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[Music] request backup show me your resol f Rock a rade [Music] away welcome to mobile [Music] Legends 5 Seconds till the enemy reaches the battlefield smash them let this battlefield bear witness to my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] strength the SCS we earn in battle are proof of our TR [Music] PRS free yourself from fear and doubt only then can you surpass your [Music] limits the battlefield is well prove our [Music] wor first blood a true warrior result can with stand the Fier storm an enemy [Music] has launch [Music] attack let our Spirits Bast in the glory of the Sun [Music] embrace the S son T you have slain an enemy an ally has slain the [Music] turtle the spirit of my people gives me strength the will of adlo gives me [Music] purpose the SCS we earn in battle are proof of our triumphs un you have slain an enemy your gods have forsaken you the battlefield is where we prove our work Ally has been slain Ally has been slain way to you're alone well played girls wonder she loves me she needs to know I love her I wonder if we'll make it through this summer let our Spirits back un F play fury you have been [Music] SL it will take more than that to stop [Music] me [Music] son an enemy has been slain [Music] an ally you have slain an enemy go the H an ally has slain the [Music] [Music] tur the sun has shined upon me an enemy has been slain an ally has been a true Warrior's assault can withstand the stor an enemy has been slain my wrath will be Swift enemy killing [Music] VI an enemy has been slain your team destroyed the turret birds and people are living together in seemingly perfect Harmon one day fire this is it will take more than that to stop me You' been down and got out again our turet has destroyed no defers come show me your resolve shut down Killing [Music] Spree double kill sh down we have slain an enemy no one [Music] worthy do not disappoint me Ally has been SL not ready let our Spirits bask in the glory of the Sun you destroy the turret Sun fly play kill free yourself from fear and doubt only then can you surpass your limits shut down your team destroy the turret stand here you for up a flash you spread your wings to from the you thirst in a fire bird a thirst and desire you transform it up in a flesh you [Music] spread another's car another [Music] reminder attack Shadow on proof of our [Music] triumphs show me a resol our is under attack an enemy has been slain dis an [Music] enemy you're [Music] bur you have SL an enemy go meet your [Music] ancestors thir your team destroyed a turret I will be victorious Sons try playe is there no one [Music] worthy initiate Retreat an ally has been my rest will play CH triple kill nothing can stop my Subway the sun has shined upon me your team destroyed the do not disappoint me your team destroy the turret the battlefield is where we prove our worth an ally has been slain legendary your gods have forsaken you I will be victorious finding Life along the way we I don't [Music] want Farm first gather at the Lord play fury show me our turret is under attack our turret has been [Music] destroy Ally ini legendary double kill only need your ancestors triple kill is there no one [Music] Worthy an enemy has been slain to see The Horizon turn us to thousands a true Warrior's result can withstand the F of stor worthy of a lach attack an enemy has been slain an enemy has been slain an ally has you destroy the turret legendary your gods have forsaken you team Ally has been killing [Music] spree team [Music] theet nothing can stop try play [Music] with Ally has the sun has shined upon me do not disappoint [Music] me down [Music] glor [Music] let the darkness take [Music] [Music] control small another scar another reminder you open up your eyes till you're blinded by launch attack so you can see you do rest time we lost control of this paradise [Music] with tret is under attack our turret has been destroyed Fury you SL an enemy destroy Al [Music] has backup show me your resol f has an enemy has been SL you have slain an enemy an enemy [Music] has embrace the son's blessing worthy of a [Music] champion victory
Channel: Mizaki
Views: 44,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8uRghfeLxr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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