Total Consecration (Best Explanation)

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and so the more you become Maran the more you resemble Mary the more you imitate Mary the more you call upon Mary the more time you spend with Mary the more the holy spirit's going to become alive in you she's the perfect Apostle she's the perfect disciple she's the perfect mother when I give my life to the Virgin Mary and I become like Mary I have Holy Spirit power to the maximum and she ensures that the devil doesn't get in the way Mary consecration is one of the greatest gifts that Jesus can give us in the lives of the greatest Saints the Maran consecration that they made was a turning point a major turning point at their marry and consecration John Paul II Mother Teresa St Jose Maria St Louis de monford St Dominic all of the Saints St Augustine says every saint that is in heaven was made a Saint by the hands of the mother of God so when we give our life totally to the Virgin Mary in Mary and Consecration and if we do it well from that moment forward your life is no longer your own it's like a second baptism at baptism we give our life to Jesus and we fall and we fall and we fall with Mary we say Blessed Mother I can't do this by myself I need help and so in this talk we're going to do a lot of things because a lot of people make their marry and consecration but most people don't live it most people don't live it and we'll discuss what living it looks like so we're going to discuss what is marrying consecration how do I really really live total consecration how can I spread total consecration to others at the end I'm going to tell you about a consecration that God willing we will all do together beginning January the 99th and ending on February the 11th if you think that you can get anybody else to do their marry and consecration with us all of us and everybody on the internet on January 9th take as many books as you want as many books that are there they're free but they're not free I paid for them with my own money boohoo you know why cuz I want to win I'm tired of losing and I know what's going to happen when you go all in and after you do this Maran consecration for yourself and you live it well and you give your whole heart mind and soul 100% to Jesus Through Mary I give you my word you're going to be buying books for hundreds of people for every person that you know and you're going to be doing everything possible to save as many Souls as possible if you do your marry and Consecration and if you do it well I personally believe that you will save the soul of every single person in your family I personally believe that you'll save a thousand Souls more than that if you simply give your life wholly and undeniably completely over to the Virgin Mary we're going to talk about what that looks like but before I can do that this is really about Jesus and Jesus's mission our Mary and consecration has to be rooted in Jesus Christ because the devil who doesn't want us to love the Virgin Mary and maybe he's already whispered in many of your hearts why aren't I not doing all of this totus to us for Jesus how much time should I be talking to Jesus so you have to grasp this Maran consecration total consecration is rooted in the goal of Jesus Christ the role of Jesus is to make me like God is to to divinize me so that it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me every promise that he made in the gospels was as if he was going to live he told the apostles you will do greater things in my name how can you do greater things than Jesus he told the apostles I've come to set the world on fire he told the apostles you will eat poison you will cast out demons you will heal the sick this is how they will know that you are my disciples all things that we cannot do but that God can do if and only if I do his will and we are united this is the Paradox of Christianity if you wish to become my disciple you must deny yourself you must take up your cross and follow me he who wishes to save his life must lose it the Life of Christ is one of a complete turning away from sin turning away from the devil and following Jesus in a radical way but most people use Christianity as a Band-Aid for their ouchies and they're not really giving their life fully over to God seeking what is God's will for my life every single day every single hour so when we do God's will we have to grasp this God's will for my life my Holiness my theosis this is so important this word theosis it's at the heart of why maximilan K's consecration is the best and is what John Paul II said is the profit for the New Millennium is because we should be Desiring theosis where we become like God so if you make your only desire in life to do God's will no matter how hard it is no matter how unpopular it is even if you're the only one following this path if you do that God's will specifically and individually for your life different from every single person if you do that one you will have peace in your soul so if you do your marrying consecration totally I give you my word you will have peace beyond all understanding I have friends who are in the worst circumstances terrible situations they give their life over to Mary and they're doing God's will their heart is oozing with peace that they've never experienced before only after they said yes Lord I'll follow you to the Cross so you'll have peace as surpasses understanding if you do your marrying consecration another thing that will you will have is it will make you extraordinarily holy when I go to pray at the mass and I offered Jesus the crucifixion one of the greatest things you can offer to the Lord is the sacrifice of the mass for somebody's conversion or for somebody's salvation that's great meritorious but when I leave the mass it's over but when I go to work or when I go home and I say Lord what is your will and he says clean your room and I say yes Lord and I clean my room with great love now the sacrifice continues in me and the Very Act of picking up socks from the ground is the flow of Grace flowing through through me and because I am doing God's will it is as if the very hand of God was blessing and commissioning and making the cleaning of my my room meritorious Teresa Avala said if you simply do God's will for your life and be the person that God created you to be you will save 1,000 Souls simply from the grace not from preaching not from evangelizing Simply from the grace of dying to yourself and doing God's will if you do marry Consecration and live it and you do Mary's will you will have maximum Grace as much grace as possible and you will do everything as good as possible and your tainted self-interests because we always taint things with self-interest Mary cuts off those self-interests and offers them to God the Father pure and undefiled so you'll be holy you'll be happy you'll save souls and God will provide for all of your needs one of the things that the Lord was emphasizing a lot in the gospel goels was if you ask I will give if you put me first I'll take care of everything else you need food how much more would I give a loaf of bread I'm not not a good father than a father who give their kid a stone God will provide the hand of Divine Providence will be with you everywhere you go if you do God's will these are all conditional upon taking upon yourself the life of Jesus Christ but I'm telling you from my own experience I know this stuff I know that if I just did God's will I would be happy I know that if I just did God's will I would be holy I would save a lot of Souls and I don't do God's will I don't me personally this guy right here standing with a microphone but when I gave my life to the Virgin Mary she made it easier she made it sweeter she made it faster but we need to First be convinced that marry and consecration is 100% christocentric so my goal in life is to become another Christ Mary's job is to make me into Christ so when I said that every saint according to St Augustine doctor of the church every saint was made a saint by the hands of the mother of God in the womb of the Virgin Mary it's because if you're a saint if you're in heaven you're a member of the body of Christ and it's her job to form the body of Christ think about our Lord in the womb of the Virgin Mary at the moment of the con ction of Our Lord this Divine Miracle happens at the anunciation he's got nothing of himself his flesh his blood all of his just think about how small a human embryo is and growing and growing 100% dependent upon the Virgin Mary he depends upon her blood he depends upon her flesh what she eats he eats his heart beats with Mary when he's born he's 100% dependent upon the Virgin Mary she gives him milk she Comforts him she soothes him she holds him this is what it means to be a Christian spiritually when we give our lives to the Virgin Mary she nourishes us she protects us she clothes us and I love to meditate upon the flight of Jesus into Egypt the the baby the man the god his life was threatened he had to leave his home but do you think he had any worries or cares he wasn't worried about it that boy was completely content he was sucking at the breast of the Virgin Mary she had him so bundled and swaddled and safe he had no fear in the world when you consecrate yourself totally holy and you give yourself to the Virgin Mary without Reserve you can be walking through the gates of hell but you can be assured that you're in the arms of the Virgin Mary you have nothing to fear if you're afraid it's a lack of humility humility is the truth what is the truth the truth about me is I'm a sinner I can't do it what is the truth about Mary she's practically omnipotent she's all powerful St alonsus doctor the church says she's even a little bit more than all powerful what do you mean this is your gay wish St alonsus doctor of the church what I'm about to say I'm quoting a doctor of the church he said God is omnipotent by Nature Mary is om nipotent by Grace she's omnipotent she's all powerful as a gift Grace is a gift and then St Alanis pushes the envelope and he says but Mary not only is she all powerful over nature she's also all powerful over the heart of God she can get God to do what she wants him to do now I know we're not Protestants but I'll go ahead and quote it from the Bible who is the first person totally consecrated to Mary Jesus who is the second person totally consecrated to Mary St Joseph he's the first person to say totus to us Maria I'm going to serve God by serving you who is the third person to be totally consecrated to the Virgin Mary St John the Apostle at the wedding Feast of P John says the mother of Jesus was there and Jesus was also there dang bro don't you think you should say Jesus was there and the mother of Jesus was also there no he said the mother of Jesus was there to point out to us that this is about Mary it's not my hour and yet Jesus worked his first miracle we have from scripture the omnipotence of God being overruled by his mother but you have to remember it is the will of God the father so it is God's very will that you have Mary as your mother so Jesus came here to make me into another Christ to give me Holy Communion to give me confession at the cross he says the very last thing necessary to make you in me you have to grasp this he says it to you behold your mother and from that moment forward he took her into his home grasp this this is the very will of God that Mary is your mother in The Book of Genesis and in the Book of Revelation John parallels again and he says what the dragon goes off to make war against the woman and her Offspring The Book of Genesis there will be enmity between you and the woman from the beginning to the end if we're going to make it and this is a reason why we don't make it there's a war between the devil and Mary St Max Millian Kobe says the immaculada alone has the promise from God to crush the head of the serpent many of us are fighting spiritual battles for our families many of us have family members who are addicted to drugs we have family members who are addicted to porn I tell people hey if you're not praying the rosary if you're not dedicated to the Virgin Mary how how can you stop the devil you can't he's smarter than us he never sleeps when you have Mary the Serpent's head is crushed we have to grasp how much Mary loves us individually because I need to consecrate myself to somebody who's going to give thems totally back to me and that's what happens when we do our total consecration I'm going to give Mary everything I'm going to give her my life I'm going to give her every part of me the good and the bad my merits and my sins I'm going to give to her and she's going to give herself totally and fully and completely back to me you have to believe that do you feel like Mary does love you enough love her more you feel like she's not doing enough for you trust her more how much does she love you we we like to say Jesus would have died on the cross for just one of you you when we're trying to talk to teenagers I'm a youth Minister we say our lord loves you so much he would have went to the Cross just for you if you were the only person who ever lived and that's true it's true it's not made up it's very true but our lady would have sacrificed her son just for you and in her mind and in her heart you're the only person that matters so why don't you want to give your life back to her she only wants to make you like Christ surrender everything she's your mother and she loves you st alonsa says because she is your mother she cannot do anything but be perfect and fully attentive to you that means that she's always watching you she never takes her eyes off of you everything that happens to you she knows it she feels it she hears it surrender surrender your heart to her she she wants to help you you but she can't she can't help you unless you ask for it you have to ask for it you have to beg St Bernard doctor of the church said call upon the name of Mary are you troubled are you worried are you stressed are you anxious call upon the name of Mary and don't stop calling upon the name of Mary because never was it known that anybody who called upon her name will ever be left unaided if she's not helping you it's because you stopped calling upon her stop feeling bad for yourself button up get strong call on her and say I'm not going to stop calling on you I'm going to be the first person to ever be failed by you i' I've had this conversation with her like every day of my life every day I'm like Blessed Mother I need you please I'm dying help me and every single day she does it time after time so why do we quit why why do we leave her side it gives me a headache always to think of Mary suck it up is that it okay I'm sorry is that the cross you're carrying come on my brothers and sisters this is an easy War to win we just have to surrender fully and totally to her so aspect number one Mary is my mother do you believe she's your mother yes not with me I believe she's my mother do you believe that she loves me with the love that she has for Jesus Christ yes okay there's two things that have to be made aware about our total consecration that we're going to talk about how to live it because she's my mother she's present she's here present always always watching me to live total consecration we'll discuss this later but I want you to be aware calling to mind that Mary's present just making an Act of Faith Mary I believe you're present that changes things two for total consecration in order to be in good son I have to do her will I've got to do Mary's will if I don't do what my mother asks me I'm not a good son I'm trying try my best so part of marrying consecration is on a daily basis this is why I say people don't live it because one day on the March 25th or February 11th or whenever I make my consecration I get on my knees and I say Mary I give you my life and then I kind of step away but every other day after that I don't so in order for me to be a good son and for her to be a good mother to me I've got to do her will I've got to do her will second thing we have to remember Mary is the mediatrix of every Grace I'm going to say something that's going to freak people out but I'm going to say it anyways not y'all CU y'all are thoroughly strong Catholics without mared there is no salvation the the Protestant and you was about to Twitch on the floor how can I say without Mary there's no salvation because without Mary there's no Jesus and without Jesus there's no salvation so I can say without Mary there's no salvation Jesus is God's gift for salvation Jesus is Grace anytime you get on your knees to pray it is God who answers you but God gives the answer to your prayer through Mary every prayer that you have whether you're praying for somebody's conversion for somebody's healing you're praying for money you're praying for a husband you're praying for a wife you're praying to lose weight whatever you're praying for answered by God distributed by the Virgin Mary St Bernardine says Mary gives what she Wills to whom she Wills as often as she Wills she gets it she gets it on a regular basis I'm going to tell you an anecdotal story I'm going to tell you the details of it I will go to Jesus in like deep prayer like when you know like that time when you're praying and you really feel like God is like talking back to you and I'm like Jesus give me this Jesus I need this and he says to me no and I said I need this he's like it's not my will and then I I I swear on my life I just I felt the presence of God and then I said if I ask Mary will you do it it's like I will grant a juror and I asked her and he says if granted and I'm like I'm just talking to myself then I check my phone dang that was fast I just asked her like one second later he changes his mind go to Mary she has the ability and it's God's will it's not that she has the ability to change the mind of God it is the will of God that you have a mother who's so powerful so she's the mediatrix of all Grace now this is where it's going to be very important for to listen very carefully one of Mary's greatest titles and this is why our consecration that we're going to do is going to be the life-changing consecration for you I know many people who's done St Louis de monford consecration most people I know who try St Louis Deon for consecration fail and they never finish I know a lot of people who done the modern consecrations the easy ones put out recently I'm not going to name name those people who do do those don't live it to lukewarm not fervent enough the people I know who do Max and million kby Spirit of consecration they're Maniacs I only know a couple of them I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm just kidding no they are really crazy why so John Paul II called Maxim link will be the prophet of the New Millennium when we do our consec ation that we're going to discuss in a little bit we're starting on January 9th it's the day after Maxim K's birthday just so happens and it's going to end on February the 11th February the 11th is a very special day I didn't realize how special it was until like the past two weeks the feast of Our Lady of Lords is so special it's so special I went I went to Fatima I went to Lords I felt so much more the presence of God at Lords Fatima is very special to I I'm a Fatam boy like I I eat I live Fatam but Lord's is so special and I didn't realize it until listening to Maxim and kby he spent the majority of his life asking himself this question who are you oh Immaculate Conception because at Lord's when Mary appeared to bernardette Bernarda asked who are you and Mary said I am the Immaculate Conception and when bernardet ran and told the priest this the priest says no that doesn't make any sense whatsoever she was immaculately conceived how can she be a conception and so maximan kby was called a pneumologist it's a person who studies the Holy Spirit the holy spirit is so important we don't know this because we're Catholics you guys are special of course the holy spirit is why Jesus died on the cross Jesus says I have to leave you so I can send you another Advocate and then you will do Deeds mightier than mine and he will lead you into the truth and he will give you the spirit of Prophecy and he will do this and he will do that and he will teach you how to pray and we have a great crisis in the Catholic Church we're losing bad like horribly horribly bad it's a disaster the Catholic Church church is a dumpster fire right now but mostly it's because we lack the power of the Holy Spirit but Jesus promised us the holy spirit so where the heck is the holy spirit maximan kby pondering who are you oh Immaculate Conception he figured it out hours before he was taken off to aitz one of the last things he wrote was the answer to this question God the Father loves the son the son loves the Father the Holy Spirit proceeds from the father and the son so his conception is immaculate and it's Eternal you could say he's the Eternal Immaculate Conception when Mary responds I am the Immaculate Conception maxan kby says you're the Holy Spirit you're not the Holy Spirit you're the spouse of the holy spirit so he had a profound insight as a pneumologist into the life of the holy spirit because Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit when you get married to somebody else the woman takes the name why because the Two Become One what is Mary doing she's saying I'm the spouse of the Holy Spirit Maxim willan Kobe would say the holy spirit is not incarnate he would qualify by saying the holy spirit is not incarnate but when you look at the Virgin Mary it's as if the Holy Spirit was incarnate he would say she's the Quasi incarnation of the holy spirit that the Virgin Mary was so perfectly United to the will of God that it was as if the two were one they're two different people they're two different Wills but their Wills were so perfectly United and so the more you become maryan the more you resemble Mary the more you imitate Mary the more you call upon Mary the more time you spend with Mary the more the holy spirit's going to become a alive in you she's the perfect Apostle she's the perfect disciple she's the perfect mother when I give my life to the Virgin Mary and I become like Mary I have Holy Spirit power to the maximum and she ensures that the devil doesn't get in the way her goal at the end of this process is to make me look as much like Jesus Christ as possible so maximilan kobby I love this guy he made an equation to explain our Holiness the life of the Holy Spirit the Immaculate Conception our role in marrying consecration he gave this to some seminarians in Rome on the chalkboard he wrote a capital W plus a lowercase w equals s equals sanctity Maran consecration Holiness is very simple the capital W is God's will the lowercase w is my will the plus sign is the cross if I simply sacrifice my will to do God's will that equals perfect Holiness this is Holiness and this is Mary Mary did God's will perfectly so we're going to change the equation this is Mary's will this is my will and if I simply do her will I will do God's will to the best most efficacious way so one of the problems that Catholics have is that we have a lot of qualifiers and we're scared we're scared of Protestants we're scared of looking like we love the Virgin Mary too much stop stop stop stop when we say total consecration we're like we're going to consecrate ourselves to Jesus Through Mary we always throw that out there so that people don't think that we're idolators how about let's not do that anymore how about let's own it let's do that let's not be afraid anymore so what I have the habit of doing and what I encourage you to do is to say Mary's will be done I'm here to do Mary's will whatever you want mother and then when people ask you you can say well Mary's will is God's will she did God's Wills perfectly and you can explain it to them why should I do Mary's will because if I do Mary's will I'll do God's will without messing it up I'll have greater peace of Soul because I actually did God's will if I do Mary's will I will be as holy as possible I'll be as happy as possible wonders will be worked in my presence I will hear the voice of God more clearly my family my family when you give your life to the Virgin Mary this is so great when you give your life to the Virgin Mary your problems become her problems your family members become her family members when I gave my life to the Virgin Mary nobody in my family went to church not a single one they've been away from the church 20 30 40 years when I gave my life of the Virgin Mary one by one they began to become raving lunatic Catholics my mom is the greatest of all of them she prays more prayers and does more novenas and hands out more booklets than any other person I know and she's given her life to the Virgin Mary and I have witnessed conversion after conversion after conversion in her family and friends it's true it's a miracle and she's like you need to talk it's like no you're the Evangelist you talk to him when you give your life to the Virgin Mary your children your spouses your problems become her problems and she takes care of all of them to the degree that you died death is an indispensable part of the equation spiritual death without death there is no life but I give you my word it's an easy death our lady consoles us so much does the cross disappear no you're going to have the cross but she makes it easier when you take that cross you embrace your cross you embrace your depression you embrace bad circumstance you say Mary I'll do it with you because I see your hand in it and I love you and she will show you her hand and she will show you her face every step of the way if you just do her will that is an indispensable part of Maran consecration you might not be there now so when you do your total consecration you're going to pick we're going to pick a date February the 11th we're going to get on our knees we're going to go to mass we'll go to confession we're going to say Blessed Mother I give you my life I surrender all to you I can't do it please give me the grace so that I can become a saint and a great saying I give you everything Blessed Mother I pour my heart out to her that's day one total consecration really begins day two day three day four day five day six until you die why do we have 33 days of preparation truly tonight you could say I'm going to give my life to the Virgin Mary what that guy was saying was true why do I need to wait 33 days amen don't wait 33 days give your life to her right now tonight tomorrow at lunch at second lunch do it but 33 days to be intentional to think about all of the aspects of it now St Louis de monford got me started I want to be very clear I love St Louis de monford one of my favorite books is in my backpack that's in the back it's called the secret of Mary if you're new to Mary and Consecration and you want to get started the secret of Mary is this thick it's like this tall it's 52 pages and this the font is big and the spacing is generous and the margins are wide it's my favorite type of book you could read it in 20 minutes I love it I love it it's so precise he's so cold blooded he says this secret of Mary so powerful that you better get on your knees and beg God for the grace because if you read this without the grace you're just going to damn yourself further I like that I like that I like that that's very cool I can't start my talks like that but I like that you did and St Louis de monford used the analogy of slavery you become the slave of Mary so maximilan kby says yes you want to be her slave yes you want to be her property yes you want to be her possession yes and he would go even further he says I want you to be like a drug addict drug addicts will do anything for drugs all they think about it is their drug I want you to just be going everywhere feing for Mary marry Mary Mary Mary just like a person is possessed by a demon I want you to be possessed by the Virgin Mary I want you to be obsessed with her I want you to have her as your fixed ideal I want you to always have her in her mind I'm going to read you three quotes from St maximan kby and this is why I love this man when I read this I say yes more more this is what maximan kby has to say about Lou de monford servant slave son possession property but we desire even more we want to be hers without any limitation including all these meanings and any other meaning that shall be invented or which can still be invented I Want It All We Are hers unlimitedly hers perfectly hers we are as it were her very self we want to belong to the immaculate to the point that not only nothing May remain in us that is not of her but that we may become annihilated as it were in her changed in her transubstantiated in her that she herself May remain this guy's a lunatic I love it you love it too don't you just want to love the Virgin Mary and not stress about loving her too much you can't love her too much because Jesus is Love itself and he did not love her too much I want you to become obsessed with Mary I want people to look at you and say you're that Mary freak and you say oh yeah I love that woman I can't get enough of her Max andan kby said I want to be transubstantiated into the immaculada I Don't Want to Be Alive you might see a bald man with sick glasses and a long beard but really only only Mary's alive in me one more quote from maximan kby she alone must instruct each of us in every instant she must direct us transform us into herself in such a wise that it is no longer we who live but she in us just as Jesus lives in her and the father and the son let us Grant her permission to do in us and by means of us whatever she desires and surely she will accomplish miracles of Grace we will become Saints and great Saints and you know what he did he became one of the greatest dang Saints in the history of the Catholic Church the more you love Mary the more you become like her so we're going to talk about right now how do I live Mary and consecration I'm going to give you two steps it's very simple so many of you I think probably saw the video I did on mental prayer Teresa AA doctor of the church said mental prayer is the foundation for every higher form of prayer the one of the greatest blessings and that you need to ask for you need to beg for beg for this Grace beg for the gift of the presence of Mary beg for the gift of the presence of Mary she will grant it she will grant it to anybody you don't have to be a saint what am I asking for the gift of the presence of Mary that you have a sense that Mary's present with you always you only get it one if you act as if it 100% depended upon you so you're constantly trying to call her to mind you're constantly talking to her say Max willan kobby would say you have to have a constant continual and familiar conversation with her just talking to her like she's your mom Blessed Mother tell her how you feel I'm agitated I'm angry I'm depressed I'm lonely I don't know what to do I'm confused tell her your your desolations so a continual conversation with her I need a parking spot what should I cook for dinner just talking to her throughout the day so acting as if it all depended upon you and then begging beg beg beg at every holy communion Blessed Mother Give Me Your Presence at every Rosary blessed mother give me your presence blessed mother give me your presence so act as if it all depends on you and pray as if it all depends on prayer it all depends on prayer and it all depends on your action so step number one to living total consecration is very simple make an Act of Faith in the presence of Mary you're not going to talk to her if she's not present you don't have to talk to her to make an active faith in her presence in your mind simply imagine her eyes you can do it right now close your eyes just imagine the eyes of the Virgin Mary looking at you pause open your eyes was that hard no was that fake no it's not fake you might be using it in your imagination the the eyes you imagined maybe they were blue maybe they were brown maybe they were green maybe they were like the woman you loved in high school I don't know but she's really looking at him so by you using your imagination it helps your intellect to grasp a truth it only takes a second when you imagine the eyes of the Virgin Mary your heart is filled with peace at least mine is when you imagine the eyes of the Virgin Mary and you just pause and you because what happens is you imagine your her eyes then you imagine her face and then what happens she talks to you she talks to you but how do I know if I'm imagining it one you are but that doesn't mean it's not true how do I know if it's true what's going on in your heart we've all been there where we've had psychotic moments where we're in Desolation and we're God God it's going to be okay everything's going to be okay I trust in you Jesus I trust in you and we're saying it and saying it and saying it and saying it and that's us but when you close your eyes and you listen to the voice of the Virgin Mary you feel it in your heart feel it in your heart and all the voices in my head cannot make up that feeling of peace that floods my body when you're at work let's say you're a doctor you can't be like Virgin Mary let me take your blood pressure let me take you can but before you go into the room step number one before you go into the room pause it's called recollect yourself even if you're you're anxious you're on medication you're feeling jittery you don't have to feel it for it to be true Mary I believe you're here go into the room it took you five seconds to become a saint the difference between becoming a saint doctor and not being a Sint doctor or Burger King worker or mechanic the difference is pausing for 5 seconds and saying Mary I believe you're here that step number one to living consecration try to keep Mary with you at all times why because she's with you at all times and when she has her eyes on you and you have your eyes on her life changes step number two you got to do her will with love as a sign of your love for her so let's take the example of the auto mechanic or the guy who works a Discount Tire sees a customer coming up he's got 5 to 10 seconds before he has to talk to the customer Blessed Mother be with me I'll do this out of love for you that's all it takes come on it's too hard stop stop making excuses I'm tired of it stop making excuses God is tired of it it's a small cross baby it's a small cross you can do this folks tonight I want you to do this before you get in the car Blessed Mother Out of Love For You we're going to drive this bad boy this is your car now I just gave it over to you total consecration this is your car these are your kids in the back seat these are your groceries I'm buying these are your teeth I'm brushing everything becomes meaningful do you understand how many Souls you're going to save if you just went home from here to the time you went to bed if you just did everything out of love for Mary you drove your car I love you I'm brushing my teeth I love you I'm uh picking my I don't know what women do when they do things with their eyebrows and strings I'm not sure but you're like doing this with your eyebrows plused mother I love you you're going to have the best eyebrows and then I I wear nasal strips at night the Breathe Right Strips oh Blessed Mother I'm letting your nostrils breathe so good tonight setting my alarm for 5:45 A.M because I love you it sounds funny and it is funny but do you know how holy you are if you had only 10 minutes to live and you lived that way totally and unreservedly given over to God you'd be a saint I don't know that you would go to Purgatory how could you you're like the Virgin Mary incarnate it sounds funny but if Imagine One how happy you would be how much peace you would have even if you got into a car accident you be like it's not my car I know you're going to bring good out of this it just changes everything total consecration is the only way to true happiness because it is God's greatest plan for you it is the sweetest path the path of Mary so how do I know Mary's will so you know Mary's will because of your state in life but I'm telling you God wants to do something special with you people I really believe it you're here and nobody else is it's for a reason you're not here on accident God has chosen you and so he has special callings on your life how do you hear that the theological term is called consultation consult with Mar about what about everything we have to pause and be open because think about this they say that the recipe for insanity is to do the same thing over and over and over again and expect a different result there's a great financial planner Gordon Ramsey oh wait that's the guy who cooks that's the guy he cooks and he curses Dave Ramsey say your life was so messed up because you made a bunch of bad financial decisions and Dave Ramsey the greatest financial planner is coming over to help you be de free you think he's going to have you do same old same old no you're going to expect some major changes in your life same with the Virgin Mary the Virgin Mary doesn't want to just overhaul your finances she wants to overhaul your entire messy life and so that means doing things differently but how are you going to do things differently if you don't listen so you have to have times throughout the day of consultation with Mary consultation is putting the idea before the Virgin Mary let go pray the decade of the Rosary by the end of your decade of the Ros rery usually you'll know what to do you're not going to hear a voice so let's say you have to make a decision should I do this or should I do that let's ask the Blessed Mother how blessed mother what do you want me to do I'm not feeling anything okay let's pray toale marus I make all my decisions this way all of them and so far the times that I did that she hasn't failed but let's say you're wrong let's say you did the 10 hell Mary trick you consulted with Mary let's say you're wrong cuz some of you God's going to ask you to do extraordinary things I have no doubt in my mind some of you might be called to become a priest some of you might be called to become a sister and God's going to ask you to give up your entire life or what looks like you're giving up your entire life you're really trading in dirt for gold whatever you're clinging to is dirt what God wants to give you baby is diamonds if you just do his will but what if you're wrong because you went at it with a pure heart because you earnestly sought to do the will of God because of that she will bring good and the greatest good out of your efforts so you have nothing to fear it's a win-win and if you have failed like I have like many people have failed so many times in the past you say these words Blessed Mother I'm sorry it's all my fault please bring good out of my mistake and even after you will see wow that was a happy fault I made a huge mistake I really blew it I made a huge blunder but she really turned it around and brought some amazing stuff out of that I'm going to give you things that work for other people on how to have a sense of the presence of Mary how to live total consecration consolation desolation when something touches your heart and it really stands out to you grab it take it cling to it do it if something I say or suggest is like nah ignore it some saints will say the name of Mary as often as possible like you're talking to a person that you love Mary Mary Mary I need you Mary so they'll say some prayer frequently some people this is me but again what works for me might not work for you works for you it might not work for me in mental prayer Teresa abala says call to mind the presence of God if you have a bad imagination use a picture so some saints I'm not a saint but I want I want to be one will carry pictures with them so I have my Entourage Our Lady of Sorrows Fon Sheen St DZ John Paul II St Michael St Joseph I carry my Saints with me everywhere I go I carry a statue with with me this is my mom's because I'm a bad son I left my mother somewhere I don't even know where I left her so my mom had to come and she gave me hers if you're going to be totally consecrated to Mary you must pray the Rosary every single day we're doing our consecration on the feast of Our Lady of Lords February 11th 18 times Our Lady of Lords appeared with the Rosary in her arm and she would only appear when Bernard would begin to pray the rosary and The Apparition would only last as long as the rosary lasted if you have struggles with the rosary that was me for a long time I really struggled I'll give you one quick Rosary tip integrate your mental prayer into the rosary as an example let's say for example we're doing the fifth sorrowful mystery the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross pause imagine in your mind Jesus being crucified as if you're really really there as if it's happening before your eyes you're looking at his bloody feet you're looking at that Spike how can you get a spike so big to go through two feet dang that less are hurt broken some bones oh my gosh then you look at the hands and you look at his chest and he's all cut up and then you look at his face so I can see some of you wincing and I'm just saying the words now looking at the bloody face of Christ ask him for what you want Jesus convert my husband Jesus what do I do pause look at his face he might want to talk to you now you pray our father in ten H Mar's and your Rosary at that point changes it's like a buffet of meditations every day and then finally the Virgin Mary wants one thing above all you don't have to be here yet she wants you to receive Holy Communion as often as possible are our lady wants you to become one with Christ she wants you to visit Jesus as often as possible you don't have to be there yet but know that part of becoming one with Mary is satisfying her desire that you and Jesus in the Eucharist become one so these are all things these are what things would look like if I'm trying to really become a fanatic for the Virgin Mary and what really if you do it I need you to do it I need you to do it your family needs you to do it the world needs you to do it if just three of you would become all in Fanatics only concerning your lives with the will of Mary at all times who knows who would be converted people don't get converted at things like this sometimes they do people are converted on the streets when they say I'm not happy I think I need to go to church that came from a grace of God that somebody else earned by their suffering the world needs you the church is in a terrible situation vocations are born from Grace the church needs you to become like Mary I need you to become like Mary and when you do you are going to set the world on fire you're going to set your family on fire you're going to set your local community on fire so we have to strive with all of our mind all of our heart and all of our being to do Mary's will no qualifiers to do Mary's will no matter what it is and when you do her will be assured she will give you the grace to do it she will give you the strength to do it she's going to reward you my goodness is she going to reward you she only wants you to be happy when you do this difficult thing that she wants and then you realize that it actually benefited you all along and she's like I love you don't you believe I actually actually love you I care about you you're not drowning you're okay on the back of this bookmark this should be with everybody's consecration are two QR codes the top one goes to my YouTube channel gobby after hours where we have high quality videos Etc the bottom one goes to 33-day consecration so we're picking this book that we're going to use why because it's short literally takes 3 minutes we're starting January the 9th on January the 9th I'm going to read it to you so if you scan it the bottom one if you scan it right now it will take you to the YouTube channel it's not my normal YouTube channel every day 8:00 p.m. a live video will be released and I'll read it to you and I'll give you a two-minute reminder of the theology ideas and tips very short total 7 minutes if you wanted to listen to the entire thing you want to cut me off you're like I had enough of that guy we'll end it at the prayers spread Mary the fastest way to bring somebody to Jesus Christ is through Mary if you can get them to wear the miraculous metal if you can get them to wear the brown scapular that's all you have to do the holy spirit will do the rest let us conclude with one more quote from St Maxim and kby do you want her to dwell securely within your soul do you desire her and only her to guide your thoughts and take possession of your whole heart do you desire to live totally for her if you really desire all of this then open wide the door of your whole heart before her and consecrate yourself to her without any restriction and this forever have you not given thought to what you will become when it is no longer you who act but she herself who loves God and men in you and by means of you do you not realize that in such a case you're actions come to be measured by her dignity that in her hands they become pure and without blemish just as she is all pure and without blemish our ideal is that of unconditional consecration our desire is not merely that we ourselves should be consecrated to her but that All Souls all over the world will be consecrated to Mary and give themselves to her unreservedly let us conclude in prayer if you please kneel down in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen Lord Jesus we thank you for the great gift of your mother help us to love her like you loved her help us to see her like you see her help us to hear her voice like you heard her voice help us to praise her like you praised her St Joseph you loved Mary and Jesus we need your prayers you're so powerful we're so thankful for all the good that you're doing here at this church but also in the Wier church and finally Blessed Mother We consecrate ourselves to you we surrender all of ourselves to you the good the bad the ugly help us to know the truth and help us to do your will and we offer you a Hail Mary as a sign of our Consecration and you join with me Hail Mary Ary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy wom Jesus holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit
Channel: GabiAfterHours
Views: 73,849
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Id: oVYQBhxVc3c
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Length: 55min 47sec (3347 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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