Top 5 Student Pilot Mistakes!

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foreign hi guys it's Matt here from sling pilot Academy this week we're going to be talking to some of our students about the five most common mistakes a student pilot will make it's important to remember that all pilots make mistakes we are all human and it is the Pilot's Creed to recognize one's mistakes learn from them and constantly be striving to be a better pilot it's called aeronautical decision making and that's what it's all about hope you enjoy the video so one of the mistakes I've made is leaving that fuel strainer right there don't tell anyone [Music] we should do an intro for James 's yeah I meant an intro to a natural attitude yeah it's eight assists serious something wrong we're summing with your culture and advice on initial contact you have information Victor Okay so we've got Victor and we know what Runway it is [Music] is a closed Runway I've done that exactly like that where I got on they told me the runway and I gave me the you know that it was x-ray or whatever anyway the right the wrong one was closed so I got caught they said did you listening and you know it's so easy just to have it running and not concentrate so what I'd be doing lately is wait for the start and then listen to it once without interruption and then I've got it and then especially if you're distracted like what you know we are right now we're filming yeah yeah Victor right Victor Torrance ground experimental swing 135 Whiskey Tango at sling for around my turn on all right with Victor 2135 Echo Alpha Juliet to turn around all right thanks bye Whiskey Tango I was gonna say write stuff down too because the way it happened to me was going to an airport I was listening to the to the Adis and I called into the tower and said for two five right and then he was corrected me to 2-6 right yeah I remembered it mostly correctly but you know you're always going to make mistakes as a human so yeah it's good to write them down are you human we have James with us on this flight James is our new marketing and social media manager we're really lucky to have him he's got some fantastic experience and he's actually qualified so we've just been like making our own way first time in one of these planes as well oh yeah and that's what makes it really the real deal are you nervous James uh no a little warm yeah let's pull you down that is our checklist and you just saw us do the quick little thing over there we texted obviously we used to doing this every day is interestingly Matt was telling me that the military actually had some some actual real accidents and before then they didn't use checklist so they would memorize everything they would have their flows and as experienced as they are and as skilled as they are they had some serious accidents they could have not occurred if they'd have used the check yes so yes let's go with the flow and let's see what you yeah I'll do I'll do my flow for the run-up let's see if my flies right now I haven't flown in a while so I'm a bit Rusty right now so this will be good you beat exactly spot on to the checklist no I haven't seen it I haven't seen it I haven't even done this in a while Torrance Tower experiment experimental sling 135 was gitanger holding short turn on a right for uh straight out departure if I was contango contact Tower one three three point zero seven oh wasn't on the checklist don't stay our experimental sling one three five Whiskey Tango holding short two nine a right uh but straight out departure straight out approved right clear the take off two nine all right thanks and then I like what you do just as a very final check John the fuel flaps fine pitch yeah those are the three things that will affect your length of your takeoff right not such a big deal yeah but in a bush strip it's a big deal okay so I'm gonna do not enough right Rudder on the roll and in the air and let's just see it's actually doesn't need a lot of right right now not much on the ground here yeah so now I'm having to put a little [Music] foreign ly obvious it doesn't even feel good right now okay now we've got the ball in the middle so now we're feeling much better much better and we do need quite a lot of Road Runner particularly in the TSI because the tsi's got a beefier prop yeah and the more the load the more the right Reddit uh we also got the tunnel vision only staring at the instruments interesting on the tunnel vision when we took off here is it's so easy to get tunnel vision others because he makes a movie on the ball I was watching only the ball but nothing else going on around us it's very easy just to get fixated in the instruments you've got to keep your eye outside you actually get to the point where I know if I'm you know I know that I'm straight and level just based on my side picture yeah if you look outside a lot when you're flying VFR um you really get very very used to it okay uh did you see there were puke bags do you need a puke um not yet I'll get one ready then you won't need it I'll be perfect then go for exchange approved and have a great flight to change the proof thanks is that Catalina in front of us yeah do you want to go another big mistake is just not keeping the aircraft trim like right now I just I was I'm climbing I I looked at my watch I look at the stick and looked at my watch and it was amazing it's because I've trimmed yeah I do it automatically yeah but that's another biggie always keep your aircraft trim James isn't feeling too well okay we didn't get it on camera we wanted to stayed Mason Victor 184. okay so if anyone just missed that James uh James just threw up the aircraft Charming oh good infant that's a good effort why'd you have for breakfast plastic flakes trunks Tower experimental sling 135 with you Tango approaching but this is Thomas Bridge uh inbound for two nine are right with Victor foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] like if you want to slow down like I've got to slow down for flat speed right now I'm 95. I if I can engine off and put my nose down my engines pulled all the way back I'm speeding up right now so it's always pitch always always always pitch so if I want to slow down the flap speed I'm going to pull back always pitch I'm coming on a little angle because there was someone on the parallel Runway hey dude Wayne's a very considerate pilot with good facial awareness note Wayne does not have a hangover today any good good night's sleep this is going to be an amazing Landing oh yeah I haven't landed in a while let's see how I do you always land so I'm looking at the windsock coming in here it's not just focused on this AirSpeed you've got all your awareness yeah and I'm a little fast here I know I've made it so I'm going to start throttling back I'm still a little fast foreign [Applause] [Applause] hi guys my name is Belle I'm a student at uh sling for almost three months if you remember last time that we were talking about like progressing and stuff so I did my solo for me the big thing is about like communication English is my second language so communication is a big thing to me it's not easy to be brave to actually declare or admit that you know you're done here I don't want to say that oh can you please say again they will set your co-sign and they tell you like clear to land but actually some Californians are still significant you like six Bravo I'll like leave my bravo I was like what what Bravo is it me you just needs to be brave and say yeah can you say again please I think so yeah I'll see here Aussie it's going good yeah my name is Ozzy Marriott and I've been here for about two months I'm a good pilot I'm just kidding so I'd say my most common mistake is definitely knowing which Runway to land on um it might sound easy but like when you're flying and you have to like know which letter and Runway it is it can get hard sometimes so I'd say that's my most common mistake for sure um oh yes you're done get the full edit and I did it once in the beginning well don't tell me to be alive you know you have to listen like how's the wind like the direction of the wind from how many knots it's very important is it a craft bin or not so it's really like affects your Landing so I think that is really good one okay the fifth one is not getting fully okay out of this okay so I got the first one no I should tell you when I was doing my face check for my first solo I was like outside of the Delta and I didn't get the full atis and I didn't they switched the runways and then I actually lined up on the wrong Runway so listen to Adis it's very important now after that I listen to every time is a big one anything management is like very hard it takes like you know experience especially on Final because like sometimes you know like you have a gutsman and the wind's coming like so strong and it's just blowing you up and then you're asking and then you're like power it's just not like delayed anymore so just go around sleep throttle like power settings energy management so like playing stuff yes yeah Oh Yes actually this is a really big one it's a good one it's about a checklist I'd be honest every time I don't do the checklist you know I think my CFI like notice it and I don't use the checklist I missed something so it's pretty important I know like you might get used to it but to use it it's very really helpful you know for your life and your safety but you always do the full checklist before you go of course I always do the full checklist before I go [Music] so I didn't use enough rather in the beginning but yeah you will practice and then your survives it's like runner runner runner until you're like yeah I got the rider I don't need to say it I know okay that happens every once in a while so I've definitely taken off and not used enough Rudder because it's been windy and I just go full power and then when I go to take off the plane will just shoot to the left and you have to use right Rudder to even out it's me very good at looking inside but actually for a private pilot guys especially when you land the aircraft you have to be able to see like the runway right the end of the runway that's why you really need to look because like when you're managing the power before you like on the final oh am I that understanding you know I'm on that asked me tonight and then you forget oh I should have looked beyond the aircraft and see the end of the runway when I'm flying a lot of times I'll be like looking inside at the instruments and I'll like get caught up in that and I'm not looking outside because bfr is visual but like rules are supposed to be looking outside but it's very easy to just get stuck inside the airplane well there are five are wrong uh so don't forget to like subscribe and leave a comment it really helps us with our Channel we really appreciate it [Music]
Channel: Sling Pilot Academy
Views: 3,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slingpilotacademy, pilot, pilotlife, pilotshortage, airlinepilot, pilotlifestyle, pilottraining, SlingNGT, learntofly, sling, flighttraining, aviation, rotax, airplane, avgeek, flying, flywithaopa, eaa, whyifly, commercialpilot, multiengine, aviationnerd, airline, airlines, instapilot, 2022, shortage, noexperience, youngestpilot, young, 10 year old, airport
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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