Top 6 Reasons Artists Fail - Oil Painting Instruction

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so in this video I want to talk about the top six reasons that I see that artists fail and this is absolutely based on it's really not my opinion it's what I've seen over the years I've taught people to paint for years if thousands of people have witnessed hundreds and hundreds of people myself personally you know I used to do groups of ten and teach teach classes of groups of ten at now I do these private classes I do all one almost every week and I have students that have no experience at all people who say that you know they've tried to paint for years and weren't able I've had people who are professionals and and everything in between and this is just my absolute observation of how if people fail or if I you know if somebody takes my class and then I check in on them two years later or three years later and they're not painting or they're not succeeding with their art and what I mean by that is you know getting beyond that amateur level painting really high realism and the reasons that I see for people failing these top six reasons none of them include anything to do with talent with with just raw talent and every one of them well let me let me just go through them so that so that you can see the number one reason that I would say is that life gets in the way and that's you know people wanting to paint but they simply don't have the time they're either taking care of kids or grandkids or they're busy with their work and they don't have time to paint or they're too tired at the end of the day and it takes a certain amount of time so that's number one right off the top and I just you know I just hear it all the time you know people will take my class they get home and they may not even get started for two or three months and I'm check-in on them and it's because they're too busy with this or that or you know it's just life is crazy and it's it's hard to find time to paint and then the second most common reason I would say is that people simply don't have the personality or that you know it's not in there you know personality to spend hours and hours in a studio by themselves you know you have to be able to work alone you have to have that personality you know that or even just the discipline to sit in your studio and work for hours and put in the time and a lot of people you know they can they can paint a little bit for an hour here you know twice it twice a week or or whatever it is but you really do have to put in some time in the studio and that's something that people either have that personality or they don't and that's just another big thing you know and I see that in my private classes if I have a student and every time I go in in there they're on Facebook or they're you know checking their email or whatever they're being distracted you know they just don't have that you know long-term Drive that's gonna put them in the studio and keep them working so that would be number two and then the third reason I would say and I don't know that I'm saying these in the most common order but I would say maybe the third most common would would be that people get distracted with one method or another and they don't just sit and stick with whatever method it is that they're learning you know there's a lot of different methods that you can learn that'll teach you to paint you know of course I'm you know have my own method which I I know works and you know I can give you testimony after testimony about people who've succeeded with my method but I do see a lot of people that will take my method but then they're you know taking a different workshop and going in a different different direction and it's not that I mind any of that as just that you know it's it's really best to stick with one method and to trust that and to let that teach you as opposed to taking one workshop and one person says this and one person says that and I just see that a lot where people who take my either either my private classes or whatever you know they're going home and they're doing something different and they're just you know constantly trying new things or new methods and that's that's a real problem okay so then number four I would say is you know similar to that but it's just poor instruction you if you are trying to learn to paint and somebody's teaching you the wrong way or they're teaching you a way that's really hard to learn or they're just not a good teacher then you will fail and and I get a lot of students that take my class you know that are that have told me that very thing that they're you know taking this class or they're taking this workshop and they're not really learning or whatever it is and there's simply a lot of methods out there a lot of ways that people teach that really don't you know that don't work as well as others and again you know I have my own method which I you know think works but it's just a matter of you know you can get some poor instruction and it can really lead you astray okay so number five would be simply never getting started or setup and you know that's a maybe a lot of that is fear of failure but I remember myself you know when I first decided I wanted to start to paint and walking into the art store and deciding to spend all this money on paint and an easel and everything else I needed to get set up and I remember thinking you know Who am I kidding why I'm you know I can't do this why do i why am i spending all this money and investing all this time you know I'll never be able to paint the way I want to you know I I have that same fear and so I understand that and I don't know how I ended up pushing through I think it was just that I was in the right place at the right time in my life and I really didn't have anything better to do I don't know what it was but I definitely understand that fear of failure and it's kind of hard to see yourself you know painting great paintings but that's something that you know you just can't let that get in your way and so you have to get set up you have to build your studio you have to you know purchase your paints and you have to get started so that would be another reason and then the last reason I would say and I'm sure there's several more that I'm not thinking about but the the biggest one or the last one that that's a big one is the artists curse you know you can get through all of those first you know problems you can be you can get set up you can you know start doing it you can spend hours and hours in the studio and do all that and then you have the artists curse and the artists curse is something that you know I personally had a really hard time with when I first started you know I was never happy with my work I would start off and I would get excited about painting something and but then by the time I got to the end of it I didn't like it anymore you know and I and I just didn't realize that that's part of the game you know it's just like somebody who's a writer that tries to read their own novel you know you really can't have that objectivity that's somebody that's never that didn't write it or didn't compose the music or whatever you know even myself you know when I play it we used to play drums you know and I still play drums but when I played it you know a lot I was always trying to figure out it you know am I making noise am i playing right you know it's really hard to judge your own work you know whether you're you know in a visual artist or whatever it is and then that's a really big deal and there are a lot of people that you know they finish a painting and they think seeing is believing and when they look at it they just don't see the magic that they see in a painting where they walk into museum and just look at it and you know there's a lot of tricks that you can get around the artists curse you can turn your painting upside down you can take a picture with your cell phone turn it into a black and white photo you know you can do these things with photography to trick yourself now and help yourself see it objectively you know you can look in a mirror but there's a lot of pitfalls and all of that so the artists curse is a really big one and I've seen it stop people in their tracks I've seen people who you know are painting and then I ask them why they stopped and they just say that they you know they feel like they can't can't produce anything that they really love and that's just part of the deal and so so anyway these are the top six reasons that I can think of you know it's it's not what what the vast majority of people the general public they think that it's that it's just talent that I either have a talent or I don't and that's what's gonna stop you but I've just never seen that in my own personal experience and I've taught hundreds and hundreds of people to paint and I've never seen somebody just not be able to paint and so I knew I hope this is helpful I've got a video coming out very soon on how to paint water so take keep an eye open for that and thank you guys for watching and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Draw Mix Paint
Views: 108,163
Rating: 4.9231148 out of 5
Keywords: mark carder, carder method, oil painting techniques, realism, fine art, learn to paint, how to paint, brushwork, artist, geneva, geneva fine art, geneva fine art supplies, geneva paint, color mixing, limited palette, paint, painting, paintings, mix paint, mix color, mixing color, mixing paint, color theory, color paint, color painting, oil paint
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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