Total DramaRama Season 3 Episode 36 "The Tree Stooges Save Christmas" Full Episode (Parts 1 & 2)

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[Music] pop it up [Music] i saw three chefs come sailing in on christmas day in the morning isn't decorating for the holidays just the best kids well it sure looks like fun oh i know you kids like to help but we don't want your tiny clumsy gross little hands ruining christmas now do we that's fair exactly i had a tree flown in special this year and all of my ornaments are one of a kind they represent all the places i'll never get to visit because i give you kids all my time and energy oh time for the star i'll grab a ladder while you kids bask in the majesty of my tree decorating skills [Music] that's them craig little lumps of coal upon who will be taking our revenge because they melted me last year so now we're gonna hit him where it really hurts christmas and i have come up with the perfect plan we're going to destroy that christmas i guess it's back to the evil drawing board what did we do that wood chipper does a good job this is a disaster everybody knows how much chef loves christmas it's the only holiday he actually gets right yeah every year chef's christmas spirit fills my heart with the warmth and joy of the season [Music] what it's a christmas special i don't always have to be a jerk guys i fixed it i fixed a tree [Music] owen that's a horrible tree if we don't find a new treat for chef he's going to be sad on christmas and it can't be just any tree we need the most perfect tree in the whole world [Music] what about jeff's famous landmark ornaments he said they were one of a kind as always science is the answer it's a shrink ray we can visit each landmark shrink them down and put them on the tree izzy brings back wow how long has that been in your pants and why we never used it before it's super convenient no time to talk let's move [Music] so all we gotta do is keep chef in the dark about what's going on easy peasy unless you know who does you know what what what about me well um how to put this delicately you rat us out all the time every time that was far from delicate and also wrong i can totally be trusted with this sure wet mittens are annoying but not enough to ruin christmas oh this is gonna be a long day craig craig come on back i don't know izzy something feels not quite christmassy about this tree am i homeless no no duncan's right it's the wrong shape well the search continues the juice inside these fuzzy bowling balls is yummy hey cody what do you and reindeer have in common antlers nope [Music] a symbol of freedom and opportunity for immigrants arriving by sea beautiful inspiring i give anything to be her she gets stuck by lightning 600 times a year never mind [Music] huh when you shrink it down it's not that impressive oh man this tree is not right either maybe you should decide if you like a tree before we cut it down [Music] let's not question my methods okay wait i know the perfect place to get the perfect tree ah why didn't i think of this before the pyramid of giza scientists estimate it took 20 000 workers over 23 years to build it but smart people know it was actually built by aliens how often does it get hit by lightning why would i know that just zap it [Music] um [Applause] give me toilet paper full you're made of toilet paper let's go guys just stick to the story the other kids took the tree to the mall to get its picture taken with santa chef can't question it if we all see that's what happened why are you coaching me i got this oh it took me a while to find that the wood ladder and christmas is ruined what [Music] don't worry i have a plan we had a plan this comprehensive presentation will explain everything question rules are they meant to be broken i would argue no is this tattling going to take long um please save your questions until the end we have a lot to get through today now as i was saying the cn tower how tall is this thing 553.33 meters did you know the glass floor of its observation deck is strong enough to hold the weight of 14 hippopotamuses what if 15 hit posted on it it would rain hippos [Music] toilet paper okay this makes no sense at all good easy for sure santa will have a taylor christmas tree but won't we get in trouble for stealing it nope because everyone knows santa loves cookies so i brought a plate of them to trade for his tree let's just take the tree oh we've been at this for hours and we still haven't figured out how to ruin their christmas giving them hot cocoa without marshmallows will again not ruin their christmas stop pitching that oh [Applause] what are they doing here in the north pole i got it the most diabolical plot to ruin christmas ever craig grab your skis [Laughter] [Music] wow i thought stealing from santa will be a lot harder i gotta start doing this more often i'm just happy we finally found the tree that'll save chef's christmas he's gonna be all like that sounds like chef all right roar i'm happy didn't roar [Music] [Applause] where's the music coming from [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and that's how we ended up disobeying your direct orders i'm courtney i hope you've enjoyed my ted tattle [Music] is it christmas yeah great i guess i have to start over now so chef knows what happened no way we accidentally knocked the tree in the wood chipper so everybody left to find a new one and replace their ornaments so our favorite teacher is inside on christmas oh if that's not the sweetest thing i ever wait the other kids are running around unsupervised on christmas we gotta find them [Music] that's right and you kids are here just in time for the unveiling of my new evil plan i'll be the judge if it's evil or not [Music] there will be no christmas this year this is it the eiffel tower what's it waiting on the tower is all evacuated right that's not to think about it [Music] phew that could have been bad [Music] hard to tell what she's saying i wonder if she's mad if she isn't she's gonna be chef dude we know how much christmas means to you yeah we're just trying to make you happy by running off to chop down a tree and shrink famous landmarks what makes you think izzy is here because izzy gets a lot of crazy ideas so i installed tracking chips into all her hair scrunchies um last time we barged into santa's village we ended up on the naughty list true but this time you're going in undercover oh you did this last time too any other right ideas nope let's go oh looks like christmas came early this year then where's my stocking solid jerky christmas came early for me for the rest of the world it won't come at all don't worry kids all we need is a little christmas magic to um you mean this christmas magic that i found in your pocket oh now the world will believe i'm santa oh and think how mad they'll be when i tell them christmas is cancelled forever because of you kids [Music] [Laughter] well kids guess there's no more christmas how are you always jolly oh that's just the way i talk i'm actually crying inside so what were you all doing up north we stole your tree oh i like your honesty but you are still going on the naughty list oh so i should have lied oh got it lying is better obviously i'm taking liars get presents i'm gonna write that on my chest and marker no no no what i meant is flying keeps you on the good list santa said it it's gotta be true huh let's talk about something else like how to get out of here zip it old man i got this i drew a dolphin if anyone asks we're elves visiting from the south pole why are we visiting i need more backstory uh because we're starting a new christmas yeah summer christmas and we came to discuss logistics week luckily i've taken improv classes i can make it work um who are you we snuck in they made me please don't put me on the naughty list why you always got a tattle seize them i bet these naughty listers are behind santa and his tree going missing santa is missing okay i know this looks bad but we had nothing to do with that wait aren't you the troublemakers from last year who burnt all the letters to santa and let the reindeer get away no we're completely different people that just look like them we're actually an improv troop for this scene we'll need an occupation and a chance to run away oh no you don't [Music] what is this ah we're wrapped up in the spirit of christmas who knew the greek coliseum was a massive petting zoo for goats lashona's right let's shrink this creepy place and get home on it okay let's head back now not yet i want a surprise chef with one more ornament the most christmassy building of all santa's house that hole is far too small for santa to fit through but it's the exact same size as a chimney you fit down those right yes but i need my magic dust for that one of us will have to go instead no no no it's too dangerous i couldn't let a sweet innocent child wander the arctic alone real thin cody cody is my name hey who turned off the lights oh god it's too shallow now what maybe i can fit through the ice bars nope my head is way too big hmm maybe i have a few loose specks of magic christmas dust in my pocket to help him through here you go cody to the rescue wow that snow cone did not sit right hey is one of you missing i don't know what you're talking about we're all here unless you mean cody who's gone off to get help so that we can all escape and save christmas that was naughty oh you rotten how did you go find the missing kid go [Music] he's our only chance of rescue crud so cold hey there kid what's the rush my friends and i need help to save christmas do you have a phone yeah but i got it wet now it doesn't work but there's a pay phone right over there thank you unicorn whale i regret helping you my phone can anyone reach it hello we need help you need help stop saying what i'm saying we've been captured you're still doing it give me that cody tell me where you are we're coming to get you [Music] my car what in the oh never mind i just found a new ride i guess he got sick of feeding those reindeer we can't steal santa's slaves dude too far zip it we're taking the sled and people call me a goodie two shoes don't just leave us here wait i'm sure santa's house is around here somewhere language lashana is [Music] is chasing me yeti i don't see a yeti [Music] we gotta save them first time driving a sleigh never you mind keep your eyes peeled for cody there he is in the arms of a yeti driving a snowmobile did i just say that the wind tickles my ears anything back there we can use to slow them down free gift useless courtney no those kids belong to kids all over the world oh stop what kid asked for a harpoon gun for christmas not a kid i want to play with i saw a unicorn whale [Music] children who's responsible for monster from this year really izzy just because you didn't like the socks he gave you doesn't make him a monster not him one of them's gotta be a fake but which one oh santa can't tell if you're joking [Music] yeah monsters are no match for science [Music] oh when this is over i'm gonna carry him around like a little critter but what about the two santas you're right lashana it's impossible to tell who's the real santa i'll just blast them both [Music] okay this could have ended better i gotta hand it to you kids this is the best tree ever flaky was a bad egg but he sure makes a nice decoration out of here such a good boy and lashon is happy to be the star of the show too bad about santa i guess there's no christmas this year after all what did he say he said it's up to us to save christmas [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: E VV
Views: 221,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eC1Vk8pQzP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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