Top 6 Lovely Runner Actors Who Look Totally Different In Real Life

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while lovely Runner is extremely aesthetically pleasing the actors Behind these characters actually look quite different in their everyday lives nison were absolutely shocked to find out that oong who plays the role of the cruel choan has a totally different vibe in real life in the drama she play someone who's a perpetrator of school violence so of course she has a little Edge to her her hair is messily cut into a wolf cut and her makeup is done in a way that makes her look very daunting not to mention that her outfits stand out quite a lot making her the center of attention in anywhere she goes this perfectly matches her cold and outspoken personality which left a big impression on viewers while her onscreen appearance is characterized by a messy layered hairstyle an outdated makeup style and a sassy fashion sense seong's real life beauty is on the complete other side of the spectrum on her Instagram you can see that she's much more of a cute girl dressing super elegant even if it's a casual day out she keeps her hair long without the bangs and usually rocks a pretty traditional makeup style judging from the picture she posts she absolutely loves Cardigans which once again reflects that she Nails the cute girl look fans are absolutely obsessed with her trendy and Youthful fashion scents as she Nails every outfit her natural beauty is absolutely unmatched but it's fun to see how easily she can switch it up by simply just getting a new haircut someone else who also took on a completely different persona for the drama is soia one you might remember her as Jin Yung so's cousin in business proposal even there she looked totally different although she didn't have much screen time she captivated viewers with her humorous acting in lovely Runner she rocked yet another look which made her look so different to the point you wouldn't have recognized her in real life she plays the role of yanju who's one of IMO's good friends in the drama she has a bow cut and wears a pair of thick rimmed glasses making her look more of the nerdy type her fashion choices also match this aesthetic really well as she usually wears some type of vest or cardigan she wears minimal makeup and doesn't put that that much effort into her appearance in real life hiwan is a Trends Setter rocking long stunning black hair she Embraces both elegant makeup and a barefaced look showcasing her natural beauty anytime she gets the opportunity her fashion sense is incredibly versatile effortlessly transitioning from business casual to comfy joggers and even though she's turning 31 this year her skin is youthful and radiant we need her beauty secrets although she never sticks to one style and likes to switch it up quite often it's safe to say she looks nothing like her character in the drama moving on on let's talk about Leung yub's transformation in lovely Runner he plays the role of Beck and huk who's a talented musician that captivated viewers with his guitar skills and Charisma known for his infectious smile and easygoing personality he's the type of person who effortlessly connects with others his personality is very much reflected in his looks throughout the drama as he mostly gives off very laid-back Vibes of course you can tell he's the leader of a band by the way he dresses but that's just because he always carries a guitar with him fans were shocked to find out that sun hiob is also a talented musician in real life many didn't know that he is n flying's member proving that his looks in the show had many foed if you think about it the role of inhak is kind of perfect for him as he's the leader of n flying in real life as well and even plays the guitar among many other instruments in that sense sun yub and his character are very similar but looks-wise they differ a lot in real life he's in his true Idol form meaning he always looks incredibly sophisticated his outfits are always extremely well put together and he never fails to impress he looks a lot more mature and less boyish and doesn't shy away from experimenting with new Styles always keeping his fans on their toes viewers were surprised to find out he composes his own songs writing comments such as wow I didn't know that at first so I was really surprised he's good at singing acting and everything else he's so multi-talented speaking of multi-talented people Kim yayun is up next she's the star of the show and completely switched up her image for this drama Yun played many different characters with throughout her career and always put a lot of effort into matching their Vibes with her visuals for instance in the movie the girl on a bulldozer she got a dragon tattoo and cut her hair shorter in lovely Runner she portrays an endearing woman who had the dream of becoming a film director her aspirations were tragically cut short in 2009 when a leg injury left her paralyzed in the drama she looks incredibly innocent and Youthful which doesn't match any of the other roles she has played hi Yun confessed that transforming into IMO was quite quite the challenge since this was the first older character she got to play in an interview she shared her feelings about her character and said at first I was feeling pressured thinking whether I would be able to portray imol well it's a pleasant feeling of pressure both the original web novel and the drama script gave me the mission of acting a character in her 30s iul is a character that is the oldest among all the characters age groups I have acted so far in real life K Yun has a totally different vibe to her she looks a lot more elegant and put together really showing people that she's been on top of her stuff all her life that isn't exactly an exaggeration because did you know that she played over 50 minor roles in 7 years time heun started pursuing her acting dream in her third year of high school and seemed to only score minor roles at the beginning of her career eventually she landed a role in the highly popular drama sky castle and this was a serious turning point in her career because ever since she's been experiencing all the perks of being an A-list actress this is also reflected in the way she looks in real life as saying that she looks sophisticated wouldn't even begin to touch it although her character in the drama looks pretty laid-back and innocent in real life yay Yun likes to go all out anytime she has an event she's in full Glam and all of her professional shoots are very experimental and absolutely gorgeous even when she's casually out with friends you rarely see her barefaced if there's one thing about hi Yun it's that she's going to put in an effort to look good considering she also models for a living that isn't strange at all next up is beond Wok who plays the role of Korea's top star Ryu Sanjay who excels in every aspect of his life unlike Sanjay Wok didn't automatically nail everything he did as it was actually quite challenging for him to make a name for himself in the acting industry this has everything to do with the fact that he was active as a model before he decided to pursue acting seriously in the industry there's some kind of stigma surrounding models turned actor as it's often said that they don't act as well as the people who pursued acting right off the bat despite this strain Wok explained it doesn't bother him in a past interview he elaborated on this and said a model and actor share some similarities I'm grateful to have this modifier and I feel proud rather than burdened of being called that he also dished on wanting to change his image for future roles saying I want to play a new character who shows diversity even though it is somewhat contrary to my image so far I've played characters who are somewhat similar to me but I hope I will be able to keep showing different layers of myself that's exactly what he did by accepting the role of Sanjay as this character is completely different from his real life image he transforms into a very elegant Idol and looks absolutely stunning in every shot taken of him this is something he hasn't done before yet and it's very exciting to see this different side to him in real life he's a lot more relaxed even when it comes to the way he looks while Sanjay is very put together Wok prefers to stick to street style and doesn't really care much about looking all done up he really showed his versatility as an actor with this this role and we're not complaining last up is songan he who surprised us with his incredible performance as Kim Tang in the drama Tang is a very flamboyant guy rocking a mullet and a very eccentric fashion style he's the basist of a different band which really fits the way he dresses in real life Gan he isn't that extra with his style whatsoever in fact he prefers to keep it all very casual on his Instagram he's usually seen in sweats or some other comfortable outfit he mostly radiates elegance and simplicity and doesn't really try to exper expent that much although the mullet looks pretty cool in the drama in real life he prefers to have a clean short haircut which he usually keeps the same what's also pretty surprising is that he rides a motorcycle proving that his demeanor is a lot more tough in real life ganhe once revealed it was his goal to play a lot of versatile roles before he turns 30 and his part in lovely Runner has definitely helped him achieve that goal
Views: 57,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kdrama, kdramas, k-drama, korean drama, k-dramas, korean dramas, misskdrama, miss-k-drama, mydramalist, kdramas netflix, netflix, netflix kdramas, korean actors, korean actors kiss, kdrama kiss, kdrama edit, kdrama edits, kdrama 2024, korean dramas 2024, new kdramas, k-dramas to watch, korean actors dating, korean actors cancelled
Id: Pdn0GiFrdvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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