TOP Advanced adjectives to describe a person In English | Advanced English

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foreign hi there everybody welcome back to Advanced English lessons with Harry where we try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language improve your vocabulary Expressions grammar whatever it is we're here to help okay and in this particular lesson this Advanced English lesson we're looking at people and we're going to look at adjectives that can describe people so there's quite a few of them so I'll go through them one by one I've got 14 in total and as always if you like this particular lesson then please like the video and if you can subscribe to the channel because it really really helps so Advanced English lesson adjectives that we use to describe people so as I said I've got 14. perceptive perceptive inspirational over ambitious conscientious obstinate neurotic open-minded prejudiced apathetic insensitive solitary rebellious mature and inquisitive okay so good adjectives to describe people so I'm going to give you a situation when we might use them to describe a particular person and hopefully you'll get a good understanding of them if you don't understand them and you check them out in the in the dictionary and you still need some help well that's always come back to me and I'll try to give you a few more examples so perceptive when somebody is perceptive they see things that other people don't see a little bit of vision yeah or he's very perceptive he understands when there's a problem so you need to be very very careful when you're talking to him you don't say something out of turn because he picks up on small things so he's very very perceptive or somebody understands a situation you don't have to explain much to them oh yeah you're quite perceptive you understand exactly what I'm trying to say so to be perceptive to understand to know what's going on or what message somebody's trying to get across to you to be perceptive inspirational well we've all heard I think of this word inspiration as one of the well known adjectives somebody inspires you to do great things we look back in history and we look on leaders that would be inspirational in the modern world we look to members of our family a father a mother or grandfather whoever who might have been inspirational somebody to show you what to do or somebody who did something and you say well that's exactly what I want to do that's what I exactly want to be so they provided the inspiration for you to go on and maybe achieve your dream about the university course or whatever it happens to be doesn't have to be reaching for the stars but something that you found or somebody you found inspirational over ambitious well there's nothing wrong with having ambition and indeed it's a really good characteristic to have but if you're over ambitious then it means that you'd almost stop at nothing to get what you want and that can be a little bit dangerous and a little difficult and people are often wary of people who they consider to be over ambitious the office worker who continues to work late every night he lets his boss know that he's always there till nine o'clock he lets his boss know that he's there long after everybody else has gone home so he's not so much of a friend to people in the office you have to be really really careful so he's very ambitious he's over ambitious he wants to get promoted every time he's talking to the manager something comes up well what did you think about that didn't I do well didn't I do this so somebody who is a little bit over ambitious conscientious well conscientious is a really nice characteristic to have I would like it somebody would consider me to be conscientious and when you're conscientious you consider all aspects you are really conscientious about the work you do you don't just put down your pen and walk away from your desk when the clock ticks at five o'clock or 5 30 when you're supposed to go home so you stay until the job is done why because you're conscientious you make sure that the work is completed if there's an order that has to go to a a client or a customer you might follow up with an email or a text message to make sure they got it why because you're conscientious you don't just send it off and hope that it arrives there may have been some trouble with the last order so this time we want to make sure that it goes through that problems so you send a quick message did you get the order okay it was dispatched this afternoon so you wait to get a reply so you show and demonstrate that you are conscientious about your job and bosses like people who are conscientious dedicated well again obstinate can in some ways be a little bit positive but mostly it's seen as a negative adjective to describe you when you're obstinate it just means you refuse to change your mind you refuse to listen to other people you stick to your own opinion even though it's proved time and time again that you're probably wrong very obstinate oh there's no talking to him he's as stubborn as a mule he's so obstinate yeah it you can tell them that the sky is blue he won't believe you he'll argue that it's a different color he's very obstinate he sticks to what he thinks is right even though he's wrong he refuses to budge so obstinate or stubborn like the mirror that just won't move neurotic well someone who's neurotic really has some psychological issues and they neurotic because they assume everything's gone wrong they assume something is happening when really it isn't they might feel that somebody's listening to their telephone conversations they may feel that the boss is always watching over their shoulder when in fact he isn't they just get very concerned and but they become so concerned that they become neurotic so very hard to talk to them very hard to persuade them there isn't anybody listening to your telephone calls there isn't anybody watching you from behind there isn't anybody who really cares enough to do that so just get on and do your work don't be so neurotic don't feel that you're constantly under observation because the fact is you're not yeah nobody really cares neurotic open-minded well it's great to be open-minded is again a very positive characteristic to have and when you're open-minded you're willing to listen to everybody's opinions all the opinions you can get you're open-minded you may have your own views and you may be a little stubborn about things but you're sufficiently open-minded to listen to other people who you believe might have a better or different view than you have so to be open-minded as a boss is great because then people can approach you in the office they can let you know what they think and you won't prejudge them because you have an open mind so an open-minded boss is a really strong boss somebody who can listen somebody who can take other opinions and is not afraid to change the mind that they in fact might be wrong okay so open-minded prejudiced well here's a negative Prejudice when you're prejudiced you don't consider other things so well you have a closed mind and you have a stereotypical approach to lots of things it may be to do with people's color maybe to do with people's religious beliefs and maybe do to do with the difference between people with or without physical disabilities okay so we are prejudiced in those situations and we shouldn't be we should be open-minded so if you're prejudiced your mind is somewhat closed and you won't consider other people because of these stereotypes like certain people talk too much or certain people are aggressive and they're Fighters yeah so in those situations that's a a really really strong negative and you're become particularly prejudiced if you judge people based on nationality or religion or color whatever that might be so you have to have that open mind you can't afford to be prejudiced foreign Ty well when somebody is apathetic it really means they don't care they're full of apathy okay apathetic it's ah so what do I know I don't care I mean I get paid at the end of the month so why do I need to do any more than just my nine to five do they want me to work a little bit of overtime but they're not going to pay me why should I bother so when you're apathetic it means you really don't care so that's the opposite of the person who we said before might be conscientious so the conscientious worker even though he may not get paid for the extra work is prepared to do it those who suffer from that apathy or that apathetic approach just won't bother why should I bother what's the differences are going to make to me if I stay an extra half an hour an hour but the work will get done next week I'm off I'm off for the weekend so somebody with a lot of apathy apathetic insensitive incentive means we normally don't take into account other people's feelings as much as we should we might say the wrong thing at the wrong time somebody's just lost their pet dog or cat and we make some joke about it very insensitive somebody's about to lose their job when we start talking about unemployment a little bit insensitive so we have to be aware of and take into consideration other people's feelings around us before we make comments so that we cannot be accused of being insensitive okay some people are very sensitive are very emotional and if we are insensitive then we're likely to upset them and cause them some problems or some anxiety so insensitive solitary a solitary person is somebody who usually likes to be on their own they like to work on their own they probably live on their own they don't socialize at lunchtime they don't socialize definitely on a Friday evening with that beer in the local bar they're very solitary person they might be lonely they might be shy they might be nervous but they're very definitely solitary yeah they live and exist all on their own solitary rebellious well they're always great people to have when I was at school we had lots of rebellious individuals people who don't like to live by the rules yeah so when they're rebellious they they go against the rules no smoking definitely they're the guy you could find at the back of the bicycle shed smoking you know they have to wear a tie they never had a tie in their around their neck they might have it in their pocket and will put it on if the the teacher insisted on it okay so rebellious by Nature okay so to be rebellious is to go against the rules go against the laws I'm a little bit like that myself yeah so you have to be really really careful of course you have to be careful you're not too rebellious but it's no harm to be rebellious from time to time it's not a good idea that we're all exactly the same so rebellious We rise up against rule we rise up against laws and we don't like too many regulations so rebellious mature well of course we all hope we are mature and as we get older we definitely mature in in years of not in our in our way we operate so a mature individual who's somebody who thinks before speaking somebody who thinks about the the likely outcome before they take an action somebody who thinks about how it will impact on other people before they do something so a mature person is mature in their thoughts mature in their actions in and mature in their deeds the opposite is immature yeah so usually young people up to the age of 14 or 15 might be somewhat immature and as they get Beyond they those adult those sorry those young adolescent years they become a little bit more mature and it's well known fact that boys mature less quickly than girls so to mature is to see things in an adult way to make sure that we understand and things and we don't make rash decisions or rash judgments mature and then finally inquisitive well I think it's always good to have an inquisitive mind an inquisitive mind is a mind that constantly asks questions why why do we need that why do we do that what are they doing what's that for yeah an inquisitive mind kids at the young age of four and five and six when they start to find their words often start with why why this why that and it can drive parents a little bit mad it did me when my kids were were young so you have to be careful why this why that but having an inquisitive mind is absolutely great because they find out a lot they get a lot of information and we shouldn't let age be a barrier we should always be inquisitive asking why is this happening why did we do that how was that yeah okay so be inquisitive ask questions look for information look for answers inquisitive okay so they're the 14 different adjectives that we can use to describe people okay so let me give them to you one more time perceptive inspirational over ambitious conscientious be careful with that pronunciation conscientious obstinate neurotic open-minded prejudiced apathetic insensitive solitary rebellious mature and then finally inquisitive okay so as I said and you know the drill by now if you want to learn these you have to practice them you won't remember them all so try putting them into sentences try and practice a few that you'd know have a look at people that you know in your family in your office see which of these particular adjectives might be Associated or might describe that particular person that you know it's a good way to to practice if you need any help you contact me I'll give you some more examples okay as always thanks for listening thanks for watching Harry saying goodbye until next time see you soon
Channel: Learn English with Harry
Views: 132,320
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Keywords: speak better english with harry podcast, learn english with harry, adjectives to describe a person in english, advanced english lessons
Id: _nET5wdM_eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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