Top 5 You Fan Theories That Turned Out to Be True & 5 That Turned Out to Be False

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figures and she'd be the one welcome to Ms Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top five you fan theories that turned out to be true and five that turned out to be false what do you want from me I'm sorry I'm trying to change my past mistakes really don't get it tell me I am trying to you're taunting me well I try to save you don't save Joe for this list we're looking at the speculation surrounding the plot and its twists of the Netflix psychological Thriller series a spoiler alert is now in effect were any of your theories right let us know in the comments number 10. Rhys has an accomplice false it's you it's been you after the big reveal of Reese as the Eat the Rich killer fans began to speculate whether or not he had a partner in crime lady Phoebe the incredibly kind and bubbly one in the group was even considered at one point because her legability was suspect you think you know me Dawn what am I gonna do next come on tell me on the other hand Kate's reaction to gemma's murder caused some viewers to question whether or not she was the real killer enlisting Joe to help cover up the crime but our favorite theory is probably love Quinn teaming up with Rhys mostly because we wanted to see her alive and seeking Revenge alas none of these theories panned out sometimes things just don't work out with a person the way you dream you know number nine the Quinn's track down Joe true back in season two we learned that Love's parents Rey and Dottie Quinn were very wealthy and well connected in season three we only see Dottie since the couple divorced this is what happens when you marry the wrong man do you disagree about Dad no no he's treated you horribly that's why I don't speak to him anymore the first episode of Season 4 shows a hired fixer confronting Joe in London while Elliot doesn't mention Love's mother he says that he was hired by Ray Quinn what I'd like is too well not even you he surprises Joe by giving him the identity of Jonathan Moore and telling him to start anew definitely not the outcome Mr Quinn had in mind but luckily for Joe's sake Elliot was ready to retire I am now officially in literally above all that I wish you an end to suffering and the roots of suffering number eight Nadia is involved in the murders false as the expert on murder mysteries we just knew Nadia had to be in on the Eat the Rich killer crimes she more knowledgeable about the genre than her literature Professor Dr Jonathan Moore what am I missing well it is a Formula but the formula is fun it draws you in it hides the social commentary under the puzzle being a hard-working student juggling more than one job she will the biggest of the elite plus we found out she had a secret relationship with Malcolm I've written him a letter that I shouldn't have and it's in there and it's amongst all of its things and now it's going to be found and it's going to end up a headline and then when does it leave me was her grief just a performance and she was actually just stressed about possibly leaving behind something tying her to his murder nope she was totally innocent well until Joe destroyed her life in the last moments of the part 2 finale she refused to speak in her own defense still hasn't spoken from prison [Music] smart number seven Joe finds a new obsession true we know Joe Goldberg well enough to predict that he'll become infatuated with someone else hello there who are you he falls hard for an idealized version of a real person stalks her kills people that make her life difficult and ultimately swoops in to charm them into a relationship but it never lasts his girlfriends and in love's case his wife seemed to end up six feet under with the exception of season one's Karen of course she takes the high road she knew all along Karen and I don't see the world the same way but you he begins the fourth season still hung up on Marianne following her across the world however she's not exactly happy to see him so he settles down in London and eventually meets Kate it is quite sweet actually Galloping around after me like some sort of White Knight you are you're going to be so disappointed when you realize that women in the 21st century can take care of themselves Joe actually struggles to resist falling in love but fails in the end is Kate his one and only probably not we keep each other good each other good yeah I do actually mean that number six Ellie returns false we met the lovely Ellie Alves back in season two when Joe sorry will was in his La era she's smart funny brutally honest ambitious and by the end of the season traumatized my sister is gone you cannot go home CPS is not great either fan hopeful when Joe mentioned he still secretly sent money to Ellie in season three but sadly she didn't make an appearance could they be saving her for season four as we found out no they weren't Joe makes a casual remark about her but that's it most of my professor tricks are one trick I picked up spending time with a girl named Ellie wind him up let him go teenagers will argue both sides for you show runner Sarah gamble revealed that the writers had a plan for le2 return however actress Jenna Ortega was a little busy filming among other projects a little show called Wednesday maybe you've heard of it but gamble said there is a chance we'll see Ms Alvez in the future are you offering to help what's in it for me I'll owe you one number five Marianne rejects Joe After he finds her true after the wild events in the season 3 finale the episode closes with Joe and Paris lamenting about his search for Marianne even though love told her about Joe's pension for Obsession and murder we didn't expect Marianne to want anything to do with him ever again but our delusional boy Joe thought he still had a chance we changed and buttoned up Madre Linda librarian was gone but it was you he finds her in London and she immediately runs away after cornering her she made it clear that she had no intention of being with him and to everyone's surprise he let her go you looked at me with so much fear I couldn't stand it I let you go to prove to you I'm not that might hurt you before he tracked her down she didn't bother turning him in likely because he was seemingly dead but also probably to avoid any association with the Quinn Goldbergs and their craziness did you believe loves lines to have number four Joe meets his half-brother Jacob false one of the more talked about season 4 theories was the possibility that Joe's half-brother Jacob would show up I mean I like it it's creative Joe doesn't have a brother you're on some season five stees right there oh I guess he oh you're right he does have a half brother uh uh oh snap fans speculated that Jakey would find Joe and try to get back at him from murdering their mother though her death has never been mentioned or confirmed maybe he could be posing as a student in one of Joe's classes or a part of the new group of wealthy Elites let the games begin which one of these people will I hate the most many posited that he could be the real Eat the Rich killer having developed a similar appetite for murder like his big brother of course none of these turned out to be true in the season 4 finale Joe's whole life has been carefully revealed to make him appear sympathetic could Jacob see this and reach out time will tell that is a really good theory it's the best one I've heard so far you get the crown number three Joe hallucinates love true Joe has had some real Head Trips throughout the series so we expected a similarly surreal moment in season four whether it's caused by drugs alcohol or a fever dream brought on by the measles he's hallucinated people from his past other versions of himself and his victims namely back don't look at me it's your dream what did you do this time love fans hoped for her ghost to appear this season and we got our wish after getting taunted by Gemma and Beck the former Mrs Quinn Goldberg pops up in Joe's newest glass cage hi Joe what the is happening to me oh you're going through it it's hard but you'll get there she rightfully guilt trips him for you know killing her then making him face his true nature here's hoping she turns up again in season five somebody does need to die for the stand for good number two love Quinn lives false as we just mentioned there are many you fans who were devastated and even Furious that lovequin died at the end of season three but in the world of Television characters aren't always dead so there was a chance she pulled a can to Stone and survived Somehow Here alive yeah so uh I think we have some unfinished business to talk about we didn't actually see her going up in Flames along with their Madre Linda home she could have come to at the last minute right so I hear you like I I know that you love love and like you know we we forever stand love but you're wrong where are you well this was just wishful thinking Sarah gamble confirmed that love is indeed dead but at least we got to see Victoria pedretti reprise her role in spectral form I understand if you're angry I can't be angry Joe you made sure of that I'm sorry you are I never wanted you to die before we unveil our top pick here are some honorable mentions Joe has a stalker true the tables have turned evenness I know this app is one of those high security chat apps that erases everything you say how did I get this on my phone hello you who is this Joe is writing a murder mystery false no Joe decided to cast himself in a real life who done it instead a circle of privilege suspects a frame job and now a cryptic invite evoking a British murder mystery I'm in a whodunit the lowest form of literature before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one The Fight Club theory true remember when we talked about Joe's proclivity for hallucinating turns out there's a lot more to that I should fly down you sure about that this can't be good some predicted Joe had a dissociative identity disorder and they were correct Joe spent most of season four truly believing someone was stalking and trying to frame him encouraging him to let his inner killer Run free in the fifth episode he learns Rhys Montrose is the Eat the Rich killer welcome my pleasure is your head clear now you ready for our plan Joe Reese has an agenda but he also just wants a friend but after Joe finally snaps and kills him it's revealed that his version of Rhys was all in his head in flashbacks he was obsessed with the real Rhys Montrose and another more violent personality formed all that Darkness he had into this Festival you admired because you knew that the end game was facing yourself didn't you where you go all the worst bits in a little package you don't mind having a pint with do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from Ms Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 31,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drama, Streaming, TV, false you fan theories, fan theories, fight club, joe, list, love, mojo, msmojo, nadia, netflix, quinns, rhys, theories, top 10, true you fan theories, watch mojo, watchmojo, you, you fan theories, you fan theories that turned out to be true & 5 that turned out to be false, you fan theories that were right, you fan theories that were wrong, you netflix, you netflix fan theories
Id: 0DVsZpfTsEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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