousand dollars for the repair of a differential and then 792 dollars for pain and suffering to bring you to around four thousand because you like that figure uh explain that to me mom this is uh your arena now well i just want to say i have my statements from ezpass to show when my car went over yeah bridge let me see that and i have my tag num my tag with me as well okay where is this toll crossbay bridge that would make it very hard for you to get a call at 12 30 telling you to tow the car when the toll uh easy pass registers the toll at 12 29 and 5 seconds let me ask you a question uh why are you suing for the repair of the front and the rear bumper repair of the differential what's that um when i checked my car the following day i noticed that my bumper had scratches on it it's a new bumper i had it replaced in april and i have pictures do you have that they did the scratches as opposed to that your car is in parking lots and someone else could have well it's because the way they towed my car um when i picked it up it was facing forward so it was backed up so they had the front with the back wheels the front was up and the back wheels were on the ground and that's how it stopped when you got there your car was already parked right right so you are supposing how they towed your car correct your car's all-wheel drive yes okay how did you tow her car with dollywood okay so you well you but you make a face you're like fat chance how do you know how he told your car you have no idea i don't know right okay do you have uh any mechanic body man anybody who says that they did the damage can you specifically show me that no right and that's what i need i can't have you saying i hate them they cause this damage i need you to actually prove it you see so i have here a situation where the youngins are all testifying that they didn't get there until around 12 30. i have you saying you toted at 1 15. um i have a receipt for sandwiches and stuff that's at 122. um this isn't my first rodeo i know people realize their car gets towed and they run in and they buy something but typically that something is like a piece of gum or a bottle of water it's not this you know they're 17 year old kids they don't have money to buy sandwiches twice um they didn't buy sandwiches and then go to the beach because they're buying sandwiches at 122 which would be after he purportedly towed them um and i have something very disturbing which is the easy pass at 12 29 and five seconds how far is that toll from the lot eight minutes yeah mm-hmm that would make a lot of 12 30 very difficult ten minutes i don't care if it's two blocks away it's still impossible yeah it's still impossible if it's two blocks away it's impossible so based on that i i'm ordering the 195 dollars returned to you but you have not been able to prove to me that they did all this damage to your car i don't believe that they did and i'm ruling in their favor as to the rest of it but as for your lawsuit against them the 195 plus your um filing fees good luck folks so the judge orders mr sheehan the tow company to get back the 195 dollars what do you think i don't understand why because we proved that the car we did not we're not sitting there to tow the car so we got a phone call to tow the car anybody could be off on time it's the time issues exactly i understand big issue here i understand what time is your watch day you know better luck next time next time i'll be prepared for that that's good okay i always win well not today all right uh well look you got the tow money back yeah but but you you couldn't prove the damages to the car it's okay you know what i'm happy it's over and you know the judge was very fair all right well congratulations you did very well by the way okay good for you you're shaking yeah i'm only freaking out okay thank you so much thank you so much all right good luck all right harvey okay doug i mean look the tow truck company clearly can turn around and sue the property owner because the tow truck company did exactly what the property owner said and it's ultimately ultimately on the property owner
Channel: The People's Court
Views: 194,928
Rating: 4.7966576 out of 5
Keywords: peoples court, Marilyn Milian, jury, judge, justice, television, appeal, ruling
Id: n5bYlnEJSVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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