Top 5 Ugly Bone Breaking Self Defense

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Bone Breaker number five Chad's standing here Chad's not a nice guy he decides to throw a punch so Chad throws a punch I'm simply just going to take it because most often you're never going to be able to manipulate that arm it's going to take too long to teach you how to fancy wrap and do all these things so we're getting down to the basics again modular setting for fighting so Chad throws this punch and I'm going to let it come this direction now from here we start looking at what else can I do to do damage to Chad because again darker side of martial arts we're not just going to block in martial arts anymore what we need to do is finish this man and then get out so the way we do this is Chad throws a punch I'm in now I simply wrap around and I'm going to go for the break and let's talk about arm bricks before we move on if you've never broken a bone in an arm if you can see this I don't know if you can see this this is about a five or six inch scar along my arm here this is from having this bicep detached from this type of fighting so if you've never had that experience you know that once that happens Chad was there when it happened I stood up and left I was done fighting had to go see the doctor and surgeon have it sewn back on most people in the streets when you snap a bone you tear a muscle off they're not going to fight you anymore they've had enough the surrender usually comes immediately that doesn't mean we're going to stop beating them up doesn't mean we're going to stop attacking and defending ourselves but we're going to initiate a brick so Chad throws a punch I'm in this tight blocking stance here and all I'm going to do is wrap around the arm and hook with my right arm with my left arm I'm simply going to push and what I'm looking to do is snap detach this bicep muscle here I'm going to detach and if it doesn't detach I'm looking to break the two forearm bones here so I'm simply snapping here so we're going to speed it up a little bit Chad throws and I'm going to break common break for martial arts instructors a lot of martial arts instructors have this bicep detect beginning students do this but they're told to do this and they accidentally detach the bicep of their martial arts instructor so we use this in real life this is an excellent technique that if we get hit hands are up and he hits me I'm still in this position I can still hook around the arm and drag and this eventually can even become a thrill don't worry about that ladder Bone Breaker number four Tom's in a real fight scenario the man will come up and grab you by the shoulder and while this may seem like a passive move it can lead to something very dangerous he could have a knife in his pocket he could be carrying a gun or he could be setting you up for his friends so let's say in this situation you really need to defend yourself and you need to do something deadly because you know this man has a second follow-up plan the grab is a set up to something more dangerous he walks up and grabs the man by the shoulder he scratches his face stepped under kicks him breaks his neck Stomps his head let's do that one more time real slowly please this is a very dangerous move because he's going to break the man's neck basically he scratches to get control so the man doesn't see what's coming steps out of his grab breaks his ribs he now grabs him by the head and this is a neck break he throws him carefully to not break his neck in this situation but in real life he'd have snapped his neck and now we're going to see it a little more realistic speed whenever you're ready gentlemen yeah the physics of this neck break when he starts to lift him over his back because of the weight of his body his neck can't support that so the neck the vertebrae is going to separate and when he twists the head a little bit it's going to pull him completely apart so as he starts to do his move right through here his neck cannot support his body weight so when he pulls him across his back the neck's going to give before the body does because it can't lift it up although it's going to follow the body's going to follow the motion of the neck it's following after the next broken because you can't lift a man by his neck backwards like that without the neck giving if you're practicing this at home you have to be extremely careful because it's hard to do under a controlled situation and not injure the person even if you're highly experienced if you've done it a thousand times you have to go very slow these guys are highly trained at this and they've done it many times so they're comfortable with each other but it not only requires in this case that Matt have control Sebastian has to know how to go with him to keep from being hurt and even though it may look like something anyone can do without injuring another person that's not the case if you do this playing around and you're just a fraction off you just crippled somebody so this is not something to play with it's extremely dangerous did you know that fight fast also has gear we carry ceramic and steel ballistic plates jungle machetes spy gear like bug detectors and lock picks with the instructional videos to go with spring action knives Commando blades Viking battle axes and way more check out our site right now and I'll even give you 20 off just get to the description link below click on it and it'll take you directly to our site and I'll automatically apply the 20 discount at the checkout Bone Breaker number three okay let's go through a basic submission flow I'm going to start down here I'm just going to use a one of the most fundamental submission skills to teach you the basic a basic understanding of submission science and to teach you uh some ways that you can finish your point of time we're going to start with just what's known as the key lock we call it the DWG double wrist grab shoulder plant okay so when I'm in position this is the basic skill let me just show you what the basic skill is I basically have my opponent's arm in this position like an L frame my hand is under here I have his wrist the back of his hand is to the ground I bring his elbow up and back this way and at the end you can slightly bring it in towards the hip so watch as I'm here elbow comes up comes back and then comes in at the end okay that's the basic skill but I'm going to show you a couple ways that how do we set this up so for example remember when he was going for my eyes with this hand when I felt him going for my eyes at that point just stay right at one point I can feel where this arm is Tracy I'm grab the wrist now if I grab the wrist what I want to do is take this hand and push this hand toward his head drive off the ball my right foot and reach with this hand so that I can lock this up now I've got the tricep extend in the arms in a position where it's really weak okay now when the guy's hand arm is on the ground like this a lot of times if you're on the concrete it's difficult to get your hand under here snake your hand under here you're gonna have that friction cohesion of the surface of the concrete so you can't move your hand or you may get caught in the clothing whatever so once I'm here one of the things I may do is actually lift his elbow I might bite into the chest closing on the Flinch and bring the arm up something like that which is going to create space so I can bring my hand under okay once I got him here now watch I'm not going to leave my head up like this because he could be getting to my eyes with this hand if this was for real I'd keep my head here try to bite me try to get to my eyes you can't do either right now I'm going to slip this hand basically make like a u-shape around his head when I bring this around I want to put the back of my tricep against his jawline so that I'm checking the bite if he sits up and tries to bite just feed the bite anytime a person tries about you don't move away from the kitchen just feed it so try to bite my ribs just feed it just feed it or I can drop my hip if I'm here so if I have the arm locked here and he tries but I just do this if he tries to bridge me he's going to snap his arm in this position okay so if he's here he will break his arm as he tries to bridge so one of the ways I can set this up go for my eyes I'm just here I'm going to tie this up shift here come here there's my submission option right there now there's other options I can go into all kinds of fancy stuff we're not going to get into that but he's flexible I may pop this up go back for what we call a v-back go to a wrist Flex you can go to a finger lock I can split the other finger put that in the ground break the wrist so there's all kinds of little cool things we can do here you don't necessarily need all that stuff okay so once I'm here I'm in position here that's one option is setting it up by off his attack so he's trying to attack my eyes I'm here I grab the wrist reach ground slide under get my wrist now I've got that control try to pull that arm out there very strong Flip the arm around the head I'm going to bring the arm around the head so in this case watch my right elbow comes around right against the jawline be sure to keep the back of the hand the metacarpal bones flat to the surface of the ground if you can it's gonna he's gonna feel it much much more quickly it's going to do more damage you bring the elbow some people tell you bring the elbow up and then back some people say bring it back and then up really you can do them both at the same time and once you get near the end just create like a slight Arc towards the hip okay so watch this we're in this position the back of the hand is flat now watch don't let your left hand stay way down here this is gonna this makes your fulcrum a little lower you're going to get less leverage okay reach over a little bit like you're slowing down a motorcycle same thing with this hand that's going to put me in a much stronger position now what I put my head in here come back and up back it up now when I'm done I can lift the hand break the hand on the ground come down and hit him with that submission follow-up that's the finish so I've already ripped the shoulder then I'm going to fall up and make sure he's definitely not a threat anymore okay so I'm in position here so one way he's going for my eyes I'm going to set this up here come in here bring it around come to there okay another way now sometimes you may not be able to do that on the concrete you may be a difficult a difficult option so I'm going to give you some other ones maybe you just see the arm in that position there's a donation remember we talked about a donation he makes a mistake he just puts his arm there I'm going all right well that's cool you just kind of go right into it and catch him if I can't get my hand under realize I can manipulate this up I can I can bite into the arm to cause the Flint whenever to get that hand under okay so that's another option okay another way that I can make this happen is bringing his arm up and hitting him if I start hitting him in the face what's he gonna do he's going to bring his arm up is what I call a catch option his hands come up he's shielding his face from my arm look as I'm here I just bring this right under don't even reposition the hand just keep looking my my form it's right there try to pull that arm out of there you can't get it out of it I block him so if I'm here if I'm here I start hitting him he defends himself if I catch it fine if I catch the arm fine if not if if I catch it like this perfectly that's great if I catch it like this it'll still create the same effect so that's another option another neat way I like to set him up is with a distraction so if his head's this way I can take my right middle finger hook him in the eye socks let's look at that for a second what's he gonna do if I put my fingers in his eyes he's going to want it out of there he reaches up as he reaches up I take the hand that was a bait that was a strategic setup I come in here bring them around and there's the submission Bone Breaker number two now basically this kick is delivered in a straight line but it's to the side so we are actually initiating this kick from a closed stance or a part of thesis if you will so I'm facing my assistant Eric Hill he's in position with his right leg forward and my target is either the shin or the kneecap again to deliver this kick I'm going to use the blade or the entire flat of my shoe so it's important here to have the right footwork to give this kick its potential power and again this is a ravaging stomping type of blow it is not a speed kick it is not a Snappy kick this is meant to slice right through the knee to break the knee so the footwork is I simply move in and chamber okay lead leg Chambers up rear leg moves forward so I am attempting to close the distance or bridge the gap as quickly as possible so this is the slide footwork that we've talked about before it's not that you're jumping into this kick You're simply sliding close to the floor all right and you want to make this smooth very Nimble and the idea is to close this distance as quickly as possible so it's a simultaneous action slide in chamber slide in chamber hands are up all the time the body in this case is leaning slightly into the kick to add more leverage and you get more power more drive through in this kick so again the completion of the movement would be to come in chamber and then drive okay now of course if you're going to the kneecap then you simply bend the knee of the supporting leg but if you want to go lower then you may have to bend this leg a little bit more to get to the lower Target so first to the knee it's here and then to the shin a little more Bend here and again it's a drive-through a stop okay it's a stump and you're trying to break the knee all right so whether you go to the knee or the shin think follow through slice through the target now in the offensive application of this kick sometimes what we like to do is get the opponent's attention off of our lower weapons we try to get him to focus on our hands so we may use a distractive motion like a faint so I may come in make some kind of preliminary decoy to try to get his visual field to elevate to move upward to get his Focus or his attention off of my lower limbs so in that case I fake and then I drive the kick in all right I can angle with it I can move around I can attack direct or from either the left or right side but my target that I've got to focus on is that lead leg so again I can faint and in the same motion use my kick to drive through either his kneecap or Shin of that extended leg obviously if he was standing in a cystasy stance where he's open then I might use a different kick although in this case both knees both legs would be open to my kick I could attack either his left or right leg because neither one of them are truly extended or placed forward all right so in this case once again I would focus on one of the knees I might choose to use the back leg so I go this way all right and I'd come in on the front leg this way faint at his face you don't want to hit them you just want to distract him get his vision upward distract his attention away from this low line attack that's the offensive application and like I said you can either do it with or without a distraction or a hand think of some sort breaker number one this one's called the fist breaker the reason for it is you're attacking the fists as they come at you when you're of salience coming to attack you simply attacking the fist as they're coming at you one two one two three okay we want to cover some details specifically on the fight Ender that we call the fist breaker Jack why don't you show me the details of this one real quick and I'm going to ask you a few questions so if I'm coming at you with the right cross basic idea is to throw your elbow in in the path of that fist you know he's going to be aiming for your face body wherever he's aiming for you want to put that elbow directly in front of that path smashing the 27 small little bones in that hand okay this guy's been a lot more combat than I've been in but the few skirmishes I've been in and everybody I know that's a fighter most of them have a scar going up the back of their left hand or the right hand almost all the time the reason why is because these little bones inside the hand they break really really easy and so you might go to karate class and they're doing all this stuff you know the jab cross hook and everything else all that comes from boxing and the reason why it doesn't really work in the real world is because boxers take what do they have an inch of tape on each knuckle most of the time about it's about about an inch okay and then on top of the tape they've got what a 16 ounce glove yes that's a lot of padding and boxers still break their hand even with all of that padding and all that protection so how many punches do you think you're going to throw to somebody's skull with these little tiny bones in your hand and come out unscathed I can tell you you're going to throw one and after you throw that one punch you're gonna have a broken hand is what's going to happen so the whole idea here is to try to help that guy break those bones in his hand am I right yes okay right so I'm throwing that right cross now what happens if you miss if I miss it doesn't really matter because you'll you would uh deflect and go off to one side or the other leaving me with an opening check out our site right now and I'll give you 20 off just get to the description link below click on it and it'll take you directly to our site and I'll automatically apply the 20 discount at the checkout just hurry though that special link and this deep discount are only good for the next 24 hours thanks for watching our video lessons here at TRS direct hit the like button down below and consider subscribing 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Channel: FightFast
Views: 487,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 5 Bone Breaking Techniques, Fight Fast, TRS Direct, TRS, Fightfast, self defense, self defence, self defense techniques, self defence techniques, how to fight, martial art, martial arts, fight move, fight moves, learn to fight, self defense moves, self defence moves, how to defend yourself, top 5 self defense moves, top 5 bone breakers, top 5 bone breaks
Id: Zv7gGcI0gWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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