Top SBC Micro SD Card (Group Benchmark)

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers comm this time I'm going to do a group test of all of these micro SD cards in order to determine the best boot drive for a cinder wall computer such as a Raspberry Pi so let's go and get started right here we have our seven micro SD cards on test but before we look at them individually let's run through some key SD card specifications firstly as I detailed in my recent SD card video today SD cards may have one of four different bus interfaces however I'm not aware of any consumer SBC with a UHS 2 or UHS 3 interface so the best micro SD card for SBC right now should therefore be uhs-1 secondly the fast of a card to better and here we have a reminder of the different SD card speed classes however I don't know of any SBC that can take advantage of the very fastest cards and so my recommendation to an SBC is to choose a micro SD card rated either u1 or u 3 which is equivalent to v10 or these 30 thirdly an SD cards application class also needs to be considered here all cards labeled a1 or a2 are rated for a minimum number of I ops or input/output operations per second this matters because an SBC's boot drive must not only be fast but must also be able to handle lots of small parallel file operations today mo says D Kart don't have a stated application class but if possible get a card rated at least a 1 to summarize in theory the best micro SD card with SBC should have a uhs-1 bus interface a speed class rating of u1 or u3 and an application class rating of 8 1 or a 2 in most cases it also needs to be reasonably priced and with this in mind let me introduce you to the cards on test all of which a brand new 32 gigabyte uhs-1 micro SD cards firstly we have this SanDisk Ultra the SanDisk Ultra as we might go to micro SD cards or SBC's for many years now it's a well-priced card it's got a new one speed class than a one application class however most going to try this card which is to stand disk Extreme Pro this is more expensive Carl it's rated u3 or v.34 the speed class and application class again of 8:1 it'll be interesting to see how this compares with the Standish ultra next I've got a card from Samsung this is the Samsung Evo select and it's worth noting that Evo select is a name for this card on Amazon words if you buy it anywhere else it's a called Lea even plus and that this is a you want card it doesn't have an application class listed but it is a popular choice many people said to me please test the Samsung Evo and it's worth noting it when Nvidia sent me in my jet bot he came with a Samsung Evo card like this one so next we've got to add Elkin advantage card now Delphine's got a very good reputation for making a micro SD devices this is a u3 card no application class stated but it's an expensive car in theory it should do very well we shall see similarly I've got high expectations for this card from Lexar the Lexile high performance this is a u1 card with an eight one application class rating so we'll see how this performs and finally changing tax on what we have a these two cards if I can get them up on the screen for you there they are here we have the samsung pro endurance which is a new one card with no application class stated and the SanDisk high endurance which is a u3 card with no application class stated and these cards are designed for - comes with a higher life expectancy than traditional cards which might make them a very good choice for users the boot drive in an SBC if you're most concerned about long term reliability which are is of course something i can't really test in this video but what I can tell you is that Samsung claimed their pro endurance card here last 25 times longer than the typical microSD card and exactly why this is the case is very difficult to definitively explain because you can't get very good data from manufacturers on what's going on here but I strongly suspect that these two cards are based upon n LC rather than t LC flash storage which means that they store two bits of data per memory cell rather than three bits of data per memory cell which gives them a lot more program erase cycles and therefore gives them the high endurance and I've been through many manufacturer websites and specifications to try and prove this but suddenly I just can't yeah the only thing I can find to point you to definitively is this Samsung page which says that they're pro insurance cards extended lifetime is based on an internal comparison with the Samsung TLC based cards and we don't say which cards those are but what I imagine this tells us is that these high-performance cards are indeed a two bit mlc rather than a sweet bit TLC anyway our full list of contenders he's now summarized here as in this table so let's now open the cards up which will give us this little pile of cards all ready to be tested and you might be asking yourself Chris how are you going to test all these cards and I did that by asking myself how are we going to do all these tests so what we're going to do is this firstly we're going to benchmark all the cards using crystal disk mug secondly we're going to do a grass peon boot test booting raspbian on a raspberry pi 4 and finally we're going to test the cards out in raspbian itself right I've now plugged a high-speed USB 3 SD card reader into my laptop and I've inserted the SanDisk Ultra as our first test card I've also run a crystal disk mark 7 now set the profile here to a real-world performance and clearly we're going to produce a lot of data running this test on 7 cards and so I'm going to focus in our results on the first test area large file test which will give us the maximum read/write speed for the cards and I'm also going to focus on the IAP score for random small reads and writes so let's test out our first card and there we are and let's now repeat the test for the SanDisk Extreme Pro the Samsung Evo select the Delphian advantage for lexa high-performance the samsung pro endurance and finally the SanDisk high endurance and with this final test run let's now compare the results as we can see all micro SD cards are not created equal working across the table read speeds are in effect identical within the boundaries of experimental error and probably reflect the limits of uhs-1 interface or the card reader used but sequential write speeds vary dramatically with the SanDisk Extreme Pro him a lead and mode Elkin advantage and Sanders kind Jones worthy of mention we also see significant variance in the read and write I ops values from random small file operations with the Lexile high performance winning and the SanDisk Extreme Pro coming in second so after this first test Alexa is the top card based on a ops performance and the SanDisk Extreme Pro based on pure speed and so I think it's now high time to give these cards some real-world SBC tests second test here I've got a brass peopie for into which i've inserted our first card which is the SanDisk Ultra and what we're going to do is to compare the boot time for all seven cards so what you're looking at here is a camera pointed at a monitor on which the PI walk boot I don't blow me recorded computer my pointing a camera to scream but I think it's most suitable in this particular circumstance so if I now just to press the switch and there they go I should say this is not the first boot of raspbian on these cards it's a third boot after a clean install after all the configuration has been completed all the monitors coming to life they're the raspberries prepared on the screen and looks like it's going to be very even actually doesn't it turn - which one's going to win oh it can be very very exciting very close and all there we are and well they're pretty similar oddly there's not a lot of variance in the in the boot times for those first four cars so let's move to the second three cards and again for us to switch and there these go as well I should note you can't see the Raspberry Pi sort of coloured spectrum square on the screen here because my mantra isn't fast enough to to show it my retirement to pick it up it's gone if you see what I mean anyway hasn't no in fact of this test whatsoever you might be thinking about that but imagine we're going to get fairly similar results again here very similar scores for the different cards under there they are I've seen to come up and finished off like that so there we are and if we put all the results onto a table we can see what we've just seen that basically the choice of SD card makes very very little difference at all when you're booting a Raspberry Pi for you want to knock off the odds second you can take a lexer high-performance card or SanDisk Extreme Pro but really what all the effort I put in this particular test has told us is it makes no difference at all which card you use booting over a sweep I thought so I think we should now move on and do another hopefully more discriminatory test right through our third test I'm here in a raspbian on the Raspberry Pi 4 and we're running from a Sun disc ultra card and we're going to test the speed of a card using the new raspberry pi speed test software launched by the Raspberry Pi foundation in March 2020 and to get this as I did earlier you need to launch a terminal and type a sudo apt and update and then when that's completed you want to do a sudo apt install agnostics and when that's run through you can go to your menu and you will find under accessories Raspberry Pi diagnostics and there will be lots of tests here in the future but for now is just one test happens to be the one we want so we'll run the test and it'll start to run through and it will give us a result of that pass or fail but it also allows us to bring up some more detailed results and there we are we've got a pass I would expect that for all the cards on test but we'll click on a show log and it will bring up the detailed statistics and you can see the card is passed based upon targets for sequential write speed and it's write and read hops performance so let's now repeat with tests for the SanDisk Extreme Pro and there we are a pass again will show the log again though and get some proper results and there we are there's the actual data and now we'll do this for the Samsung Evo before running through to do it for the del key advantage the Lexile high-performance the samsung pro endurance and last but not least the SanDisk high endurance and there we are our seventh and final set of results so let's stick them all onto a table and the first thing that strikes me here is how different these results are more previous crystal disk mark tests in terms of the individual cards once again the raw sequential write speed of the SanDisk Extreme Pro puts it way out in front on this measure whilst a lexer card retains its top position for the best i'll ops performance the dell can advantage and the SanDisk high endurance are also again I think worthy of a notable mention so which is the best microSD card for a single-board computer well the SanDisk Extreme Pro has the fastest sustained write speed which is really useful if you're constantly installing new operating systems and so for fast setups my top micro sd card is the SanDisk Extreme Pro on the other hand the Lexar high performance has the highest I ops values on test which makes it better for running applications and an SBC's operating system the LexA is also pretty fast and cheaper than the SanDisk Extreme Pro and so for most users I'd recommend molex our high performance as the overall top microSD card through a single board computer at this point made for the best performance over time a high endurance card is well worth considering and in our test the SanDisk high endurance has been a consistently good performer it is more expensive than the LexA card but if you want a micro SD card with the best chance of working reliably for a long period of time you may well want to choose the SanDisk high endurance and certainly it is my choice as the top micro SD card in the high insurance category but now that's it for another video if you enjoy that you've seen a piss past off the like button if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and I hope to talk to you again their recent [Music] you
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 112,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top micro SD card, Top microSD card, Best micro SD card, Best microSD card, Best SD card, SD card benchmark, best raspberry pi SD card, best SBC sd card, SBC, Raspberry Pi 4, SanDisk Ultra, SanDisk Extreme PRO, Samsung EVO Select, Delkin Advantage, Lexar High Endurance, Lexar SD card, Samsung PRO Endurance, SanDisk High Endurance, high endurance SD cards, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt, SD card group test, micro SD card group test, micro SD card benchmark, CrystalDiskMark
Id: YUResed38uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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