a lot of things have changed since the last time I made this video on how much does it really cost to study in Germany that's why here's an updated video on the total cost to study in Germany taking into account everything from tution fees to APS certificate to blogged account we'll talk about all the costs one by one in a chronological manner first are the English proficiency exam students either give ILS or toel when they're coming to study in Germany and the cost for ILS is 16,250 rupees whereas for toffel it is 16,9 900 rupees IL is the most common exams which students appear for when applying to Germany but toel is also accepted in German universities second is the aps certificate we have already made videos on the aps certificate what is it how to apply and details on the procedure so go in the description and check the playlist for now the cost of verification for the aps certificate is 18,000 rupe but you don't need an APS certificate if you're doing a PhD or a postto in Germany or you have received a scholarship or stipend from German or EU public funds or you have done all your education from an international or IB board in India as most of us have done our education either from the state board or the cbsc or icse we need the aps certificate third is the University applications the cost year is quite variable as some universities have their own portal While others work with uni assist for their University applications unsis is a platform for international students where you can apply from a single place rather than applying separately through University portals there are more than 170 universities working with uni assist and if you're sending an application through uni assist there is a fee it is €75 for your first desired course and for every additional course it would be €30 so let's say if you're applying to five courses your total cost would be €75 plus 30 into 4 €120 in total €95 or roughly 18,000 rupees this doesn't apply to all the universities because sometimes universities have the their own portals and they charge 0o rupees for applications fourth is the visa application and flights the German student visa charges along with the VFS service charges is roughly 7,000 rupees you can also opt for the pickup and drop service of VFS for your passport stamping and that will cost you another 1100 Rupees to sum up it should cost you roughly 9 to 10,000 rupees now you apply to the Visa then they stamp your passport then you receive your visa and now you have to book your flights on an average a flight from India to Germany cost 30 to 40,000 rupees but if you're booking within the next 3 to 4 weeks after receiving your Visa you might have to pay up to 45,000 rupees make sure you research the dates the airlines the price and also the baggage allowances fifth is the blocked account and health insurance the blogged account amount is € 11,28 for your first year of studies and this is not a fee as you'll get this money back on a monthly basis directly into your current account when you register yourself in Germany if you make your block account with exp patrio you will not only get health insurance but also the incoming travel insurance which is mandatory I'll talk about this at the end of the video for your blogged account depending on your provider you might have to pay some extra service fees so take a rough estimate of €1,400 or roughly 10.15 lakhs sixth semester contributions in Germany there is no tution fees but all students have to pay semester contributions which count towards student services semester tickets Etc there is no fixed cost here as it ranges between1 to 400 but even if you take the maximum limit it will be ,00 for 2 years and € 3200 for 4 years if you're doing your bachelor's let's take the Master's amount which is roughly 1.5 lakhs this is where the video should end but there are some extra cost for some students coming here for MERS or Bachelors and you should know about them first is tution fees private universities and even some programs in public universities sometimes have tution fees there is no average cost for this as it really depends upon the university and the program moreover the state of Barden venberg has a fixed fee of €1,500 per semester for all International students coming to the state and its universities for studies and Technical University of Munich in Bavaria has also introduced tuition fees for international students whatever fees there are you have to pay the fees for the first two semesters as it is mandatory for the German student visa and it is in the checklist as well second is the cost of doing bachelors in Germany the only fixed cost is for the testing s exam which is €150 or 13 to 14,000 rupees and finally extra cash Germany is expensive and if you're living in a big city like Munich or Berlin you're going to have some really high rent a lot of students easily find a part-time job along with their studies which helps them earn some extra money alongside their blogged account amount and that helps with the rent and other living cost still make sure that you have some extra money on you so that you can survive the initial few weeks and there's no number here as it really depends on upon your financial situation and which city are you going to live in Germany so what is the final cost of studying in Germany if you add all this up at least for masters with no tution fees it would be 12 to 14 lakhs it's a lot of money upfront but know that 10 lakhs from this is actually a blogged account amount and you'll get it back on a monthly basis when you are in Germany there are some more costs for shopping luggage Electronics but I haven't added them as they are pretty subjective and you can just add them on top of this amount you can save some more money and get extra benefits if you actually open your blogged account account with xat Trio their value package not only gives you a cash back of $ 249 but they also give you a lot of free stuff firstly after you take the value package you don't pay any setup fees so you directly get a cash back of €49 second is the health insurance cash back the TK Flex offers an additional cash back of €90 per year for every year you're insured with the TK health insurance you just have to choose five out of the seven services and the cash back is directly sent to your current account you also get a free current account with expatries value package fourth is the free travel insurance you get €95 worth of free travel insurance which is mandatory for visa and with faster confirmation to avoid hassles and finally you also get a free Isaac card which is an international student card providing more than 150,000 offers and discounts on travel food student supplies Etc so if you're moving to Germany you can take advantage of this offer and you can sign up with the first link in the description or use code bhat and Germany if you want to know how to open your blogged account with exp patrio I have linked the video in the description so just check it out that's it for this video share it with your friends who want to come to Germany for their studies and are confused about the budget