Total Body Workout with Dumbbells – 30 Minute Full Body Workouts with Weights Home Strength Training

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[Music] what's up has fit tribe it's your personal trainer coach Kozak and I'm Claudia and this is a total body strength training workout the only equipment required for today's routine is a pair of dumbbells and the weight that you choose will be completely dependent upon your fitness level you can follow along with me for the standard moves and you can follow me for the easier modifications if you're ready to go let's pump it up [Music] [Music] Aurra has four tribe let's get this started with the warmup I'm gonna be doing a straight leg kick and twist and I'm gonna do a knee raise plus a twist there's straight leg kick or knee raise as we twist into that opposite side leg arms are extended out parallel to the ground you decide which variation is appropriate for you my variation requires a little bit more balance breathing through here keeping those arms extended and if you can't quite get the full extension or full twist that's alright doing the best you can that's right and working at your own pace here this one's gonna warm up your hamstrings your glutes thoracic spine a little bit of shoulders and chest try to choose movements in the warm-up that hit multiple muscle groups at the same time preparing you for what's to come here that's it so still moving at a warmup pace so don't go too crazy here there'll be plenty of time for that coming up breathe them through here for five four three two one zero alright next we're gonna do a hand ring sweep so let's get that right leg out in front on your heel right leg is straight left leg slight bend the knee bring those straight arms up sweeping up over and as we come down we sweep forward feel that stretch in your hamstring glute up now alternate legs coming back down feeling that stretching your hamstring calf glutes also your shoulders big circles as you're moving through good if your back straight as you're hinging at your hips great posterior chain stretch as well as continuing to warm up those shoulders alternating right and left sides don't be surprised if one sides a little tighter than the other nothing to be alarmed about and the purpose of our warm-up today is increase your overall body temperature get your heart rate up a little bit and at the same time we're sneaking in some mobility we're excellent big deep breaths not a race feeling that stretch going a little further down maybe every time as you start to loosen up for five four three two one and zero excellent okay moving into the last warm-up move we're gonna do it up right external rotation plus march in place let's get those elbows at our side 90 degree angle we're gonna pull back on the hands and at the same time bring up right and then left knee so we're marching in place and pulling back on those hands another combo move here hitting that lure and upper body at the same time just a great overall upper body shoulder mobility drill listen up those shoulders also help you regain that natural upright posture breathing through might start to feel shoulders burning a little bit on this one I already feel it Jim did a dread to didn't take long it's alright that's how we know it's working that's okay I need this that's it we all do that's why we're here excellent much more continuing to breathe it can be so important throughout today's routine now hold breath for five four three two one zero take up those shoulders all right I'm feeling warm feeling good Claudia good let's do it get out there to tribe so first sequence we're gonna do a superset back and forth two exercises the first exercise no dumbbells needed we are going to need them for the second one so we're gonna move move to the floor for the first exercise we're going to a push-up variation so I'm gonna come up onto my feet and I'm gonna be on my knees we're gonna do what's called a dead stop push-ups so we're gonna in a controlled fashion lower our bodies all the way down now we're gonna pull back on our elbows squeeze our back and now press up that is one repetition we're gonna do 12 in total all right breathing in on the way down and exhaling on the way up three two one begin control the way down pull back on those elbows press back up that's one continue breathing throughout make sure when you're pressing your body up after that dead stop that you don't leave your hips on the floor and let your core sink but instead keep that core tight and engaged straight as a board straight as a board and bring it up with the rest of your body this exercise is working your chest shoulders core and even your back all together here at 7:12 in total keep moving through it exhale push up that's it inhaling on the way down big exhale as you press up almost through this one that's ten two more here we go try fighting through nice and control not a race on this one last one right here and 12 all right we're gonna look the upper body rest for a second we need some two dumbbells for the next one moving to a lower body exercise make sure using those legs to pick up your dumbbells don't bend over at your back we're gonna do a couple reverse lunge variations I'm gonna do a low reverse lunge and I'm just gonna do a regular reverse lunge so we're both starting with their feet shoulder-width apart we're gonna step back with our right leg drop both knees doing 90 and now I'm gonna return to a low squat and I'm gonna return to starting position now step back that left leg I'm seeing here I'm never coming all the way back up twelve repetitions in total alright let's hit it and begin and you decide you want to do this low reverse lunge or if you feel more comfortable standing all the way up and in between repetitions good my variation is gonna keep constant tension on your legs halfway where Claudia's variation is gonna allow you to rest in between you want to inhale on the way down exhale as you push through back to starting position both variations working your hamstring glutes quadriceps even your grip just holding on to those dumbbells here's 10 right here two more almost there almost there last one excellent 10 return good ok can set those dumbbells back to the side and we're going through this sequence one more time so back to the floor to those dead stop push up taking a couple big deep breaths here we got 12 push-ups to do it let's get it going in 3 2 1 begin control that descent hold that gun those elbows press up exhale good it didn't take long to get that heart rate up in this one breathing through this dead stop makes the push-up just that much more difficult having to press herself up from that completely lowered static position that's 5 it eliminates any momentum that you'd have and getting back up excellent getting that back involved squeeze that back as you pull back on your elbows on every rep it's number eight come on tribe here are the last four you got it you got it just two sets of these today make it count again nice and control be eager to race through these we're not looking for easy we're looking for results last one right here yeah excellent okay that's that push to put it on let's grab those dumbbells and hit one more set of those reverse lunges hey deep breaths here catching that breath that's right all right six on each leg start with that right leg and three two one begin inhale down exhale as you come up if you need to switch up the weights at any time during this workout feel free to do so pretty easy to make it any of these moves easier or harder just by him varying the weights that you choose which is why it's always nice to have a few different variations of weights accessible to you when you're doing these strength training workouts here's number nine right here staying low we're coming all the way up you decide more eleven last one ah excellent alright we got the next superset coming at you and you are gonna need two dumbbells for this one we're gonna do a 3:03 tempo reverse row so I'm gonna break that down for you alright it's a mouthful I know feet shoulder-width apart we're gonna bend over in a 45 degree angle keep those shoulders back palms facing forward for 3 seconds 1 2 3 we're pulling back 0 seconds up top right back down 1 2 3 so it's a 3 second pull on the way up the reset and lowering face for 12 repetitions do it together bend over palms forward and begin 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 repeat every repetition again control it's all about that time under tension that's what's really gonna spark that growth spark that strength be a lot easier to use momentum but instead we're focus on keeping those muscles contracted and working throughout keep your core tight back straight that's six right there weight stays in your hips you're pulling back on those elbows on every repetition exhaling as you pulling up on those elbows that's it when you pretend like you got a string attached to those elbows and somebody's pulling back on that string you're not pulling back from your hands but instead you're pulling back from those elbows that's ten two more last you grind it with us here we're feeling it - here we go last one and 12 excellent okay you set those dumbbells down we're gonna move to the floor for a core move we're gonna get into a side plank position so from the floor I'm coming down on one forearm and now I'm gonna come up onto one foot other foot stacked on top and I'm on one knee hand on your head and now we're gonna go elbow to knee and return we're gonna do ten on each side ready set begin boom contract every time keep that hip up don't allow to relax or rest when instead keep that core tight you can't quite touch your elbow to your knee that's all right doing the best you can last one right here excellent okay switch and stop flip it over same move that's hit ten more on this opposite side again you decide which variation is right for you and begin exhale as you bring that knee to your elbow inhale exhale as you bring it up working those obliques working your overall core one into the next year come on you gotta try fighting through here every repetition is getting you just that much closer that's nine and that's ten all right back up onto our feet keep this train moving here we need both dumbbells for one more set of those reverse robes making sure you're using those legs pick those dumbbells up that's right feet are shoulder-width apart palms are forward that's hit these last twelve rows bend over and begin one two three one two three excellent you might have to go to your happy place on this one think about whatever it is and motivates you what is it that brought you here today time to make that mine focused on it trying to get stronger build muscle lose fat just get better at life as a whole whatever it is staying focused on it right here halfway point do not hold your breath exhale and inhale on the way down all these exhaling on the hardest part of the move which in this case is that pull back pull and back from those elbows squeeze that back at the top come on Rob you got it pushing through right here right now you got it that's ten you have two more last two let's do it together the head in line with your spine and 12 who aren't so good whoa all right that's what don't go down no more of those cross those off fill it to the floor we go moving back into that cycling position up onto that forearm elbow to knee you know what to do and begin again controlled return all the way back to that starting position after every repetition focusing on your breathing core is tight and engaged don't allow the hip to sink last one and ten hah so Joe come on let's do it last ten of these you got this just ten more that's nothing you got it right here ready set begin boom one into the next come on drive you got it you're a fighter not a quitter move it to yourself right here come on get a little stronger core and two more every rep and last one right here ten excellent why are moving back up to our feet and we are gonna need two dumbbells for this next one if you have a lighter weight variation you probably want to want to grab it for this one we're both going a little lighter on this we're gonna do a dumbbell shoulder box for 10 reps feet shoulder-width apart good posture let's bring those elbows to a 9 degree angle and at your side now bring your upper arm up till it's parallel to the floor pull back on those Hey return back down so it's one two three four four ten repetitions doing it together here you're gonna burn those shoulders out cloudy is already feeling I'm already all I can do is laugh hey there got some good attitude you have smile through a tribe here we go and begin one two three four that's one rep ten in total again it's in under are controlled movement pattern here a lot easier to fly through these we are looking for results you got a one in the next here if you find yourself having to use momentum to get the dumbbells up then you're using too heavy of a weight that's totally okay lower that weight and if you totally burn your shoulders out which is understandable you can just keep doing this movement pattern with no weight whatever you got to do to get through it anymore almost there come on this is a total shoulder complex move hit in all three of your deltoids whoo okay no the shoulders from Alling last one and we can feel it an 10 excellent ah okay we're gonna move up and wait a little bit for this next one you want to use the same way that's okay again you choose what's right for you we're gonna do a dumbbell sumo deadlift plus a shrug a little different variation here feet a little wider than shoulder width apart toes pointed out down balls hanging straight down break at the hips first all the way down controlled now we're gonna come up quarter the way up back down up shrug bring those shoulders to your ears that's one repetition a lot of time on moves here okay and begin down so it's a one two quarter sumo up back down up shrug good so this little extra quarter at the bottom really places an extra emphasis on your backside and in your glutes making sure you're sitting back with the weight in your hips in your heels you should not be coming forward under your toes at all halfway break at those hips first every rep so you're not bending at the knees first but I said the hips go back first keeping head up chest up that's it head stays in line with your spine you got it breathing through here that's eight blasts - come on fighting through that burn come on you're stronger than that burn last one let's see it excellent okay so I'm gonna go back down a little bit lighter for this next one we're gonna do a bicep exercise a curl variation this is gonna be a 1:03 tempo curl the hammer working through it together palms are facing forward we're gonna go one second on the way up one turn the palms facing in three seconds on the way down one palms facing in three seconds it's it's over ten repetitions yep in total doing it together begin one one two three good one one two three excellent we're gonna exhale as you come up to curl exhale as you bring down and a hammer curl this one's hitting both of you made your bicep heads as well as your grip and your forearm that's a halfway repetition now be easy to race through that negative eccentric the eccentric phase but avoid that temptation control all the way down feel it work here come on two more there it is here go last one you got it and under control excellent yes three moves down and we're gonna go through that cycle one more time back into that dumbbell shoulder box you choose a weight that's appropriate for you yep whatever's gonna help you get through all ten repetitions with good form all right elbows come into our side 90 degree angle that's about not waste any time right into it one two three four come on try there's that time of the workout forget so important that you focus on what brought you here today to begin with when this workout gets tough you got to be tougher it's all about that mental strength right now halfway not even physical it's all about that mental toughness proving it to yourself how tough you are right here right now grind and through that bar three more come on that's nothing last three you got it last whoo you got it come on almost there and then you won't see any more of these last one ha ha you can tell that over us to zero accidental work okay moving back to that one in the corridor sumo deadlift flush shrug a lot of compound moves today picking up those dumbbells using our legs last set of these max efficiency that's what we're about right yeah most amount of work done in the shortest amount of time feet a little wider than shoulder width toes pointed out let's do it weight back in those hips drop straight down down quarter up down up shrug nine more come on get it tried parody this one's working your hamstrings your glutes your quadriceps shoulders trash forearms biceps everything is working to get it together on this one lower back all together to make this happen halfway make sure your head up and chest is up I said don't leave looking down or allowing that back to round good again focusing on that time under tension not racing through it two more almost there almost there come on we're in it together try last one last one zero oh my no more of those thank you now let's move into that last set of curls change my weight up meet you we're feeling it too or right there with you try come on let's get it last set palms facing forward and begin up together one two three good nice big deep breaths here whoo again not using any momentum here that's it no swinging don't allow those dumb blows a flat down and if you can't control them it's time to change up your weight if it's too easy it's time to change everybody that's what's so great about this string training as you can make it as easy or as difficult as you need at any point in time that's 8 right here oh we're getting close getting close to more almost there under control last one tribe hi great work it feels good we did it folks okay oh goodness how long we might hand weight off to the side and now we're gonna move into a cool-down yes you won't want to miss this you can stay down on the floor and the purpose of our cooldown is to allow our heart rates to come down slowly and at the same time we get some added mobility flexibility work in that will help reduce our soreness okay so we're gonna lie down flat on our backs and then we're gonna take a nap no not really I wish okay that sounds good no we're gonna do a lying straight leg hamstring stretch keep your left leg glued to the floor you can bring your right straight leg up and then we're just gonna hold now it'd be easier if you keep that knee bent but instead try your best to keep it straight I can't feel that stretching your glute hamstring and calf on this one and if you're a little tighter like me you notice that my leg is not on a 90 degree angle not straight up in the air and that's okay you do it to the best of your ability that's it we're all different no two bodies are alike we're gonna let it lower in three two one down and slowly okay opposite leg now same move up keep that opposite leg glued to the floor it'd be a lot easier if you left that opposite leg come up while keeping a glue to the floor makes it just that much more challenging nice big deep breaths here any static stretches like this we want to take through about 85 90 percent of what you're capable of you want to feel a good stretch but you should not be feeling pain four three two one lower relax good okay we're gonna turn over to our sides now when do they lying a side quad stretch follow me here Claudia flip it around there it is okay so let's from our side left hand out we're gonna pull back stretching that right quadricep now you either grab your foot your shin ankle or if you can't quite reach you can use a towel or a band to help you grab it keep that knee in tight to your side don't want to flare up and again just another static stretch here yes hole excellent nice big deep breaths quads got a lot of working today I need some recovery four three two one zero Jake a loose and flip it over other side now same move just hitting that opposite side quadricep all right try not to totally crush my mic pack I had it oh one moment here okay thank you folks and pull back here we go once that mic pack starts drilling into your hip bone it really takes away from the movement totally a little uncomfortable there it's just holding back feeling that good stretching your quadricep trying to only bend at that knee joint one side may be tighter than the other for me I can definitely feel it my left side more totally common nothing to be alarmed about four three two one zero all right okay so this next one's one of our favorite moves it's a compound move we're gonna do a page-turner plus a half angel it's another mouthful we're gonna lie down on our side and I want you to bring that top leg up and over bend at a 90 degree angle let it relax now I want you to put both hands together so here's a page-turner I want you to be a book I want you to open that book up all that hand with your eyes as it comes all the way over now bend at that elbow reach up now pull back down from the elbow stand there arm and close the book oh yeah all right try it again so open that book up stretching your shoulders chest and your spine now bend at that elbow reach straight up pull down that elbow really hitting the scapular muscles straighten our arm out and close the book might take you a couple repetitions to get used to it but you want to talk about a lot being done in one move this one move is really hitting a lot of trouble spots for most people again we're living this sedentary lifestyle where we just spend so much time seated we really need to focus on opening ourselves up restoring that posture regaining our mobility and this does a great job of that let's hit just one last one on this side oh yeah not a race you should probably feel yourself loosening up as you go through this as well this is a great one to do in the morning I love doing this one when I wake up great point okay close that book well let's flip over same move just on the opposite side now again bring that top leg up and over bent at a 90 degree angle start with that book closed relaxed open up and I'm too close to that wall I'm gonna nail that wall every time here we go let's try that again ah that's better excellent then you do the best you can with these moves in the space that you have hey can you set all the way through this sequence also doesn't help when you're six - right no I got a little bit of a wingspan here I've been told I always looked taller in person I think something about the camera I think I'm short but I am 6 foot 2 so that wingspan will catch up with me pretty quick excellent all the way I open that side up oh this left side feels super tight and depending on where you're the tightest you may feel this in different spots one person may do this and feel the most tightness in their back somebody else could do it and feel the most tightness in their chest really this move will expose any specific tight spots you have and then help you to correct it but as we said before no two bodies are the same so it's gonna hit everybody just a little bit differently excellent all right let's do this one just one last time four five four three two one and zero close that book all right nearing the end here let's come up onto our feet moving into a little shoulder stretch here great one for our rotator cuffs we're gonna do an internal shoulder stretch let's create that right hand I'm gonna place my right hand just behind my lower back and I have my right hand on my hip you just i watch right for you we either grab and reach and hit pull that elbow or you can grab and reach pull that forearm over again gently pull forward again 85 90 % don't be torquing your arm just enough you feel that good stretch nice little bend in your knees good point just a static stretch and hold here shoulders got a lot of work in oh man did they I'm gonna feel good tomorrow hold this one for five four three two one shake it loose and opposite side yeah if it's your first time doing this one you may just want to have your hand on your hip no reason to go too crazy just an overall excellent move to loosen up those rotator cuffs if you suffer from the tightness or lack of mobility in them big deep breaths here four five four three two one zero all right last one shake it loose we're gonna hit our forms and our wrists with this last one it's called the waterfall right elbow into your right side right palm facing up the ceiling once you grab onto those fingertips pull back on those fingertips slowly as you bring that elbow up and then we're just gonna hold right there again our wrists take a lot of beating too and even think about on our phones keyboards driving holding our babies holding our babies that's right we have C 13 weeks old now yes we have a 13 week old son so we our wrists are taking a beating hold of him Claudia is more so than mine to get some wrist wraps that's true that's a good point alright we're gonna switch it up in three two one zero all right left elbow into our left side pulling back on those fingertips last one for the day right here they deep breaths and this is that time of the workout you just take a moment of reflection give yourself credit for getting through this tough workout working hour easy everybody be fit but you know that's not the case that's what makes you so special for showing up today that's why you should be proud for showing up and putting in that work today thank you for working out with us four three two one zero we made it that's it booyah nice work out there has for tribe thank you for working out with us today we'd ask that you please support our mission of keeping these great workouts free you can do so by downloading our free app that's available for both iOS and Android you can also stop by our store pick up a has fit shirt some has fit gear or our diet guide eating for life please also don't forget to Like us on your favorite social media channel thank you so much for working out with us today I'm coach Kozak and I'm Claudia and we will see you at your next workout
Channel: HASfit
Views: 874,944
Rating: 4.9388409 out of 5
Keywords: total body workout, total body workout with dumbbells, full body workouts, full body workouts with weights, full body workout with weights, full body workout with dumbbells, 30 minute full body workouts, 30 minute full body workout, home strength training, full body workout, workout with dumbbells, workout with weights, total body workout with weights, full body workout at home, total body workout at home, strength training, strength training workout, strength workout, women
Id: g1oAOl_sXow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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