Top 7 Coding Algorithms to Crack Coding Interviews in Tamil | Data Structures & Algorithms

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cracking coding interviews can be difficult task that for a big Tech clients but by learning the seven coding algorithms you can make it with ease so let's get started H is top seven must know coding algorithms to crack any programming interview that last three algorithms are most important in the alith but these algorithms are Basics that any developer should know so details plus secret tips and tricks to know as well practice interview questions number one sequences string array sequence like string is a sequence of characters so in the sequence you have to be mindful about slicing and concatenation comp so you have to be careful when you are setting start and stop indexes for this alith sliding window method it's a method to efficiently solve problems that come under window or range so problem interview questions anagram two or three some problems palome problems number two dynamic programming d more practice questions finding long substring with unique characters word break problem jumping number three link list link sequ l finding from the will be practice questions finding the K node from the last reverse link list merge K sorted list number four Matrix matx two Dimension matx problem traversal or Dynamic programing con based GES like [Music] to solve these problems in an efficient way number five recursion Rec which is useful in terms of permutation so theion is inside stack Beyond certain limit say for an example for [Music] python practice question subsets subsets to and different algorithm questions like factorial or palome etc for an example binary and right directed gra and right problem you should use first search moreover in order pre-order postorder Trav practice questions find the depth of the tree validate binary surgry reverse binary surgry last but not least he low or top elements problem it's a sign that it belongs to he problem for an example maximum element Max strcture like priority kind of dat structure so that always top maximum elements practice question mered list top frequent elements so that's pretty much it I'll see you with another great cont next time until then take by [Music]
Channel: Let Us Code Together
Views: 675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CodingInterview, DataStructures, Algorithms, TamilTutorial, ProgrammingTutorial, CodingPreparation, CodingAlgorithms, Arrays, Strings, DynamicProgramming, LinkedList, Matrix, Recursion, Trees, Heap, TechEducation, SoftwareEngineering, ComputerScience
Id: QtR2xLgPPqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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