Top 5 Pokémon You'll NEVER Obtain!

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hey what is going on twin ten donation hope you have an awesome day throughout Pokemon 21 years we have seen many different types of pokémon these appear in the game's anime and even the manga and with the release of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon moon the Pokedex currently stands at the whopping 802 however there are some Pokemon in the Pokemon universe that no matter how much we want we'll never have on our team now all 802 pokemon apart from our shadow can be obtained through some means so we'll be looking at the best ultimate pokemon forms that aren't available in the main games however who knows what the future holds for Pokemon so somebody's Pokemon on this list might become available in the future remember if you enjoyed the video leave a like and let me know in the comments below which bug one would you like to have on your team that isn't available in the main games also quickly before I forget I'm doing a mario kart 8 deluxe giveaway over on Twitter there will be a link in the description so if you'd like to enter check it out anyway with all that out the way let's start the video [Music] starting off our list is the elusive crystal onyx which made its only appearance in the 87th episode of the Pokemon anime over 18 years ago crystal onyx was discovered on sunbirds island in the orange archipelago now not only does Crystal onyx will look much better than its shiny variant it's also immune to water attacks since his body is made of crystals as opposed to rock however because it is made of crystal it has a weakness to fire nevertheless crystal onyx has been a Pokemon that has long been remembered by fans as it was one of the first special personal one we ever saw it would also be great to see what crystal onyx looks like when it evolved into crystals felix and one crystal felix mega evolves with its exclusive crystal typing crystal onyx could throw a few twists into the competitive battling meta game maybe one day we'll see the return of this special onyx but until then there will always be a Pokemon I want on my team the next pokemon under celeste only made its debut in the last few years on the arcade version of pokken tournament this pokemon in question is shadow Mewtwo who is the final boss in both the arcade and the wii u version of the now shadow need to is tenth the Clayton normal me to that has become corrupted due to the shadow synergy stone embedded into its shoulder however because it is shadow synergies own shadow me to is always looking for fights to help again more power shadow Mewtwo is incredibly powerful and due to the shadow stone power even more powerful than regular me to which says a lot reason I like shadow meet you so much is because of its color scheme and as well as its design in a similar manner to crystal on ik its alternate form is much better than its shiny in my opinion now one interesting fact about shadow me do is that it might be canonical to the pokemon universe so in an interview with polygon Misaki Hoshino who is a producer for pokken tournament said shadow Mewtwo was created in close collaboration with the Pokemon company Kushina was quoted as saying when we were originally coming up with the design we worked very closely with the Pokemon company and gain free to make sure everything was right what happened was we at Bandai Namco and the idea of making a really cool dark colored me too so we've had one of our designers take a crack at it and then presented that to the Pokemon company and Game Freak they all thought it looked really cool so then we worked together to brush it up and the Hoshino goes on to say that within the context of the spin-offs shadow need to is obviously a canonical character and it is up to the Pokemon company on how they use it in the future however when the Pokemon company were asked on whether shadow Mewtwo was canon a company representative responded with no comments I'll let you guys come to your own conclusion on where the shadow Mewtwo is canon or not in fact let me know your opinion in the comments below I personally would like to think it's canon due to its awesome design and if you're wondering what Canon or canonical means basically they're asking is Mewtwo or shadow Mewtwo part of this Pokemon universe we know that the animated games all of that or is it just like a different dimension altogether so it sounds like you know it probably is canonical and hopefully one day I'll have it on my team next up is another shadow pug one which is codenamed XV 0 0 1 although you'll most likely know it as shadow lugia shadow lugia is very similar to the previous entry shadow Mewtwo it is a normal luthier that has been rectified a criminal organization cipher who believe it is the ultimate shadow Pokemon and completely immune to purification this is technically true as lugar has taken a brand new shadow form which is unlike other shadow Pokemon who appear normal for possess a shadowy aura it also can't be purified by normal means so if you guys who've never played Pokemon Colosseum or Pokemon XC gala darkness the normal method of purifying a pokemon is massaging it with special sense however shadow lugia is different and can only be purified through the purity chamber in Pokemon XD gala done now loogie has been one of my favorite Pokemon since I was a kid and when I first saw the reveal of XD gala darkness I was blown away how awesome shadow lugia look it also has its own shadow music which includes shadow blasts shadow down shadow shed and shadow storm although shadow moves are weaker than their normal moves for example shadow blasts is a shadow equivalent of loogie his signature moves arrow blast it does ten less damage however all attacking shadow moves apart from one in the game are super effective against their opponent so in reality you're more likely to do more damage with shadow lugia than regular lugia because of that shadow lugia will be one of the best competitive close one in the main games and could definitely give Arceus and mega rayquaza a run for their money now for this one we have two Pokemon sharing the number two spot these two Pokemon are celibate and Victini now I know what you're thinking twin Tendo I already have these two Pokemon what are you talking about are you on crack what are you smoking etc etc however I'm talking about their shiny forms at this current time it is impossible to get a shiny Celebi and shiny Victini without hacking so you can technically get these pokemon fruit illegitimate means however we are still waiting for an official release and until then I consider these two Pokemon unavailable now the interesting thing is that there used to be free shiny pokemon that was shiny locked however jirachi finally got a shiny event in 2014 to celebrate the japanese holiday Tanabata so there is still hope for Victini to get shiny release but it's been 18 years since Celebi was released back in pokemon gold and silver and it still has no shiney distribution the Pokemon company even went so far as the teasers fans by giving SHINee Celebi a prominent role in the story of pokemon mystery dungeon explores a time darkness and sky come on guys really gives us shiny Celebi and while you're at it you might as well throw SHINee Victini our way to now continuing on the trend of pokemon mystery dungeon we arrived at the post one I'd love to obtain the most which unfortunately I can't this is of course primal Dialga which first appeared in pokemon mystery dungeon explodes of time and darkness primal diana is one of my favorite bosses of all time and puts up one hell of a fight if any of you guys watching this video subscribe to me back in 2016 you'll know I'm a massive fan of the pokemon mystery dungeon franchise since they used to cover it all the time in fact I might even like it more than the main game and primal Dialga is one of the reasons not only desire girl looked much better in its primal forms in its shiny form it might even look better than its original form at its core promotor alga is a normal diode er that has lost control of its ability to manipulate time with its new color scheme supposed to be representing its desert and savage state and let me tell you this version the dial gas is much more powerful and much more intimidating than its original counterpart ever since I fought in battle back in 2008 I've been hoping that it gets included in the main series one day not only for its design but the amazing needs of that plays when you battle this thing probably one of my favourite gaming scores of all time we're getting back on track pokemon omega ruby and alpha sapphire gave me hope that this might one day be a possibility as they gave Groudon and Kyogre a primal form each but let's be honest no one was expecting a primal Groudon or primal Kyogre when omega ruby and alpha sapphire was amount mega revolutions were anything back then and so everyone for we're going to get a mega drought on and a mega Kyogre but as we know they gave in primal forms and maybe that something game think want to continue in the future so with the diamond of pearl remakes which are expected anytime soon we might get primer Eldar on a main game in the near future and since we have a primordial girl already in the Pokemon universe it would make so much sense to continue this trend on and make a primal dialga and primal cualquier in the main series of the Pokemon games now I have no idea what primal Palkia would look like but if it's anything like primal dialga then went in for a treat anyway guys that's it for this video let me know in the comment section below which pokémon you'd like to have on your team that isn't available in the main game and if you did enjoy the video a like would be super appreciated let me know if you want to see more content like this in the future and also like I said at the start of the video I am doing a Mario Kart 8 the lochs giveaway over on Twitter link is in the description check that out if you haven't already if you want to stay up to date with all videos and future giveaways then hit the subscribe button down below but anyway guys thank you very much for watching hope you have an awesome day and I will see you on the next video peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Twintendo
Views: 2,971,882
Rating: 4.5649366 out of 5
Keywords: Pokémon, Pokemon, Top 5, Top 10, Unobtainable, obtain, catch, never, Sun and Moon, Diamond and Pearl, Remakes, Stars, Crystal onix, Shadow Mewtwo, Shadow Lugia, Shiny, Celebi, Victini, Primal Dialga, Mystery Dungeon, Nintendo, gameplay, theory, Top 5 Pokemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Gen 7, 7th gen, Pokemon anime, twintendo
Id: wPxed9J7EKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2017
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