Top Feline Faves [Discover the Top Things Cats Can't Resist]

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hey everyone welcome back to our pet Channel today's video is going to be all about cats and their favorite things as cat owners we all know that our furry friends can be quite picky when it comes to their preferences but there are certain things that almost all cats seem to love in this video we'll be discussing some of the most common things that cats love the most so if you're a cat lover be sure to stick around until the end as I will do my best to keep this video as short as possible and straight to the point let's get started number one scratching posts one of the things that almost all cats love is a good scratching post cats love to scratch and stretch their bodies and a good scratching post provides the perfect outlet for this Behavior it's important to choose a scratching post that is tall enough for your cat to fully stretch out on and made from materials that are appealing to them like sizal rope or cardboard number two fresh water some cats may prefer drinking from a water fountain or running water source so it's a good idea to try out different options to see what your cat likes best additionally providing multiple water bowls around your home can help to ensure that your cat always has access to clean in fresh water make sure you keep the water in the fountain clean and fresh to avoid the growth of harmful microorganism number three comfy beds hats may have individual preferences when it comes to bed Styles and material so it's a good idea to try out different options to see what your cat likes best some cats may prefer a soft and plush bed While others may prefer a firmer and more supportive bed so look out for your cat favorite bed and make sure you place the bed in a cool and calm spot this will help take quick naps number four caustic human attention while cats may have a reputation for being independent they still love attention from their humans spending time playing with your cat petting them and talking to them can make them feel loved and content every cat has their own unique personality so take the time to figure out what your cat enjoys and incorporate it into your interactions with them number five elevated spaces cats are natural climbers and they love to perch up high and Survey their surroundings providing your cat with a tall cat tree or shells that they can climb up to will make them very happy when setting up elevated spaces for your cat make sure sure they are sturdy and stable enough to support your cat's weight it's also important to place the spaces in areas where your cat can access them easily and safely number six catnip most cats go crazy for catnip this herb is a member of the mint family and contains a chemical called nepotalic tone that can cause a euphoric response in cats you can buy catnip in various forms including toys sprays and loose leaves and watch your cat go wild not all cats are affected by catnip and some may even have a negative reaction to it if your cat is sensitive to catnip you can try other types of safe and natural herbs such as valerian root or silver Vine to provide a similar stimulating effect number seven treats when choosing treats for your cat look for ones that are made from high quality ingredients and are free from artificial preservatives and fillers some cats may have dietary restrictions or health issues that require a specific type of treat so it's always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before introducing new treats to your cat's diet number eight laser pointers another thing that cats love is a good old laser pointer a laser provides endless entertainment for your cat as they chase The elusive Red Dot around the room just be sure to never Shine the laser directly into your cat's eyes as this can cause damage number nine napping cats are natural born Nappers they spend the majority of their day sleeping and it's a crucial part of their daily routine cats need a lot of rest to maintain their energy levels and stay healthy they prefer warm cozy and safe spaces to nap like a sunny windowsill a comfortable bed or their owner's lap it's also common for cats to nap in short intervals throughout the day so don't be surprised if your cat takes several naps a day number 10 sunbathing cats are known to be sun lovers they enjoy basking in the Sun and soaking up its warmth it's also a way for them to regulate their body temperature and get the necessary vitamin D providing your cat with access to Sunny spots like a window or a balcony can improve their mood and overall health if your home doesn't receive a lot of natural sunlight you can provide your cat with a sunbathing area by setting up a perch near a sunny window you can also provide your cat with a cozy bed or blanket to relax on while they soak up the sun number 11 cuddles cats are known for their independent nature but that doesn't mean they don't enjoy a good cuddle many cats enjoy being petted stroked and hugged by their owners it provides them with a sense of security and love just remember to respect your cat's boundaries and avoid overstimulating them number 12 boxes it's no secret that cats love boxes whether it's a cardboard box from your latest online shopping haul or a laundry basket your cat will find a way to make it their new favorite hiding spot it's believed that cats feel secure in enclosed spaces which is why they love to snuggle up in boxes number 13 feather toys feather toys are another favorite among cats these toys mimic the movement of prey and cats love to pounce and play with them just be sure to supervise your cat while they're playing with feather toys to prevent any accidents number 14 what food and fish most cats prefer wet food over dry food wet food has a higher moisture content which is important for a cat's overall health plus the smell and texture of wet food are very appealing to cats cats are carnivores and fish is a great source of protein talking for them whether it's canned tuna or fresh salmon most cats go crazy for fish just be sure to feed your catfish in moderation as too much can lead to health problems number 15 grooming cats are self-groomers and spend a significant amount of time grooming themselves however they also enjoy being groomed by their owners brushing your cats fur not only keeps it healthy and shiny but also provides a bonding experience for both you and your cat regular grooming also helps to reduce hairballs and prevent skin irritations cats also enjoy the sensation of being brushed and it can be a great bonding experience between you and your furry friend number 16 constant routine in privacy cats love keeping to a regular routine this is because they thrive on predictability and consistency so having a set routine for feeding playtime and Cuddles can make them feel secure and happy keeping to a routine also helps to prevent behavioral issues and can make life easier for both you and your cat finally cats are known for their love of privacy they need a space to call their own where they can Retreat when they need some alone time providing your cat with a designated spot like a cozy bed or a covered cat cave can give them the privacy and security they need to feel safe and comfortable in your home let's conclude there are just many things that cats love and providing your cat with these things can help to keep them happy healthy and fulfilled remember to always prioritize your cat's safety and well-being and to choose products and activities that are appropriate for your cat's age personality and health by understanding and Catering to your cats needs and desires you can strengthen your bond with them and provide a fulfilling and enriching life for your feline friend whether it's a scratching post a laser pointer or just some good old-fashioned attention there are plenty of ways to make your cat happy we hope you enjoyed this video and if you did be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more pet related content thanks for watching and stay safe bye
Channel: Living With Pets
Views: 41,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #thingscatslove, #catfavorites, #toptihingscatslike
Id: xTBbVCBidSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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