Top 5 Tank Races | Elder Scrolls Online | Flames of Ambition

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so for next patch uh the tank race that i've gone with as my kind of fifth place so we're doing the top five this is fifth and this one is the nord the reason why this has dropped down from me from first to fifth i've got good good reasons um first of all it's mainly because of the rugged passive so resistance is 2 600 physical and spell resistance down from close to 4 000 on the live server so the the thing for me with the nord is the fact that because the resistances have been lowered down combined with the fact the champion points offer so many resistances the value of the node has decreased quite severely so and it's all because of the resistances because now even on a different class you can reach the almost limit on on those now the reason they're not off the i mean they're in my top five still and there's a good reason why they're still in the top five because they are still useful this isn't to say that the nord isn't useful because they are the nord is still a good choice you've got increased max health by a thousand and obviously you've got frost resistance which has a minimal effect but you could have some kind of benefit for in certain situations you've also got the increased max stamina which is very helpful for tanking and then we've got the ultimate game passive where when you take damage game five ultimate this effect can occur once every 10 seconds now this isn't a reason to run a nord let me just make this a real point is when you choose a nord you don't choose to be a nord because of this all you gain passive if you're trying to use it for that then you've chosen it for the wrong reason because if you've got an ultimate that costs 250 ultimate it takes over eight minutes to get that ultimate back so if you're using aggressive horn in a group for the group content it's gonna cost a hell of a lot to get it so 250 ultimate by having this passive it takes over eight minutes to get you free horn by the extra benefit of in the nord so while you can essentially use the nord for the ultimate as well as the other stuff it's still useful it's still a passive that's useful but it's not the sole reason that you choose a nord like it's not a good enough reason to go right i'm going to pick the nord because of the ultra game because it takes so long to actually see the benefit of the ulti gain that it's not essential but yeah like i say the big reason why this is fifth now on my list is it's still good for tanking so it's still good because you get the max health it's still good for the max stamina you get a little bit of volt again which still helps a little bit but the fact that the resistances have dropped and the cp has brought resistances much higher they are a little bit unnecessary now they only become unnecessary with the higher champion points that you get so if you're a lower cp if you're somewhere under 600 cp the nord is probably still going to be quite valuable for the extra resistances even though they've been nerfed however once you're kind of getting six seven eight hundred up to a thousand one thousand one hundred cp you're gonna see much less benefit from being a nord because you just don't need the the increase of the physical inspire is it you don't need it it's not really necessary at that point because you've got so many options of gaining this inside of the champion points so for me like i say this is now move down from first to fit in my opinion don't forget this is my opinion and everybody is is allowed to have one so you're allowed to have your own opinion and your agreements and disagreements and that is just my process of thought for that one so that's the norm right so my fourth place choice for the best tank race is the orc and it might sound a bit strange to put orc above nord but the main reason for me choosing this option is because of the ability to switch from tank to dps and like it opens up the opportunity for a bit more damage if you're an off tank it gives you the opportunity to provide a bit more dps while buffing your group as well um in solo content it means you're gonna be able to do more damage but it's also a very capable tank option when we look at the awk passives we've got increased max stamina again the same as the nord so the nord's main like like reason to use them now would be that max health and max stamina the little bit of all the gain the little bit of resistances for this one we've got the max stamina we've got the max health again but we've got like a little bit of a better perk i think than than what we have with the node so when you deal damage this is any damage you heal for 2125 health once every four seconds so as long as you've got like blockade on the ground you're gonna get this 2k heal and i mean don't get me wrong 2k isn't a huge amount but the thing is it's it's a free extra heal that you're going to get automatically so whenever you're doing stuff like let's say you're in the portals in cloud rest when you've got taunt of zamasu and when you're doing like when you're doing abilities when you're taking damage you're gonna be getting that extra health and it's a little bit of extra benefit so that is probably a little bit more valuable than that tiny ulti gain that you're gonna get with a nord maybe maybe you think every four seconds you can proc a 2k hill over the course of a five minute fight that's quite a lot of health that you're gonna gain it's not gonna be the difference maker in life or death most likely however it could tick at the perfect moment when you're low health and you're about to take another little light attack that would hit you for for death and then you get the health tick and it just helps you survive in time to get yourself a self heal so there's potential there for it to save you on the odd occasion very rare situation where you've got a big you took a big hit or so and it ticks at the right time swift warrior increases weapon and spell damage so let's say you're in a stamina group and you want to use alcohol for next patch so alcohol isn't needed for magical groups at all let's make that point clear straight away in a stamina group you might need to use alcohol if you are an orc and you've got the extra weapon damage you need 3k weapon damage to be able to benefit from alcohol at its maximum value now if we look at the base stat here this is um if you look at the base star 2 988 weapon damage so we've pretty much maxed out our alcohol proc without doing anything in combat that's going to even increase as well so when we get like spell power cure all of him when we taunt an enemy with um when we taunt the enemy and prokaryote will also get minor courage which will increase our weapon damage so without doing anything we would have the 3k weapon damage the other thing is if you are a dragon knight you will benefit from the spell damage if you are trying to use engulfing flames you need to have 3.3 k spell damage for engulfing flames now because you get weapon and spell damage now with the orc this makes them extra useful as a dk if you don't have another dragonite in your group and you're in a magical group you have to use engulfing flames because i increase his damage by 10 so you need to reach 3.3 k spell damage you do need to increase your magicka as well to get that 10 but the fact that we're nearly at the spell damage point that we need to be at without doing anything we just all we've done is we've chosen to be an orc and we're nearly at the spell damage limit already so for me this makes them extra useful because they're good for keeping up all these different skills um if we look at the orc passives again swift warrior reduces the cost of sprint and increases movement speed bonus to sprint as well so that is actually very useful for tanking so because we're using heavy armor the reduced cost of sprint is nice when we're using heavy armor we're slower if we're in combat we're in the fight with zamasu and we need to run across the room when we're running into ad pulls and we're sprinting then it's it's really helpful it's really really helpful that we're able to get that extra speed so for me there isn't really many many negatives to using an awk in in that kind of sense because now we've got the weapon of spell damage which can be useful for tank things that we need to do it also provides us with extra damage it means if we're an off tank we can provide more dps if we are attacking we want to do questing and overland content maybe we want to run a hybrid tank build we're going to be able to do it really successfully because we're gonna have more damage and we'll still benefit from the max health the max stamina and the free heal every four seconds so the awk for me is number four but it's really pushing up there now i feel like you could probably it could be higher um even but it really is situational if you go if you're going to be damage dealing if you're going to be using certain skills that's when it becomes valuable that's the only reason i haven't put it higher on the list is because there's other things that are just more useful for everything whereas this is useful in really like if you use an engulfing flames if you use an alcohol if you were an off tank if you're doing questing like if in those situations this would be a very good option uh for your tank race so there we go that's number four the orc number three number three on my list of best tank races for next patch is the argonian i feel like the odd it's it's a bit of a strange one so the argonian has had a slight improvement and then a slight nerf at the same time so it's a tricky one to balance but i do think it's still a very good choice if you're not able to access some of like if you're not able to access the the class that i'm saying is going to be number one for example this is a good alternative so the main reason for using an argonian is to improve sustain and with sustain looking a little bit more difficult next patch especially if you're doing a lot of situations where you need to break free if you need to use um a lot of blocking maybe you're permanently blocking and things like that the orgonian is probably going to be quite valuable if we look at the argonian passage so increases your healing done by six percent it's not a huge value to us as a tank but it is a little bit extra onto our healing so it will help a little bit but it's not going to make a drastic difference but it's still something that's going to help us orgonian resistance increases max health so this is another one that gives us max health and as a tank we want classes we want races that give us extra stats so if we've got a class that gives us more stats we've got a race that gives us more stats it helps us because we we want to have high stats we want a high magicka stamina and health we want we want as many resources as possible of everything um so extra max health is nice um disease and poison resistance is a bit i mean it can be useful in certain trials and certain dungeons but not the most valuable thing that we need resourceful now this did get changed from just magicka and we now get stamina as well so this is why it's kind of still really useful because we've got an increase of magicka and stamina by a thousand so overall we're getting 1 000 magical 1 000 stamina and 1 000 health so we're getting a 3 000 stat increase overall which is better than what we're getting from let's say the orc so the orc only gets 1 000 stamina and 1 000 health so we get a little bit of an extra boost um the next thing really is for the sustained benefits now when you drink a potion you restore 3125 health magicka and stamina if you are not able to purchase something like the imperial or you really struggle for sustain and you block a lot this is really good for beginner players this is really good for players that are just starting out with tanking it's a very good option because this will help you sustain everything it helps you sustain all your resources magicka and stamina and now with the fact that you've got stamina included as well it means that you can run better stats on your actual character so because we've got a balance of magicka and stamina now before we had higher magicka than stamina so we had to waste points into stamina to boost up the stamina so it was higher than our magicka so that when we use an orb we get stamina because stamina is the vital resource magicker now we've got balance resources so we do need to still put one point into stamina to make sure it's higher than magicka or wear a gear set that gives stamina like yonder quinn gives one piece of stamina i believe um so yeah that means that our stamina is going to be higher than our magicka if we were to use all tristat glyphs and use triune jewelry and we were to put all our points into health now we're going to have a lot more stats than you are with an argonian on the live server so overall they're very good because they're very balanced in terms of their stats they're very good because of they get so many um resources back from sorry they get so many resources back from the resource or passive this did get nerfed a little bit though so i would probably consider these better if they didn't have that little nerf um and for me it wasn't a major issue because it's still useful for the same thing like you can use trash potions like you could pick the potions that you pick up the stamina potions that you pick up you use them and you're going to get magical health and stamina back so it's still kind of valuable even if you don't have a lot of gold and you can't afford to use the main potions you can still use looted potions and benefit from the resource or passive so it's helpful for new players this is very much a great class um sorry a great race for new players and it's just because they've got such good sustain and balance now there we go that's argonian and that is my number three pick for next patch um this is the next one guys so number two on my list is the red guard uh it's jumped really high up in my opinion so this when we were talking about tank races last time this was somewhere near the bottom it was still it was okay it was i think it was like third fourth from bonn it was joint with the brand now for me it's second place in terms of how useful it is so the reason i've chosen red guard is number two is for the sustain and the max stamina now you've got to consider the fact that everything now is more expensive break free 5k uh blocking 900 stamina each time you block one little hit that's 900 stamina gun everything is quite stamina heavy in sustain now by using a red guard we're still able to reach them the cap of resistances with our champion points like we're almost able to get we're over 30k resistances if we're like using the champion points to benefit our like those things and and that's so what's the point in being a nord when you could be a red guard that's still able to reach almost to that resistance cap but you've got much much better sustain so first thing increases the duration of food by 15 minutes you're going to use but with sugar skills you're going to get an extra 15 minutes so even the first passive which is typically useless on most races for a red guard it's not because as a tank you're going to be using food you're going to get an extra benefit so it's going to save you a bit of money for the this is this is a sustained benefit so by using this reduces the cost of weapon abilities by 8 now this isn't like the main reason but it just it helps so reducing our weapon cost by 8 that includes when you put down blockade this includes all weapon abilities so you torn you ps armor you heroic slash which we're going to be using next patch if you're doing like sun spire hard mode and using defensive stance or like let's say you're a templar tank and using defensive stances assist like a tool you're gonna get reduced cost by eight percent so it's quite nice for those things um and reduces the cost of blockade blockade is an expensive skill at like three and a half k magicka so for a tank it's nice to have that extra reduced cost reduces the effectiveness effectiveness of snares applied to you obviously a little bit of extra benefit as well from that conditioning increased max stamina by 2k so overall we get less stats than than an argonian so an argonian gets a thousand magicka a thousand health a thousand stamina 3 000 overall with this we're only getting a 2 000 benefit so yeah you don't get as many increased base down but you're still getting extra stamina now stamina is the resource which is the bane of most of our problems sustained problems are stamina problems stamina problems of what creates our sustain problems because if you don't have enough stamina and you burn through stamina too quickly obviously that's a problem so having more stamina is never a problem it's always nice to have the extra stamina now the final passive is adrenaline rush this had a tiny buff but the main buff to it is the fact that it occurs from any damage when you deal damage you restore 1005 stamina this effect can occur once every five seconds so a thousand stamina every five seconds it's it's very very very nice you just put down blockade when you if your light attack if you bash you do anything when you when you cause any damage you get in a thousand stalin about once every five seconds now this is tens of thousands of stamina this was um less stamina and you had to deal direct damage so it had to be um a specific like you had to specifically deal direct damage which it would have procked off torn like i say it would have procked off things like that but it wouldn't have procked off other stuff it's just now it procs off any damage at all any damage whatsoever so you put down elemental blockade you get you get stamina back so in a way you can convert magicka to stamina because as long as you're causing damage so even when you do your ranged horn you'll get snowing about when you cast blockade and blockades on the ground you could put blockade down on the ground and then go to your front bar and block and just stand there and block him for the whole duration and it's going to tick twice you're going to get 2 000 stamina back for the duration of one blockade if you overlap your blockade by a second you're gonna get like three procs within 15 seconds um it's it's just it's become so good because of the sustain and the stamina sustaining that so you've got more stamina you're gaining stamina and you've got the reduced cost of weapon abilities because of those things i kind of feel like this for me is is number two and it's just because especially if you are struggling for stamina sustain this will help you can use magicka skills now you can use blockade to get stamina back so you're converting magicka to stamina no matter what class that you're playing so if you're playing the templar tank you can still do the same thing it's like everybody now has the ability to kind of be like a dragon knight that can convert the igneous shield costing magicka into stamina with their passive now this does the same thing by putting blockade down you're going to get that down on a return so i just kind of feel like it's it's really really good now and and especially if you're in high blocking in situations if you're in situations where you have to cast a lot of abilities if you keep in stone giant up on a on a dragon night tank this is gonna help sustain that by having that proc of a thousand stamina every five seconds you might not need the stamina but like you might as well make use of getting all of this stamina that you get from this rather than having the extra resistances from the nord now because you can get it it's like it's just it's just free pro it's procking itself away in the background constantly all the time yeah within a minute like you've got 12 procs a minute of this which is insane so over 12k uh worth of stamina per minute and it's also when you can when you compare it to the argonian and this is why this is above the argonium for example the argonian uses up one potion every um 45 seconds and gets to nearly 4k resources back 4k stamina 4k health 4k magicka this is going to proc 12 times a minute and it's going to give you over 12k stamina per minute so you compare what's what's better this is better because the magicka that you get by being an argonian is okay the health you get is okay but you don't need them you've got magical recovery ticking away you're healing yourself people are healing you if you're in like a group so you don't really need the incoming help whereas with this you're focusing everything into stamina and stamina is the primary resource it's always the number one resource for everything if you've got no stamina you can't block you die so there you go like this is for stamina sustain like undeniably probably like the best for for gaining stamina back if you struggle for stamina sustain okay so my number one choice for tank race for next patch is obviously the imperial and there's a number of reasons why i came to that decision so i did a few i did a few sums and i worked a few things out and it was tricky to choose between the red guard and the imperial because the red gun has gained so much benefit now from being able to proc um and get those resources back sold consistently from any sort of damage that is very valuable yeah so my big problem with the imperial really is just the fact that it costs crowns you gotta buy if you don't have it you don't have to buy it but you could just use an argonian for the sustain you could just use a red guard as well for sustain as well so you don't have to choose imperial but the imperial for me for next punch is is number one if we look at the reasons why obviously it's the increased gold gained by one percent massive massive benefit guys no not really okay so when we look at stats max health increased by 2k uh we've then got increased stamina by 2k so the argonian had 3k extra stats the red guard had 2k extra stats this has 4k more stats of health and stamina great stuff so it's got the same stats as the red guard but it's also got 2k more health on top of that which both of these are obviously great for tanking now the big big reason this is the number one reason why they are top is reduce the cost of all your abilities by six percent this is every single thing that you do and that's the only reason why these edge it for me over the red guard is purely because this reduces the cost of everything it reduces the cost of your block you roll dodge you sprint everything you bash you break free it's all reduced now if you look at this reduce break free cost 4806 now this is without any champion points or gear on or anything so it's looking pretty good because on one of the other characters it was 5 200 so it's making a huge difference that the cost reduction includes every ability whether it's uh whether it's like a health ability so like warhorn is gonna cost 235 ultimate instead of 250 so when you work out the difference between an imperial and a nord if you look at the cost of the ultimate so every time you cast your ultimate it's going to be 15 ultimate less now that kind of when you combine with everything else works out for me better than the nord passive of the the ulti game because the audi game takes eight minutes to get a free horn this is obviously gonna cast more horns to get a free one but you're able to just horn sooner um it includes the cost of of all abilities so when we go uh run a dragonite we've got a lot of expensive abilities on a dragon night so stone fist like this is usually about 2 200 stamina now it's gonna cost 2k um when we look at things like igneous shields igneous shields is an expensive ability it's over 4k magicka on a dragon not usually it's down at 3 700. so this is better than everything else because everything is reduced in cost and the fact that it includes ultimate includes break free and dodge roll and blocking is the reason why it's so so important um so sustain is going to be so so easier if you use an imperial and we have to go back to the thing we said at the start which is when we look at the like the heavy armor passage and stuff like we have got um increase the cost of dodge roll and things like that so by being able to mitigate that a little bit with using the imperial is is useful um the block costs we don't have to reduce block cost anymore from the champion points we don't have tenacity we don't have a lot of the cp things we would have used on a tank so now people might find that they do struggle a little bit with sustain i don't think personally that i'm gonna struggle to tank on any race like you can shoot you can still choose whatever race you want it's not gonna it's not the be all and end all the tanking like it's you're not gonna be able to not tank just because you've chosen to be a breton you can still tank with a breton it's just not ideal um and you're still gonna be able to tank without being an imperial but sustain's gonna be just a little bit more difficult next patch especially because of the champion points that we've now lost we've lost tenacity we've lost um we're like block cost is a little bit more everything's a little bit more expensive uh we don't have as like the block cost reduction cp isn't as good now it's pretty useless to be honest so by using the imperial we're able to mitigate some of those factors that are coming into play now and we're able to reduce the cost of our ultimate which is also a very valuable thing and they just give more max stats the 4k max stats is huge it's huge so if you are making a brand new tank and you have a choice to make the one thing i would say is it's not make it or break it if you choose a bad race it's not going to prevent you from being able to tank it's not a problem what race that you choose if you want to choose something that's going to give you a little extra benefit then obviously you pick a class that's suitable for the job you're trying to do so if you know that you're going to be a damage dealer and switch to a tank and then you're going to switch the damage dealer and you like the option of switching between the two you're obviously going to choose an orc if you are somebody who is struggling for sustain and you've got the imperial unlocked or you've got the crowns to buy it then go ahead and get the imperial because they're very good if you don't have the option of buying the imperial you don't have it then obviously you're going to go for argonian or you're going to go for red guard red guard is obviously edges it because it gains so many things overall if you are a new player um and you don't and you know that you're going to be starting tank content early on and you're going to be low cp then obviously the nord is going to be quite valuable at that point because the lower the champion points that you've got the better the nord is um just because obviously the less champion points you've got the less that you can put into your mitigation the less that you can put into resistances and the more the nord is benefited from that but the later on that you get into the cp when you start getting past 6 700 cp the nord becomes less and less useful in that situation because more cp goes into resistances less value to the actual nord passive so there you go so that was that was my tls guys for for next patch so like i said number five was the nord number four is the orc number three is the argonian number two is uh red guard and then number one is the imperial so if you are making a new tank consider those things uh ready for next patch next patch if you are a nord and you're worried now because they're not the best don't don't start worrying about it because you can still use a nord like they're not going to be useless they're just less effective now than they were at the moment um don't worry if you're an argonian and you'd rather be something else because they're still useful they're just less effective slightly and there's just things that are a little bit more effective and you've got to remember that and don't go wasting 3k crowns to switch race between like argonian and imperial because there's going to be such little difference um in in reality that the main reason that sustain becomes a problem is because people don't know how to deal with the fights people block too much and people don't heavy attack those are the main reasons why sustain is an issue it's not because of your race it's because you haven't learned how to play the fights effectively enough at that point so just remember that when you are choosing something is sustain it comes in many formats it's not just by changing your race from nord to imperial is not guaranteeing you sustained benefits it means that it's going to make your life a little bit easier but if you dodge roll like crazy you perma block and you spam loads of abilities then you're still going to have sustained problems no matter what because you need to know how to play fights you need to block only when you need to and you need to learn how to heavy attack at the right time as well don't forget the golden rule for heavy attacking is too heavy after a heavy just always remember that that's where sustain comes from it's heavy attacking if you watch me do trials you'll see me heavy attack quite frequently when i do like a dodge roll i'll gap close and i'll heavy attack and all that kind of stuff so heavy after a heavy is the main thing you need to worry about sustain rather than race like don't go changing from nord to argonian unless you're really wanting to or nor to imperial if you really really must because all you need to do is just practice heavy attacking at the right moment and the way we do that is to heavy after a heavy so there we go guys that is my tier list of tank classes for the flames of ambition patch which is out on the 8th of uh of march [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Tank Club
Views: 14,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESO, Elder Scroll Online, The Elder Scrolls Online, Markarth Tank Club, The Tank Club,, TC Lee13, TC_Lee13, Tank, Tanking, ESO Tank, ESO Tanking Tank Build, ESO Tank Build, Tank Guide, ESO Tank Guide, Main Tank, Off Tank, Dungeon Tank, Trials Tank Tank PoV, Beginner Tank, ESO Beginner Tank PvE, Tank Gear, ESO Tank Gear, ESO Best Tank Gear, ESO Best Tank Race, Tank Race, ESO Tank Race
Id: 71gzo0CEz4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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