Top Songs of 1967
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Channel: Ultra Lists
Views: 6,169,970
Rating: 4.7174983 out of 5
Keywords: vertekvids, verteklists, Songs Of 1967, Music (TV Genre), Music Video (TV Genre), 1967, 1960s, 60s, v1967, v1966, v1968, Happy Together (Composition), Respect (Composition), Light My Fire (Composition), 1967 songs, 1967 music, music of 1967, hit songs 1967, top songs 1967, best songs 1967, hit songs of 1967, top songs of 1967, best songs of 1967, top hits 1967, best hits 1967, top hits of 1967, best hits of 1967, hits of 1967, 1967 music hits, 1967 hits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
In choosing a flair, I was torn between 'music' and 'wtf'. 'Cringeworthy' wasn't an available option. I considered suggesting a vote on the worst aspect of each group: music, haircuts, outfits or dance moves.
I spent most of 1967 in a cabin in Big Sur, without electricity or running water, and I missed all of this. I will forever be thankful for that.
I didn't need running water, because it was just a hop, skip and a jump to Big Sur Hot Springs, where the locals could climb over the fence after hours and get as clean or as dirty as we needed to be.
If you don't watch it all, you will miss two, or maybe three gems.
Good year for music.
I like lists too This video uses the Billboard Year End Top-100 list for the rankings. Some of these "top-30 I don't even recognize... and they're terrible :-O
Well, not a lot better in spots 100-31 either :/
33, 35... 50... 81, 83, 90, 98... those are pretty good :-) Better than some of the top-30 dreck!!
Scroll right to the bottom? ALL the lists from 1946 to 2019! 1966 and 1968 were better? Marginally :/