Top 5 Zelda Dungeons - Zeltik

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really quick I now have a patreon completely not mandatory but if you ever feel like supporting my channel here's the place to do it thanks how's it goin adventurous if there's one thing that makes Zelda games special aside from the exploration than the characters than the music and the story than the visuals and basically everything else it's the dungeons dungeons are the perfect counterpart to Zelda's exploration and traditionally bright over worlds the contrast between the two making the descent into a dark monster infested labyrinth all the more intimidating and since I've been trying to let you guys know me more as a person I thought that today I'd run you through my top 5 favorite Legend of Zelda dungeons across all of the games it was really hard to narrow it down to five so if one of your favorites didn't make the list let me know in the comments so without further ado let's get into it number 5 dragon roost cavern the Wind Waker in terms of starter dungeons wind wakers dragon roost cavern is where it's at great introduction to the game's mechanics check actual useful item check the awesome looking boss check dragon roost cavern was a perfect introduction to the wind wakers brilliant dungeon design set inside the raging volcano beneath the dragon valeu who's being tortured by Goma one of my favorite parts of this dungeon is actually the mini boss medleys trapped in a cage by just two green perk ovens like a must give these guys the work oh and a mail-order mob Lin how does that think oh never mind this fight is awesome because at this point would not fought a mob Lin only ran away from them at the second fortress and this is the perfect way to introduce one of the game's heavyweight enemies overall a great dungeon number four the ancient system Skyward Sword ever since the very first game on the NES Zelda games have had a tradition of hiding secrets behind waterfalls Skyward Sword took this to the next level however by adding one of the best Zelda dungeons to date behind a giant waterfall in the water dragon Farren's domain when the dragon herself stops the water the ancient cistern is revealed a beautiful labyrinth of water puzzles and massive stone carvings I mean sure the ancient cistern is pretty cool to start with it's a pretty well-designed Eastern styled water dungeon yeah but what really kicks it up to the next level is that is actually built on top of a kind of hellish underworld I know descending into the statue head reveals that under the beautiful stone water work lies a corrupted abyssal second half to the dungeon full of cursed zombie like reanimated Berk oblems this dungeon is full of so many awesome creative moments like a point where link has to climb from the underworld up on a thin string while cursed Berk oblems chased him from below creepy and then we can't forget the dungeons boss one of the best bosses in any Zelda game a massive buddha-like robot with the voice of a child only in his Elva game the fight against kalach toss involves ripping his arms off with a whip and even using his giant scimitar z' against him smashing his chest great open to hit his weak spot is just so damned satisfying [Music] number three palace of winds the Minish Cap minish cap is my favorite 2d Zelda game and fittingly palace of winds is my favorite 2d dungeon just when you think you've seen all the world has to offer the game throws you for a loop by introducing a whole new area above it the cloud tops when link searches for the wind element you first think it'd be found in the fortress of winds in the far reaches of the swampy Castile wilds however he learns that the wind tribe left the surface in favor of the clouds so he follows them to the top of veil falls and into the sky up here lies the palace of winds a dungeon set far above the surface below which link is constantly reminded of by large parts of it being exposed to the open sky there are a load of reasons where I feel that this is my favorite 2d Zelda dungeons such as the impressive feel of genuine depth that captures despite being a 2004 2d Game Boy Advance title the mini-boss is a red darknut fought one-on-one mano a mano in an area surrounded by open air on all sides taking a bad hit from the armored foe will push link off the platform making it quite a formidable battle and of course this dungeon introduces the awesome awesome rock scape a cape which allows link to glide large distances this adds a whole new level of depth to the dungeon and makes one of the most creative 2d boss fights possible the Gork pair the Georg pair the Georg pair where link must fly between three massive sky manta rays in a weird but fierce high-altitude battle number two the earth temple wind waker being my favorite zelda game there's no big surprise that the wind waker gets a second entry on my favorite dungeon list this time with the chilling earth temple part of what makes this dungeon so awesome is the stark contrast between it and most of the Wind Waker from traveling across the bright vibrant seized with booming heroic music to the dark musty earth temple with its quiet somber theme the earth temple is one of the two main companion dungeons in the game along with the wind temple where links joined by the rito medley on his journey into the depths of the earth which in my opinion at least was a really cool mechanic using her ability to fly and reflect light with her harp to your advantage seriously the earth temple for me has to rank as one at the creepiest Zelda locations along with places like the bottom of the well and the shadow temple it's so claustrophobic and dark full of nightmarish redeads in the bane of my childhood floor masters similar to the stone tower temple from majora's mask wind wakers earth temple heavily relies on using lights and reflection in its puzzles and combat shedding light into the darkness while the boss wasn't really anything special i think is the atmosphere and feel of the dungeon more than anything that earns it the number 2 spot on my list number 1 the forest temple ocarina of time as Patrick Rothfuss writes in my favorite book the name of the wind there's nothing quite so delightfully mysterious as a secret in your own backyard and in terms of Zelda this feeling is why I love Ocarina of times forest temples so much as everyone knows you start the hero of times adventure and kokiri forest a magical sheltered wood exploring the forest for the first time is one of my favorite memories are playing the game as a kid finding the Kokiri sword in a hidden alcove battling through the great Deku Tree is parasite ridden insides and especially discovering the mystical lost woods and all its hidden areas and then partway through the game young Link ventures deep into the lost woods then before finding the haunting sacred forest meadow and just beyond it saria's hidden place amidst some great stone ruins and we thought that was it for the sacred forest meadow until returning there as adult link with the hookshot and discovering that serious stone ruins were actually part of the entrance to the forest temple a great empty mansion in the process of being swallowed by the woods around it while I'm not sure the actual dungeon is anything special by Zelda standards the reason the Forest Temple stands as my favorite dungeon is its design and its atmosphere there's an incredibly strong sense of loneliness in the great empty halls of the temple which has made all the more prevalent by the eerie haunting music thanks for watching this top 5 video what would your top 5 Zelda dungeons be leave in the comments below and if you want to talk about Zelda YouTube or life in general check out my discord in the description below and also a now live stream on YouTube every Sunday evening from 7:00 p.m. GMT until midnight I didn't last Sunday because my webcam didn't arrive in time this coming Sunday is my birthday so I'll let you guys know on my Twitter if I'm gonna livestream if you like this video leave a like and if you haven't already consider subscribing cheers guys and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Zeltik
Views: 605,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Breath of the Wild, Top 5, dungeons, zeltik, legend of zelda, link, ganondorf, skyward sword, wind waker, new, game, trailer, nintendo, switch, ancient cistern, dragon roost cavern, best, dungeon, top, greatest, scariest, guide, walkthrough
Id: hbl0pbnArR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2017
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