Touker Gets Under Deborah’s Skin Over 'The Most Efficient Camping Stove Ever Made' | Dragons’ Den

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my forces birthday had quite a big effect on materialistically it was a wake-up call where you realized that you were at a point in your life where if you're going to make a difference and do something it kind of needs to be now I became an entrepreneur because I found that there's many products on the market that I could reengineer redesign that could make them more efficient and better [Music] hello my name is Spencer Turner and I'm here today looking for a forty five thousand pound investment for twenty five percent percent share in my company technology text ov is the most efficient portable gas camping stove ever made it runs on cost-effective butane and utilizes a thermoelectric generator to produce electrical current for challenging mobile phones GPS GoPro cameras and many other devices that charge using a standard USB connection I'm the stable breeze had 149 pounds and we're looking to retail it into a number of existing markets including camping fishing and festivals in the UK alone there's over 1.2 million people that go camping on average every year and fishing is the largest industry in the world valued at over 1.5 billion pounds I have a number of I have a number of letters of intent from both go outdoors and from Tokyo fishing tackle I'm looking to have a dragon on board to help get the product into the retail market and the larger distribution networks thanks for listening I'm happy to answer any questions you may have a camping stove with a 21st century twist is the offering from Spencer Turner who's looking for 45,000 pounds in return for a 25% stake in his business Pizza Jones is quick to pick up on the entrepreneurs faltering delivery you nervous yes sorry yes I am yes if you're not you're not used to pitching to people no not at all no can you demonstrate the product absolutely yeah [Applause] okay so essentially what's happening here is is a relatively simple process the gas flame the juice is around twelve hundred degrees and what we're doing is a transferring part of that heat to what's called a thermoelectric generator and essentially what happens is is it creates electrical current which then you can use for charging mobile devices especially your focusing very heavily on the fact that this is a charger so is your pitch not the fact that it's sort of a fire burner or a stove but it has a capacity to charge phones it's very much so first and foremost the camping stove that was the the concept originally that's when the product came from we've been camping we go camping quite a lot and I found a frustration with the gases that are available if I can show you this this is a very standard camping gas cylinder because it's filled with butane the problem with these are is that you end up with no pressure for cooking so the actual gas fails and you can't cook with it so to get around that what industry has done is they have come up with what's called a mixed gas solution and it's essentially these hold the same amount of fuel is that used but because these gases cost four pounds 50 for this cylinder whereas this one cost one pound 50 and cheaper than that so your stove makes use of the lower-cost butane bottle it does so it provides a better heat source and can charge products that you want to plug in the fact that it creates current is almost a byproduct of what I was trying to overcome an innovative product with a clearly defined market always ignites the Dragons interest and established leisure industry player Deborah Medan is keen to find out more about Spencer's competition can you describe the other stoves that are available yes absolutely and the price points yeah okay the the other slave that uses a thermoelectric generator that produces electrical current is called the buyer line that retails in between 129 and 149 pounds that doesn't use gas it runs on sticks effectively so it's a fuel chamber that you light a fire and it produces electrical current so you can charge from it okay so so what that has there is a bit of a romance to the fire when you can use your example you know that so so you're kind of that that's the slightly more romantic side of it so you still like your fire it's still you know the combination of the fire there but this is the more efficient way of doing it so if I was gonna choose between them my decision would be do I still one I like the sticks or do I actually want to use that I think the viola is a great concept the unfortunate reality is is the output that it produces is very low but also there's a majority of places where you go camping you're not our sights I've got to tell you I like it it's great piggy it's very rare that in my first opening set of questions I get to the conclusion that it's something that I want to get involved with but that just happened to me that's great to hear thank you you have come in with a good product so I'm gonna make you an offer on the terms that you have come in for all of the money 25% of the business very much thank you a clearly impressed Deborah Medan has gone straight in with an offer the full 45,000 pounds and unusually for no more than the 25% equity that Spencer was originally looking to give away and now Sarah Willingham also looks keen I [Music] created something really brilliant I really do it looks really nice I'm really happy to take it out outside our belt huntin and work it my problem with it as an investment for me is I don't really get the mechanics of it and so I feel I couldn't sit there and talk about it and do it justice so for that reason I'm gonna say that I'm not going to invest in it so good luck with everything but I'm very sorry I'm out okay thank you very much I praise for the product but a failure to win any cash from Sarah Willingham will fashion tycoon touka Suleiman want to add a camping stove to his business portfolio it just so happens that I've just taken on the Industrial Engineer and we're we're about to develop accessories bags and whatever which is a power pack and you can charge your phone free time today is there a way that you could add power packs on top of your charger so you take the power back away you've got a power but it's already recharged yes that was an avenue that we looked down and when we suppose the manufacturers one of the reasons why we didn't do that was because having the power packed that disconnected would create more connection points and what we're actually designing at the moment is something that would make the power pack in the charging system waterproof I mean I'd love to put you and my girl together because together you guys make a great team I like it okay it complements what I'm doing and I'll think about it no offer from touka Suleiman but his interest has clearly been engaged prompting telecoms giant Peter Jones to make a very direct inquiry who do you like out of the five of us that's a very hard question III have to say that you know Deborah hoon please I don't mean any disrespect to anybody else but obviously with your background and obviously aware of your background you're very much so in the right kind of position to be able to assist greatly to take this through to to to market but the reason I ask that is because I was sitting here I was interested at the get-go Deborah was offered at the price he came in at and just my competitive nature even if it was like 26% I'd want to get a little bit more but she's gone straight in at that level and I can see why I think it is great so I am gonna make you an offer but I'm gonna give you the option of two offers depending on what Deborah what to say I'm gonna make you an offer for all of the money forty-five thousand for 25 percent as well or forty-five thousand for thirty percent if it's split with Deborah so half of the money and at least I have fifteen percent of the business um can I ask I have been to China I have met with manufacturers but because I've never taken anything to market before as you're guessing a manufacturer to commit to actually get this project moving forward is becoming cumbersome is that something that you guys could assist we're completely what I would probably do is put you in touch with somebody who who all the time deals with people and you in fact I know except I put you in touch with Stuart that's what I would do still it's very nice you'll get on very well with do it I currently have an Innovation Centre in in Singapore Hong Kong and in Taipei from a mobile telecoms perspective you probably know that bouts of you know about 80 million dollars worth of product is developed manufactured from our own plant so all of that will actually own that infrastructure so yeah and that's why I think you should choose with me spencer has sparked a bidding war in the den as both Deborah Medan and Peter Jones pitched to secure the deal if Nick Jenkins poised to open a fresh front in the battle well Spencer I was going to offer you half a million pounds for 5% of the company but but since you said you didn't want me before you before I had the chance to make it off I think I think I think note now again I'm going to pull back from that one I can see the glint in in Deborah's eye on this one and not not going to it not going to compete but anyway I wish you all the best of luck today but I'm out a rare show of deference as Nick Jenkins clears the way for his fellow dragon to secure the investment thinking time over is Tuco Suleiman now ready to make his move Spencer I know about manufacturing we have an office in China I like it I I believe that I have more time than any dragon here I will fly to China with you and they go shape that deal I don't believe there were two dragons well and I believe that what you need is not just your phone kori of your phone call there sorry can I just be absolutely clear just in case you're inferring that that's how I do business no none of my investments get the odd telephone Stewart will fly to China with him okay I will fight you have absolutely no idea how I run my investments I will make this happen and I will finance it beyond what I'm going to offer you because you're gonna need money it's working capital so I'm gonna make you an offer I'm gonna give you sixty thousand we are twenty five percent right okay I didn't expect Tuukka suleiman has offered 15,000 more than Spencer's forty five thousand pound asking price in an eleventh-hour bid to clinch the deal with four competing offers including a proposal from Peter Jones to split the deal with Deborah Medan the ball is firmly in the entrepreneurs Court [Music] thank you very much for your offer however that the fact that Deborah and Peter have got the background experience already within this particular market unfortunate just makes them much it much better stronger position kind of thing and so if Deborah was willing to and was happy to go down the same lines as either I'll be happy to do that I've got a lot of investments of Peter and I have to say on this one because I can see it I could be really greedy for me this is one that I would like on my own and that's why I make I was just because I thought you'd have a chance of getting it but now you probably won't a surprising development as Deborah Mead and spurns and alliance with her fellow dragon it's decision time for Spencer Deborah again thank you very much for your offer but if peace if you're happy to do the same offer then I'd prefer to take it from yourself yep well thank Spencer so success for Spencer who leaves the den with the 45,000 pounds he was originally seeking and the backing of a dragon with the international clout to drive his invention to market I'm obviously really excited I'm really happy to get people involved he seems really positive about it as well is more than hopeful I'm quite excited about that I was surprised though I must admit I thought it's gonna go with you a really dirty till you came in with your whole Hongkong innovation yeah everybody knows I should have taken my offer Deborah you you
Channel: Dragons' Den
Views: 679,152
Rating: 4.8731542 out of 5
Keywords: dragons den, dragons den uk, evan davis, deborah meaden, peter jones, touker suleyman, tej lalvani, business pitching, entrepreneur, reality tv, shark tank, dragons den worst pitches, dragons den pyramid scheme, dragons den best pitch, dragons den full episode, dragons den nick jenkins, nick jenkins, dragons den hilarious accents game, sarah willingham dragons den, sarah willingham, dragons den sidemen, dragons den camping stove, dragons den fight, under the skin, new
Id: R8OW6_7_ZDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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