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[Music] hey everyone this is john here welcome back to the channel now recently i've been demonstrating how to model various objects in blender and while i will still be doing that going forward i wanted to start a new series where we look at various examples of less than ideal topology and discuss different ways it could be improved and these will be less about the tools and more about topologies so i'm using blender here but it shouldn't matter what 3d app you're using okay so let's look at this first example you can already see as i move around this there's some real problems some horrible lumps and bumps in this look at the wireframe it's going to turn off matcap and just come out of subdivision there's a lot of triangles in here and definitely some unnecessary topology so let's approach this in two different ways first of all we'll do our best to clean up what we have there are situations when you're modeling where you can't just go ahead and delete a whole bunch of stuff you just have to work with what you have and in the second example we'll remove the problem area and we'll rebuild it i'm only going to do one side i'm just going to grab the poly quilt add-on here in blender just to quickly merge some of these together some of these verts i'm just going to clean this up removing things that are unnecessary necessary edges that one and that one and obviously i can't run edges along this way because that's going to mess up the curvature but it's fairly flexible this direction that one and that one and i'll just select these and just merge those together just in the middle okay it is sticking up a little bit there but just going to ignore that for now so i could run loops all the way around a little bit complicated given there's a whole bunch of ngons in here so i'm just going to run edges just down like this i'm not going to take it all the way through but this will give you an idea about how you'd approach this okay so we've got all quads grab this one and this one bring that down just loosen this up a little bit evening out the tension that one down and down a bit okay so let's go into subdivision again and you can see the difference look at that so by removing those triangles just running those loops straight down keeping it as quads we've actually fixed the problem i'm not going to do this side what about the top here now rather than cutting things here i'm just going to go into face mode or polygon mode depending on the software you use just select that just do a little inner extrude there and delete those faces and in blender here i'm just going to use grid film just fill that up so that just adds all quads add another loop in here might be good just to actually just take a cut through there cut through there and just get rid of these ones a little bit tight like that so we're still all quads and that's a lot better and scale this up making sure i'm scaling from the median point there you go much better obviously that side's still a problem let's take a look at it with something a little more shiny and that's more than acceptable so that's a way of keeping the existing geometry and then just using better topology let's now take a look at a situation where you can just delete the problem and rebuild so just selecting all of the polygons that are making up that problem area and just deleting those i'm also going to just get rid of these extra loops i put in all right so that's now a nice clean base so i'm going to use in blender here machine tools smart face just by pressing the 4 key this makes it a little more automated quickly just hit four and rebuild that all right so we're back to nice clean original geometry we're not perfectly straight there okay so next what i want to do is just slide a few verts out make some space for the circle i'm going to put in do that by insetting probably just want to quickly just get that one out there and that one out there inset now here in blender i'm going to use loop tools circle it's a little large so what i'll choose the method is fit inside and also notice how that's flattened that out i'm going to uncheck flat like that okay so now i need to extrude this so e and i'm just going to move that up on the normal about there ester scale z and zero to flatten that out i want to add some loop cuts in here i'm going to add one and i'm going to scale that you can see it's not straight i'm just going to scale that on the y to zero like that now ctrl b to bevel and just bevel that out extrude along normals it's good select that one and come down to select loops and select boundary loop scale that in scale that out i could bevel that if i wanted to add a few more loops but i'm going to leave it as is for now just select that again and this one this one this one and this one and that one quick bevel just add an edge there come down and just loosen this up maybe here as well so i might just add a little bevel there select that loop and use set flow it's a plug-in you can download for free there we go that's good all right so let's take a look at this so all those problem areas have gone and everything's looking really nice so two possible solutions one was to use the existing geometry and just clean it up i prefer this option though there's less geometry and less geometry often means less issues okay so hopefully that's been helpful if you have an example you'd like me to take a look at please join us on the 3d modeling discord you'll see a link in the description and use the ask for help modeling channel and hopefully i'll be able to use your example in one of these sessions for now have fun modeling and i'll see you again soon you
Channel: John Dickinson
Views: 88,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, hardsurface, subd, sub-division, sub-d modeling, sub-d, b3d, blender3d, hard surface modeling, poly modeling, polygon modeling
Id: B8dfa6awEXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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