Towards Understanding The Short Suras Of The Quran Episode 13 - A Summary Of 23 Short Suras

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today we've reached the end of the series of the 23 short surahs of the quran and what i intend to do is just to give a broad summary of what we have covered so far we started off with a very brief look at some of the important prophets mentioned in the quran and if you look at the the group mentioned here it starts off with adam and it goes down the line in terms of the timeline this is all before christ so almost like three thousand years and more before christ or before isla islam was born and these were some of the more important prophets of this particular era then we come but closer to the advent of muhammad sallam the last of the important prophets so there are a list of about 25 mentioned in this particular two slides and there are various stories in the quran about them sometimes a prophet is mentioned just for one or two things in one or two ayah and you have others prophets like sudha yusuf alaihis yusuf for instance where an entire surah is revealed about his whole life story from beginning to end in chronological sequence the prophet that's mentioned the most in the quran is muslim while muhammad has a surah muhammad but it's also everything in the quran is about different points in the prophet's son's life and sometimes it talks about events like the different battles or the treaty of udabia or the conquest or the fatih makkah etc even about certain enemies of islam so from time to time the quran was has a lot of references to various points in the seerah of the prophet salallahu because over the 23 years of the revelation of the quran the prophet was not only guided by the quran but quran became the source of guidance as well for him we looked at some of the major world religions islam is probably the youngest of all the divinely revealed religions starting in the year 610 rather yeah 6 10 is actually the time of the death of the prophet six thirty two so that period of sixteen six thirty two is the time of the revelation and prior to that we have christianity judaism uh and other faiths as well we talked about the actual environment or the terrain where the where the revelation was revealed the arabian peninsula and those were the important types in their locations during the time of the of the birth of the prophet as well as his early life life in makkah we started our study with him in the shaytan energy the fact that we need to seek protection from the shaitaan accursed or the rejected one and also the fact that bismillah must accompany all our deeds in actions whatever we do in life always start with the bismillah on your on our laps and then things will go well for us uh we started off with sudha al-fatiha the seven of the repeated verses of the quran fatiha means a lot of things fatiha on one one meaning is the fact that it's the opening or the opening chapter or the opening surah of the quran in terms of this particular surah we know that this is a surah most read orphan so it's the seven most repeated verses of the quran i've used bismillah as verse one and then al-hamdu is verse two others start the counting of alhamdu to be verse 1 and still ending on verse 7 which is now the surah can be divided into two parts and that little blue arrow shows the two parts of it the first part is about just the praise and hum of allah and he talks of some of his main attributes allah which is a proper noun reserved for him alone derived from the word which means a deity or object worthy of worship and he is deserving of all praise in sukkah that's why al-hamdu is used the other quality that's mentioned is meaning the nadisha the sustainer the one who make sure that all living forms sustain themselves he gives them enough food and water etc whatever is required for their for their living then the two other qualities that is is beneficent or the merciful that's now and this mercy can be taken away at any time so it has a temporariness about it and the rahim is the fact that he's also permanently merciful on a timeless basis the other quality is malik maliki omidin of day of judgment he's the owner or the master of the day of judgment or the king of the or the day of judgment and only you we worship and only you do we ask for help so this relationship of arab and abd comes through where he is the rabb and we are the or the wood the ibad or the persons that are the slaves of the rabb now after praising allah in these first few verses mentioning his hum and some of his qualities unique qualities that only he has we then change tact from this arrow going down only do you do we worship so this word of ibada comes in and only you do we ask for help because there's no one else that can give us any of the things that we want in life then we are asking for guidance the siratul mustaqeem and the description of the siddharth is about people that have been blessed or that you have blessed the word naeem coming in the verb of it those who you have blessed and not those who have encouraged your earth which is the mahdub khadab that anger is on them as well as those who are lies to be who have gone to stay so if you look at this idea of is to do with heavy being on the straight path you need to be at least on the path you don't have to you know if you look at what this verse is saying is guide us to the straight path in others let us be always on that straight path and not being diverted by shaitan in different ways and getting uh relayed or sidetracked in any way and as long as we are on the path hopefully we will reach our attain salvation now being on the straight path means you must acquire knowledge and you must act on it in other words you must have the the ibadah the hubbed notion of it which is having the knowledge and then follow it up with the heart which is the the good deeds as well now you have two categories of people that are we must stay away from some people who are very very you know very knowledgeable but they don't act on their knowledge and they are the mahdub those who encourage of allah and others who have knowledge or rather they don't have knowledge but they've got you know the verb and the enthusiasm and the energy to act on things in a very blind sort of way and they are the doll lean so we must be careful of the fact that allah must protect us from both the mahdub and the darlene of the people around us and make sure that we are on the siratul mr kim then we have the the dua of ibrahim where he asked for two things he said make the city makkah the kaaba make it a baladan and also bless it with good fruit and food for all times so although we we were like ibrahim and he smiled and they were asked to come to a place where it was a badan valley but he had to build the kaaba which he did and he built it for the sole purpose of the e-commerce salad you know salah should be made in uh you know in the vicinities of the kaaba and made that qibla and also your hearts must be turned towards the fact that towards allah and closeness towards him now these are the duas that he made some 2500 years before the advent of the prophet in the armor field as we then moved on to and we mentioned the fact that makkah was like the center of this particular north-south trade route from yemen to syria in the north it was about 1500 kilometers to makkah in the south and 1500 going to the north as well and uh decided to come with an army of a few elephants some say between 11 and 13 in an army of about 50 to 60 000 people and they made this long trip of 1500 kilometers all the way in order to do two things one is to establish himself as the econo and regain the economic powerhouse status of yemen the hadamard and sana and aidan sort of region because it was destroyed by a great flood just a few hundred years before that so that was the one motive of his to regain make it again the economic hub of the whole peninsula and the second one was you know kind of a religious motive as well that being jealous of the fact that bakka had a kaaba and he built a temple of his own in yemen and he thought the only way people will try and divert the attention from makkah he built his own temple and forced people to come to yemen to worship rather than go to the kaaba to worship now we know that in surah al-antara he undertook this journey of 1500 kilometers and he came right to this point wadi muhasad which is barely eight kilometers almost literally a stone's throw from the kaaba and this is where that army of elephants and his army was destroyed so this was the year for 570 where abraham has intended to assault on makkah to destroy the kaaba was planned and it was a few months later that the prophet salah salaam was also born so he established this inordinate i mean a very amazing elaborate plan cascade and obviously to bring such a huge army with so many elephants you got to look at logistics for doing their journey that will take almost two months to complete through a desert and heart rocky terrain and mountainous to the indian type it was quite a long journey and he went there only to find that he was met by armies of birds having pebbles in their beaks as well as in their claws and raining down this terror on them and defeating not only the army but even himself and he himself developed such a skin disease that he went he didn't die there on the plains of uh that was but he died in yemen and he died a very difficult death again and no one did to then do the repeat onslaught of makkah and kaaba ever again after that in history and his old army was made into like chaff or something chewed up so that was eaten up we then moved on to al-quresh where it talks about the e-laf which is the economic trade agreements or the packs that were signed between the quraysh that were in power with all the neighbouring tribes including those in yemen so and what was guaranteed about them in the surah is the fact that they had ease of travel and trade and they had the peace and prosperity in other words they were safe from hunger as well as safe from conflict where their caravans were loaded with goods were not ambushed or hijacked on the way so because of these trade agreements with the neighboring tribes no one did to sort of go against or you know try and steal from these particular caravans that are the trade caravans going from north to south and maccabi in the center but the idea was that bahadur bait the central message of the surah for the quraysh of the time was that all the straight backs that you that we had encouraged you to make in which we ensured that the neighboring tribes got into an agreement with you as well as the fact that we fed you from hunger and we keep you kept you safe from fear what you should have done in return as a bare minimum is that you should have been that you should have worshiped the lord of this particular house and we know that even after the sudha was revealed the quraysh were hell-bent set in their ways never wanting to change they kept to their shirk and politicism they kept the idols inside and outside of of the kawa and they carry on in their merry kind of way so if you look at this particular surah it talks of two things that essentially you know sometimes religion is used by people to keep people under control i mean we know karl marx also talked of religion as being the opiate of the people of the masses now you find sometimes people who have this long notion of what religion is and don't have tahit as the one as you know the concept that they believe in get waylaid and make religion a secondary thing rather than the main thing that it should be in their lives so they weren't really you know concerned about the religious element of the fact that they were the custodians of the kaaba and they had to look after it they instead polluted it with the idols in and around it and the pagan quraish were very much like abraham so even though they were reminded about surah feel that allah will protect his house but what did they do is they chose to keep the status quo of their power and their religion for this for themselves and for their dominance of the tribes of arabia and all this was to change in the few years after with the fatimaka we then moved on to sudha alma where he talks about a group of people that yukaze will be deemed in others they deny the religion or deny the day of accounting or the day of accountability and these are the people that the adulya team they are harsh to orphans and yahood and they discourage the feeding of the needy and again that strong word is used by allah for muslim that woe or destruction or the curse be on those who perform their salah who do it out in a heatless kind of way they don't concentrate in it they do it for the sake of show and other for others to watch them doing it and they prohibit others or discourage others even from doing small neighborly acts of charity and giving aid of a very small or minimal amount as well just to all in sunday that i need of it so in this this we are we are reminded first of all that is a human being that our relationship with orphans should be that we shouldn't repulse them we should in fact be endeared to them and take them on and as far as possible feed them clothe them make them our own family members as well encourage the feeding of the poor and not lead our salah in a haphazard you know disjointed or forgetful kind of a way and don't do you know worship where you are watched or looked at by others and also we should also make sure that we are chatted to bull at all times and encourage others also to do charity and the charity also is not only muslim focused it's supposed to be humanity focused so we should become social activists looking after everybody all societies starting with your immediate neighborhood first and it's and it is sometimes through that only that we will have we will be saved in the countries we live in whether we are minority or muslim i know that the country is almost majority countries we then looked at a historical timeline of the prophet's life and this middle though talks about his age when he was born and he was six years and he goes on till the age of 63 so it's not necessarily the columns are in one year sort of segments it's just key landmarks of his life so we talked of his early life in the age of 40 the first revelation was revealed then at the age of 50 the hardship years of the three boy courtiers and sanctions started in their lives in this period also it was you know a period where they tried to use bribery and they tried to use gentle means and when that all failed then they started being harsh on him and they came up with so little coffee room you know that idea of a compromise situation they offered him wealth and you know power it's even beautiful women to get married to but he didn't accept any of those offers in any case at the end of it all it resulted in the hijra where he migrated with his followers numbering about a hundred where they went to yasrib and yesterday then became madina to nobody and he pulled the first mosque there then all three major battles fought treaty of udabia was signed then they came and did umara in a peaceful way and then there was a year of delegations and towards the end of his life the fatimaka was guaranteed first hajj was performed and the first sermon was the final sermon was also you know made that final speech that human charter for all times was mentioned at the on the plains of other fights and he died at the age of 63. then we looked at in relation to that when some of these sodas were revealed at which points and that also has significance because sometimes what is the content of the surah relates to one incident in his life and the true tyre all right we then moved on to sudha al-khalsa which is the reference to that fountain in jannah a source of all you know source of all water it came up as a result of this word the last word in this particular surah where the quraish including one of his uncles mocked at him when you know they want they didn't want him to have male progeny or male sons in his particular family and we know he had three male sons and all of them died in the infancy so on this occasion when abdullah was born they were very very sad that now he had another son and a few years later when he died in early death in early childhood they were very very happy and they used the word putida that we are very happy that his lineage has now been cut off and he's got no sons whatsoever allah revealed this this surah short one as well talking about who is actually the one that's cut off it the answer is in the last line it says surely your enemy right or the enemy of allah is going to be the one who is the most cut off this is the superlative form of the word budhira in terms of the adjective itself so what allah guarantees in this particular surah is we have given you alakota so never mind the fact that you've lost the sun we have given you far superior than a sun which is the ultimate hope and joy of anybody in jannah which is alka that fountain of grace and abundance so we've given you that it's guaranteed it's yours what you must do in return is for sullivan do salah in other words pray regularly and one have two big sacrifices and give lots of charity now this was said to him at a time when he couldn't afford even one small animal to to cut he was not in a very good way financially but this particular thing became like a prophecy and it culminated later in the medina phase where he was able to cut many many camels at his own hands and distal beauty tests in the forms of charity so this was great tidings for him on the loss of his son and it's also the lesson for us to say that whenever we have any hardship or death in the family we need to you know first of all say in nalily that you know to allah did that body did that person belong anyway and he's now returning the soul is returning to that to where he came from and what we need to take courage in is the fact that the recipe for us is that do your salah pray more regularly make more dua make more and also from your wealth give as much charity as you possibly can and inshallah having done that and overcome that grief in your life through salah and sacrifice and charity inshallah one day me and you will also be granted a drink from the south kosovo as a result of our patience and perseverance in this world and during the hardship it was dealt with or given to us where we had no say in it because death is only in the hands of allah we then move on to al-kafirun which was the compromise that the kafir one mentioned to the prophet sallallahu aslam they came to him and said you know what why don't we come to an agreement that one year you will worship our pagan gods in one way one year we will worship your allah and to that allah revealed this full surah where allah tells the prophet to say this for the you know and those categories all atheists agnost policies etc well opposed to taheed in the concept of oneness of allah you okafi are different from what we are as muslims so currently we don't worship like you do which is in verses 2 and 3 and in verses 4 and 5 it says we have never done and will never worship like you do in any case so in the past as well as in the future as well as in the present tense we our worship is going to be different from what you worship and therefore we're going to part ways so to you is your religion your way and waliyah and to us or to me is my religion so this is in essence a permanent like separation of ways the hijab was to follow shortly thereafter the prophet was basically announcing or renouncing his citizenship by by this by saying these verses and he was prepared mentally for the consequences that will follow which is leaving makkah for good undertaking the hijra and establishing a new state in a foreign land far away from makkah so this is the sudha that basically draws the lines and after this followed as well as some of the three major wars that followed in the you know the battle lines were also the one after that particular event all those particular wars we then move on to an assad so here we're talking of the help of allah and the victory that came with it and that people will enter the religion of allah in groups and again when when that happens what must you do is make this be and make it far as allah is the one who is the most forgiving so there was a fat which is uh the one before after the treaty of udabia and now this one talks of al-fat that is the victory right like no other victory in history where there was no fanfare no bloodshed no champagne nothing it was pure you know peaceful entry back into makkah and it was possible only with divine help and you could not do it on your own and peaceful entry was made into a city of peace the paladin and the guarantee is given to the prophet that even though your numbers may be still small and not looking very good but there's a guarantee that people will enter this faith of allah and this as well in huge numbers and what your response should be is enter humbly forgive all no grudges against those that were your inventor that enemies don't have any desire for revenge no matter what was done to you previously be like yusuf alayhi salaam where he said lat that there will be no harm or no hardship or no revenge carried out to you my brothers so you oh muhammad shall also do the same when you enter makkah be dignified in your entry forgive the people whoever did hardship to you is this is no ordinary city and this is no ordinary victory and make this be and seek forgiveness and he then made he made more istighfard after this particular surah was revealed more than he had ever done in his life then we moved on to uh you know the the surah lab and to explain love we just i showed you this particular graphic that shows abu lahab being the uncle of muhammad salla islam his father was abdullah he had abu talib which was a friendly uncle although he was not a believer he never converted to islam and then we have hamza with another uncle that actually died for the sake of islam and was one of the martyrs in uhud so he so mohamed salah had all kinds of uncles one good muslim one at least a sympathetic to islam kind of person and one an inverted enemy of allah and this surah al masad which is from the last word which means palm fiber so both abu lahab the treasure of the croatian nobleman of the time of the aristocracy of the quraysh and his wife udwa were both a celebrity or aristocratic couple of the day and their fates were sealed forever in this revelation of this particular surah now tabba was used twice and if you remember tabba was the verb used when abu lahab condemned the prophet and said may you perish and may the deen that you've come with perish and you mentioned it on two different occasions in the face of the prophet and in response to that allah now revealed this particular surah where he didn't say where he's telling the prophets salallahu to convey this message to abu lahab and his wife he says it very forthright and himself openly where allah says may your two hands perish and may everything that you've earned and all your earnings and all your inheritance and the fact that you have so much of wealth everything that you have your deeds in your hands and everything perish and you're going to be burning in a fire flame that's got a lot of firewood and who's going to bring that and fear being that fuel for you is actually your wife the slave woman that's going to carry this this wood and not only that she's going to carry the wood so that you burn more but around her neck also is going to be this little necklace and she used to in her life you know very was a big show off and she had a very beautiful necklace that you know was the envy of other women as well so she used to flaunt it and allah is saying no you're not gonna this necklace is of this world actually what necklace you're gonna get is a necklace of made of palm fiber which will actually burn so you're going to be necklaced in the year after so basically abu lab and his wife were condemned in this particular surah there was no chance of any redemption for them and abu lahab as well died after the battle of badr he developed a strange disease which uh spread to all parts of his body to such an extent that no one wanted to even associate with him or come anywhere near him and after he died absenteeing slaves were called him to dig a little hole and just drop him into that particular grave which became his grave so he was popped into a grave he had a very ignoble death as well so his life was condemned and in his death as well nothing to celebrate about and he just despair disappeared into oblivion we then moved on to surah al-ikhlas talking about the oneness of allah and this surah was revealed as a result of the bedouin asking on one occasion who allah is what is it made of is it called silver wood pressure stones and does it have any lineage in others who was his father did he have sons or daughters and who were they so this is a very clear succinct answer that he allah is only one he is the only one worthy of worship and he is the one that ahad so allah is unique and allah is one then he is samadh which means that he is the one that nourishes and is free of uh you know any need he's the absolute there's nothing like him very unique he did not come as a into being as through process of birth so you know there were no parents that gave birth to allah and neither did or no was allah like a father and there was no son or you know any other children of his that were born as a result of him being the father so it abolishes that notion of even the trinity in this particular sudha and then willam then there is none and there will be nothing comparable equal to him so he's totally unique and this is a sudha that many of the sahabahs liked and they read it sometimes even in every raka of their salah together with other parts of the quran so it's also to do with sincerity so it's insanity in terms of what you believe and it negates all notions of polytheism and agnosticism and atheism because this is a belief in one supreme being and it is also this word ahad that bilal suffered torture at the hands of his slave masters as well we then move on to the two muawi that which is the ones are the two surahs that start with these are the two sudhas where you seek protection this one you're seeking protection from outside forces and the next one will be you are seeking protection from internal forces so you're seeking protection in this particular one or forces that are out of man's control the first one is he has created all these things and he has the power over them that is allah all right then in general terms he has created good and he has created evil so this is the verse too that all the evil that allah has the power to have created we are seeking protection of that all that general evil then we are seeking protection of the evil of the dark knight when it spreads in the time when sorcery and witchcraft is done then we are asked we are asking protection of the witchcraft of the sorcerers and the magicians in particular these ladies that tie holder of knots and blow on to knots and make people's lives go all away as well as evil of envious people just ordinarily jealous people both of the people as well as of the chin kind then it moves on to sudha dance where we're seeking protection of forces that are within men's control so we are keeping away from those leaders or ordinary people who have hyper egos wanting to become lords kings or making people worship them as pharaoh did to the banu israel so this idea of being arab of the people or the malik of the people or the illah of the people these are three qualities reserved for allah and allah alone is the final the one who sustains the whole of creation all created things he is the king of all kings and the object of only the object of worship of of the people then in terms of specific evils we are seeking protection of it carries on from the previous who sometimes gives ideas or makes you doubt or believe otherwise or tempts you through various multimedia or even other channels even you know so it takes you away anything that takes you away from the siratul mr kim of sudha al-fatiha is this group of jin as well as people that misguides who takes people away from the course that they should be on so as there the evil sort of gets whispered into the hearts and the moment we allow it to enter our heart then we will be misguided and we need protection at all times from being misguided and we then moved on to all the longer sudhas from duha going down to al-mazam so what doha is talking about allah by the morning brightness as well as the night when it is calm it follows it allah comforts the prophet sallallahu salaam after prolonged absence of wahi and says that he has not forsaken the prophet nor is he angry with him in any way so that we get inversely and also he sort of comforts the prophet saying that what is to come later in your life will be better so although you are you are like suffering now and not at peace but time to come you will be and you will be happy as a result of it then allah talks of the fact that were you not an orphan or prophet muhammad and we gave you somebody who looked after you were you not in search of guidance and then we gave you the swahili were you not impoverished or poor and then we married you to a rich lady and your even your financial situation changed and he assisted you all the way to all these sort of tumultuous times in your in your life so what should you do in return is don't repulse the orphan because you are one yourself look at beggars kindly with a soft heart and lastly appreciate the blessings that were given and crazy right so once again this idea of showing appreciation sugar tasbih and salah all coming through in this particular last verse showing gratitude for all the nehemiah's the emma that you have been given blessed with and mention it often and show gratitude the next word next sudah was which is the opening of the chest allah opens the way for wahi to be revealed by opening the prophet's chest and making it easy on him and this revelation been given to a mountain and that mountain would have definitely got crushed due to the heaviness of this particular message and allah made it possible that human humanity could accept this message and the prophet was the one it was revealed on and through him we have to message ourselves so you o prophet salaam are guaranteed a good name even though your enemies want to make you feel humiliated and you'll be tested but remember that with every hardship comes ease and you'll be tested many many times and you will be given ease many many times as well so even after you have done your hard day's work you've preached you've prayed what you must still continue is labor hard in the night experience stand up in kiyama layla do extra nafilibada extra dua and contemplation and only turn towards him for all your help and your needs so this is the idea of making dua profusely turning to him for whatever we need in life at-tin is about the fig allah swears by two fruits the fig in the olive as well as two places that and all these four things are clear to see that all messengers came with the same message of tohir and nadisala and we need to accept the message for what it is and man was created uniquely to be a rational being a thinking being having a conscience and a set of models and someone who can act ethically unlike all other creations that only live according to their dna and what they were created to do or to serve as a purpose for another creation so all other creations i have got this lowly purpose but man alone has got this ability to think and rise above this and having taqwa is something that sets man apart from all the other creations so the message in the surah is having a strong belief once again your akida and your brother must be right having good actions will result in him attaining success and if you deny the day of accountability then beware of allah's acute sense of justice because he is the best and most fine of judges again we see a link of yukadibu bidding with alam coming in and this whole idea of iman and amir salihat is to do a dual assad as well right you must have iman and do good deeds and then encourage each other with good and encourage each other and what is right then we have suda al-qadah which is allah confirms that the entire quran was revealed at once during the night of power this later qadha and is preserved in a divine tablet ensuring its pure the title end of time and the amazing miracles about it is that it is the only revelation of the divine book that is memorized till today and even if every physical copy of the quran was burnt or you know destroyed or damaged the miracle of the quran is that there are many that have it in their memories and you can actually rewrite the quran from this mode as well so this is the standing miracle of the quran that it will stand the test of time and will be there till the end of time so even under communist when the quran was forbidden look at today islam is the turning to the communistic lands in their numbers then what happens on this particular night the angels and jibril descend on the earth and on the command of the lord and this night is better than a thousand months and it is a very thankful night like no other for those who are able to find it and we are encouraged to search for this particular night in the last odd nights of the of uh ramadan the last 10 nights we then moved on to uh zelda the docking or the earthquake stumbling and us shaking like it's never shake before so the end of this world before the day of judgment is described in very graphic detail so there's going to be a violent shaking of the earth and all that is buried in the earth will be taken out and the earth will be made to say what had transpired on it since the beginning of time who walked on it which deeds were commented which crimes were perpetrated at that time everything will be revealed because the the land and the soil is going to be given a voice to articulate it and people will be separated into groups and shown their deeds those having even one iota of good will see it and likewise those having done evil will see it and it's a very terrifying scene indeed and you remember i mentioned the story of abu hanifa one day when he was the mosque he's quite so profusely cried throughout the night thinking about his own accountability on that day of judgement and the question is do we do the same do we ponder at night before we sleep and do we consider or take account for what we have done and achieve for that particular day or is time just passing us by and one day is the same as the next day or are we changing and making making the next day better than the previous day the next verse and next suta was adiya talking about these you know these horses very courageous ones who listen to their masters and enter into the fray of a battlefield as they are commanded to do so by the by the people riding them and unlike man who remains ungrateful and will not do so as he is guided so there's a difference here that the horses are under the sort of control of man and man can do what he likes with the horses but yet when man is supposed to be the the abd or the slave of the master we find that man is very very ungrateful he never shows gratitude he doesn't make harm the sukkah doesn't perform salah doesn't worship the way he should so man is actually very very ungrateful and he is misguided and and to that uh he himself another man is going to be a shaheed witness to that himself and what's the problem of man he says his inordinate love for wealth makes him forget the day when the graves will be turned upside down and all the secrets that he kept in his breast will become manifest as indeed his lord alone knows all and nothing can be hidden as it is recorded in a very very uh clear record that's going to be shown to each of us and this idea is conveyed even in next with al qaria where allah describes a very apocalyptic event like no other a rattling noise that is also the calamity that will usher in the end of time man is going to become like scattered insects aimlessly wandering in space the solid mountains will become like streaks of light wool of different colors and views some pulverized and some you know just moving around in space endlessly so that day deeds will be weighed whoever is lucky enough to have a heavy scale of good deeds will see the good result and as for the one who scares the light you will have a home in a bottomless deep butt with flames engulfing him all the time and no escape from the scorching fire and know the brief vomit either so these are surahs that when you know when you read and bond over it actually supposed to send shivers down our spine and make us change because time is not again time is not on our side the next surah carries on with the same theme of the castle which is man's preoccupation with acquiring the goods of this world and all this qasid in qatar the castle makes him means deludes or makes him distracted and the only stopper to all men's sort of continuous and relentless search for the good things of this world will be the fact that he has to end up in a grave one day another's death is going to overtake him and he's going to visit the grave albeit for the short time on his short journey into the afterlife so what's going to happen in an afterlife the existence of the fire of hell is a reality and all people will definitely see it even though they may have be in denial of it right now and some unfortunately you will even end up in it after being questioned about each blessing given to them while on earth so this name the all the different names we're going to be we were blessed with our health our time our energy our skills our ability to do good for others all that is going to be questioned on on that day and whoever is safe from this jahim will be obviously in the frozen of them you know be ultimately successful and the same theme moves on to al-assad that is allah swearing by the advent of time that surely man is in a temporary loss now we mentioned the word there are three words talking about loss in the quran hosa is a loss that you can overcome or you can do something about where there's the hasadah is a loss upon a loss in others where you made you are already in one loss and you got one loss above that loss and then is the ultimate loss where if you lose your dunya in your akhira the verse says you're going to be in others you're going to have the ultimate loss for which there's no there's no help and nothing that's going to change after that so here fortunately allah talks about any loss that we can make up for or do something about if we value our time and the sudha tells us of it's talking about the image of a declining day such as a stage in the day or in our lives when only a short while is left for those wishing to make up and to mend their ways and to lead a better life before it is too late so we are urged to take heed and not to be forgetful so allah redefines success in this and rewires our thinking by illustrating through this mode of an emergency that loss is not about the things that people strive for in this but rather something more sublime we are urged to look at history and see the the end of those in previous generations who lost out due to not being taking heed or being mindful in what they achieved and what they did and didn't have a sense of urgency to do something positive or to change their lives in a positive way so we are encouraged to have firm faith to do even the smallest of good deeds and to do it often and to do it to all people and the tawasiyas bill in other words do it in conjunction with other people stand up for truth and stand up with patience and perseverance and the final surah of our series was al-mazza allah says very angrily that all forms of destruction be on the backbiter that is the one who speaks ill of others behind their backs and the scandal mongol or the slanderers who character assassinates others in the open so on top of that he has a tendency to abuse his flaunted wealth covering his own bad qualities by projecting and highlighting that of others in public he is delusional to think that his wealth will make him live forever his defamation of others and poking fun at them is not going unnoticed a special crusher this hotma which rhymes with lumaza and homazaran is in store for him which is a fire that has been reserved for him that will cover his heart and spread all over around his body choking and suffocating him thick columns of fire will be around him and close in on him deforming him over and over again for having eaten the flesh of his brother the back biting in the slander and he will have no escape from the so may allah protect us from all these evils that we can fall into very very easily so we move on to the conclusion so i just like to personally thank all of you for staying the cause and having undertaken this journey of discovery and reflection it was an amazing journey for me personally as well the mistakes that were made in this particular these particular presentations are mine mine alone and not the respected scholars that i've consulted i have also show a deep sense of appreciation to stadium ali khan for his brilliant expose and in his exercises and his explanations that this is a summary of i've also found a lot of good coming out of shaykh assad khadi's various khudbas that he's delivered on occasions on explanations of these surahs as well and there are many other scholars as well that have consulted and random ease and forgiveness and reward for for the many many hours that they've spent in trying to simplify the quran for all of us to benefit from so may allah also make this quran a source of our continued guidance may we also become ambassadors for islam shining out is true you know what islam really stands for may we also be guided to ponder and reflect more deeply while leading the quran finding more concentration and humility in our salah and may accept our humble efforts yours and mine and may may we also read the quran daily with understanding practice it in your lives let's say you know for this short dua it is normally recited at the time of khatam of the quran allah that is have mercy on me by virtue of this quran watch alohu and make it li for me an imam a source of light and guidance as a leader were northern as a source of light as guidance as well so make this quran a leader a light and a guide and a mercy for me and mercy means remind me what i have forgotten or what i was ignorant of nima jahiltu and teach me what i was ignorant about of of it was and bless me tilawat tahu it's the citation anna aleil throughout the hours of the night and all the daylight hours as well and others make it a book that we live by in both day as well as night in other words 24 7 make it as an evidence and evidence that yes indeed prophet salallahu you know that revelation was given to him but it has reached me and you in this day and age so many many centuries after the demise of the prophet we've received it still intact it's pristine purity in its form and make us read it the way it should be read with tajweed with the correct pronunciation without making errors and give it the dignity that it deserves as well that we approach it always what we do and whenever it's recited as well we stop any other talk and we listen to it attentively it may be a source of light and guidance and may change our lives so these few words we thank you for having attended the series and the previous sessions are available please consult it and let it be a source of guidance foreign you
Channel: soukISLAM
Views: 469
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: short surahs, understand short surahs, abdool majid mahomed, quran, understand, quraan, learn quran, tafseer, tafsir, exegesis, al-asr, al asr, al asar, al humaza, short sura
Id: NXQs4PkzYog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 45sec (3285 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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