Tour of Joan's Scamp Travel Trailer | Her Tiny Home - a day in my nomad RV life

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hi everybody deborah dickinson here thanks for being on my channel yesterday you got to meet joan in her interview today you get to see a tour of her 2019 13 foot scamp pulled by with my ford ranger four by four let's get started [Music] so thank you joan for having us in your house today thank you and uh tell us again what what is your trailer i have a 2019 13 foot scamp awesomeness and you're going to tell us about the inside but i also want them to have you know that you have a dual tank propane right yes and you have a generator i do it has a funny story it does aren't you worried about somebody stealing your generator that's so funny because yes i was and so just for my own self i put this ratchet strap on here and i thought to myself so now if they come by they'll clip that and go to take it off and go and no they're going to dislocate their shoulder it's bolted on to this this platform that i had made for it that is awesomeness so while that is a funny story you have a not so funny story about your bike rack yes it's very shame for for me and sad i had an electric bike i was in the middle of town in tucson i was sleeping in my scamp i was there and they some thieves came by and cut two cables and off they took it less than three seconds and when i called the uh sheriff's department that morning they had uh 10 reported bikes so they just came it was a two and a half mile radius and they just came in and took whatever they could find i'm so sorry me too i love your little scamp and it's only 13 feet a lot of people can't believe that you live in 13 feet but a lot of people live in smaller cars and vehicles than that that's right so tell us what we are looking at okay so i because i ordered it brand new i got to do whatever i wanted with it so i took some things out and added a few things the biggest thing that for me was i did not put in the sink that goes here i knew that i wanted a microwave i use it every day i use it often more than once every day um and so i that was uh perfect for me and if i'm camping with my family we put a wash station up outside to do dishes anyway so it doesn't matter best purchase of all was to get the furnace i'm older i'm approaching 70 and i can remember my mother saying i'm an old lady and if i want heat i'm going to have heat and i feel the same way i love it now i want you to tell people what you took to the solar company when you had your solar installed and what you told them i had my solar put in in quartzite in arizona and i took my microwave and my toaster i plopped it down and said i want to run these so you tell me what i need and they did they designed all my solar that i have i have 260 watts and a 200 amp lithium battery that's underneath the tape a chair over there and yeah i just don't have any problems in fact i have the generator for backup but i think uh from that 18 months that i've been out i think i've used it less than five that's too funny yeah it's plenty for me all right so your microwave and furnace are a huge part of your lifestyle what else it did come the original basic scamp 13 foot camp also comes with a three-way uh refrigerator but i knew i was going to be traveling full-time in here and i needed place for my pots and pans and things for cooking and maybe even some a little bit of pantry space so i did not have the fridge put in and i have a an i i suck iceco uh 12-volt fridge and you like that i love it i wish i had a little bit of freezer space but i may do without that and um anything else oh i did add a tv package because i do like to watch my movies and my friend emma got me the hdmi cord for it she showed me how to now i can watch my hulu tv up on the big screen it's really nice lovely and you're getting ready to travel with emma again i am so if that's that's awesomeness too now you made the curtains we said that on your interview yesterday but in case somebody hasn't seen the interview yet you made the curtains you made that banner that says spring yes you paint rocks you do a whole lot of stuff like that and what what are the what else have you done in here well on that that viewers can see in the camera right now yes oh well the one thing that kind of goes with it but it doesn't mean i did anything was i really use my table a lot and so i chose not to use it as my bed because i i like last night i painted till midnight and so i do use this table i really want it up all the time and you're sitting on my bed and you guys will see that in a little bit but a little bit of storage up here electronic stuff over here is spices for cooking but you did some modifications to the table uh i actually it broke and i had to make a new table so i went to home depot and they cut cut the size for it then i used my hand saw and cut these off and put it back up and you i see your some of your art supplies underneath your table back against the wall there is some under there yes and my little box that holds all my office supplies because i have to do bills when i'm out here on this is my home i'm not camping so i have an office box under there and a little gadget box so cool now if you wanted to like if any of your grandkids wanted to go camping with grandma yes they can you can make that into a bed i sure can okay lovely anything else you i see that you have a fan up there the max fan and i love it i it has a remote control over here that i can take down and and if i wanted to i could take it to the bed with me and once i get it cools down or i start to fall asleep i can turn it off that is lovely and you've got three windows back there on either side and in the back and they all open up for ventilation they do that that's that's lovely well i just love it and you have just turned it into a cutest little home thank you so let's show them the other side you ready yes okay joan well this is just lovely tell us what we're looking at now okay well biggest thing is my bed this is where i sleep every night and it looks so comfy and it is and it also uh is more seating and so when i have friends over or family they can sit here too and watch the television with me or our god dog yes yes uh so more more that you're seeing is my family of course is with me and um oh you didn't back in the corners when me and my husband um my sister just picked up water coloring about three years ago and she made this daffodil and a pear picture and it was nice and small and so it fit into my little scamp and i couldn't have brought those great big things that i have and and it just makes my home my home and i love that like you said before i i did make all the curtains in here and so uh this curtain because of the egg shape that you hear about um fiberglass rigs it this curtain would be hanging out here and i could see light through it it was so i painted a little dowel here just to hold it back and just it's perfect i have a two burner stove for uh cooking when i need it and is it propane only it is propane i do have a little bit of extra uh pantry over here up here this whole length is pretty much clothing uh linens over at that end over on this end with some bills a little bit of bill stuff but and then i have more storage i guess it actually does have a lot of storage and sometimes i don't think of that um in the center there's a cabinet here and i have a couple of baskets of things filled in then and both of them have a very nice small storage on both ends like a boat has and just uh pull up the bed and can enter it from the top and i've got to ask what is that dowel rod or that curtain rod up there over your door yeah people hate it all the time but i love it when i do laundry i might hang stuff up there or after i i bathe inside the scamp i'm not taking a shower in my clam um if it's too cold or i just you know i want to do it in the evening late then i'll bathe in here and then i can hang up my towel to dry and so yeah i did add that myself yeah and now people are going to ask you do not you chose to not have the restroom built into the scamp yes because you treat this like van living yes even though it's a trailer and you pull it with your truck you treat this like van living and you and we're going to show them your truck because you use that for a lot of storage as well and you do your showers like anybody that lives in a van you either do it like you said in your clam which by the way does have the um panels that pans it off and you use it as a screen shelter when you're in there painting or whatever but if you want privacy you can close it off or you do like the rest of us and go to public showers or or laundromats truck stops or whatever and so this is very much like van living for you even though you have a trailer because you wanted something small and you just well it's just a lovely lovely home yep thank you and so like many other nomads i use a bucket system and i'm very happy with that i actually had been using it for about 23 years in my tent and so it was it was an easy uh transformation into the cl into the scampi yeah you just kept on keeping on with what you'd always do exactly it was funny because when i ordered it in january didn't get it until september um i was way away and the whole time that man why can't i get it now i want it right now and actually those seven months gave me a lot eight months to watch lots of videos and learn that i can't believe how many people said oh yeah we use our sink to brush our teeth or oh i use this thing to put stuff in it when i'm traveling and so it was stuff like that that i learned that through those eight months of oh yeah i really don't want that or yeah i really need the furnace because i don't want my uh what what is that heater that everybody uses one of the most popular is a mr buddy yeah and so it would be sitting there or sitting here and i i'm so glad i don't have that yeah now i do there are people that put their wave threes and that's what i have now a catalytic heater on a swing arm so it's up off the floor and bandits not in danger or anything but and and i have friends that have a small eggshell trailer like yours and and they did that but you didn't even want you just you're like i want the furnace baby dude i wanted the heat so this is just your perfect little home and thank you again for having us visit it today and for showing us around and uh let's tell them a little bit about the truck next okay yes so remind us what you have that you tow this beautiful home with okay i have a 2011 ford ranger 4x4 with plenty of power i just love it i did start out in two in the fall of 2019 with a super outback and it and it really did fine pulling it but since then because i am living in it i've had i have added a little bit of weight i can't go anywhere without my crafts and my quilting and painting and so i um knew that i needed something a little more powerful over all these mountains that we'd travel on and so i used last summer shopping for a truck and got myself a truck and i love it it's it's beautiful and uh you use it as an extension of your home you have the back organized in a way to where you can get to everything tell us what you've got in the back i i know for example you've got stuff right behind the the camper the the the along the wall what's right what's on that wall i did a a little mini build out in it so in the very back that of the cab or the butts up with a cab i have a little bit of um pantry things up there and then underneath more storage i carry my own water so there's a couple of water bottles under there also on the on the left as you look in on the left side driver's side yes uh i have a long shelf and i specifically made it so that i could slide the clam in there i i measured the clam for it and some other bars that i would be using that goes like you mentioned my light bar that i made that c-clamps onto my table that is so awesome and so i have night light and i just love that so those bars are those pvc pipes are underneath there and also under there are my two dutch ovens because i love to touch oven cook and i love cooking for other people and so when we get together i'm right there with my enchiladas and maybe some apple crisp or something so under there is those that type of things i have to get you and my friend frugal rv gal together because she does all of that same stuff too and i have a few things of hers because she i watched her uh do some cooking and she used to do dutch oven wednesdays yeah and so i watched a lot of her stuff and and i got her uh the charcoal uh pi a stove yes starter yes the collapse used to that the other night yes and it was because of janet well there you go i love that i did not know that i'll be sure that she i'm sure she'll see this but i'll let her know she gets all the credit you get all the credit approval it's all because of you that's so funny i love it now one of the things that i love most about how you use your truck is what you did to save your knees tell people about that because that's just genius oh that's great um i it has that wiffle uh bottom and it just hurt my knees terribly i don't know my body's neat yeah i didn't know what i was gonna do and i purp when i had the super outback i had just everything in there and had to be pulling everything out to get that one box so when i did this build out mini build out i wanted to make sure that i could get down the center and access everything along that where in the subaru i had to put everything in and then take out four boxes to get to one box there and so that gets old real fast doesn't it yes yes so uh when i was uh preparing for it it has this terrible wiffle stuff on the bottom of the bed of the truck and it was killing my knees so i took some good plywood and at home depot they have these two by two foot uh puzzle styrofoam that you can clip together and i took a package of those cut it down spray glued it put them on there and i can just curl back in there is so nice the very last piece sits on the gate and that can come then i can lift it up and just stick it in but i've used it a bunch of times outside kneeling down to do something underneath my car underneath the rig so it's come in handy yeah that's really nice oh i even brought it over to tim when you had uh when you had that little escapade with your bearing yeah but when i buried phoenix up to the bumper oh my gosh that was that was that was catastrophic it turned out okay but yeah that's that's a different video but yes thank you for you took such good care of us that day while we got her unburied but what you that isn't that the same stuff that like even kindergarten and preschool teachers for their mats and stuff or and some even people put it together for you yoga mat or something and and you cut it to make yourself a little uh instead of a walkway anyway exactly well that's just brilliant and then on the right side uh all my other things are in there there's a box that i call my garage box so there's extra oil there's tools there's um uh gloves because you don't know what you're going to get to out here so i have a box of gloves and there's all kinds of things over there i have a handsaw i have a little rake um so it's just more storage over there so you'll probably see that and then um i traveled for two months with the truck and it would get so warm i want you to tell people about how not only about that i want you to continue that story but be sure you tell them how you got that so beautifully into your the reflectix into your truck because it's an amazing job yep so i was in new mexico and had ordered a huge roll of that and the reflectix and um made some patterns and you know my inside of my um the cab the new cab that or the uh shell that i had put on before i came out it has carpeting kind of like the rat fur that's in here which is i use the same way everything but all my stuff has velcro in the back and so it just comes up it just hooks back up there so all of these pictures are that way also so i just used glue and velcro around the reflectix only and then it just goes right up on the carpet that's already on the shelf yeah and it looks so nice even from the outside it made a huge difference in your storage area back there i'm sure yes and keeping everything from not maybe not spoiling but you do have some canned goods and extra pantry stuff back there so that that was just brilliant yeah well between your truck and your camper shell and your clam shell and uh using it for privacy for showers and stuff too and then your scamp you and then all your outdoor table and everything you just really have a wonderful traveling home i do i do and i don't know if you've noticed it before but i actually set it up in a u-shape so there'll be the clam the scamp and then my truck so usually inside that area it's not too windy and then i have my fire pit and it's very comfortable yeah you make like a little patio area yeah now unfortunately where we've camped we we kind of did that this time but like when we were camped in alabama hills there wasn't room to spread out like that so you haven't had your little little normal patio that you're used to but it still has worked beautifully yes because it's very flexible too yeah well thank you for sharing your wonderful home with us and thanks for having me debra obviously bandit loves it it's his second it is his second home we just i keep telling him but you only have one mommy yes he says oh that feels good i like that i like that yes well if you guys have any questions for joan let her know in the comments below and she will try to answer them and other than that what do we always say joan keep on keeping on and we'll see you down the road [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] love you bye stay safe [Music] you
Channel: Debra Dickinson
Views: 69,700
Rating: 4.9364071 out of 5
Keywords: Debra Dickinson, Keep On Keeping On, See You Down The Road, Nomad, Fulltimer, Fulltime Traveler, Boondocking, Travel, Camping, Adventure, Life on the Road, Nomad Lifestyle, Travel with pets, travel with dogs, Fulltime Nomad, tbivangirl, debra does rv life, debradoesrvlife, rv life, rv lifestyle, rv living, rving, a day in the life, ditl, phoenyx, scamp, scamp trailer, scamp travel trailer, scamp tour, scamp trailer tour, scamp travel trailer tour, tiny living, tiny house, tiny home
Id: 7EV2Ze4vVvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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