Top Five (5) Songs For Mourning & Saying Goodbye :(

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howdy my friends Michael palmisano here and I just lost a very very close friend of mine his name was Max ruling and Max was a big music fan we spent so many times at shows together and his death was very sudden and this one really really shocked me you know how some of them some of them it takes a while to sink in and some of them hit you right away some make you angry um this one just was an accident and it was wrong and it shouldn't have happened and um in putting the service together uh I got to pick one of the songs that would be something that we would remember him by and it was impossible to pick the song so I thought this would be a great opportunity to share some of the songs that that I considered and ultimately the one that I chose because these are songs that are sacred you don't have to be a religious person to use a religious word like sacred these are songs that that means something to you deep down to the bottom of your soul and just like the person that you lost when the song's over you could start it up again from the beginning there's a sadness and there's a hope and it connects to everyone and so in this video I'm not going to play any guitar we're just going to talk about the greatest songs in my opinion the ones that mean the most to me my sacred songs um for honoring and remembering someone we loved that we lost so the first one here this is in no particular order the first one here is Fire and Rain written by James Taylor now this song is such a powerful song it's a perfect song for so many reasons but it's about a friend of his that committed suicide and his own demons with dealing with Heroin but then it leaves us with this hopeful yearning for the future so I'm going to play a verse I'm going to play A Chorus and then this little Bridge part which I love so much now this version that I've picked is just him playing it on the acoustic guitar I hope you enjoy I know you love this tune this is an absolute classic from the moment he hits the chords from the moments he starts singing were transported to that time to that place with that person and I love that he says her name Suzanne [Music] thank you just yesterday morning they let me know you were gone some sand fans we may put an end to you [Music] walked out this morning and I wrote down the song just can't remember who to send me to have seen fire and I've Seen Rain I've seen sunny days thought they'd never end I've seen only times and could not find a friend but I always thought I'd see you again there's so there's so many parts in the instrumentation that I'm gonna make a video on this uh for my series the greatest songs of all time that just give you that floaty feeling that emotion but what I what I love about um about this story is that it happened in an instant just yesterday morning they let me know you were gone like all of a sudden it's gone and he woke up this morning and he wrote down the song he had to do something right and then what comes out is this is this just this universal truth that we all have that I don't know what I'm feeling I've seen all these things but I've seen fire I've Seen Rain sunny days of thought would never end lonely times when I couldn't find a friend but I always thought that I'd see you again it's just so so simple and so profound and it's why James Taylor is one of the greatest songwriters that ever lived I just can't think of a better song to start out this list next up is an absolute classic he has been argued by many people that this might be not only the greatest country song ever written but the greatest song ever written sure you might have a different feeling in fact I would love to know your top five in the comments below but this one is so profound because it speaks to the Heartbreak that you have when you absolutely cannot get over someone no matter what and it you take it to your grave almost in spite of that person this is George Jones He Stopped Loving Her Today now this was written by Bobby Braddock and curly Putman but Jones made it famous the story of this one is you have two people in love they get married the opening line he said I love you till I die and then she responds you'll forget in time so she left him she's out right and the whole rest of the song is about how he keeps his picture on the on her picture on the wall he goes crazy he keeps Love Letters by her bed dated 1962 underlined I love you in red right and his friends know when he finally passes away when they go to his funeral and he's all dressed up to go away that's the first time they see him smile in years that's the first time they haven't seen him without tears in a long time because he died so he actually got to Stop Loving Her Today now that is a real tune here's the man himself George Jones singing it to us he said I'll love you till I die [Music] I watched the years and she's still praying on his mind he kept her pictures on his phone I saw him go laugh crazy [Music] I kept hoping she'd come back again hoping she'd come back again foreign [Music] by the way that is a half step key change that is a one-half step key change right there from the first to second verse who knows my friends [Music] a goal s first time I'd seen him smiling you [Music] a place [Music] [Applause] [Music] He Stopped Loving Her Today [Music] and that's George Jones singing He Stopped Loving Her Today um really one of the best songs of all time certainly one of my favorites the next song on my list is one we have featured on this channel before to me this is the most beautiful of them all as far as the presentation the singing the absolute honoring of the person who went home if you will by singing an absolutely gorgeous gorgeous Melody Vince Gill with Go Rest High On That Mountain is such a powerful song he started writing it I believe when Keith Whitley passed away but couldn't finish it but then when his brother passed away he put pen to paper and and put it down and the whole song is the painting of the picture where you don't actually you don't actually say the person's name you don't go into detail but you paint the picture of someone who struggled a great deal here on Earth someone who had a hard time believing in themselves but everybody around them saw the brightness Within and now you can go and you can rest easy you don't have to carry around that giant burden that perhaps you put on yourself but that you definitely could never take off in your years here um and it's just an absolutely tremendous song I love it so much this version features Vince Gill Alison Krauss and Ricky Skaggs this is about as good as music songwriting connecting with people can be done my brother when he passed away some years back songs brought an awful lot of peace to an awful lot of people over the years I had no idea that it would I'm grateful that people use it in their toughest times that's right [Music] thank you I know your life on Earth you could know [Music] you were no strange times [Music] [Music] the song You Were on Earth is done [Music] like I said that's about as good as you can do it and um just knowing that knowing that peace that uh must come for when you fight the hardest Battle of all the one that's deep inside when you finally don't have to fight that fight anymore you know I think we all hope that that you do find that peace you know that battle that we don't know we know our own but we don't know yours um but you know that we love you and this and this this song is just a I can't think of a more gorgeous song uh to honor someone that passed number four on this list is a hard one this is this is Tears in Heaven so as a dad uh this one just crushes me every time I for if you don't know so this was written by Eric Clapton and will Jennings and um this was written after Eric Clapton's son Connor fell out of a New York high-rise when he was a very very young child someone left a window open and he climbed out and fell I just I can't fathom I can't fathom uh uh something that tragic so quick it's such an instant um and I know that he tried to write this song he got a few verses and he reached out to Will to help him finish it especially for this uh last little part and um this is a song about the person grieving about how about how they want to be with that person but they know they can't be and they know it's wrong to be there that they want to be in heaven with you they want they don't want to be stuck in this vessel in this body they want to be with that person that they lost they can't fathom they can't understand how they're supposed to go on so this this is the story of of the of the person who still left here alive uh and this version that I picked is a stripped down version with the best of the best uh there's so many things about this song which I love again I'm gonna do a video on this song and probably everyone on here about the instrumentation and what makes the song kind of what it is but just as Eric is singing this know that he wrote this from a place of healing out of necessity to choose to still be here in the middle of her sobriety to to choose at the hardest time in his life an unimaginable point to to once again not throw in the towel and live and survive and share this with us and imagine the band Steve gadd back there lice and Light the gravity of the moment [Music] would you know my name if I saw you would it be the same [Music] if I saw you in heaven [Music] I must be strong [Music] and carry on cause I know I don't belong here in heaven [Music] see that's the point what would it be like are you even up there do we know but I know I don't want to be here without you right but then I I know I have to be strong because I know I don't belong up there in heaven I mean I I don't know if there's a more powerful song um period I don't know let me fast forward to the part that Will was brought in to help write which I just adore have you begged [Music] me like I said I I don't I don't no one no one has the words uh for that but there's a there's something so profound and Powerful uh about watching him create and share the thing he needed to make that only he could make to save him in his Darkest Hour truly truly tremendous the last one on this list is the one that I chose for Max um because he was a deadhead and long before I was and I tell everybody that doesn't get the Dead that that the thing that stood out to me that captured me where I finally got it were the stories inside this music that goes in all these different directions he's an anchor and that anchor for me was the storytelling of Robert Hunter Robert Hunter um was known for being rather cryptic and rather uh that the lyrics could mean different things for different people for different reasons at different times he very rarely gave you a lot but he gave you these Universal things that made all of us feel like we're a part of something greater and this is the tune that the dead ends most of their shows with when dead and companies finished this last tour I'm sure this will be the last song they play it better be um I want to be there and I want to see it and this is the song I chose for Max because this song speaks directly to the soul of a person not the body the song is entitled broke down palace so immediately think about it your body is a vessel it's a broke down palace you're old right you can't you're not going to live anymore but it is not you and listen in the second verse when it slows down when they introduce the concept of the song going to leave this broke down palace so I'm going to leave this broke down palace that's it right there in one lime we all whether it's the Eric Clapton song like like you know it's there's the body then there's the soul right the ID if you will you know however you want to talk about it this song is is a celebration of the fact that were never created nor destroyed we transfer you know in whatever means you might believe or feel but the point is We're All in This Together our energy doesn't dissipate when we're gone it gets transferred to another person another thing and you you hear Robert Hunter talk about he makes his bed by the water side and in my time I will roll roll roll and then listen to the river sing Sweet songs to rock my soul so he actually tells you the song or tells you about the soul talks about lovers coming and going by the river and the river just continues to roll Generations go by and then in my favorite part of the song he goes going to plant a weeping willow tree right by the water too and let it grow grow the point is again you plant a seed it grows the seeds drop right it grows we live we die we move on but our soul of who we were is connected with all of us and there's a permanence there in that energy that's never created nor destroyed and in my opinion this is Robert Hunter's most beautiful song um the one that connects most to me and um this is the one that we we played for Max now of course like all dead recordings uh it's hard to find ones with good quality um but here we go Listen to Jerry take us home [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] our flow except you alone [Music] make myself [Music] my time in my time [Music] like this to the real Mercy sweet song of my soul [Music] and that's it that's the song I chose to play for Max Max know that I love you I miss you and thanks for all the memories Brother um the soul will live on forever the lives you touched the energy crew you created um or that you brought to us uh won't be lost and we're all better for having to know you men that's it ladies and gentlemen those are my five uh most sacred songs for me for honoring someone that we loved and that we lost too soon I'd love to hear yours in the comments and uh thanks for watching this video and thanks for allowing this community to be a safe place where I can be emotional and and share stuff like this and you can leave your stories in the comments below um I'm forever grateful that we have this and that we can share this together that's it have a great day know that I love you and uh I hope that this had a positive impact on your life and just remember you're worth it don't just love other people love yourself and don't just forgive other people forgive yourself you're worth it stick around see you soon cheers
Channel: Michael Palmisano
Views: 1,603,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guitargate, reaction, guitar reaction, top funeral songs, top songs to play at a funeral, celebration of life songs, songs to remember a life lost, death songs, top songs for a service, obituary songs
Id: qdlr8mGOjRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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