Top Interior Decor Trends of 2024

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hi welcome back with us today today we are going to be covering four of the main interior design trends of 2024 yay we're excited now let us start off by saying at some point it always comes back around so everything old is new again not too much new new out there just the way you utilize things that were old and have come back into style yep so we're going to talk about four of the main Trends right now that are in and then give you ideas specifically this video is about how to incorporate those design trends of 2024 into your home decor pieces because many of us don't want to do a complete remodel every year to stay on Trend so this is how you take those Decor pieces specifically and stay on Trend with them without one breaking the bank and two having to do a remodel every time perfect here we go so number one we've got natural elements and Earth Tones yes I think this might be one of the ones I'm more excited about being a more modern farmhouse style personally feel like this one speaks a little bit more to me she loves this one and agreed same now just so you know on this one it's across every Decor style you can pull these in and that's what they're intended for these are especially popular you're going to see in contemporary and modern Farmhouse this go around lots of those natural elements back in again so when we say natural elements what we're talking about are Stones Woods um quartz yes Alabaster Capas so you're going to see all these pieces come back through and a lot of people for the actual design Trend are doing you're going to see stone countertops again you're going to see wood floors come back but if you want to take those pieces and move them into Decor pieces we're going to give you a couple of examples on how to do that with those earthy tones that just feel nice and neutral and calming in your house yes so an example taking those natural elements would be like an alabaster lamp or a capiz Bowl those type of items you can easily slide into your Decor it can be a very neutral in tone neutral color piece you can always find those Stone pieces that will have those pops of color a lot of the times you will find Alabaster with almost like a marbling swirl so just keep an eye out if you do want to bring a little bit of Dimension through that color with your stone work or you can keep it very simple and neutral with those items agreed and so what you're going to see for the actual design Trends if you're doing more interior design wood floors are back in again wood accent pieces are in wood furniture with fluting so you're going to see a lot of fluting everywhere if you haven't seen it already fluting in bowls whether they be wood whether they're quartz or marble you're seeing everything kind of etched out with a fluting to it the the woods are medium to darker tone Woods right now the lighter wood is kind of taking a sideline to the mediums are darker the really wood is wood and it's always going to be in so you can't go wrong and if you don't have wood floors but you want to incorporate that wood feel that's in right now because again it's bringing in all that natural kind of calmness elements into your home do that through coffee tables pieces of bowls lamps you can do it there's really actually quite a few fluted lamps out there that are wood that look really good and they're going to stay on trend for you for several seasons to come you don't have to worry about this being a oneandone season and then you're out yes mantel as well it's a huge thing take a chunk of Oak and and place it as your mantle for your fireplace so I mean there's and then you can choose how is that Oak put together do you want more of a flued look you can take more carved out pieces and put it together as your mantle or you know there's a million different ways to incorporate it and it's easy wood mantel really aren't that intimidating they're a little easier to do you can even get the faux wood a veneer so it's not very heavy so you don't have to worry about drilling into whether you've got Stone fireplaces or fire you know the entire walls are done really easy to apply those sometimes you can do the bracket Slide the fauxwood mantle on no one will ever know it wasn't really wood so that's one way to do it to add in all of those Naturals and then your earthy tones moving on number two texture texture texture so you want to create Dimension through texture I love this one because of how versatile it is you can translate texture from all the way from fabric even to a hand painted canvas from feeling the bouay of your pillows to the Fingerprints of an artist's hand painted work it's wonderful I love it it's fantastic I love texture same I you know as designers what we do when clients ask us um customers ask us how how do I create this kind of layered depth it's texture mix and match your textures so as Maddie mentioned you've got bouay Linens pleated waffle weave cotton velv V don't be afraid to mix and match those it used to be as we all know you know back in the day you weren't supposed to mix and match those and now break all the rules there really aren't that many anymore make your own style and putting in different textures layering those just gives it such a luxurious and Rich feel to it think of like your bed layering your pillow ows you can stay within the same color scheme if you might be a little intimidated by incorporating so many textures but layering your pillows with the different fabrics and then adding on a throw blanket with one of the textures Incorporated in your pillows and then your area rug underneath your bed is another texture and another way you can incorporate it and add that depth and dimension to your room through those textures and these are easy Decor pieces where you're not having to buy new sofas you're not having to bring in new furniture pieces these are small pieces that you can do and many of us seasonally change our throw pillows out so I me I I'm afraid to tell you how many throw pillows we have here too many just a few too just a few because they're easy they're you know you can get them you can really splurge on beautiful materials and throw pillows or you can be a little more budget friendly with them as well so that's really a great way to go to change up a look of a room without having to spend a lot of money or you can really spend quite a bit of money depending on how much texture and depth you want to go and just the quality of your products and that's really what makes the difference as well we suggest taking a few affordable pieces and then one or two Splurge worthy pieces and putting them together that way you're not breaking the bank and also you're really going to notice the difference between the two pieces and they'll marry together very well and you'll like that how that look is going to be for you because we don't all have those big huge remodel budgets every year sadly wish we did would I model every year we would have so much fun but oh man it would be great it would be great we're going to move on to number three which is a big one and this one can be a little intimidating we're going to help you with how to handle that intimidation and do it like a pro this is jewel tones bringing in those jewel tones this year you're going to see them we sure we're sure you've already seen them and those jewel tones are going to be emerald green you're going to see mauve Plum Plum is everywhere Plum and mauve and if you don't want to paint an entire room a mauve or Plum to create this real deep feeling and you know it's a pop and it's an attitude love and Plum attitud attitude yes that's a little intimidating for most people so we're going to tell you again do it through your Decor pieces the best way you do that through these Decor pieces again pillows throw blankets art rugs lamps florals florals y'all know I love florals so easy to do florals only yeah stick to the foes they're so good now and they're going to last you and you'll be able to pull them out every season as long as you take care of them so madd's right do your florals add your pots there you can make a very bold statement with just a fairly simple floral arrangement again you're going to see lamps that are coming with just those pops of colors the alabaster with those mauve and Plum swirls in it Alabaster marble finding those again natural elements cuz there are so many different stones out there that we don't even really think about that are an option and available to you which is what you want just a little pop some neutrality with a little pop and it's going to get attention but not too much you won't be ostentatious you'll just be on Trend yep so our fourth and final one for this go round another big one you're hearing it everywhere you're seeing it everywhere it's called quiet luxury MH and that doesn't mean you have to spend a lot of money to get this look not at all again you can go both into of the spectrum on this one depending again on the quality of your materials so with quiet luxury again it's ivories whites creams taes beiges those neutrals again with the textures this is all about layering texture here and this is where you see the stones and you see the woods and it's clean lines quiet luxury is clean lines not too much clutter just a beautiful look we love mixing Linens and bouay together with a little Waffle weave creates this really beautiful inviting feel and a little Serene as well and tranquil yes definitely it's very welcoming but has that upscale elevated look or feel that you might be going for love it and if you're wanting it to add it into sculptures or little pieces of Decor pieces take now white resin sculptural pieces on an acrylic or Crystal base quiet luxury so all of those pieces that you're going to see you're going to see a lot of Crystal Incorporated there but just pops of Crystal not too much a lamp some candle holders mixed in with your marbles and Ceramics things of that nature that's where your quiet luxury comes in yes and it's makes a statement all by itself but without screaming it it's just that oh you walk in and you just say this is not it's a very that's it that's quiet luxury and it is big and so this can also go modern farmhouse boho contemporary traditional and transitional you've got it all with this one this one have fun play with it our biggest takeaway for you today is play with your textures create your dimension and if you're wanting to stay on Trend go neutrals um do natural elements and then here and there throw in those jewel tones for that little pop especially coming in L later half of Summer to your fall winter yes it is going to be gorgeous and everywhere and just a little bit goes along Long Way yep so those are our four for now we'll have more for you later but we thought we just cover the top four right now and thanks we'll see you soon bye bye
Channel: Third & Main
Views: 6,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Decor, Third & Main, 2024 decor trends, interior decor trends, seasonal home decor, design trends, quiet luxury decor trend
Id: w5F_Ux4iCIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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