Tour de France 2024, Stage 8 | EXTENDED HIGHLIGHTS | 7/6/2024 | Cycling on NBC Sports

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stage eight of the tour far the time TR behind the Riders new challenges that face today on a hilly undulating stage in poor conditions welcome back to our coverage of the Tour of France presented by the [Music] feed here they go on what is an alleged flat stage not entirely flat 183 km with 2400 M of climbing five C eyes climbs three of them coming in the first 40 km an eventual uphill grind to the line and those arrows there represent the wind direction it is going to be blowing howling out there between 18 to 20 kmph it's open it's exposed with those climbs and that wind we're going to see a nervous pelaton maybe a chance for a breakaway that is a lumpy stage that is not flat 2400 M 183k it's going to be nervous it's going to be hard and if it does come down to the line whether it's a breakaway or a reduced Bunch or a full Bunch Sprint you can see it's difficult to see in that profile but the last just under a kilometer is uphill averaging 3 or 4% even a little steeper in the final couple hundred meters so a hard man Sprint it's going to be a heavy day on the [Music] legs final 5K pretty straightforward on the run in but then as you notice here's where it kicks up it's going to be an uphill after a hard day so you're going to be looking for a strong man Sprinter not a pure speed Sprinter but someone strong well here we go Bob chrisom is [Applause] ready we've got an attack straight away uh I think they'd like more than three but two Education First Riders EF and abrahamson the king of the mountain looks like a decathlon Rider trying to get across three in the front abrahamson's got plenty of KM points on the race course today and two Riders from EF for company Biser and Palace will get want to get try to get as deep into the stage as possible in the Breakaway so this is a fantastic scenario unfolding so far for abrahamson if no one else attacks very unlikely in the pellet on and we'll see what type of group we have as the miles unfold but pretty much as we thought was going to happen has already happened in the stage tough little attack you want to be warmed up for those so I would imagine that neelon and and Stephan Biser and abrahamson had done a pretty good warmup before start of today's stage to go straight to your maximum power right when they drop the flag not easy stings the legs especially this deep into a grand tour but they've been able to do that always impressed with the Riders getting in the breakway first thing in the morning we're now at the foot of the climb here of the coat d vitto uh and it's a third category clim so it's quite a nasty little one this one there's the board just ahead 2 kilm climb indicated man in the lead in the king of the mountains as he has been since day one he must have spent more time away from the peleton than any other rider in the race so far in these opening eight days so abrahamson up here and I don't think the boys in pink will stand in his way for the two points at the top they need him though for his strength if they're going to stay away to the Finish there's the situation in the king of the mountains abrahamson chipping away all the time has got himself 26 points two and one very mean at the points aren't they very stingy with the K points it does make the compilation of them a lot easier a lot more straightforward it does complicate things when you have a tiebreaker but that so far has not been the case since stage one well we're just coming up the top now Christian and it is predictable abrahamson going to take the two points at the top no challenge no need to the challenge the boys behind and it was powerless who went over and got the one point in second place well the weather actually is closed in here you see the 2.4 km on the roadside there on the sideboards we start starting to go up to our next climb which is the coat de V on oxa these are the three leaders that's the statistics on this second climb of the day the rider in the poka do Jersey on the front is the leader in this competition the king of the mountains he got the lead on the very first day yonas abrahamson from Norway and he's hung on to it so far in style he's been moving forward every day and snatching the points BP I think it's already happened because you couldn't see it Christian where you are but the two uh EF Education First easy post American team have dropped off the Breakaway allowing abrahamson his own lead at the moment palus and Biser I think might have been called back to the pelaton from the team because they have certainly sat up good news for the king of the mountain only one point up for grabs but he won't have to worry about anybody sprinting him for those assuming the Riders attacking now don't get across to abrahamson the lone leader that is not a good assumption to make he should get to the top of this plenty of attacks and aggression from the pelaton at the moment a reshuffling of the deck is nine there was a good move by pois and BGA the two Riders on the EF Education First Team but they needed more people in that first move of the day and they never got them the field has reacted uh so abrahamson he's got other interests at the moment to get these points in in the king of the mountains uh he will be picked up as well Fabio Jacobson one of the sprinters here the Dutchman having a tough time at the moment one or two all in fact Bob including Mark cavage the man we saw in the week get the record number of stage wins he's also been dropped off now it looks like something that we did expect a pretty big group making it very tough on the Sprint teams but we should see the two Riders Biga and neelon Palace the American over the top that is one point for abrahamson as the Riders are trying to reorganize themselves on a dreary day in France there's the climber and he's on his own at the moment had two climbs today we started with the code D Vito got two points for that it was third category then the fourth cat smaller climb he got the 1. there he still clear Bob overall now he's got a nine-point advantage over the race leader T pugachu jonis vingo in the frame after the stage over the G but this Rider has been dominating the polka dots he's got a category 3 climb just in front of him and two points at the top of that give him 31 I see him being in the polka dots until the final week of the race once we get into the high mountains and the big points in the km competition film Jonas abrahamson is having a spectacular tour I have a feeling that biger and Palace who were with him earlier decided to sit up when their team teammates were attacking from the pelaton but then once that didn't materialized and the pelaton came back together again and they've been caught by JGA but I have a feeling they're waiting for the group I think they tried to once that counter move from their teammates didn't happen I think they decided okay let's go back in the breakway but abrahamson's so strong they haven't been able to catch him again so incredible riding by the king of the mountains that's for sure for eight days this man has been trying to get these points every day he attacks early worked very hard he fully deserves to lead the king of the mountains a competition designed for Riders who specialize in climbing which I don't think we can say abah hamson does but he's doing well now yeah he's had a great tour to France on the smaller climbs we have only had one day in the big mountains and abrahamson a very interesting story about him as a younger bike racer he thought that he was not going to have a career when he was trying to do what most bike racers do lose weight pulled pulled on 4 5 lb in a couple of years and now off the front of the tour to front third climb of the day behind abrahamson has taken them all in that PKA do leader Jersey of the king of the mount had a wonderful start to the day he planned it and it's worked for him he now leads the competition 31 points he's nuded 11 points ahead of Tad pogacha looking at abrah Hansson here just passed through that Sprint point but he's not interested in the points gain there 20 point it's the race behind which we're looking for for the big points because 14 Riders at the head of the pellaton will score points in that competition and we expect the green jersey or bam gay to be in the action don't we and abrahamson goes to 107 points Matts pson dropping out this morning not starting today because of a big crash a couple days ago abrahamson moves back into second place in that competition that it's only temporary in about 5 minutes the pelaton will get there and I'm sure that the other sprinters will come out try to get the intermediate points for the green jersey and philipson GMI I bet are two of them that do so the tempo of the pellaton of the tance has been lifted now because it's the race for second place in the green jersey points competition this is the situation we've included the 20 that abrahamson's just got he's in second place GMI is the leader at 149 philipson is third at 85 all of those other Riders are going to VI for the second place in uh the competition the first 15 riders in all will get points there they are for you gone is the 20 Gay will want that 17 so will many others 1513 right down through eighth place we will go to the 15th Place where it is worth one point and uh the big sprinters want the heavier points at the top end Bob and it's building up to looking like a good Sprint here absolutely the team in the lime yellow and white and blue jerseys that's BDM gmi's team in maré doing a big lead out taking this very seriously has a 64-point cushion over philipson onek to go for the Sprint watch for philipsson and GMI give us a little bit of an idea what might happen at the finish line today in this intermediate Sprint point do not leave for breakfast on the East Coast because now is the moment as the spinter are bran gai try to get him up to win this second place he's going to be challenged by yasper philipson team here gay is the rider in the green jersey four men down and that's mat Vanderpool in the black long sleeve jersey leaning an elbow and putting his Sprinter in place being dropped off fifth wheel now for Phillipson got some work to do Garin Tyson's is right in front of him and third wheel the green jersey bam gai going to try to defend his lead in this points competition gai coming smoothly on the right of the course here chased a bit Lace by philson can philson do anything about it I don't think so max Maxim in point for the erat Train Rider they will be rejoicing back in Africa this m second place point I beg your pardon for that because abrahamson's gone through boy this boy is getting better and better there he is and his teammate getting in front of philipson so taking two points away from philipson as well if I'm not mistaken Phil on that Marche getting this Sprint dialed to Perfection that's philipson on the left a H by another Sprinter a teammate of gai there wow now that is making me think a little bit that was gerin Tyson who was in second place the teammate of gai gai really warming to this competition no errat Train Rider uh in fact no African Rider at all has ever worn the green jersey in the tour to France and he just thanked Tyson for the lead out too did you see him Pat him on the back oh that's been a great day and sadly the loss of matz Pon if you just joining us Matt pson who was in this competition in third place he couldn't start today uh because he is suffering with a very sore shoulder he crashed on the fifth day of the tour he's limped on but today he's pulled out and so that's actually helped gai as well looking down on the pelaton they've calmed down a little bit since that Sprint abrahamson still up alone that's the Sprint result abrahamson gai getting best of the rest 17 points big result for him philipson his Challenger there in fourth place only got 13 so he dropped four points on gay just that and Brian cockos French Sprinter Aro deore another French Sprinter there dear all sprinters top 10 completed there by Anthony t a little bit further down 15 score COV getting one point and the mlay in trouble earlier now overall then gai leads with 166 points a good total at this stage of the tour to France abrahamson into second place and Phillipson is into third but a work though now 68 points for philipsson if he's going to that's a little while before they get on top of that leader board I think this is our lone leader on to the next climb of the day one km to the top a cat four but another point for the polka dots go to no and it is as you say just a kilometer just about a half a mile up the hill here he's got 31 points he's gathered and he's done them by these incredible breakaways since we left the start line in Italy and he's still leading by quite a margin at the moment only one point he's chipped away at these one and two pointers throughout and the result is he's wording po do first Norwegian to wear that polka do leaders jersey great moments for him all week no p y when did he learn to speak Flemish a Flemish expression wow very deep there is a split in the pelaton caused by that this is going to be something of a distraction B not the fastest part of the race course but most certainly moving along quite quickly and Warren barill picking himself off of the let's hope he fell on the grass on the side of the road and didn't go too far down in the ditch but one of his teammates also involved in that had to wait for the team car to get a spare bike back up and going seemed a little bit more disappointed than hurt on the side of the road but never fun to come down even if it's a little bit softer landing on the grass on the side of the road yeah the other guy the teammate was Oscar Onley the British Rider in his first tour to France 1.2 to the top there's the statistics elevation gain 322 is he required high up really at 1299 ft 1300 ft Cent number five of five today and he's won every point he's pushed his lead out at the moment of 32 soon to be 33 over T poacha thir point lead could keep him in this P do for a while yet this is 8.2% average gradient for this kilometer point to so I think the peleton probably going quite a bit faster than abrahamson on this climb that that crash with barill made a split in the pelaton and since he fell it's not come back together kill just now so pretty big chase for the riders that were behind that crash with Warren baril over the top last climb one point in the back is when every climb this will surely ensure he wins also the most combative Rider of the day well the mainfield is still climbing the last climb of the day here in oan while our leader is pushing it back to 4 minutes and 9 seconds as he's gone down this slope and in charge of the lotto team at the moment they're just coming over the top of for the last official climb of the day there's more Hills to come well the chase is very definely I think we can graphically demonstrate this to at the moment look at this 70 km Abramson by maybe 5 minutes 50 km 335 down to 30 km it's 143 and now at 28 km we're down to 133 slowly wiing the fish in and there he is a flotilla of motorcycles that's the first Vision race referees they're all there even service in case he has a problem and what a ride this man is doing I won't say is done yet is doing 131 now 12 seconds they're saying now and we are just 10 miles from the finish here it's going to be so close he knows the coming he's looking over his shoulder what an unbelievable takeway this has been so far about 170 km in front and there they are there he is now they're trying to slow it down now because they don't want other once you catch the rider in the lead they're all together others will take their chance if they can 15 km this is where the capture has taken place 9 miles of racing to go some climbs last couple of climbs before it flattens out it does kick up in the last kilometer 9 miles of racing left and it's been a absolutely brutal day weatherwise cold rainy windy and sometimes staying warm not that easy to do in the summer months biger took a couple of hard turns in the hopes that his teammates would be able to come through with some aggression but I don't know if they're able to get to the front at the moment and follow through on what biger was able to do well that would quite CAU him Haven quite good these the intervals how they pulled him back 359 55 km 35 km 235 15 km 4 seconds he's still hanging out there just a little bit longer to add couple of more kilometers on he'll have won all of the prizes today even the most aggressive Rider prize he would like a slice of the winnner prize but that's not to be for abrahamson 5K Banner just in front of the pelaton Arnold De le and his teammates still looking very strong Victor campen Arts has done a lot of chasing but he's right in front of the champion of Belgian black yellow and red jersey and a very strong Rider if you are going to be aggressive in the finale you have to be respectful of the Riders uh around you and how much power they have and use your resources perfectly the wind blowing across left to right by the flag there three miles from the finish here ryer driving on the left in the white helmet and he's just flicked his elbows I'm changing Place Bruno AR alanai t v the rider on the left hand side of the road doing the tempo Cavendish has been very near the front in spite of how hilly it's been looking fantastic so far and he's alongside there in the green jersey B getai wants more points today trying to make a little hole for himself tightly packed peleton there he is boy if you were to score points today he's pushing himself well out in front in that competition big drop off from the stage win in second and third placees 50 3020 but he's been so consistent so far got a pretty big lead and also the relegation of philipsson that hasn't hurt his lead in the green jersey competition that's for sure well they're going to get more and more excited now I'm surprised there's nobody tried to pull something here because we are only 4 kilm out from the Finish DSM moving up on the right of our picture that is for Fabio yakobson just checking on him he's about three Riders down R white jerseys of the Kofi Squad following the visma team on the right hand side of the screen trying to set Brian kard up which would be a spectacular win for him he's never had a win in the tour to France before big two big wins in last year's tour but kof's no results in the tour this year so far they're just moving a little bit closer to the middle of the field Brian Kart is right there Arnold El as well looking strong got two teammates in front of him and one last lead out man on his shoulder Mayo there the yellow Jersey pogacha has not got he's got one team man looking after him right in front of him but none behind him if there's a problem 3 kilomet to go the peleton are combating the wind here and they're trying to hold position at the same time now we' got two two races now as the lotto team of splits now the rider with the black top I keep remembering you reminding you he's the champion of Belgium he is a favorite for the win today he's in a perfect position they're all off the road down there and this is the excitement now as they try to push through to get to the front bit of recovery required there and 2 and 1 12 km out from the finish right at the bottom of the screen red and white jersey that is Brian card he has his lead out man a couple there he's got onto the wheel so now Kofi moving towards the front Brian card well placed there by his teammate there is Arnold De le very close to the front he has two of his teammates in front of of him as well ARA on the right hand side for arnno dear trying to do that lead out for him and I think that's Vandenberg in the pink jersey trying to move into position doesn't have a teammate near him he'll have to freelance this Sprint in a couple of cases to go yeah his teammates are over on the right hand side of the road they've split them off there out to 2 kilm now to go tyy pagach not taking any chances he's inside of the safety barrier of three Cas to go where he get the same time but he stay wants to stay near the front and not caught behind or any anywhere near any of the crashes still the effort on the left here by the team of Bruno Aram andai Rovan two teammates in front of him carts does his last turn pulls off in the red and blue now his teammate Arnold De le in the black white yellow and red excuse me Jersey champion of Belgium but the control looks to be the decathlon Squad long ways from the finish line and S Bennett is second wheel already that's way too far to be that close to the front but look how they're trying to bring through the yellow and white jerseys of inter Mar tried to bring through the man in the green jersey which is b m is dead center behind his team he's in a perfect place at a kilometer to go remember this is not a flat finish and so there's going to be a lot of riders caught out as we go up to the line de coold bringing yakobson to the front inter Mar doing the work for BM gay in the green jersey right in the middle of the field well gai's in a great position in that green jersey and the trying to get Dylan groven underway oh and D you me that was on o Del there mixing it with his shoulder as they come down to the last 500 M Brian cart in the white and red jersey has a teammate in front of him they're launching the Sprint right now gay on his wheel well gay is in a perfect position if he can finish this off towards the line he's in fourth wheel at the moment gron of A's lost his lead out man he wonders where he's gone and look at this now D is coming up here towards the line be onew down on the green time in everything in the last couple hundred meters on this Sprint third wheel is Ben germont there comes a teammate of Brian Carden a big gear up against the barrier trying to get to the Finish Line first and a run on the right of the road too as it looks like it's COA as he goes for the line now but gai is trying to make move this could be win number two forar sees the Finish but the is trying to get through but on the line This is Phillips him coming up towards the line is this no pipped on the line bam gai has done it again stage win number two for B GMI at the last possible moment over Phillips and what a ride that's the second time in his history a black African cyclist has won a stage of the tour to France and he did it last in stage three at Turin I can tell you what erit tra will be beside themselves are watching these pictures yes yes thank you guys thank so much that's the team [Music] car so just take a look at this again Bob gokart had a good run at it good lead out started to just run out of seam maybe going a little bit early from a long ways back philipson just an absolute pure Drag Race To The Finish Line the lead no way he's going to in between those two rids before the Finish Line think that was acrian got third but just barely having a bit more power over philipsson bam gmai that he'll makes for very clean sprinting and it's just pure power and desire and that Rider from arrea no stage wins ever for the in the history of that Squad either Phil and now they have two in the first week of the tour yeah bit of buming and boing there but that was not dangerous sprinting that was just trying to go through a hole that wasn't there for Aro de I think but philipson had his best chance to win there and he wasn't quick enough so benam gai wins for the second time this week he had a grand tour win coming in on a stage one at the jro as well in terms of winning a stage so it's not like he came in as an unknown but he has taken it to a new level this week with his second to stage win see what benm gai can do tomorrow he he just told us no matter what happens the rest of the way it's been an awesome tour for him he feels feels like he's done a lot and he should he's won two stages he is the only Rider at this tour so far who has more than one stage win he also leads in the green jersey most points out there by a wide margin so for benum gai Tad paga is you know he's also on the mindes as well the overall race leader he's been there for a while this week and there's no change in the general in the GC standings there Remco Evan AOL 33 seconds behind still Jonas at 115 back andad pagota didn't wear yellow for a single day last year keep in mind he won the Tour overall back in 2020 and 2021 back in a spot where he feels like he belongs as the race leader sixth yellow Jersey one so far in the first [Applause] week from yellow to Green the star of the day and really star of the week benam gai look at that lead and it's it's not uncommon the last I'd say Dozen Years to see the person who wins the green jersey win by more than a 100 points and it looks like he is moving in that direction yeah when was the last time we saw real tightly contested green jersey fight you have to probably go back to Eric zavo Stewart o' Brady Maybe it hasn't been closer than 40 points in the last Dozen Years so it's it's been a [Music] while fourth straight stage for him holding the green jersey yellow to Green to polka dot and if you were with us on NBC throughout the morning you got used to seeing that because Jonas abrahamson he owns it and he was riding by himself a solo Breakaway for nearly 4 hours really most of stage eights he got got passed in the end but he has had an outstanding week and he is the only one so far to own the polcon jersey in this tour for all your cycling content year round subscribe to NBC Sports YouTube page we got it all
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 231,760
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Keywords: tour de france, nbc sports, jonas vingegaard, nbc sports cycling, cycling on nbc sports, 2024 tour de france, 2024 tdf, tour de france 2024, tadej pogacar, mark cavendish, romain bardet, col de la couillole, cavendish tdf, sepp kuss, remco evenepoel, primož roglič, filippo ganna, wout van aert, mathieu van der poel, tour de france highlights, tour de france 2024 live, tour de france stage 8, tour de france 2024 stage 8, tdf, Biniam Girmay, Girmay cycling, Girmay Eritra
Id: 31qFbgEx134
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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