Torque Matters In Putting: A Message For Non-Believers

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true all right if you're watching this video a strong chance you made a comment on one of our threads um with a revealer in it perhaps where you said that's all fine and good but I don't putt with the revealer I put my hands on the putter or how hard can it be to control a putter when your hands are on it or a revealer doesn't matter because whatever some form of you don't think the torque matters so if you believe that then you also believe that basically the whole modern putting fitting stick doesn't really exist so I'll tell you a quick story I was out at a tour stop and there was a top 10 player in the top 10 at the time who was interested in one of our lab Putters he has a coach who's a very prominent figure in the world of putting um and after the player had expressed interest I emailed the coach and I said you know hey so-and-so was looking at our Putter and um if you don't mind uh put in a good word for us coach promptly emailed back and said unfortunately I cannot do that because I have tested this player a million times and this player positively absolutely needs a full toe hang putter and furthermore Sam I have to say that I find your revealer demonstration a bit misleading um yes uh Putters do twist but it's not as though there isn't there's not as though there's so much torque in a putter that you can't mitigate it simply by putting your hands on the putter [Music] this was one of the worst moments of my life because I absolutely loved this guy I loved everything that he teaches I love the way that he thinks about putting I love the way that he trains his players and all of a sudden and I was only a year into Lab at this point I was wondering if this guy basically just told me that I'm selling snake oil and this was keeping me up at night and keeping me up at night and then literally I shot up in the middle of one night about two weeks later and I realized oh wait a second if you're telling me the torque is so easily mitigated that all you have to do is put your hands on the putter then please explain why your player positively needs a full toe hang putter the whole fitting stick in the world right now is entirely about torque they just don't call it torque but if you go to a you know some facility that's got the quintic and all the machines and all the stuff that tells you what putter you should be using you're going to try a face balance Putter and you're going to try a toe hang putter you're going to try a full toe hang Putter and they're going to go through and they're going to tell you which one of these different options suits your stroke best that is fitting for torque again they just don't call it that so what we have done is we've simply taken that variable out of there we've simply made it so that rather than figuring out which type of torque profile you're going to react to best we just remove the variable entirely a lot of the putting gurus out in the world um have it started to at least accept that lie angle balancing is another option um my feeling is that they're not thinking it all the way through because the answer isn't what happens in a vacuum the answer isn't what happens in your five minute 50 minute fitting in a studio where they hand you 15 Putters throughout a given time and pick which one's best with our stuff the real question is what happens two weeks later what happens to your stroke what happens to your stance what happens to your grip two weeks later after you've had a putter that isn't fighting to get out of square and what we have found and what a lot of our customers have found the vast majority of our customers have found is that the putter quite literally leads you to a better stroke you'd let the putter do its thing all kinds of things just happen on their own the putter starts staying more on plane the path squares up the face rotation lessons these things happen simply by just reacting to the instrument that's in your hand without having to think about it so if you're skeptical about it the best I can tell you is just give it a try even most people can just go to a store and pick one up and they'll feel what we're talking about if not you're a little bit more adventurous buy one give it a shot tell me what happens two weeks later and I I'm a little afraid to say guarantee but I'll almost say I almost guarantee that you're going to feel what we're doing and your putting will improve give it a chance and I assure you torque does matter foreign
Channel: L.A.B. Golf
Views: 22,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lie angle balance, lab golf, putters, golf equipment, l.a.b., df 2.1, link.1, mezz.1, adam scott
Id: tJ_0MrvSg9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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