Tortellini Antipasto Salad

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[Music] it's the season of the cold pasta salads today we're making a delicious tortellini antipasto pasta salad that combines all of the things that i love on an antipasto board in pasta salad form and you're going to love it hi guys i'm laura vitale today we're making tortilla pasta salad it's got an antipasto flavor to it it is so simple and easy extremely adaptable you can use whatever you want whatever you'd like on an antipasto board you could add in here you can use different pastas if you don't want to use tortellini you can use literally whatever you want these are things i can always count on having on hand so i can always pull this together easily nine times out of ten i will use different pastas i love tortellini with this because when it's cold especially if it's a cheese full tortellini it's got lots of really yummy flavor so we're gonna go ahead and get started i'm gonna show you sort of what i'm working with here to give you an idea but by all means feel free to use what you like tortellini i've already boiled these i buy either fresh or you can buy them frozen and all you do is boil them until they float salted water of course drain them and this is the only time it's acceptable to rinse your tortellini with some cold water to stop them from cooking any further and you set them aside i'm going to add salami you can use prosciutto mortadella so presada you can use anything you want i always have salami on hand because i love it it's versatile it's something that i love eating and anything so we always have that provolone which is a must lots of herbs i'm using chives instead of onions but you can use shallots red onions whatever you want basil parsley we've got some fresh moths we've got some tomato we've got some parm i've got some marinated artichokes pepperoncini and kalamata olives you'll also need some garlic a little vinegar a little olive oil a little salt little pepper it is going to be delicious so let's get started um like i said this is it's very versatile i'm going to be making this for a little birthday party that we're having for mia next week because her birthday is in january um which it's always hard to have a party in january but it specifically was hard this year so we postponed it six months um and i'll be making a big batch of this because it's so good you could make it the day before it gets better and better as it sits and it's just phenomenal you can add roasted peppers to this if you wanted to i mean honestly the world truly is your pickle when it comes to anything but particularly things like salads soups stews things like that all i'm doing is i'm chopping my motts i really love it when i can find the mini boconcini tiny tiny tiny pearl mozzarella i can't always find them but when i find them i'd rather use those because i don't have to chop them i just throw them right in everything will change in terms of everything can change in terms of what you want more of do you want more pasta or do you want more stuff do you know what i mean i'd rather have more stuff than pasta i don't know why um i just like it that way but hey the world is your pickle my friend so we've got our moths i'm gonna add that right in i'm gonna add all of it because it's delicious it's a pound and i like it i like it okay and now all i'm gonna do is take my salami this is a good nice and thin four ounces i'm gonna go ahead and give this a really nice chop um it's much much easier to cut things through that are fatty like salami prosciutto when you've got a really sharp knife so make sure you do that what also helps is if you throw your salami prosciutto whatever in the freezer for like 20 minutes just kind of helps it be a little more firm so it doesn't slip off your knife easy oh salami you know swami i don't know salami on a pizza wildly underrated might i add and then i'm just gonna go ahead and i'm gonna chop up provolone i'll chop up some artichokes i'll add them right in i'm just going to chop things you're not missing nothing missing very little tomatoes and all their lovely juices i'm going to go ahead and take some marinated artichokes i love these these are from costco and they're really lovely we buy them two or three jars at a time because they're fantastic they're good in everything but primarily good i like some of that oil in there salads anything like that just because they're so flavorful give it a little chopper roux so that they're more bite-sized pieces i added pretty much everything else in there with the exception of the pepperoncini and my herbs beautiful you can see it's a lot of stuff compared to my pasta but that's how i like it right that's just my preference and then these are just sliced pepperoncini again do what you want these are nice and spicy love them gotta have them in antipasto salad it's my thing i'm obsessed i'm gonna leave just a little bit of basil behind and then i'm going to take my basil and my parsley i'm going to give everything a really good chop this is like very very classic pasta salad vibes which i love sometimes it's like really nice to play around and do like different things and get really creative in the kitchen but i also feel like i feel like this a lot on holidays like on holidays i want my my donna's seafood dishes on christmas eve i want those familiar flavors i want those things that i know i love and sometimes i feel that way about food if i'm entertaining people or if i'm having friends and family over i want to make things i know they love like tried and true family favorites and this is one that we just absolutely adore um and it always just goes down so well so why not right these are my chives these are beautiful chives that we're growing in the garden and they are like growing wild right now we've got so many it's unbelievable that and green onions which i love because i love that like light mild onion flavor but it's not so pungent that it takes away from everything else that's lovely i'm gonna go ahead and add all of these in but again you don't have chives you have red onion use red onion you don't have red onion if you've got shallot use a shallot no one's going to care i promise and then we're going to add in our tortellini that i went ahead and boiled in salted water let's give everything a really good mix before we add the dressing nice tossy toss look at those colors can you even stand it you know that's going to be delicious you know that's going to be incredible now i make the dressing dressing super simple i have a little bit of whole grain mustard in here you could use any mustard that you like you could use a dijon mustard on like a little whole grain mustard it gives you a little texture it gives you a little tang which i really like if i can get this out of here that would be fantastic i would thoroughly appreciate that so close yet so far i don't want to smash it because i need to grate it you know what i mean i like grating my garlic for this because then you don't chunk down on chop down on big chunks of garlic i'm gonna go ahead and do huh i'll do two you know what we like garlic around here so i will go ahead and do two but you're the boss in your own kitchen you can do whatever whatever your heart desires go for it and if you wanted to do a low-carb keto situation leave out the tortellini leave it out just make a really delicious antipasto like salad situation and you're in business right a little bit of red wine vinegar well it's a lot of pasta salad so about yay much i also like to do a splash of balsamic a small pinch of sugar adding it right to the acid really helps sort of break that sugar down really quickly mix that around i also want to season with a good pinch of salt because this is the only time you're salting everything else with the exception of the pasta that was salted while i was cooking black pepper beautiful now i'm going to go ahead and add my extra virgin olive oil if i can get this thing off otherwise we're going to be here for the next six years and it's usually two to one you'll do two parts olive oil to the one part vinegar so if you added a quarter cup of vinegar you'd add a half a cup of olive oil but obviously that depends on how much dressing that you're making let's just check nope it's a bit more oil and i might not use all the dressing because this did make quite a bit honey is that good okay and some porn if you follow me on instagram which you should if you don't because i share lots of fun things i have a whole highlight on how i grade my palm in my blender it's the best thing ever it's the best trick ever adding that in that was a big chunk this is just phenomenal you have to just trust me okay beautiful oh my word let's add half and then we toss and see where we end up you might need all of it we might not this is absolutely phenomenal i'm not going to add the rest of the dressing i will keep the rest of the dressing on hand i mean look at those beautiful colors and obviously this is going to have to go in the fridge for a little bit just like all those flavors can really get to know each other and they can get all delicious and the pasta will soak up the dressing and it also will soak up the flavors from the tomato and the artichoke and all of those really beautiful things like that a little bit more black pepper on top and some fresh basil that looks gorgeous a little bit of hot pepper black pepper and if you're feeling fancy and i like spice a little bit of pepper flakes red pepper flakes and now i just need a fork i need a fork i need some some stuff it is so delicious it's pungent with the vinegar but it's spicy from the garlic because when you grate garlic it's really really potent so you may just want to use one clove instead of two the parm is there it's giving you texture it's giving you salty deliciousness i mean it is literally when you make it you'll understand why i'm making it for a birthday party for people it's that good and it will taste even better tomorrow morning once it's got some time in the fridge to really set in those flavors to develop chefs kiss in the for the written recipe i hope you enjoyed spending time with me leave any suggestions down below four recipes for this upcoming summer because we are here to party and make up for last year i'll see you next time bye you
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 107,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, pasta recipes, pasta salad recipes, easy pasta salad, how to make pasta salad, antipasto, cooking shows, cooking channels
Id: -9OxZVcUxVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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