Top Ten WORST NetNavis in Mega Man Battle Network

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help give kids an extra Life by donating today to help sick and injured children Link in the description and pinned comment below if you want to protect your computer from malware it's important to have the right equipment for the job [Music] okay [Music] time to return to the mega Multiverse because with the release of the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection on the horizon I figured it was time to tackle a long long overdue topic several years ago I did a collab on the best net nabbies in the Mega Man Battle Network series so now I believe it's only fair to talk about the worst whether it's for their design scenario or battle whether they're disappointingly easy or painfully annoying these are the Navies that make me dread where the age of AI is going now remember I'm basing my picks on the games themselves and not other media such as the manga or the anime and since a new generation of Gamers is probably being introduced to these games for the first time I think it's fair to put up a spoiler warning You're Gonna Want to run a fresh malware scan after this because we're about to put out an all officials bulletin on Cyber world's least wanted legs go man it's game time [Music] Battle Network 6 was the big climax of the series and they wanted to go out with a bang in some areas yeah they succeeded the cross system felt like a natural extension of double soul and the Navies that were a part of the Cross system were pretty cool with some nice side quests not to mention that the side beasts felt like a legitimate threat on the other hand Lance new classmates were poor substitutes for the old crew and the world 3 agents were with only a couple of exceptions mostly lackluster I could have gone with any of these clowns but I decided on the one that was the entire circus now I know the reputation that clowns have nowadays but circus man feels like an Evie that tries to have his cake and eat it too only to have a pie of mediocrity land Square in his dumb face it's the Navia of yuika who is responsible for stealing energy from Nat navies to awaken the side beasts to begin with only to let one get away after being cornered he later shows up to try to stop your version's link Navi from getting the cleansing water to Mega Man only to send viruses after you instead of facing you himself and when you actually do face him as Mega Man he turns out to be a little more than a slapstick act for your brand spanking new Beast out Powers weak and even his stronger versions aren't that special he just attempts his admittedly thematically appropriate attacks more times in a row and even for a clown this guy just looks land there are a lot more interesting clown characters even within Mega Man itself it's like he tries too hard to be serious while still looking in character but ends up committing the grave sin of being unmemorable and when you're basing your whole personality on being a clown forgettability is the worst mistake to make either be Heath Ledger or Mark Hamill you can't beat both [Music] speaking of navies that play themselves up as being classic counterparts without actually being classic counterparts let's talk about the post game of Battle Network 2. specifically the world 3 area in the depths of the internet where the organization retreated to lick their wounds after the first game you'll need to prove your medal to even access this hidden area let alone get very far inside lurks a maze filled with gateways that require you to collect every prior ship and face the strongest viruses in the game and waiting at the end is astronaut oh crap I'm sorry Planet man geez if you're gonna go go all in why don't ya design is indicative of a bigger problem with this NetApp much like circus man before him he's just forgettable the fact that he's a post game Boss with so little relevance in the greater scope of things really hurts him his cool deal was that he set up this whole test hoping to recruit more members for world three okay first off did he really think Mega Man was gonna join we're talking about the navi that blew the life virus to the recycle bin twice and second you're talking to a grade school student as for Planet man's fight he's just [Music] that they were trying way too hard to make him look like a counterpart of Astro Man without actually calling him Astro man right down to the planet towards that circle around him oh by the way those planets have elements and most of the attacks come from them and they can also be destroyed but he'll just summon more not to mention he also summons tiny spacecraft to shoot at you yeah this fight is annoying the only attack he does himself is unleashing meteors to smash into your panels that he does after he reaches half Health also if he spawns planets once he's below quarter Health he can spawn a Green Planet which heals him and this is especially bothers someone you consider that his D3 battle has the most HP in the game even more than bass himself so when you combine a forgettable Nabi with an annoying fight it makes you wonder why this guy was the interim leader of World 3 to begin with I'm sure Wiley didn't miss this failure at all also before we move on quick shout out to Jewel Maiden music who did the remix you're hearing now be sure to check out her other remixes on YouTube Spotify or apple music great stuff there anyways we're moving on let's go [Music] sticking with Battle Network 2 let's talk about the penultimate chapter of the game as the gospel net Mafia makes its big move and it's a move of biblical proportions earthquakes floods heat waves it's a man-made climate disaster or as it turns out Navi made the world's environmental systems have been frozen over and it's caused complete chaos so after making contact with an informant in the underneath and obtaining the means to shatter the ice that's been covering the cyber world we locate The Mastermind behind this catastrophe and it's tonight's forecast a freeze is coming This is freezeman Gospel supposed Supreme Commander he orchestrated this full civilization destruction plan for no other reason than to cover for the real leader while he was putting the finishing touches on his fake face and already you can see the down bridge in the classic counterpart it's like taking Mr Freeze from the animated series and replacing him with the version from Batman and Robin minus the ice puns I guess then I should be glad that this Navi has no personality to speak of all we get from him is that he's cold and ruthless as for the fight he's a self-sabotaging coward he starts by encasing himself in ice and won't take damage until you shatter it after which he'll trigger a permanent wind effect to blow you backwards his other attacks are also hella basic icicles and ice towers that's it come on get creative here not to mention the most annoying aspect of this fight is also his downfall it's the ice stage while it does make movement annoying and also doubles his existing weakness to Electric attacks and you should have plenty by now not to mention he's just [Music] that he's making himself an easy target for your attacks which let me remind you electric attacks are four times as effective due to the ice stage in his own Aqua element for being a supreme commander you'd think freezeman would have more strategy up his sleeves but no it looks like both Commander navies in this game are rather incompetent and in the end it turns out that Cool Hand Luke over here was the linchpin keeping all that ice intact on the net as it all crumbles like glass once he's defeated if only solving all our problems was as easy as putting the head honcho on ice and that makes twice already that I've compared to knit Navi with a Batman villain because she's not doing that [Music] Battle Network 5 was definitely an improvement over the previous game the whole idea of being able to use other net nabbies in battle was one of the best things about it and the Navies who are a part of the resistance against nebula were fun to use in both versions of the game of course that came with a caveat almost all the time using said Navy's was used in The Liberation missions now I actually like these missions it added some strategy to your virus busting kind of like Fire Emblem light what I didn't like for the most part were the dark Lloyds you had to take down with the exception of the reborn shade man nebula's forces were Bland at best and annoying at worst and arguably the biggest offender was Cloud man this is the dark Lloyd responsible for occupying scilab and covering the net with clouds to block the way when you actually confront him however he'll fry your nerves the only really cool thing about him is his design it looks like a step up from his classic counterparts Derpy design everything else however just doesn't do do the job for one thing like most of the dark Lloyds he's got little to no personality he's just doing his job and nothing else and the battle with him is a pain in the Nimbo Stratus he protects himself with many clouds that go down with the shot but regenerate constantly not to mention they fire electrical bolts at you alongside that he'll summon more clouds that shock the adjacent panels meaning you're gonna have to be moving constantly and his big attack adds him summon a giant Thundercloud that chases you while you're trying to track down the cloud that he's hiding in before you get electrocuted so unless you have a bunch of multi-shot chips or wood element attacks you're likely to need multiple natties to take this guy down and all those clouds of course they get worse in later versions of the fight in fact to be perfectly honest this is just a worse version of Thunderman from two and four yeah real shocker there and as one last middle finger his last Act of dickery is the game changer of capturing Mega Man so that Regal's goons can corrupt him into Dark Mega Man so not only is under a man a bland and annoying fight he's also a total dick as if it wasn't clear enough that Regal didn't even bother putting the mask back on after it slipped the end of four foreign [Music] point of this list and we're already back to where we started First Battle Network game may have been the launching point for this branch of the timeline but I would be lying if I said that there weren't quite a few rough edges mainly in the effect of the battle system hadn't been fully fleshed out yet subchips and styles weren't a thing yet oh and the fact that you needed a battleship just to run away from battles but at least World 3 proved itself to be a threatening presence throughout most of the game you see while we got some entertaining characters from the human antagonists in their own navies the Navies without operators are well they exist Stoneman is as Bland as his Classic series counterpart but at least the original Stone Man actually you know moves this Navi counterpart is just around to block the metro line as part of world 3's Planet caused Chaos on the net not to mention his design makes him look like a mini boss more than a real Nabi way too big and clunky and he easily he has the least amount of personality of any of the Navy's in the main story his only interesting attribute is his animal crossing-esque speech pattern of saying other than that there's nothing about him that really stands out not to mention his boss fight is a total joke he has only two easily avoidable attacks the first being slamming is comically oversized fists into the ground and making Boulders drop from the skies which you can easily tell by the Shadows on the ground the only other attack he has is firing a giant laser from his hands which again is insultingly telegraphed oh yeah he can also summon the occasional Rock keeps getting your way but the worst part is again that he's just [Music] [Applause] that this guy is just a battle Network equivalent of Snorlax fortunately unlike Snorlax you can't just poke a flute this problem away we have to do things the hard way and the later versions of the fight don't change anything up yeah I know how much chaos blocking the subway can cause assuming that electopia doesn't miss cars as default but I just can't take an enemy seriously when the extent of their strategy amounts to I threw a rock at him and when you look at the rest of world three snabbies fireman elec man color man hell even bomb man and magic man and then you see this Minecraft reject you can definitely tell something isn't quite right here you realize that a tank is supposed to do more than just soak up damage right they actually gotta do something worthwhile [Music] I've said it before and I'll say it again Battle Network 3 is my favorite in this line with the addition of the navi customizer the improved Styles the Sleek interface and Stellar soundtrack not to mention the story was easy enough to follow while not being insulting however the game's quality makes it all the more jarring when something takes you out of the experience and Into the Fire speaking of which hello again Mr match oh here to help us out this time yeah sure we can totally trust him oh wait he tricked us into causing fires on the net oh there's a big surprise so now we gotta get even well considering that fireman is Iconic and heat man gave us a good fight in Battle Network too we're expecting a good battle here too right well sorry to douse your flame but don't worry flame man will raise your temperature through the roof from being such a goddamn pain first of all oh my God this design ranks up there with stone man with being one of the worst downgrades in the series compared to his classic counterpart Classic series Middle East inspired oil-powered Hut had fresh out of agribach here though he just looks like some uninspired fire Golem certainly doesn't set me a blaze but his fight certainly gets me heated from sheer annoyance on his own he has one single attack a basic [ __ ] fire breath attack that would make Bowser blush from embarrassment he is completely dependent on the two candles in the back row they are what make this fight so annoying they have three different color flames and each one is a different shade of frustration if they glow yellow hello Flames will circle around the center Square leaving only the middle as a safe zone until flame face decides to chug the habanero sauce down your row if they glow green then they create a barrier which renders him too hot to touch until they're both put out and if they glow red flame man will heal himself yeah sure you can put them out but the flame will regenerate and if they're different colors he gets both effects so you could be dealing with a situation where he's both invincible and regenerating health or you could be having to dodge the surpling Flames while trying to get all the candles out so you can actually damage him and those Flames regenerate even faster at higher levels so you'd better have plenty of Aqua chips for the fight or I hope you've got plenty of fire Insurance oh and by the way the official complete works art book reveals that earlier designs of Playman looked a lot closer to his classic design we could have had something that was much cooler but instead Blue Cow name has occurred my boy [Music] hey want to know another thing that was proof of the first battle Network's first game syndrome yeah the post game unlike the other games where there's at least some story going on the post game the first battle Network just has a few optional battles they require a certain level to even fight them they have no story attached to them and they appear right the hell out of nowhere without any context whatsoever and wouldn't you know it one of them bastardized is one of my favorite Robot Masters from the classic series because one list of evils would be complete without the influence of the greatest evil depicted in reality or fiction which threatens all we've ever loved ancient Egypt [Music] what is this Capcom no seriously what in the name of Slifer is this you take the robot Master with the stones to punch Mega Man in the face and reduce him to a coffin hell to even be able to fight Pharaoh man in Battle Network one you have to have enough power ups and HP memories to reach level 70 and then he shows up in a nondescript dead end how appropriate and you thought a great boss battle would be inside this coffin but it was I Dio sub pointed yeah this fight is as much of a letdown as his design his main method of battle is just floating around and dropping coffins that do all the work it could be a giant ancient Egyptian laser beam of death and destruction walls it could be a Raton ship attack or it could just I threw a rock at him once in a while he can also lay down a trap and it could release a snake that will track you down like scalpers track down every new console upon release day a statue that's more toxic than every Twitter fandom put together or the classic Arrow switch no guts to attack you himself and no super cool Fireball oh but wait he returns in Battle Network 2's post game and he actually has dialogue this time and his fight is almost identical except he's always protected by floating coffins and the arrow trap is replaced by a meteor trap lovely oh but wait he appears again in network transmission and the plight is actually Canon and he just keeps floating around to summon more sarcophagi that release more rats lasers and poison just how how do you make one of the most badass Robot Masters in the classic series both lazy and annoying and I know this has no bearing on the list but why did they make him the big threat in season one of the anime and give the life virus a one-off in season two with no build up whatsoever that's the exact opposite of how the games handled it when you make a random Navi more of a threat than the proper weapon of the evil organization themselves you can tell there's something rotten in the state of electopia [Music] Mega Man Network transmission well this was certainly a game that existed it wasn't the only side-scrolling spin-off from the Battle Network series but since the Wonder Swan was never released in America I had to make do with this and a recent playthrough of the game on stream reminded me how awkward this game is it seems arika tried too hard to translate the style of the Battle Network series to a side scroller as a result you are essentially forced to use chips in the early going since your Buster started off weaker than Twitter's spaghetti code and the boss battles were a mix of overly strict timing of Dodge attacks ridiculously short widows to attack yourself or in some cases both arguably the worst of the bunch was Brightman having run amok after getting hijacked by the fake zero virus vaccine he has been causing chaos in The Shopping Center's Network and now we have to track him down and take care of business okay first off this guy just looks ridiculous instead of having a light bulb on his head we have a dingus with electrical plugs for hair but again it's the fight that shorts my circuits because it cost me nothing but frustration his main attacks from range are a laser that can change direction once to home in on your location and an electrical ball that will slowly home in on you you'll have to be extremely careful when jumping or sliding to dodge the laser otherwise it will turn right towards you and hit you mid-action as for the spark ball he'll likely fire another attack while you're trying to dodge and if you get in close well he's got that covered as well thanks to his plug hair the lariat he does with his hair is enough of a problem with being in close but that's not the worst of it it's the fact that his other close range attack drains your health Art Van players supposed to be afraid of bright light cyber world's got everything backwards I swear but what really makes this fight annoying is his Tesla forsaken barrier they'll throw it up when he's attacked and counter with one of his own attacks leaving you with very little time to counter his counter in other words doing damage to the guy will very likely put you in danger which giving Network Transmissions gameplay is a place you never want to be in hopefully you've gone to needle man stage beforehand and stockpiled a crap ton of wood element chips because in all honesty you'll want to end this fight fast because the longer it drags out the more likely you'll end up with a power outage whether it be from you dying or the sheer annoyance from having so little opportunity to attack and considering that you typically have to wait a whole minute to open the custom screen again you'd better have sub chips a stacked folder or a good amount of luck if you want to end this in any reasonable amount of time and in a game where Navy's like swordman and Gravity Man have really annoying fights as well this one really stands out for its propensity towards ticking me off honestly the rare chip higsby is offering me better be damn well worth it thanks higsby foreign [Music] so far and this is the only time that I've brought up the black sheep of the franchise I am of course referring to Battle Network 4. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it Forward neutral down down forward two also this game is indeed the weakest in the main Series yeah it introduced double Soul which is a cool idea but the dark ships were not worth a try out for a story element the plot was disjointed the initial localization was ripe with errors oh in order to get everything you had to play through the game three times as for the boss lineup all but a few of them were in the tournaments and while several returning navies had strong performances including the only battle in the main series with roll the same can't be said for most of the newcomers apart from search man and maybe win man they really didn't do all that much to stand out at least in a positive sense there is however one big burning negative standout well I guess I shouldn't be freaking surprised just like burner man was a massive fire up my ass his Battle Network counterpart Burns me up just as much literally the only thing that stands out about this Navi is that his design is faithful to the original counterparts with the propane and the propane accessories and all that but everything else about this flamer is a clean burning hell I'll tell you what this is the navi of otsuki a competitor in the eagle slash tournament to decide electopia's Champion when the navi appears on the bracket next to land however Our Hero's thoughts turned to our long time hot-headed Nemesis Mr match except matches ears must have been burning because he immediately comes Waltzing in because he wanted to see the upstart whose burner man's actual operator and they immediately get into a fight which ends up setting the net on fire and when land catches up with them and tries to break up the fight the only thing that gets them to stop is emotional damage hey land does have a good point you know anyways what really gets me is again his battle he's only got two attacks on his own a bob standard flamethrower and a charging attack with a flame jet on his head on their own those attacks are easy to dodge they are not the issue what really Burns me up are the flame Jets on the top and bottom of the stage they move across the roads continuously and when they line up with you they ignite and burn the column so unless you've got a breaking chip to get rid of the damn things you're constantly dodging both the flame Jets and burner man's attacks at the same time and it's infuriating not to mention otsuki is a sore loser the only thing that would have made this Navi worse is if the game had voice acting very thought of the kind of voice this guy would have gives me flashbacks of bad memories that I will not subject into I'm a Rancher not a monster I have standards but if you know you know and before we move on to number one here are a few dishonorable mentions Sparkman from Battle Network 4 drill man from Battle Network 3 sword man from Network transmission dive man from Battle Network 6 and cold man from Battle Network 4. and now let's hear what the arcade nation has to say with this month's Patron picks Starman may just look like a cute little alien of a navi this little imp spreads around a virus in the form of a fake vaccine and causes nothing but trouble in a game that's already a massive pain in the ass to play with some stiff controls it's no wonder he's a dark boy in the anime [Music] generally the bad neck covered fall into ones that are absolutely pathetic and would get laughed out of the Discord servers and ones who are irritatingly annoying and would absolutely be at home on 4chan but somehow some way there's a navi in existence that manages to be both at the same time it's like the essence of the incels you find whining on Twitter about problems they made up was transformed into a navi which means there was an obvious pick for the top spot on this list and I'm far from alone here a lot of people hate this Navi and for freaking good reason and it says a lot about Battle Network 3 that even having the worst net Navi of the lot isn't enough to damage its overall quality so let's get this over with and burst this bubble Bubble Man freaking bubble man this piece of junk did it was a lock for number one from the very beginning everything that can go wrong with the navi bubble man has it up the Wazoo it's one of the world three navies that doesn't have an operator and even the rest of World 3 knows he's pathetic I mean look at him he looks like a bratty kid who starred for attention even compared to his Classic series counterpart he looks like a whim speaking of being starred for attention his big plan is to use bugged washing machines to create explosive bubbles hoping that Wiley will reward him for it and when you find him he turns out to be a massive coward he leads you on a chase all across the net only to hide on a narrow bridge so you have to go to cylap to get a compression program except the program needs to be converted to a navi customizer program by the conveniently present Cossack then you have to go all the way back across the net again only for bubbling to hide behind a barrier and giving the means to pop that barrier to his minions who go back to various places around the net to hide from you so you have to track them down get the needle then come all the way back to where bubble man is just to fight him and what is your big reward for all that running around the most annoying Navi battle in the whole series he continues his cowardly waves with a rock to hide behind and throws crabs at you the source of this battle's irritation is the hole in the center of bone man's side of the stage which constantly spawns bubbles to get in your way and as soon as you pop one another will spawn without fail and some of them include indestructible fish that charge you or contain mines that will explode when they get close and once his health gets low he starts firing harpoons while wrapping himself in a protective bubble wrap that regenerates constantly and while it's annoying in his first battle in later versions it gets infinitely worse as the bubbles spawn even faster so you'd better hope you've got an ice stage and a footload of electric chips otherwise you'll be tearing your hair out oh in case you're wondering the scenario doesn't even have a satisfying end basically land gets hit with the idiot stick and protoman has to step in and save the day God freaking damn it oh and on a side note he's just as pathetic in the anime being relegated to Comedy relief he does not belong with the dark Lloyd's let alone shade man's right hand Navi but he's somehow sticks around from access to Beast plus why I hate this punch he's a coward he's annoying he's irritating to fight and he contributes nothing to the plot I hate him I hate him so to make a long story short bubble man sucks and I hate him for it and it really sucks that he has to be a part of my favorite game in the series oh I didn't really have to know that drill man is his cousin at least drill man had more bearing on the story than Bubble Man believe me I wish I could wash my hands of him I'm the quarter guy and until next time the arcade is closed [Music] next month prepare to have your space invaded hey everyone QT here if you enjoyed the video please like subscribe leave a comment and share the video around feel free to check out my Twitter and my twitch streams and consider supporting me through patreon and donating to my extra life campaign to support children's Wisconsin thanks for watching [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: The Quarter Guy
Views: 40,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Quarter Guy, Quarter Guy, Quarter, Guy, Video Games, Gaming, Mega Man Battle Network, Countdown, NetNavis, Capcom, Legacy Collection
Id: MKacuzY2jTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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