Top Split Porsche Cup on iRacing never fails to bring out the worst drivers!

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[Applause] [Music] he a pain in the ass [Music] him hello everyone welcome to another video Welcome to the beautiful Silverstone where we're going to be doing a Porche Cup race on iRacing now this is the second race I've done this week here at Silverstone and this is what happened on the first one it was a really good race until the final lap when somebody just couldn't hold the line oh another [Music] one all right still there still there still there still to right another one TR Li please [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dave [Music] okay now now the same guy is in this race as well and as you'll see that's kind of his Mo so the strength of field for this one is about 3.5k and we've decided not to qualify for this race we're starting P20 but as it turns out that was a wise decision so you might be wondering why I'm wearing this headset and microphone well I'm now running base shakers on the rig and with the old microphone some of the vibration was being transferred into the microphone and I could hear it and it was do my heading so until I come up with a solution for the other microphone we're using this one but this one's just fine so any point during this video if you do like it please remember click on the like button and if you want to see more please consider subscribing so 12 laps around Silverstone in the posche cup cast starting P20 let's get on track here we go then you'll see my relative there's a guy there with the skull and crossbones he's not an ice friendly driver that's from one of the previous races and Shannon behind Shannon mother all nice chop send me a message on the last race and this one actually so thank you for that 12s we go yeah we get on we going to be quite submissive at the beginning go because I want to [Music] survive left C left yellow [Laughter] [Music] [Music] flag going on [Music] here still there still there clear left look at these like so desperate look at them this is top [Music] split this is top [Music] [Applause] [Music] split [Music] right side still [Music] right is he going to come back where's he going to [Music] [Applause] [Music] go still there this guy to my left is the guy that punted me on this turn still there clear [Music] [Applause] left but I won't do the same to him left side clear left [Music] [Applause] [Music] he a pain in the ass [Music] him still [Music] there still there look at that like if I if I didn't have my wits about me there I'd have been dead [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] honestly honestly is a nightmare is a nightmare but we're still alive [Music] somehow still there clear left nice one Dave great move keep it up [Music] honestly right [Music] p13 she's a bit [Music] slidy the leader was [Applause] [Music] just4 oh my God look at [Music] that down get back some [Music] time car left clear left [Music] unbelievable [Music] sheez right let's try and get our head down [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know what's going [Music] on [Music] all right Dave don't let this guy distract [Music] you oh we're still going we're still [Music] alive [Music] the leader has just done [Music] 20309 that c [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] d [Music] [Applause] right see if we can catch up with Shannon 7.8 [Music] seconds [Music] it's going to be a tough ask a 2037 it's [Music] flying [Music] that's that's it through [Music] there [Music] all right that was easy 2036 not good [Music] enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the alador Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] channon's 2 point uh 7.2 the Gap now [Music] sorry so a little bit of battling ahead that might come down I can see them anyway at [Music] [Applause] least no that's not an off track it obviously is but it shouldn't [Music] be [Music] [Applause] [Music] even on the lap times what they're doing compared to us see if it'll come down [Music] any have a look when we're on the [Music] street 2044 for [Music] Shannon 2048 for Matas we did a 2037 a second so we're chipping away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] chipping [Music] away oh can I sorry if you can hear vibrations it's the H kick [Music] is 3.6 seconds to Albert so he's dropped off a bit his Pace on the last lap or four [Music] flat this guy cidro oh he was running towards the front as [Applause] [Music] well tricky turn that one you got to wait for the downforce to slowly build build up at the [Music] [Music] rear so a half a second quicker than Albert on the last lap as [Music] well oh that's bad miss that Apex [Applause] [Music] there just about recovered [Music] [Applause] [Music] it got to Shannon 3.9 [Music] [Music] Channon it's close all the way up to p8 though so uh anything can happen in front of [Music] here ESP with [Music] Albert well send it [Applause] [Music] Albert [Music] it was quick at that lap but it's kind of stuck I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] think nice to catch up though fall apps to go after this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one need to be g a bit quicker [Music] [Applause] though is now can't close the gap but they're going to start fighting soon it's too wide [Music] now somebody's [Music] off Albert see it Albert good things come to those who wait stupid stupid St right [Music] I bet it was Albert paused it bet it was Albert P9 though [Music] P9 let we catch up with these guys these guys are going to fight as [Music] well [Music] 3 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] seconds these did a 205 and a 206 in the last [Music] lap do goes pull away now I think he must have been caught up in that nonsense Albert's [Music] disconnected goodbye my [Applause] [Music] friend mistakes happen but it didn't even apologize send him a message saying why like why did you do it that's all I said didn't [Music] reply don't catch it with Matas that' be [Music] [Applause] nice oh she's [Music] sliding catching him though definitely catching [Music] him actually one thing overtaking something else as I always [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Applause] better exit there 2.4 seconds of Gap two more [Music] laps and it's coming down [Music] [Applause] [Music] 1.5 on a B license though you really want to be going too wide on the last [Music] lap [Applause] [Music] two left Oh I thought it was going to be an off track then been close they draft [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh I've overshot this I've overshot this I was watching him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh might have just blown our chance there folks I needed to keep the momentum up there a Long Lap though it's a long [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] just about back in draft there's one lot to [Music] go [Music] okay [Music] seconds now he's going to have to make no mistakes now have to be super consistent and push as know I'm [Music] catching we need to push as [Music] well lock up [Music] [Music] there got to be a good last sector I can see [Music] smoke flag oh we blew [Music] [Applause] [Music] it we8 [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] though oh another one what you done without that [Music] [Applause] and I don't need that thank you very [Applause] [Music] much [Music] got a cut War keep it tidy please [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dave I think he got it just the Finish well done I didn't want to push him out like so oh didn't want to push him out so we got a slow down oh but p8 good finish though enjoyed that really enjoyed that one actually she tough though really tough let's have a look at the Carnage okay let's have a look at the Carnage that guy didn't get off at all there we had to back off there for that one but we survived which is what it's all about [Music] about oh it disappeared and came back that wasn't his fault what was going on there they're all disappearing and coming back this guy going to die no we nearly got punted off that white car there that number 16 car oh he's gone yeah we were right behind that at the time weren't [Music] we oh is he going oh he's gone oh and he killed him oh that's very poor that he's having a nightmare number six of a push to pass from the number three car there well done [Music] oh jeez oh my word what's he doing he's he's going back I in the number 13 car there let's have a look at that again so too wide everything looks [Music] fine ah no just had a bit of a coming together no maybe the 13 didn't turn into him there but oh could have been avoided I think easy to see with hindsight though isn't [Music] it that is one used [Music] Porche he's getting tasty does he make this easy for the yellow car no he [Music] didn't he really look at him oh he wants that yellow car look see what happens [Music] here no can't do anything about it then he gets killed oh dear I think that was towards the end [Music] [Music] oh that was close bit nasty is it people are a bit nasty that was intentional by that other car there by this number 12 I think no it wasn't actually it was the number six this guy he goes right over and blocks him watch breaks yeah number six whoever you are you should be ashamed of yourself is that it no these two still going at it and this number two car is going to give it to him there oh look at that whoever he is as well so let's watch what the number two car does here he's obviously not happy go for the move on the inside that's fine leaves him room on the inside that's fine no drama keeps it nice and tight there brilliant yeah the number 15 car side swipes him so that would anger me it's a good exit obviously in a position to overtake here 15 is doing a bit of swerving yeah he he tried to take him out then didn't he he did try and take him out and I think that is it it's stuck right let's have a look at the results right so there were three splits for this race this was the top split strength of field 3,544 so we gained 07 safety rating and we gained 26 I rating So Daniel got the win alio P2 and jur P3 we finished p8 car number 10 started P20 fastest lap 2035 well that's not a million miles away from those guys four incident points so who is the biggest winner well I think it's going to be alure in P2 he gained 87 and The Biggest Loser is going to be our good old friend Albert he lost 88 so there we go started P20 finished p8 high written gain safety rating gain good fun race happy days now some of the incidents in this race looked a little bit debatable some looked quite deliberate which isn't good doesn't really paint this series in a very good light and some of the drivers have got quite a high eye R and they've been around the block once or twice they definitely should know better but thankfully we managed to stay out of it it's just nice to have a drama free race so content is going to be a bit light on the channel for the next week I'm off to Spain for the well-earned break I do need a break some of the comments on YouTube are really starting to get on my nerves like the ones where they just come in just to criticize then disappear and when you respond they don't respond back those ones really get on my bracket and it's only a matter of time before I say something that I regret so 7 Days in Spain is going to do me good I'll come back refreshed just like the old Dave so if you did like this video please remember give it a thumbs up and if you want to see more please consider subscribing as always thanks for watching have a great week see you later cheers
Channel: Dave Cam
Views: 26,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heusinkveld ultimates, heusinkveld, dave cam, track guide, fanatec, clubsport, iracing, triple, dave cameron iracing, iracing best, esports, best pc driving game, best pc racing game, obs iracing, FANATEC DD1, CUBE CONTROLS, vrs direct drive, sim racing direct drive, acc, assetto corsa competitzione, simucube 2 pro, iracing porsche cup, iracing porsche silverstone, iracing top split, iracing vr, iracing f1, iracing settings, iracing graphics settings, iracing bad drivers
Id: HezqTVj04sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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