Top 7 Jared Leto Joker Cringes (Why Heath Ledger is a Better Method Actor)

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[Music] within the first few minutes of suicide squad we encountered this horrifying scene to this handsome hunka hunger hunter hunger hunter hunger you belong to him now you want me it was at this moment i knew something was terribly and disturbingly wrong what is the joker a pimp now nothing in this scene made any sense and it was obviously just used as shock value or trying to sexualize the joker and harley and also show how unpredictable they can be but instead of achieving any of that they only achieved in showing what a terrible movie we were in for the number one rule of introducing a movie villain is you never introduce them with a montage you need to build your antagonist up just because it's the joker doesn't mean you get a pass on that you need to feel scared or horrified and worried when i saw this i busted out laughing i had secondhand embarrassment how did leto not notice that he had nothing to do in this movie except stand around and look like he's ready to shoot a magazine cover or film a music video that's seriously all this was i think the music video was more critically acclaimed than the actual performance in movie i mean i know i liked it more but i technically still hated it and it was awful and stupid and disgrace to the joker property hey just like the movie wrongs i have just begun i think there was a weird kid in my high school that used to do something like this he would sit in the back of class and generally just weird everyone out and that's all that's happening in the scene i mean are you telling me that the joker just sits around his house doing this that's so weird i'm not terrified or worried i'm just uncomfortable and that's kind of what i want to briefly touch on today how uncomfortable jared leto has made all of america especially the cast and crew of suicide squad before the movie was released all people could talk about was how method jared had gone with his joker he's always in character he's terrifying people on set he sends rats to his co-stars so many weird things i i can't even begin to tell you the weird things i got what did you think i mean by that point i was i kind of felt like i knew the joker a bit so i it wasn't as alarming but uh yeah there were many instances where i didn't know what to expect all right so we sent a rat to margot robbie everyone knows that it was some huge sensationalized headline trying to act like the movie was going to be amazing just because he sent her a rat but now that the joker movie has been released we've actually seen what a good joke portrayal looks like again does anyone realize how [ __ ] hilarious this whole thing is in hindsight how jared leto made a complete ass of himself trying to portray the joker by doing all these weird and crazy things on set and then ending up with this movie oh sorry wrong wrong movie i get those mixed up with helped me by erasing my mind you left me in a black hole of rage and confusion don't hurt me i'll be your friend well i'm the joker baby and i have a theory for why he did all these weird things besides just trying to be a method actor i think he wanted to do everything he could to be bigger than heath obviously there was a lot of behind the scenes buzz about heath ledger's joker so at the release of the movie all people could talk about was how ledger locked himself in her room for a month to train for the role and how he was always in character on set and constantly sleep deprived now all this is true and obviously contributed to the amazing performance we received this movie stands as the best batman film ever made and it's because the villain is so iconic so i believe leto saw all these things and decided he wanted to be an icon too the problem is that he let it all go to his head he was acting like he nailed the part before filming it even begun so he transcended it in this territory that was just cringe a good example would be something like this leto made people call him mr jay on set he was always acting like the joker just doing weird and bizarre things keith always stayed in character too but listen to what aaron eckhart had to say about working with him just a really great guy my one experience with heath on the film was our scene together in the hospital bed which is really my only scene with him and well i don't really have any lines what am i going to do and i had no idea what was going to happen and he came around and heath was always in character so he would come around and you know be talking to himself in the corner like watch him and i'd watch him he'd walk around the hospital bed like this and watch him didn't say anything for maybe an hour and then all i said my hand would go up like this and he caught my hand so we just went through this organic process of developing this scene which was really nothing and then when we came time to shoot we had this thing beautifully choreographed and you know he did we never said a word to each other and we walked out um to our back to our trailers and heath was here and i was walking and he puts his hand on my shoulder and he goes that's what acting's all about just look at the amount of respect he's had for aaron and how much aaron in turn respected heath do you think that sending rats and dead pigs to your co-stars commands respect for your acting craft or do you think it's just some cheap thing to do because you know it'll be a headline on buzzfeed yeah um i mean it was it was step back you can't just say use condoms and we're just gonna like forget it i know it's a family show but we can work we can educate people here at least they were used how did you send used condoms to oh everybody maybe they didn't want to tell you but no i mean i did a lot of things to to create a dynamic to create an element there was one person on set leto never played any weird pranks on and that person was viola davis the actor who played amanda waller when viola davis was asked if she was the lucky recipient of one of jared leto's strange gifts she said she was not in fact she added or also would have gotten my husband who was called a headache ball back in the day when he played football and i would have said take care of the joker basically this is saying that davis looked at this as disrespectful and someone probably told leto not to mess with her and he listened and the rest of the cast well the rest of the cast just bit their lip and hoped he wouldn't be asked to come back for a sequel and he wasn't the end just kidding then another joker movie got made without leto that was really good and now everything about lettuce joker has fallen apart because his performance was built on a house of cards i would go into his trailer and have a conversation with him and i remember the first time that happened i was pausing because i realized i was actually having a conversation with mr jay and not necessarily jared ledger was still a human being he cared more about acting and less about the fluff letto is nothing but fluff there is no real method going on here that makes any sense it's just craziness for the sake of craziness it's not just the bad script that ruined this movie it's the fact they made this stupid [ __ ] music video [Music] it's the fact that they built this guy up as the craziest joker ever and it just ended up being hard to watch but just look at the behind the scenes footage and it's even worse hi you dirty pervert oh my god you people what are you looking at shut up and the trailer for this movie was phenomenal i could not wait to see this scene i'm just gonna hurt you really really bad but this scene was just like part of a montage that had nothing to do with anything which deflates the entire scene you can't just have the joker on screen saying i'm the joker and think that that's a good joker think about how awkward it must have been for the crew to see jared walking around pretending to be the joker for 185 straight days of shooting and then getting this giant piece of garbage i am not someone who is loved i'm an idea so without further ado here are the top seven ridiculous dumb stuff jared little did trying to act like the joker in the suicide squad movie [Music] number one he sent killer croc sticky playboys uh i don't really know why this one is really weird and doesn't really make sense but yeah he did that i'm not sure what they were sticky with number two delivered a dead pig during rehearsal okay hilarious just yep real real funny funny funny joke you did there number three mailed used condoms and anal beads to other actors wow i really hope they weren't used because that's actually a sex crime number four leto ordered actors jim parrik who is playing joker henchman johnny frost to do things like spray paint black roses and gather nine inch nails and handle dead animals uh dude this guy's just an actor he's not your personal assistant in real life for your weird [ __ ] number five made everyone call him mr j on set uh gave himself his own nickname one of those guys number six gifted will smith some bullets all right this one actually kind of makes sense uh since he's playing deadshot uh kind of just a harmless prank so get a pass on this one number seven he gave margot robbie the rat i mean everyone knows that i think that that was actually the bigger story than anything in the movie i mean that was a better story than anything in the movie really just recently some shitty website called david ayer out and said that he cut all jared's scenes out of the movie because they sucked and then some 12 year old tweeted at david ayer and said this the article says you were unhappy about his performance so you cut him out why don't you clear this bs by your own words you supported james gunn who shits on you in your movie but not the actor who always plays you a responded by saying this that is inaccurate information not my words or actions honestly i have no idea what to make of any of this who knows if it was david that cut all letos scenes or if it was wb oh it was obviously done because that little faith in his performance and for good reason but honestly jared maybe it wasn't your fault you didn't write the script but my feelings are you could have pointed out before taking the role that your character serves exactly zero purpose in the film which is alarming but whatever not your fault you're not the character designer you didn't come up with the damaged tattoo or the crazy grill look you certainly didn't edit yourself out of the movie we know that so yeah we can't really blame you but you can't really blame us for laughing at you you thought you were a big shot joker you thought you were going to wow all of america because you made a couple headlines about sending margot robbie a rat maybe you thought you were going to top ledger's performance but you didn't not even close all you did was just weird everyone out with your behind the scenes antics so it's time for you to step down because this is a role that america needs filled for the rest of our lives now apparently and phoenix's joker was everything yours wanted to be if this video does well maybe i'll talk a little bit more about his performance but for now the only thing you need to know is that it is on par with ledgers and i think stands out as one of the two best joker performances of all time that is including live action and cartoons and the reports that you tried to block that joker being made has spread like wildfire and has most likely pushed you out of the role permanently how are they supposed to ask you to come back now after this mess maybe if you would have played it cool and been supportive we could have lived in a world with two versions of the joker on screen one would be good and one would be crappy but that's alright everyone prefers different flavors of ice cream too but since you've been petty and unsupportive and you can't seem to understand that your movie and portrayal sucked adult will be seeing you as the joker again but honestly who knows if you even want to come back i mean i would it's the joker who doesn't want to play him on screen immediately when you take the role all eyes are on you and you get the i'm allowed to behave like a psycho weirdo card which you obviously love using but again there were zero reports of joaquin phoenix sending people dead rats and look how his performance turned out for now it seems we've seen the end of jared leto's joker it's kind of funny how him and batman never even met up probably a blessing in disguise unless you count this one terrible scene from the movie but i don't know if this even counts that's my thoughts on jared little's joker he did a lot of super weird and inappropriate stuff all for nothing and only ended up looking like a petty jackass welcome to the club jade see you next time janitor squad [Music] [Music] somebody help me find a way to [Music] trying to find a place [Music] [Music] somebody help me find a way to get back home that's me yeah
Channel: The Internet's Janitor
Views: 2,576,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joker, TheJoker, JaredLeto, JoaquinPhoenix, TheInternetsJanitor, SuicideSquad, HeathLedger, HarleyQuinn, Batman
Id: 9JJBip-r9HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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