Top Ten Weapons in Middle-earth | Tolkien Top Tens

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i do not love the bright sword for its sharpness nor the arrow for its swiftness nor the warrior for his glory i love only that which they defend maya gavin and melanine and welcome to tolkien untangled's list of top 10 weapons in middle earth and despite those lines that i just quoted i do in fact love swords and daggers and axes and so today i'll talk about 10 of my favorite blades and arms in all of tolkien's writings number 10. the black axe of gothmog so this axe belongs to the lord of all balrogs and the high captain of the dark lord morgoth's armies in the first age and this isn't a weapon that we know very much about in terms of like its origins or its forging but what we do know is that gothmog's black axe is a straight up hero killer presumably it is with this act that gothmog slays feyenoor after the nui nigeliath the battle beneath the stars and in a much later battle gothmog uses this axe again to slay another high king of the noldor by cleaving open his head so that a white flame sprang up from the helm which means out of all the high kings of the naldor who have ruled in middle earth after their exile two-fifths of them were slain by gothmog and another was captured and imprisoned by him and we can safely assume that gothmog wields his black axe again in the battle of gondolin where we are told that he kills the fan favorite elephant hero ekthelion of the fountain although ekfelion also slays gothmog and the two of them died together in the very fountain for which ekfelian takes his epithet and i guess after this gothimog's black axe disappears from the annals of history presumably it remained in the ruins of gondolin until the drowning of balariand and then it was probably lost although there is an interesting avenue for speculation here because aside from gothmog's axe the only other balarog weapons that are ever mentioned by tolkien are their fiery whips for which they are known and the flaming sword of durham's bane and we get next to nothing on this sword either except that tolkien writes from out of the shadow a red sword leaped flaming and considering that balrogs seem to be made up of shadow and flame i think it's possible that the red sword of durham's bane may actually be an extension of his own body as opposed to a weapon that was forged and then wielded by him like i'm not sure anyone could just pick up the red sword of during spain and then wield it as their own weapon and so i guess the same may be true of gothmog's black axe instead of being a weapon of metal perhaps it is a weapon of shadow and flame perhaps gothmog's axe is simply an extension of himself sort of like his whip number nine irogloss the spear of gili galad so aya gloss is the weapon of the noldor's last high king and it was with this spear that gilly galad fought alongside ellen deal in their epic two-on-one battle against sauron during the final battle of the war of the last alliance and although both giligalad and elendil were slain in this fight we know that together they pretty much took sauron with them unlike in the movie sauron was more or less already vanquished by the time that isildu took up his father's broken sword and cut the ring from his finger it was more of an execution than just a lucky swipe and we get a few more clues about the nature of ire gloss by looking at its name so what aya gloss means according to the silimarillion index is snow point and according to the lord of the rings index icicle but gilgalad spear is not the only thing in middle earth with this name aya gloss is also the name of a tall thorny plant with sweet smelling white flowers and so it's a pretty cool juxtaposition that this badass elvish weapon which wounded sauron is also named for a type of flower and of course because aya gloss is a weapon forged by the high elves we can be pretty confident that its tip would have glowed blue in the presence of orcs no doubt this added to its icy reputation and i think there's quite an interesting comparison to be made between the snow point spear of gila galad and the icy blade of gilly galad's grandfather fina golfing so in the silmarillion we are told that during fiend golfing's duel with the dark lord of the first age he wielded a sword called renegal which comes from the quenia word rini gay meaning cold and were even told that fini golfing's sword glittered like ice when he wielded it but there's more to this than just the icy aesthetic of two glowing elvish weapons fiend golfing died in his battle with morgoth but before succumbing he used ringgill to inflict crippling injuries upon the dark lord and if we fast forward over three and a half thousand years we find fena golovin's grandson gilligan doing almost the exact same thing gil galad also died in his battle with the dark lord but he too inflicted crippling wounds upon sauron with his icy spear eyegloss and just like ringgill irglos is never mentioned again after its wielder is killed perhaps both blades remain for a while on the scorched ground of a dark lord's realm glowing blue as a symbol of hope for all the free peoples who saw them number eight grond the hammer of the underworld so speaking of phoenix golfing and morgoth it is only fitting that i include the legendary weapon of the first dark lord on this list the mighty mace of morgoth's grond now once again we know absolutely nothing about where grond came from or how it was forged but it isn't even mentioned until the battle of sudden flame and the only time we see morgoth wielding a weapon before this is his black spear with which he smote both trees of valinor to their core and alongside ungoliant destroyed the light of the west so i would guess that grond was forged some time after morgoth returned to balerion perhaps during his first war with the native dark elves or perhaps it's way older than that and he may have used it in the war for the sake of the elves but then left it in autumn when he was captured and chained up by the valar either way guan's big moment comes at the same time in the story as renegal's big moment morgoth wields the hammer of the underworld in his duel with high king fiend golfing and when he swings ground down it strikes the ground like a bolt of thunder and that's not even it every time morgoth misses his mark grand rends open a mighty pit in the earth from which darts smoke and fire and so in terms of like raw damage grond has got to be one of the most powerful weapons that tolkien ever named and although gronde is never mentioned again after the duel with finn golfing as morgoth never goes out into battle again after that embarrassment as i'm sure all of you know grond does remain a crucial part of middle earth's history and during the third age the servants of sauron give this name for the hammer of the underworld to their great battering ram that eventually broke down the gates of minas tirith and grond is a very appropriate name for this battering ram tolkien tells us that this third age grond was a hundred feet in length and imbued with spells of ruin placed upon it by the witch king its wolf-shaped head is made of black steel and the battering ram can only be wielded by mountain trolls so i think it's very cool that over 6 000 years after the hammer of the underworld was lost and morgoth was overthrown its legacy is still known and it's still being felt by the enemies of the second dark lord number seven the black arrow so this is one of those things where what tolkien described in the books is incredibly different from what peter jackson gave us in the films and in the battle of the five armies movie the black arrow is not only massive and designed to be fired from some kind of giant crossbow ballista type thing but there's also appears to be quite a few of them in the books there is only one black arrow and it's fired from a regular bow but it is a very cool weapon in its own right we are told that the arrow is an heirloom of the old lords of dale and it was passed down through the generations to the descendants of girion the last lord of dale and a direct ancestor of bard the bowman according to bard the arrow was originally created in the forges of erebor and given to the lords of dale as a gift and it seems that the arrow has some kind of vague magical properties because typically obviously arrows don't tend to last in the same way as like swords and axes do once an arrow is shot it's gone but that's not the case with the black arrow we are told that whenever bard loosed it he was always able to recover it undamaged and so it is when smaug brings a torrent of fire down upon lake town that this black arrow finally proves its worth bard fires a number of arrows at the dragon but none can pierce him until bard is left with just one arrow in his quiver the black arrow and when he pulls this arrow back bard says arrow black arrow i have saved you to the last you have never failed me and always i have recovered you i had you from my father and he from old if ever you came from the forges of the true king under the mountain go now and speed well and when bard shoots the arrow it pierces the bare patch in smaug's armor enters his underbelly and strikes him in the heart but there is a little bit more to smaug's death than just the black arrow and just like the arrow this is a significant part of dale's culture and history because tolkien tells us that the men of dale were able to understand the language of the local thrushes and the thrushes of dale are a little different from like regular real world thrushes as thorin describes them as ancient long-lived and magical and it was a particularly large thrush who lived on the slopes of the lowly mountain that heard bilbo's conversation with smaug and apparently he understood everything that was being said on the night that smaug attacked laketown this thrush came to bard and spoke to him in some sort of bird language and he warned bard about smaug's weak spot on his underbelly and so that is how bard knew where to aim his arrow and although dale is a place that we don't get a huge amount of information on in comparison to like other manish kingdoms such as numenor or gondor or even rohan i do find it very very cool that the last named dragon in middle earth smaug the golden smaug the terrible was finally slain by a descendant of the lords of dale with information provided by a magical thrush of dale and a legendary weapon of dale number six the morgul knife so as i'm sure many of you guys probably know what morgul means is dark sorcery and this sorcery is obviously pretty crucial in what makes the witch kings morgular blade so deadly we don't know if more ghouler knives are carried by all nine las ghoul or if only the lord of the nazcool gets one but it is of course with a mogul blade that frodo is stabbed below weathertop and the poison of that blade ends up doing much longer lasting damage than the blade itself after frodo is stabbed we are told that a fragment of the blade remains in his shoulder and it slowly works its way towards his heart sending him deeper and deeper into the wraith world and it's not stated whether the fragment moving towards his heart is just kind of bad luck or some malevolent will of the blades but there is some evidence to suggest it is the latter obviously elrond heals frodo to an extent and he removes the poisoned fragment but the wound never fully heals and frodo feels particularly sharp pain every year on the anniversary of the day he was stabbed assuming this isn't just psychosomatic i think it implies that the morgul blade does have some sort of an evil will that affects frodo even after the metal is removed and this is further supported by the fact that frodo is slightly changed after his encounter with the morgular knife while journeying through the darkness of moria we are told that his senses are sharpened and he is far more aware of things that can't be seen perhaps this is due to a lingering effect of the morgue wound that shifted frodo for a time towards the wraith world and interestingly i think frodo isn't the only character in the legendarium to suffer a more ghoul wound we are told that in the third age there was a ruling steward of gondor called boromir same guy that our well-known boromir was named after and although we don't get much information about steward boromir's life we do know that he was a great warrior who was strong in body and will and was feared even by the witch king himself however during a battle with the newly unleashed race of urukai boromir suffered a moragulu wound and it affected him a little differently to how it affected frodo although he survived the initial stabbing perhaps due to athalas we are told that the wound shortened his life and he became shrunken with pain in the end he died only 12 years after his father and although steward boromir and frodo are the only characters to receive a confirmed mogul wound we can i think speculate on the dark possibility that more ghoul knives were also used to punish disobedient orcs in the return of the king we learn from the orc gorbag that he's terrified of the nazgul he says those nazca will give me the creeps and they skin the body off you soon as look at you and leave you all cold and dark on the other side in my mind cold and dark on the other side sounds a lot like what a morgular knife is known for i guess the way these weapons actually work is that the dark magical poison that they're imbued with somehow shifts their victims from the scene world where all incarnate beings live into the unseen world the wraith world where these victims are able to see the nazgul for what they truly are white-faced men in gray robes with keen and merciless eyes haggard hands and gray hairs under silver helms but then they become trapped in the unseen and their presence in the scene world slowly fades into nothing more ghoul and knives really are a terrifying part of tolkien's mythology number five the daggers of westerness aka the barrow blades so these four daggers aren't really mentioned at all in the movie version of the lord of the rings but in the books they are all incredibly important artifacts and they are wielded by our four hobbit heroes not long before they meet strider the hobbits find themselves captured by the barrow whites upon the barrow downs and they are saved by the heroism of frodo and the intervention of good old tom bombadil and then tom bombadil pulls from the haunted burial mounds four very old daggers that had been buried there long ago but despite their age these daggers are completely unrusted and seemingly untouched by time and that is because these aren't just ordinary daggers they are daggers of westerness daggers of the dunadine and these daggers were forged with a very specific purpose so way back over 1 600 years before the lord of the rings what's now known as the barrow downs was a part of the dunadine kingdom of arnor the kingdom of the north that was founded by ellen deal and the main thing that the dunadine of arnold are known for doing in the third age is battling the witch king's invasion from angema and it was during that war that these daggers were forged the dunadine of arunor made these blades with now lost knowledge from numenor and they imbued them with sufficient powers to be able to take down the witch king and what i find interesting is that the witch king recognizes these blades the first time he sees them it seems that to a being in the wraith world whether that's an asgore or frodo wearing the ring these blades glow red and the witch king is terrified of them unlike in the movies in the books frodo is an absolute badass at weathertop and the main reason he gets stabbed in the first place is because he rushes at the witch king and attacks him with his barrow blade unfortunately he only cuts the witch king's robes but in the hunt for the ring we are told that if frodo had landed a hit the wound would have been as deadly to the witch king as the mordor knife to frodo and after weathertop the witch king feared above all the timid and terrified bearer who had resisted him had dared to strike at him with an enchanted sword made by his enemies long ago for his destruction now luckily for the witch king he is somehow able to break frodo's barrow blade just by raising a hand when they face off against each other at the fords of brewingmen and in rivendale frodo of course upgrades his weapon to sting but unfortunately for the witch king sam mary and pippin all keep their doona dying daggers throughout the rest of the story pippin uses his barrow blade to take down a troll during the final battle at the black gate and mary uses his barrow blade to kill the witch king or at least sort of obviously at the battle of pelinor fields eowyn does the actual witch king slaying but the only reason that her ordinary rohan forged sword is able to damage the wraith is because mary stabs him first with this ancient weapon of the dunadine when mary's blade pierces the witch king's knee it breaks as do all weapons that touch a nazgul but before that it did what it was forged to do after the witch king's demise tolkien writes surpassed the sword of the barrow downs work of westerness but glad would he have been to know its fate who wrought it slowly long ago when the dunadine were young and chief among their foes was the dread realm of angemar and its sorcerer king no other blade not though mightier hands had wielded it would have dealt that foe a wound so bitter cleaving the undead flesh breaking the spell that knit his unseen sinews to his will mary's barrow blade is the reason that the witch king falls in the battle of pelano fields number four andrea the flame of the west now this is one of tolkien's most iconic blades no question and there's a very good reason for that but in order to talk about the reforged and reel first i need to talk a little bit about the shards of narsil because relative even to the other weapons on this list narcil is a really really really old sword it was made way back in what tolkien calls the deeps of time and the guy who forged it was actually a dwarf of the first age called telca somehow this dwarf-forged sword finds its way to numenor in the second age but we know absolutely nothing about it until it shows up in the hand of ellen deal during the war of the last alliance as you'll all know ellen deal wielded narcial alongside gilgalad wielding igloss in his two-on-one battle against sauron and ellen deal used his sword to deal sauron a crippling injury but when ellen deal was slain his sword broke beneath him and this broken sword was picked up by isildur who used it to cut the ring from sauron's finger and after this the broken shards of narusil were rescued by a sealed squire a guy called ota and they became an heirloom of the kings of arunor for over 3000 years after the kingdom of arena fell into ruin the broken sword remained an heirloom of the dunadine rangers and it was held by the chieftain of the rangers and passed from father to son all the way down to arathorn and when he died in battle the blade was returned temporarily to eleron's care along with arthorne's two-year-old son aragorn when aragorn turned 20 elon told him the truth of his heritage and he handed over the broken blade of ardagorn's ancestors and 67 years after that the broken blade was finally reforged which brings us back to andrea now obviously in the movies andrea gets forged quite a bit later in the story but in the books this happens just before the fellowship first set out from rivendell and this is a very big deal for book ardagorn's character because obviously the reforged andureel is a symbol of the high kings of aaronor and gondor the united doonadine kingdoms that existed in the days of ellen deal and decildor before iron ore and gondor ultimately split and so returning anderweil to the city of kings and uniting the dunadine is pretty much aragorn's main motivation throughout the whole story unlike in the movies we're explicitly told in the books that are gone didn't originally intend to follow frodo to mordor he was always going to part with the others and take the westwood road with boromir at his side taking the sword that was broken to minas tirith that is the central motivation of book artagon's character but as we all know plans did drastically change and after gandalf's death ardagorn became the leader of the fellowship and he became conflicted about which road he ought to take minas tirith or mordor and although frodo ultimately ends up making this choice for him mary and pippin then pretty immediately end up getting captured as you guys know so aragorn takes a detour to go get them back during that detour he meets eomare and eomer gives him horses and aragorn gives his word that he will return the horses to edoras when mary and pippen are found in fangorn forest ardagon encounters gandalf again instead of the hobbits but he learns that they're safe and so he keeps his word of returning to ederas over the next four days ardagorn meets theoden he rides with him to helm's deep he fights in the battle of the hornberg and he journeys to isengard to witness saruman's defeat and all the while he is carrying ander reel and using it to defend the free peoples of the west the day after theoden's confrontation with saruman aragorn returns to his original mission of taking andrea to minas tirith but he encounters the grey company of dunadine rangers who have come south looking for him and so he decides to reveal himself and his sword to sauron in the palantir to announce to his enemy that isildus air has returned and that the blade that vanquished him the last time has been remade and after that ardagorn finally does make the journey to minas tirith but he takes a different road to the one he intended instead of taking the shortest route ardagorn crosses the white mountains and he travels towards the capital through the outlands of gondor gathering gondorian warriors to his cause as he goes and so when ardagon does finally make it to minas tirith with andrea during the darkest hour of the battle of pelano fields he turns the tide of that conflict with his union of reinforcements which includes both rangers of iron ore from the grey company and outlanders of gondor in a very literal way ardagon unites the two kingdoms of the dunadine in the very moment that he brings and reeled to the city of kings i think it's impossible to overstate the intimate relationship between ardagon's character in the lord of the rings and ardagon's weapon andrea is to an extent what ardagorn is all about and so as well as being just a really cool sword andrea is also a really cool part of the story that tolkien built number three gurthang the black sword so relative to a blade like andareel gore thang is a bit of a lesser known sword but it is an integral part of the tale of the children of hoorene and it's almost entirely unique among all the weapons in middle earth seriously gur thang is fascinating just like andrea gorthang was not always known by that name the sword was originally called anglagel and it was first forged by a very very very dodgy dark elf called eol but angler hell wasn't like other eleven swords we are told that eol forged it from metal found in a meteorite and were also told that it was imbued with ale's malice and his spite to such an extent the blade was seemingly sentient but definitely not in a good way this sword was originally given as a gift to ellu thingol the high king of the cinder but it eventually found its way into the possession of the eldest of the children of hoorin a guy known as turin turamba and it was turin who reforged angler hell into gurthang which means iron of death and although turin is in most cases a really good guy his sword really isn't gorthang has a wicked will and in the end it seems to betray its wielder i don't want to get too into spoilers for the children of whoring but there comes a moment in that story where someone tries to use gurthang to kill themself and in that moment we see just how sentient this black sword truly is the suicidal character says to the sword hail gurthang from no blood wilt thou shrink wilt thou slay me swiftly and from the blade rang a cold voice in answer yea i will drink thy blood gladly i will slay thee swiftly and if we take this cold voice as literal then that means gur thang is utterly unique among all weapons in middle earth it is the only one that can speak in fact there's only one other inanimate object in the entire legendarium that has powers of speech and that's the talking purse of build the troll in the hobbit however i would take this talking purse with a pinch of salt the tone of the hobbit is very different from the tone of the lord of the rings it was after all written originally as a children's story and so there are a few talking things in that story that may be written off as simply the embellishments of bilbo an unreliable narrator however the tale of the children of whoring in which gura thang features is probably the least child-friendly story in the entire legendarium this is absolutely not a kid's story and so i do think the fact that it features a malicious evil talking sword makes gorethang one of the most interesting artifacts in all of middle earth number two dramboleg now this is another lesser known weapon of the first age and there isn't a huge amount to say about it but i placed it so highly on this list because what we do know about it is so cool and because the person it belonged to is such an underrated hero and unlike most of the other entries on this list deramble egg is neither a sword nor a dagger it is a great battle axe and it is wielded by the manish hero two-war son of and fun fact tuaor is the cousin of that turin turamba guy who wielded gorthang and there is one incredibly important battle in which two war fought with deramboleg and that is the fall of gondolin however in order to talk about the fall of gondolin we first need to understand when this story was written in relation to the rest of tolkien's writings because although the fall of gondolin is one of tolkien's most iconic tales it was also one of the very first that he wrote way back in 1916 it was revised in 1920 but then never updated again in the wake of like the lord of the rings and the later sillamarillion so there are a few things in this story that may seem a little out of place with what we know from other stories and the most relevant of these to tour and dramboleg is the nature of balarogs in the fall of gondolin balrogs are a lot more numerous and a lot more destructible than they afterwards became but that said i still think it is incredibly impressive that tour was able to kill not one balarog with drambled egg or even two but five balrogs he is a mortal man but he took down five balrogs surely that must make two or among the absolute greatest manish warriors in the entire legendarium we are told that the balrogs were afraid of dramble egg and it sang like the rush of eagle's wings in the air and took death as it fell and balrogs aren't even the only enemies that two are killed with this great axe we are explicitly told of an orc lord called offrod who two are cleaved in the head and tolkien even names two other orc chieftains that two were killed balkmeg and luge two were fought alongside the legendary elven hero ekfelion and he even wounded a dragon of gondolin by hewing at a foot of the creature so that flames spouted forth so i'm not sure if there's really any other weapon in middle earth that has slain such a huge variety of named evil creatures and although it's not explicitly stated i think we can safely speculate that dramblegg was forged for tour by the elven smiths of gondolin which would mean that the head of this axe would also almost certainly have glowed blue in the presence of orcs we are told that the king of gondolin caused his most cunning artifices to fashion a suit of arima for two war as a great gift but he carried an axe rather than a sword and this in the speech of the gondolf lim he named dramboleg for its buffett stunned and its edge clove all armor and even though we don't see dramblake being wielded again after the fall of gondolin we know that it survived the downfall of that city and many years later in the second age it was taken by two wars manish descendants to the island of numenor as an heirloom of their ancestors and there deramble egg remained for over 3 000 years until just like gondolin numenor was also destroyed and the acts of tour was lost in the abyss number one dream the faux hammer now glam during is of course best known as being the sword of gandalf that he acquires in the hobbit and then uses to kill both the great goblin and later the balrog dorian's bane but gandalf was not glam dream's original owner while hanging out in rivendell elirond tells gandalf that galandering was made in gondolin for the goblin wars this gandalf was glanduring faux hammer that the king of gondolin once wore and what makes this especially awesome is that this king of gondolin who elrond is talking about is of course the epic silly marillion character turagon aka eleron's great grandfather and the fact that galamjoon was forged in gondolin is the reason why in the books galam dream glows blue in the presence of orcs just like sting we can suppose that galam during was wielded by turgon during the fall of gondolin and also probably during another great battle of the first age and it must have been in the first age that galandring acquired its reputation among the orcs in the hobbit we see that orcs are terrified of this sort but what's so interesting about that is that it's highly unlikely that any of the orcs of goblin town would be old enough to remember turgon in the first age so i would speculate that gallandrine is kind of like a terrifying legend among the orcs of middle earth it's an ancient weapon that's familiar in their culture i guess turgon was such a badass back in the day that the stories of his sword have stayed with the orcs for thousands of years and they hate it but of course i can't really talk about galandering without also mentioning its mate or christ and although we're never told who or christ's original owner was before thorin oakenshield we do know that they were also an elf of gondolin it's possible that orcas may even have been wielded by either glorfindel or even ecthelion and so just like glam dream or christ also glows blue and orcs are near and considering that after thorin died or christ was laid to rest upon his tomb in erebor this means that the whole lonely mountain has a pretty useful early awk detection device at their disposal however there is still one huge question left to answer how did galam dream and orcharist get from the ruins of gondolin to a troll horde in ariador and what were they doing for the six and a half thousand years between turigon's ownership and gandalfs well to be honest tolkien never tells us and all we can do is speculate but i would guess that the most straightforward timeline probably goes something like this after the fall of gondolin galandering and orcharist and potentially sting were looted by the victorious orcs but as the first age ended and the orcs master morgoth was finally defeated these swords probably found their way back into the hands of the surviving elves either that all the swords were transported out of gondolin by the fleeing elven refugees anyway i already mentioned that the great grandson of turgon was elerand but don't forget elrond had a twin brother ella ross and he went on to become the first king of numenor we know that narusil was a first age blade that found its way to numenor in the second age and the exact same thing is true of deramble egg as well as a few other first age weapons so i don't think it's beyond the realm of likelihood that galandring and orchest and maybe sting may have all spent the second age in numenor 2. when numenor was facing its apocalypse we know that elendil set sail for middle earth and he took with him seven palantiri of the first age as well as narcial and so perhaps he also rescued galam during and orchest from the downfall of numenor and if he did that would put these swords in area door the place we know they'll eventually end up in the hobbit i would speculate that perhaps these elven blades may have been heirlooms of the dunadine of iron ore and perhaps they were even used in the wars against the witch king of angmar before being passed down through the generations as the dunadine of arunor became the rangers of the north and we know from the appendices that the rangers of the north were very active in the part of the world where these blades are found in the hobbit and we also know that they had frequent run-ins with trolls aragorn's grandfather was actually captured and killed by trolls and so could it be that in the waning days of the northern dunadine these ancient elvish blades belong to some rangers who were killed by trolls and their weapons thus ended up in the troll horde of bill burt and tom as i say this is just speculation but i think it's one of the most straightforward explanations of galam during's backstory anyway there's my top 10 favorite weapons of middle earth let me know if i missed any of your favorites and look out for a few honorable mentions that i will include in a pinned comment below and of course to make sure that you don't miss any future top 10 lists or any future first age videos hit subscribe if you haven't already and don't forget to hit like and share this channel with your friends if you want to but as always until next time my dear friends much love stay groovy and nevia melanine [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tolkien Untangled
Views: 551,542
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Id: w17bjTYU4VE
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Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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