Tour the world's largest Mickey Mouse collection

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I saw me here in celebration Florida not too far from Walt Disney World and I'm with Janet Estevez who has the Guinness world record for the biggest Mickey Mouse collection how are you doing today I'm doing great how are you I'm grain we're in front of your car here which is decked out in Mickey perfect for the number one Mickey Mouse fan as the license plate says now how did you get started collecting Mickey Mouse's well Mickey Mouse is such a lovable creature I don't know why what can I say it everybody likes Mickey I love Mickey since I was a little girl and it's just it turn it turn out that that I just wanted to have the many Mickey's and many Mickey's and many maquis and that's the way it is growing and growing and still growing about how many Mickey's you have in your collection well registered at the Guinness it's 5532 ice I still have a lot of boxes that I haven't catalogued yet on the Disney elder Guinness record and do you mind if we go in and take a look at this my pleasure please come and join us you now I'm looking over here and these look to be very very precious kind of blinged out Mickey's over here and these Mickey ears up here 50th years I'm assuming those are from the 50th anniversary of Disneyland correct that is correct that's Swarovski's they commemorate Disneyland fiftieth anniversary back in nineteen in 2005 Swarovski made those earrings but years but since I turned 50 that year too my husband got them for me and down here I'm seeing some occurs and looks like Annette Funicello Zara Brown yes dad that's correct that's a knight's Funicello we got that back in the 80s yes and now that that she's no longer here with us that's very precious to me right now what was the very first Mickey do you have the first Mickey that started the whole collection off I have the first Mickey Luthor the collection but hey don't laugh I used to have a clown collection when I was a little girl and this Mickey Mouse dressed as a clown was in that clown collection when I changed my collection from clowns to Mickey's I kept this one so I can say that this has to be the Mickey first Nicky that started this collection and when you are submitting to Guinness World Records and you've held the title for several years now how do you how do you keep the title going that's that's the thing you have to automate to Guinness and so every year if like if I add a pin here I have to put that now I have 57 or 58 actually it's over 2,000 but anyway but in each tray I keep a little number you know and then I say okay now I had 58 here now I'm going to have 59 and that's how I add them up at the end of the year or whenever I'm going to submit to two Guinness and then I get I have to have two people to come over here and and actually verify the collections now your family what do they think of this little collection well we have three daughters they grew up with this name they had their their favorite characters too when they were growing up but once they grew up and got married then they still found of Disney but they don't have a collection anymore so I am still a new girl inside believe or not so I I do have my collection but they they love my collection they they they're happy that that I'm happy with my collection and now with the grandkids they are simp simply thrilled with with this and they love coming here and playing with my toys how do you make sure they don't get some of the more valuable toys well they have this is the room they know they can play with anything in this room especially from that shelf down everything is plastic everything is childproof there's not they're not you know they're toys and they can play with them they know they if they want to go to the micki room they ask permission they just look but they know they can't touch anything there there's nothing they would like to do but here they have plenty of toys so what are some of the most expensive items you have in your collection well obviously the Swarovski's are very expensive and the artwork is expensive too probably this is the most expensive one we have in this house and it was done 10 years ago when Mickey turned 75 and Willard son did a whole series of different 75 different meetings this is one of the posters and this is my favorite one it looks here I love that art style now do you have a dream for this collection like I dream for this collection of course I have a dream but I have a really nice wish I do wish that Mickey Mouse would sometimes come over here sit down in the living room with me have coffee or teas or whatever and see my collection and notice how much I love him all right general I think this may be the hardest question but of all the Mickey's you have what is your favorite all of them are my favorite but the one that gave me the biggest surprise was this one for my 50th birthday I you know my husband usually asked me what I want and then he asked do you have this Mickey do you have this Mickey D of this Mickey but he knew I didn't have this one so behind my back he went and he got it for me and it was a huge surprise I can't tell you how exciting it was to get him so I I do believe because of the big surprise I got that day I think it has to be my favorite and with Halloween coming up here very soon do you change your decorations every now and then for season definitely definitely definitely I my Halloween here and outside I have this shelf this is my shelf that I that I keep ready for Christmas and Halloween fourth of July's and Patrick's Easter and the and probably yeah I do I do Valentine's ooh well we'll have to come by and see some of the seasonal decorations in Italy you just be my guest just come over anytime you want just give me a call and and I'll get ready for you all right Jana thank you so much for giving us a tour thank you thank you so much
Channel: Attractions Magazine
Views: 255,754
Rating: 4.9253731 out of 5
Keywords: travel, theme park, news, attractions, orlando, florida, fun, video, world's, largest, Mickey Mouse, collection, guinness, records, janet esteves, show, interview, tour, Disney
Id: bxPcvHwrFDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2013
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