Touched by a Wild Mountain Gorilla (short)
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Channel: aleutiandream
Views: 13,929,874
Rating: 4.907464 out of 5
Keywords: Mountain, Gorillas, Uganda, African, Wildlife
Id: x2H7zcqjplc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 24sec (204 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
400 pounds of Power, would be a scare.
I found a couple of interesting facts. It's a shame there are only a handful left.
National Geographic
Sea World
Did.. Did it just fart?
Majestic part at 2:46
"I'm a Gorilla"
Oh man, the sheer joy on the guys face at the very end!
When daddy rolls out, it's time to bounce.
"The silverback is just behind you. A metre behind you."
John then shits his pants.
He should have punched him in the snotbox
Best day of that guy's fucking life.