Tornado Alley: Hattiesburg, Mississippi Full Episode

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the trail runs cold if a tornado did flush a skunk ape out there is no sign of it now Dave and arks retreat the way they came to collect their cast of the unidentified footprint I didn't blow the naive we still got the mold we're gonna get now which is great there it is for Dave and ox the footprint cast is important evidence that the skunk ape is drawn to tornado ravaged areas that's a super truck well it went really good obviously we found tracks we found evidence that skunk Apes were here attracted to the tornado site the fact that we didn't see a skunk ape I'm really not that disappointed it was scary and it was exciting at the same time despite the skepticism of mainstream science Dave believes the evidence is there and when Florida's next tornado strikes he'll be back to try and track down the elusive creature he is just one of the many believers those who cross paths with disaster and are forever changed in the twisted aftermath of nature's fury entertainers do eat it's about a quarter mile to a half mile wide tornado I knew the devastation of a wedge tornado we watched it happen in Joplin and here it's happening I knew that it was headed for my parents neighborhood okay the hardest thing that's not knowing where possible death is coming from sorry to panic I started to cry till I can think of was how looking worried about to have the girls in the car somebody laying there dead was a real possibility call it eat it's multi for Tex inside of nine years we've had two really devastating events to happen in Hattiesburg Hurricane Katrina in 2005 the last one February to ten 2013 I earned on my police radio and that's when I heard all the radio traffic about a tornado was Mardi Gras weekend and when you were this close to New Orleans it's a holiday so we got the weekend off I was at my parents house about 20 minutes from town I kind of saw the storm beginning you start seeing the local news covering what was happening west of us local law enforcement reported a tornado 24 miles southwest of West Hattiesburg moving northeast at 45 miles per hour while my title now is news director I was running the weather department at that time we're getting reports of injuries doubt of Marion County 3 holds damaged load Mount Carmel Church Road once we got that damage report in Marion County we knew we were dealing with a bad situation I am a reporter and anchor at wda MTV I was at my parents house and I had my nieces with me because they like to come with me to go to mall mall in Paul Paul's house it was pretty dark at our house to be in the afternoon so my mom changed it to the Weather Channel here's Hattiesburg southeast Mississippi I remember my mom saying are you sure you should head out I just told them like I can make it I'll be fine so when I left I felt very confident that confidence went away quickly man look at that I just graduated from Bua soon with a bachelor's in geography we studied weather and climate which I really enjoyed that's what got me into it actually we have the day off some work the warning sirens had gone off several times and I was getting stir-crazy and that's what my cousin Hank called and and just wanted to get out of the house he and his girlfriend poorly came in picking up some went to an outfitter store it's a really strange atmosphere this guy was kind of getting darker in the beginning it's bright out and then by the end of it it's just it's all darkness still like the tornado on the ground in Marion County what you have is the one that we've been tracking south of Columbia a very serious scenario here with the storm moving in well there's four of us in the car we do this because we like to be a part of the warning system the assistant system storm is already 22 worn so we decided to drop south and try to find a break in the tree lines we finally found a area that was flat so we decided to set up and wait for the storm to approach in a really dark vacuum there so couldn't see the tornado yet because it was still shrouded in low cloud cover so it took a few minutes for to emerge to get the window service on the phone oh my gosh call it it's multi for text okay let's go when we saw the actual tornado on the ground Scott called National Weather Service and then I called 911 Jordi's but we have just visuals we have confirmation of a multi vortex large wedge tornado on the ground I personally didn't grow up here but Paul grew up here seems like you turned around and he bumps into somebody he knows sweet head and pull it off went to the best buy parking lot and then you could see this line of dark clouds and below it it was just clear let's go stop freaking it I felt like we needed to get out the way and I was concerned about my family in town when we saw the first transformer explode that's when I realized that that was a tornado you can see a debris cloud starting you could start seeing shingles flying in the air and I can't say that it was shingles or whatever it was but you can see objects just spinning around it on the highway I really didn't look in the rearview mirror to see how close it was I didn't want to see how close it was let's run and load the warning running Jim I don't want to run it just run it blow the Lord [Music] we had several officers that were able to give information to other officers so they could try to get out of the path if they were headed towards the path I said it was coming toward the interstate so I knew that I was in a bad position ice to bed and got as far ahead as many cars as I could at that point I turned my blue lights home and stopped the traffic there was one car that I couldn't get to [Music] there were ants everywhere everywhere thousands of them and the problem was too big for us but not for Orkin and Sara she's organized she's meticulous she's like a part of the family and she can do backflips on the trampoline [Music] did you make two identical purchases of a hundred and four dollars a cotton cloth Capital One nose life doesn't update you about your credit card so meet Ino the Capitol One assistant that catches things that might look wrong and helps you fix them another way Capital One is watching up for your money when you're not what's in your wallet this is nice yeah yeah this is nice mmm how did you make the dip so rich and creamy oh it's a photo family recipe can I see it no Philadelphia dips so good you'll take all the credit stop fearing your alarm clock with zzzquil peers 'is a drug-free blend of botanicals with melatonin that supports your natural sleep cycle so you can seize the morning Zeke will appear ZZZ if you hit rewind on the best paint jobs you'd see that they all start the same way with scotch painters tips Scotch brand has a full line of painters tapes to help conquer whatever surface you're painting the best paint jobs start with scotch how pure can pure be our 12 step process provides 100% pure quality water look for cute specs from Nestle Pure Life fun designs and a perfect size just for your kids this is MIA this is Mia's pulse with pressure rising and racing this is also Mia's pulse that her doctor keeps in check so she can find balance this is Mia's pulse and now it's more stable than ever this is what Medicare from Blue Cross Blue Shield does for Mia and with over 80 years of healthcare expertise imagine what we can do for you this is the benefit of blue within our worst natural disasters are unseen stories of survival new episodes of heroes and survivors define death Sunday nights at 9:00 here on the Weather Channel be still at that point I didn't know how big the tornado was I didn't know how wide it was I didn't know the path that was taking by part diagonally in the road and stopped the traffic probably one of the hardest things you'll ever do is sit there waiting and not knowing where the possible death is coming from I could see the bridge at the next intersection hardy Street the clouds got darker then all of a sudden I couldn't see it like the cloud it actually just dropped down in between overpass you could hear the wind blowing and they say it sounds like a freight train and it's a lot worse there was one car that I couldn't get to in time and uh I actually drove up not knowing if they were all safe I was terrified okay so storm chasers aren't reporting a tornado on the ground in northern Lamar County large wedge tornado being reported on the ground in north we had already had confirmation from a storm chaser he actually relayed that to the National Weather Service into the chat and they quickly related to us all right this is one of the worst-case scenarios that we can possibly have I've been here for about ten years and it's the first time we've really had what we would describe as a wedge tornado on track towards a major metropolitan area my voice cracks when I say that I knew the devastation of a wedge tornado we watched it happen in Joplin we watched it happen in Tuscaloosa and here it's happening to my city and stuff [Music] we were probably five miles outside of town still could not really get any visuals on the tornado as soon as we crossed the Hattiesburg city limit is when we saw the tornado coming in and our heart stopped so we could see one end of it and we couldn't see the other we were still one to line with National Weather Service and I don't if they would get the sirens turned on yeah we're sitting on yeah we're sitting right here there's no sirens going off it may be larger it may be large we've got out the car you know kind of started yelling for people that were around oh it's bad it's coming over it's coming tonight we got to get out of the way and tell the cars that are driving next to us have no idea what's going on being an old highway large bulky vortex for a quarter mile wide first thing I thought and there's gonna be a lot of injuries and this isn't good stop right here so we need a need to get out there and just start helping people as soon as we can Lawrence warning over the ground Noah decanters bird Ford Cassidy I started getting text messages and calls from my sister and she was like I don't know what you need to do she was like I don't know if you need to keep going or turn around so I got off the phone with her and I called my coworker Vanessa Pacheco at work and I just told her I need to speak to the weather chief I need to speak to Nick she told me that they couldn't speak to me right now but she would try to get the message to him so I kept driving luckily my niece's were not awake and I just remember thinking thank god they're asleep because I started to panic I started to cry it was so incredibly dark and it was just this eerie quiet that I've never heard before throughout the course of my career as a photographer I've probably covered seven or eight different tornados but as far as actually being close to one or it actually hitting that close to home this was the first I was working at the iceberg American I was a staff photographer so it took off to head in to Hattiesburg in the distance I was able to see the actual storm running parallel when it crossed highway 589 I knew that it was headed forward my parents and my grandparents neighborhood I was exceptionally worried about them I never strayed away from focusing to try to get into Hattiesburg but at the time I was still continuing to touch base with them on the phone just to see how they were okay we pulled out of the parking lot and I saw this giant destructive finger that was tearing things apart I was just really excited at first you know that I was looking at this tornado it's a nice gentleman that was in a white truck and he kind of ran defense for us as we pulled out in the intersection because some people realized there was a tornado and other people didn't we were able to pull left and I realized it was scaling down on us and it's coming our way our oldest is Rebecca we had dropped off Becca at church I was more worried about my parents that I really was of my daughter I know that sounds awful but seeing the way the storm was heading I knew that it wasn't going to go that way Paul called his parents and the phone lines were down at their house we went to try to go to Paul's parents house the way that the storm was coming it looked like it was gonna head straight on top of their house he goes Jack keep doing strength I got one somebody else had stopped there's a man his wife and three kids in a SUV and they'd been picked up flipped about three times in air in the air and landed in a ditch a lot of things going through my mind at the time I didn't know if anybody was killed seriously injured [Music] currently in our area 76 degrees under fair skies [Music] overnight some clouds a stray shower or thunderstorm is possible low 72 winds light and variable [Music] Wednesday scattered showers or thunderstorms high 86 chance of rain 60 percent [Music] Wednesday night partly cloudy with a slight chance of thunderstorms low 71 chance of rain 30% here's our seven-day outlook [Music] Doug look Limu civilian buying a new car let's go Lee moves right Liberty Mutual could save you money but customizing your car insurance so you only pay for what you need oh yeah I've been a customer for years huh only pay for what you need buy one take one is back starting at just $12.99 add Olive Garden join us for a new favorite today then bring one home for tomorrow on us buy one take one for a limited time only at Olive Garden with all-day comfort for all-day fun depend fit flex underwear features maximum absorbency ultra soft fabric and new beautiful designs for your best comfort and protection guaranteed life's better when you're in it be there with depend cold lager cold filtered and cold packaged for people refreshments the world's most refreshing beer pours life [Applause] let's be honest you need insurance but it's not really something you want to buy it's not sexy Oh for delicious but since you need both car and home insurance why not bundle them with esurance and save up to 10% what you can spend on things you really want to buy like well I don't know what you'd want to buy because I'm just a guy on their TV assurance it's surprisingly painless amazing is outside in Illinois it's getting lost in the woods and you're in a canoe it's a sunset so striking you don't even try to take a picture it's hearing the waterfall before you see it's a view closer than you think better than you thought amazing isn't just a place you take yourself it's where that place takes you find yours I'd enjoy Illinois calm Epis a 2 3 1 2 3 1 now for your complimentary bottle of new genex total T that's PEP 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 right there's the tornado right behind the daggone snow as a man his wife and three kids in a SUV somebody else that stopped the family was in the truck with them when I got out the driver and his wife got out of the car they came back tell me what happened and made sure they were all safe I put the kids in the wife and my patrol car they were scared and they were crying I live no the back of my patrol car at that phone's driving the safest place they could be we believe that because sergeant brilliant blocked the interstate with his patrol car to keep traffic from driving into it he was able to save some lives this is me crossing over eventually highway 49 we're talking about right near us Sam is where this tornado is headed towards we realized oh my god it's headed straight down hardy Street and you immediately start calling friends that lived on campus and the dorms or the fraternity houses and making sure that everybody is okay hearty she is you know the busiest street in Hattiesburg as your initial thought is how many people that could be on that road potentially a little bit the tornado was moving east we were letting it stay in front of us because it gives us options to get out of the way if we need to I was filming outside the window and I could literally hear the structures break and I'd never heard anything like it in my life it was like someone had just put a bunch of metal inside of a dryer and turned it on I got really nervous because I realized it was moving really fast traffic was just crazy people were running red lights I kept screaming it's right behind this thing goes scaring my cousin because he couldn't see it he was trying to weave through traffic the entire funnel dissipated from the ground up and for a moment there was all of this debris just hanging in the sky I was watching pieces of people's lives kind of rain down and I thought that at that point the 22 it died and took a right basically did everything you shouldn't do in a tornado we turned into the path of it it's right there tornado began to move slightly more to the north I had a feeling that eventually that tornado would meet up with the road that we were on it just hit something continue forward forward it was a red truck in front of me that had stopped and there was another vehicle on the side of me so I couldn't get around so I just grabbed the steering wheel with both hands brace myself all sheltered me on my right side you could hear debris hitting the car the car was swaying back and forth just crazy men and it a two-by-four through the back glass of the car we have two girls and if either one of them would have been in the backseat they would have both been severely hurt Becca would have had glass all in her in her head and uh Maya would have had a 2x4 in her head and so when I saw that I mean it was over for me because that's all I can think of it was how lucky were not to have the girls in the car so Paul took over driving and um all he could think about was his parents there's a stretch of trees and just kind of lost it behind that when we come out on the other side of those trees what was in the distance at first was right on top of us [Music] creating the perfect night just takes a little creativity the light beer you've been waiting for has arrived lower carbs lower calories higher expectations Corona premiere new shell v-power Nitro+ premium gasoline has four levels of Defense its go where corrosion and friction that helps keep your engine running like new it's [Music] i won I can't believe it that car brought his karaoke machine no I can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars in my car insurance with GEICO [Music] believe it Geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance so now dish has over 80,000 on-demand movies and shows 80,000 why I mean it would take you years to get through eighty thousand thing is it's not about eighty thousand it's about one that one movie you saw that one time on a first date with that one girl that's why dish tuned into you [Music] 12 grams of protein because good vibes rise kocchi go do more of what you love your brain is an amazing thing but as you get older it naturally begins to change causing a lack of sharpness or even trouble with recall thankfully the breakthrough in Prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory the secret is an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish in clinical trials Prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory Prevagen healthier brain better life not even our competitors best battery can match the power of energizer because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting double-a battery in the world energizer backed by science matched by no one today is Best Western with Rewards points that never expire you get free nights fast now get a $20.00 Best Western gift card after your first day look now at Best Western calm now's the time to find your color and everything to get started during red white and blue savings get a colorful new experience and get $10 off one gallon cans and $40 off three and five gallon buckets of paint stay for a limited time at the Home Depot for state [Music] we were hit with the leading edge of it it was shaking the car and you could see stuff flying around outside I mean it was just insane with Wow there was just a I never felt like I'm about to die I probably should have felt like that because we were that close to it but afterwards of course you know you you start to wonder like you know in all of that destruction was it's someone whose wife watch out for power lines oh my gosh when we got to the point to where the tornado had crossed in front of us we couldn't go anymore and at that point we knew we needed to go into search and rescue mode we almost ran into power lines that were right at head level that you just don't see cuz there's so much damage down there first there was this heavily damaged pickup truck in front of us and we thought someone who's gonna be in it look like the truck had flipped over and landed upright again and we saw a guy walking away he got blood on him and stuff we could see massive damage we could see big brick walls laying down you don't know if people are under them you're not sure where to go or where to stop so you just look for the area that looks like the most severely damaged and where people could have been and you go there anybody in there different with mrs. fun of the hill country house the whole front is in town photo with job we got major damage on the front [Music] and drop the other middle of campus I could see this huge funnel cloud that had just gone just to the south of the football stadium and I watched it then track on to the east and eventually into the neighborhoods we're people 11 not turned around my patrol unit and went back and started on the east side of campus they're taking some dorms [Music] there was residence halls in the vicinity we know there's still people here on campus and to know that somebody means somewhere and laying there dead was a real possibility that was what you were hoping not to see said right there the tornado on the camera yeah that's it and you just saw transformer explosion yeah we have power flashes there that is a large tornado on the ground we have several cameras scattered through the area and we had already told people this is a tornado that could be three-quarters of a mile wide but I don't think people actually believed it until they saw it with their own eyes this is not something to play around with you need to be taking your tornado precautions right we did actually lose power the generator did kick on that takes about 15 seconds so we did we just saw that flash right when we threw this on the screen there and that's what happens when you have a tornado hitting a train another surge came through and knocked us off that was an unfortunate time to be down because been tornado was moving towards the city of the pedal I kept driving and praying to God like please let me be making the right decision because I had those two girls with me I heard back from Nick and he just told me to stop wherever you are like get somewhere and so I ended up stopping by this grocery store and I went inside with the two girls and I was I was just shaking telling me to stop saved our lives I never went into detail about what happened that day especially not with Nick so I don't think he knows at all I think I ever told him [Music] [Music] we first came into our side recreational complex with our softball fields are for the city it lost a lot of color I guess you would say hit the Red Cross building in the baseball field in the girls camp building everybody okay I hope that gives anybody in here I hope there wasn't anyone my phone rang and it was my dad and he'd actually told me that it did cross over my grandparents house and their house my grandparents house received some pretty good damage along with my parents house also received some damage but no one in my family was injured I left my car at 34th and hardy got out started roaming around taking photos search-and-rescue efforts for different stuff like that and as well as the fire department you stopped and you kind of think you know is everybody okay or did anybody die to see it go through your town and put people's lives in danger that you know in your own hometown it's sort of a different feeling other than just a normal event that you cover I really wasn't prepared to see that amount of damage and take in that amount of people's emotions couldn't tell really where we were cuz we weren't familiar with Hattiesburg we thought that it would look like a hospital district or something there any injuries over here and as we came came through some of the damage we looked up and we could see the sign for the University of Southern Mississippi I was very nervous about what we might see if you hit rewind of the best paint jobs you'd see that they all start the same way scotch painters tips Scotch brand has a full line of painters tape to help conquer whatever surface you're painting the best paint jobs start with scotch [Music] this fourth of July celebrate in a new Chevrolet oh wow they're all really cool cars I can't stop staring at it spectacular deals are on display now at your local Chevy dealer time to upgrade get 20% below MSRP on all 2019 Silverado double cab pickups that's over 9750 on this silverado find new roads at your local Chevy dealer okay I'll admit I didn't keep my place as clean as I would like because I'm Way too busy it was got the time to chase around dirt less than hair so now I use heavy-duty Swiffer Sweeper and dusters for hard-to-reach places duster makes it easy to clean it captures dust in one swipe gotcha and sweeper heavy-duty cloth lock away twice as much dirt and dust to get stuck deep in the grooves other tools can miss you know what my place is a lot cleaner now stop cleaning sorry Swiffer you try hard you eat right mostly you make time when you can but sometimes life gets in your way and that stubborn fat just won't go away CoolSculpting takes you further a non-surgical treatment that targets freezes and eliminates treated fat cells for good discuss CoolSculpting with your doctor some common side effects include temporary numbness discomfort and swelling don't imagine result see them CoolSculpting take yourself further Net Domino's delivery is kind of our thing we even made a car for it so when you get Pizza stuff cheesy bread or any of the other mix-and-match items delivered for just $5.99 each you can trust we'll do our thing to get you your things because we know a thing or two about delivery at Domino's I switch to my relaxed for my constipation stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate the nerves in your colon miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally and it doesn't cause bloating cramping gas or sudden urgency meh relax look for the pink cap how pure can pure be our 12 step process provides 100% pure quality water look for kids Nestle Pure Life fun designs and a perfect size just for your kids [Music] Capital One knows life doesn't update you about your credit card so meet inna the capital one assistant that catches things that might look wrong and helps you fix them another way Capital One is watching out for your money when you're not what's in your wallet [Music] it's time to ready the place and get down to business because for these Arctic aviators never cake on three wicked weather santásticos winter in 22 years antique aircraft was flying in the scissors treacherous trips are just a part of the job the ice pilots are back on the Weather Channel new episodes Sunday nights at 8:00 destroyed I knew there was gonna be people that had died how many I didn't know we were hoping it would be low all the emergency responders were all ready to go it was very impressive how quickly they were out there the made my way checking for any victims that came across a young lady from the University Alabama she was sitting in her car terrified because she had just rode out the tornado she had a cat and a hedgehog with her and so I would grab the cat grab the Hedgehog and I went and took her inside of a girl's dorm and told them to take care of her give her an assistant that she needed one of the on-campus residence halls was hit by the storm she didn't completely collapse it but it blew out a lot of windows and knocked off good chunks of it luckily for us no deaths were reported from our campus but at the time we didn't know about the rest of the city of Hattiesburg I took over driving and I raced over to my mom and dad's house I knew my dad had a weather radio in the house dad takes his weather seriously they were safe they were okay I remember we were in my parents driveway after all this happened dad was helping me tape up the back glass and I remember seeing in the sky you could still see just an angry sky it looked like another storm was heading our way [Music] he said there's a gas leak and a fire oh look at that church man that's like everything that is where we crossed in front of it right there we went back onto hardy Street I mean immediately after it happened and it was just a swath of land that was just chewed up there was just destruction and people wandering around in it it was so dark and you couldn't see all the electricity was out I was just awestruck at thee the power of this thing at the wind you know this was just wind this is what we were out running look down there Hank look what happened this is what it was right behind us he kind of hit us all of a sudden like we've got animals at home like it of our homes been destroyed I first went to Angkor Lee's house it was fine my house it's fine but the drive home is where we started seeing a lot of destruction [Music] we started going through the neighborhoods on foot with the assistance of the fire department checking for anyone injured some houses there was nothing left but a slab and you know there was they were wonder if there the people were injured or anything like that officers going into houses that when they came out found out that they had natural gas lines going to him and they were leaking we had officers that were getting sick on the side of the road as soon as they got through being sick they were back in the houses looking again even with headlights it was so dark you couldn't see anything blackness is a whole complete different kind of blackness when the power's out pitch black and is pouring down rain there were power lines everywhere people lost everything there were people that were crying sitting on bricks and pieces left of their foundation people go in through china cabinets people standing on umbrellas and pouring down rain pulling out things that were left from their closet and no roofs on their home no walls standing you see people countless time and time again crying hugging one another telling the story of how they did survive it does take a toll on you now these numbers that you hear about here today but it's 200 homes or thirty-five hundred or four thousand houses without power you can imagine those numbers will go up they are going to go up the number we don't want to go up there for challenges that number is exceeding wanted to remain at zero we were really at that point we still didn't have one fatality and in this event but we were aware that there was a possibility I'm standing here in mr. Jerry Lewis's what used to be his garage as you can see there is debris everywhere the tornado came right through here mr. Lewis's family they were looking out the window and they were watching a woman hanging on to that pole right there she was holding on to that for her dear life now obviously he's a story after story after story about people in one room and for whatever reason moving to the next room when a tree falls in the room they move from one home in particular an elderly lady was still in the home she had some things stored in some big plastic crates she was in the living room when storm came through it lifted her home up enough basically moved at about 50 to 75 feet she hit the floor and those boxes came over between her and a corner of their house and that room was pretty much the only thing that was not destroyed on that home the tornado had hit Oak Grove High School I had no idea on a Sunday that there was anyone there but it turns out there was a team there at the time the team actually ran into the bathroom in the gymnasium unfortunately there was no one in their Fieldhouse you had a lot of damage there but I met the sweetest man and I remember him telling me his story his wife was bedridden at the time and he told me that he put a mattress over her and he got himself on top of the mattress he said the roof fell on him and by the time it was all over the entire house was gone but they didn't have a scratch on him we waited to find out if there were any fatalities and not knowing what the results going to be I've been on the end of waiting for a baby to be born and it's an anxious moment to make sure the baby is fine it's almost as that same kind of feeling and that that sadness if you find someone who had been who lost their life we did have damage in the county we asked for significant damage to homes and structures we do have power outages still we have about forty three forty eight hundred customers that are without we had already started our way back to Jackson we started getting ready reports on the radio that there's a bunch of injuries we thought for certain there were deaths from that tornado I thought for sure we know that sixty three individuals were transported to the two local hospitals and they were treated there [Music] Doug exactly Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need nice but what's up with your partner oh we just spend all day telling everyone how we customized car insurance because no two people are alike so we moon gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like yeah go figure it out only pay for what you need COPD makes it hard to breathe so to breathe better I started with Inara seal ad tries to say go this one I say I'll go my own way with an oar Oh [Music] once daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night an oral is not for asthma it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death and people with asthma the risk is unknown in COPD an oral won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day tell your doctor if you have a heart condition high blood pressure glaucoma prostate bladder or urinary problems these may worsen with anoro call your doctor if you have worsened breathing chest pain mouth or tongue swelling problems urinating vision changes or eye pain while taking an aura ask your doctor about once-daily anoro to start treating your COPD save at anoro calm if you have moderate to severe psoriasis little things can be a big deal that's why there's o Tesla o Tesla is not a cream it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently with o Tesla 75% clear skin is achievable don't use if you're allergic to Tesla it may cause severe diarrhea nausea or vomiting otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop some people taking otezla reported weight loss your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be ready to treat differently with a pill oh Tesla show more of you [Music] every now and then I'll get a little bit we also need a side I'm not sure [Music] make your summer jams been interesante for these Arctic aviators wicked weather this aniseh coldest winter in 22 years antique aircraft the scissors and trench the world of business is constantly evolving and reinventing itself gigabit plus fiber solutions from mediacom business is built to stay ahead of that curve our recent 1 billion dollar broadband network investment has fueled untethered speeds of up to 10 gigabit and beyond providing a gateway to innovative new applications and technologies harness the ability to attract more customers and truly grow so your business will be ready for what comes next gigabit plus fiber solutions from mediacom business amazing is outside in Illinois it's getting lost in the woods and you're in a canoe it's a sunset so striking you don't even try to take a picture it's hearing the waterfall before you see it's a view closer than you think better than you thought amazing isn't just a place you take yourself it's where that place takes you find yours I'd enjoy Illinois calm even beats her insurance price good for you Kate good for you good Rx stop paying too much for your prescriptions download the free app today the state of emergency still exists and so we would ask you to be careful on a number of loved we have flooding in low we know that sixty three individuals were transported to the two local hospitals and they were treated there with minor injuries start getting reports on the radio that there's just a bunch of injuries the governor said we've got more than 60 injuries that are reported no fatalities were thankful for that I've always said if we can get through these storms without any deaths and all we have to do is to clean up the mess it would be wonderful continue to pray for those who think about those that had injuries when we found out no one had died we were were shot we could not believe that what we watched and saw that there were no deaths the maximum width of the tornado was around three-quarters of a mile wide and the hath length that went through Lamar County in the Forrest County was right over 21 miles the wind speeds was about 160 miles per hour the National Weather Service determined from their survey that this was an ef-4 tornado if it were running on a path just a quarter of a mile half mile to the north it would have wiped out almost every business in the city of Hattiesburg if there's any silver lining it's the fact that remarkably there were no deaths when you just look at the statistics and you look at an ef-4 tornado hitting a populated area I don't know why we were spared if it had been a workday because of the path that the tornado took it was going down one of the busiest streets which is usually packed at five o'clock I had this happened on that day I believe that injuries that would have been sustained even the cost of life would have been dramatically increased to have no loss of life is nothing but truly a miracle we were really blessed in that a lot of our student population they left and gone to mardi gras the six o'clock church services had not occurred those kind of events actually helped us just very thankful that no one was seriously injured my explanation for that is the good Lord was watching out for the city Hattiesburg and all of its citizens [Music] we started a Facebook group I created the group about seven o'clock Sunday night by the end of the night we had several hundred followers and it can't took all from there by Wednesday morning the day of the clean up itself we met on campus with over a thousand volunteers to see that many people that passionate and that endowed to the University and it was just a tremendous moment for all of us I think it's been overwhelming almost at 20 years old I never thought this would anything like this would ever happen so it's just a statement of the community and family that we have here I'm really proud of it um came back and USM has come back stronger before the restoration process has been non-stop ever since there are new memories to be made my daughter she'll never know what campus was like before she won't have any idea but now I'm able to show her a new campus and a new progress and a new patch Bert [Music] the rebuilding process hasn't been easy for a lot of people but Hattiesburg is making and Hattiesburg is coming back people around here are tough they started rebuilding and picking up the pieces right away I'm proud of the people of Mississippi how they how they bounce back from disasters I think it helped some of the cities you know Hattiesburg and peddle especially with the downtown revitalization and the tornado touched some of those areas in town and as a result it has helped a lot of the community and it's helped a lot of the neighborhood's revitalize itself I don't think that the tornado will ever be a defining factor or defining item in the history of Hattiesburg so I think it'll be the spirit the resilience and the ability to overcome that our community showed following the storm that would be the defining piece in our history
Channel: Nicholas Mohr
Views: 305,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T3It_2B8Big
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 1sec (3661 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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