Top 5 Picky Brides And Opinionated Entourages | Say Yes To The Dress UK

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[Music] oh wow look at all the dresses my name is Jordan Toby I am 27 years old I think I'm very fussy when picking a dress really fussy oh God I really hope I could find something that I like there's no room for compromise with my wedding dress it has to be 100 perfect oh look at that it feels quite nice I've decided to bring my sister with me we've been sharing clothes since forever so I'm always down her wardrobe I figured suit a fishtail on there oh really yeah Jordan will be an absolute David today whenever we go shopping it's a nightmare or I don't like that I don't like the straps on this one oh that looks so from okay she's just fussy good morning [Music] I am you're doing great so have you been shopping for dresses yet I've done absolutely nothing so I'm so excited what kind of thing has been popping out of you when you've been looking around the store I do quite like this one however I don't really like the hoop in it oh we can have that with that hoop that's not okay I feel like I have got a certain look I want to go for I'm just not sure what that is at the minute Zoe darling how are you getting on which one hi hi ladies so where's the venue where are you having it so is it maiden's Barn in Chelmsford in Essex it's a really rusticy old barn and the kind of theme is a vintage glamor what is Mr Charming going to look like well he's going to go for something quite Tweedy um possibly a blue Tweed so a little bit different yeah it's a little bit it's quite quirky I met my fiance Paul six and a half years ago I used to work in a pub and he just come in one day started looking at each other and then he left so his friends were still there and I said oh is your friend got a girlfriend and I said no know and I said well can you give him my number I'd never done that before ever we moved in together got our first house had a child now we're here so we're looking for something very Glam yes I want it to be really Glam yeah are we concerned about budget um yeah I'd like to stay under 1750 1750. yeah what about something like this this is pretty yeah I don't like that I don't really know what I want to be fair right so we have a picky Cinderella yeah okay no no no no we're gonna have fun what you've found something over there that I did it's very princessy yeah Jordan doesn't have a clue what style or type of dress she's looking for so we're going to start with their pick and go from there foreign oh wow oh wow oh wow do you like it what do you think I really like it it's very Regal I really like the top how it's quite fitted however I just feel like it's it's too big yeah I don't feel like anyone could be able to sit next to me or stand next to me it just looked amazing on the hangout but really it didn't look that good on me oh [Music] this is more of an a line sort of a princess lighting dress I don't really like that either yeah not at all not the one okay off you go [Music] wow it's a nice Style it's okay this dress it's not it's not amazing I've tried on a fishtail a ball gown and a princess dress now I'm still not finding anything that I like it's a new experience there's tons of dresses tons of styles tons of fabrics calm breathe and let me do my job [Music] a little bit of a problem but we're determined to find the right frock for you thank you with the bride who hates everything I feel sorry for her she's probably confused she's utterly exhausted I don't like that you don't like that at all don't even put it on then she needs to take time out and start again I think it's a good idea that we go through the wreck [Music] yeah I don't like that I feel like it's too um too Mumsy yes yeah this isn't dry no I don't cry yeah not that one not that no I don't at the top no absolutely not that one's very plain no right this is typical Jordan making you work today aren't I you certainly are lovely I'm slightly losing patience I like the back of that we try it it's worth a shot we'll try it yeah okay I'm determined to get the right gown for her and I'll keep going until I find that girl and I will find that gown but um I need a large a large glass of champagne to get over this I think this looks so you wanted something different you wanted something glamorous [Music] but you've got to love it look I want you to wake up on the wedding day and go oh I can't wait to put this dressing yeah I don't feel like that you know no I would I don't think he's got the wild Factor the absolute wow which I want to get [Music] in that case Zoe I think Dolly we need to rethink big time [Music] I'm still confused where we're going sorry I'm a pain you're not a pain daddy listen I'm not going to force you into dress I want it to look special I want you to feel special here Jay I don't really know what I want they don't really know what I want it's quite a difficult position to be in she's getting overshopped if we don't find the perfect gown now we're gonna lose it completely this is a Justin Alexander it's not too covered it's not too boring all right that dress is going to suit her if I don't find anything to do I think I feel a little bit anxious as oh god I've been to one of the loveliest Bridal boutiques in the whole of Essex and I still can't find a dress I dare I say I think we might have a bride leaving without no frog that's awful I'm a bit worried because if she doesn't love this dress then I don't think she's going to want to try anymore and we might have to call it a day thank you Here Comes the Bride oh you like it you like that yeah I really like it hey this is my favorite I love this dress because it's different never seen it before the lace is really beautiful just everything about it just works though I really love how it just comes in and just the Ruffles make it look like a bridal dress foreign [Music] beautiful glamorous and definitely goes for my vintage glamor theme what are you thinking I'm thinking I love it you love it I love it [Music] you love it yes are you can you say yes [Music] I'm saying Yes to the Dress [Applause] congratulations I feel absolutely amazing in this dress I'm gonna be the bride and it looks like I'm going to be the bride everyone's going to be staring at me on that day this is definitely the one for me I'm thrilled for you my name is Coco I'm 23. look at the lace on this one a few dress shops because it's a difficult decision to make because it's got to be the dress and it's got to be perfect you know what you're looking for Coco I think I'd like something Lacy and also a bit sparkly as well of this one here that is like a real princess dress ladies good morning how are you good thank you hi my name's Kim and who's the lovely bride so I'm the bride your name is my name's Coco and who are these lovely ladies with you today this is my mum this is my younger sister Scarlett hello my best friend Ellie and this is my sister this is also my maid bottom my older sister and my younger sister they've both got different fashion scents so I think they're gonna be more likely to disagree with what I like when are you getting married so I'm getting married next year in October it's gonna be in Ibiza we haven't told any of our guests to location because we want to keep it a secret the reason we've chosen to get married in Ibiza is because that is where we met and ever since we met there we've been going back every single year sometimes twice a year and what's your fiance's name my fiance is called Billy he is a roofer he's very handsome very muscly and he's got a lovely personality he's very kind and very sweet and what sort of shape her over you've got in your mind I think I'd like something quite fitted that also sort of has a bit of volume at the bottom it's going to be quite sexy as well as pretty okay so ladies what would you like to see Coco in I have always thought she would probably be a princess we always thought we'd see Coco in a princess dress something big and is there a budget that I'm to be respectful of today yeah so my budget is probably going to be about two thousand pounds I'll pull some gowns for you okay lovely and if your lovely guest would like to take a seat Coco's sisters and Mum May favor the ball gun but we have to do right by our bride so Kim is starting with the mermaid style that Coco loves what's your initial thoughts on this lovely gown I'm really liking the top on this one and I like the neckline here gives me a bit more of a burst [Music] how are you feeling Coco it's different it's not what I had in mind it's nearly there but I'm not sure about the bottom this dress is the right sort of style but I really don't like the seaweedy bottom it's just not what I'm after at all I don't like this one you don't like this one no we have seen you in the same to our dresses most of them all you're trying on are mermaid dresses and we all pictured you in a princess dress just change it up just for you as well so you can see okay this clearly is a beautiful dress but it's not your dress I don't feel like it's the one okay [Music] Coco has been craving a figure-hugging gum but a big sister's request is try on the prince's style that her family's been wishing to see and how do you feel about your your guests feeling that they'd like to see you in a different shape um I'm a bit nervous actually because I haven't tried a princess on before [Music] foreign how are you feeling like a princess I do think it's beautiful actually the dress is it's different I quite like this as well the way it layers and this is very unique with the feathers here I feel good in this dress light is what do we think I like this one it is a beautiful dress I do really like it but I didn't particularly like the layering you know everything you have completely different taste that's the problem I'd like to just see in something simple but I'm not simple do you think this is now the shape that you should be looking at I would still like to try a couple more in the other style I think that would help me make my decision Coco sister poo Poo's the mermaid then she proposed the ball gown and now she wants simple sister can flip up all she wants this isn't her wedding so Kim is selecting a gown that's sure to please our bride and what about your one of your sisters yeah I think she needs to realize that it's my dress not hers Bravo to Kim for recognize what our bride wants perhaps this fitted little number is the one to unite this Sisterhood [Music] how do we feel so this is I think my favorite one that we've tried I love all the lace I think the button is absolutely beautiful when I say fishtail this is what I want because it goes out it's not drastic like the other ones this dress it's different to the previous murmur gown it's more what I'm after I do like this dress she looks stunning what do you feel I really like it it's my favorite it's everything you I think that you've wanted in the dress I can see that my family are really happy about this dress I may have found the right dress I think it's beautiful the vale complete complete I can definitely see her walking down the aisle in that dress is so her what's the place in the designer of this one so this is a dress by Ronald Joyce and the price is 1804 yeah so it is it is implies which is yeah it's perfect and the most important question of all are you saying yes to this dress I am saying Yes to the Dress my little sister did maybe she proved you wrong she prayed for you right I love it yes I honestly didn't think I'd find the perfect dress today along the way and sort of maybe even lost my way as to what I wanted and then we finally got there so I'm quite pleased [Laughter] we're running out of time to find Jennifer's perfect dress but Jennifer's sister has tuned into something very key here she just wants her fiance to think she looks hot so we're putting her in a backless gown to see if we can get her closer to her dream dress foreign [Music] this time Jane how do you feel I feel sexier I really like the way it hugs my hips I like the back the back is stunning I'm not sure about I did yeah I'm not sure about there I agree with you about the straps can you make one of the straps yeah smaller oh buffering like that you prefer them sitting a lot thinner yeah yeah I think once it's altered it actually would look really really nice once it fits you perfectly I love the shape of it I feel really sexy I love this one it it's perfect I can't believe you just said it's perfect the lady that has found something wrong with every girl Zoe's found Jennifer a dress that will wow her fiancee but in order to seal the deal she'll need her sister's approval I feel happy actually I feel right she's kind we need some tissues of course looking good can make you feel good but feeling good makes you look fabulous the perfect dress is that one that makes you look great and more importantly feel like a bride wow oh my God look at the dresses my name is Katie Toms I'm here today to hopefully find my perfect dress for my wedding I love I love beautiful I like everything to be a certain way which can then make me a bit of a control freak you're gonna find one here whether you like it or not so I've been dressed shopping quite a bit and I've actually in total tried on about 50 dresses go for it then hello there it's a bride who have you brought with you I bought my mom Felicity who's a really close friend of the family and my mother-in-law to be Claire and what is the theme of the wedding it's a very vintage rustic type theme when you think of yourself at your wedding what do you envisage I imagine something that's quite elegant quite fitted something that's going to flatten my figure and just make me look beautiful the importance of buying this wedding dress is everything to Katie I've been struggling to find the right wedding dress just because I do have a lot of body confidence issues I've had an eating disorder in the past so it's very hard for me to feel beautiful I think this is her way of showing the world this is me I'm beautiful tell me a little bit something about your fiance I love him our world he's my best friend I do everything with is Ben Robinson I knew that Ben was the one when we just collect I could be myself around him I didn't have to pretend that I was anybody else and he made me feel comfortable and beautiful in my own skin which I hadn't really felt before so Casey have you seen any dresses here so far I've seen one on the mannequin in the winter this one this is a Christine dando Colleen Christie this is our lovely Christine this is nice to meet you so tell me Katie what kind of things have you been looking at I like kind of the illusion sweetheart or bone necklines just to give me a bit of coverage and something Lacy quite vintage looking okay I'm very picky like everything to be absolutely perfect it's got to be perfect it's your wedding day of course absolutely as a designer and salon owner I totally understand Katie Strife of perfection that's why I do what I do I want every bride to fall in love with herself in the dress whether it's one of my gowns or another designers it's irrelevant it truly is all about the bride oh here she comes oh now I am gonna cry [Music] I love how it hugs my figure here I love this the detail is exquisite is there anything you don't like about it I guess I'm a bit unsure on the Green I like it but I don't know if it's necessarily me I love it it's so beautiful it's Exquisite I hate that's everything you wanted it's just beautiful you look like a little Woodland princess nymph or something I feel like they're going to be a bit disappointed if I don't pick this dress but I think I'm more veering towards vintage it is perfect it's gonna have to be something very special to beat that yeah [Music] should we try on this one yes part of the consultant's job is to give the bride confidence and if Katie doesn't feel 100 in the dress then it doesn't matter how much everyone else loves it this was the very first one I saw in the window and it just screamed at me are you in there I think so oh looks like you I knew I would love this one as soon as it's right in the window oh we got the look word we got love [Music] it makes me Sparkle I really like it I love all this I really like it it's so exciting I like the neckline because it's just enough coverage my eyes feel really sparkly and just I really like it oh look you made tears go for my arms now foreign it's a gorgeous gorgeous dress but I think that one's a little bit too heavily embroidered on the lace the other one made you look like he was glowing I feel like I glow in this one though you do you do you do but you don't close much I'm feeling a bit disappointed that I don't love it as much as I thought they would and they still keep saying they prefer the First dress I tried on but I don't the other one did feel almost a bit too Woodly because of the green and the brown on it this is vintage which is what I want how about we had a veil let's turn you into a problem everybody leaves okay you're gonna have to say yes I just want to be 100 sure how can you be a hundred percent sure now we have turned you into a real bride I don't know it's scary I just want to be sure I just have to get this right it's like you guys it's me because I'm so much of a perfectionist trust me it's a little foul dress shopping is supposed to be fun take a breath relax and Center [Music] Katie truly loves this dress but she lacks confidence she really needs to own how fabulous she looks in this dress it's not you guys it's me because I'm so much trust me he's a little foul it breaks my heart to see her get upset I just wish she was not so hard on herself I just want to get it right you look absolutely stunning [Music] look beautiful [Music] I don't let people see it but I do struggle quite a lot like daily with how I look people don't think it because I come across as quite confident and quite bubbly but I already struggle with my demons on the inside go with what's in there forget about what's going on shut that off in there as long as she feels stunning and fabulous then I'm happy for her that's all I want [Music] if you feel good in it that's all that matters to any of us yeah it's got to be because we just want it for you in this dress I just feel I feel beautiful for once rather than feeling ugly foreign yes to this dress [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] Katie I solemnly promise perfect dress for you okay I didn't think this moment would ever come but I'm so glad it has when a bride brings a special family member to an appointment often her vision gets Tangled in theirs But ultimately she must decide whether to embrace their similarities or confront their differences my name is Laura McRoberts I'm 34 I'm a twin my sister's name's Nikki being a twin we're very similar we're completely we have the same taste in absolutely everything clothes fashion our houses uh we're very much the same I have to have my dress different to yours I can't have the same Nikki she got married two years ago so it's really important to make my wedding different I want it to be the best here's my bride Laura Laura and Chloe and who have you got with me today it's Nikki my twin sister hi Kelly my sister-in-law Danielle my other sister-in-law and my mum Sharon hello I've got all the venue books and everything everything's all books what sort of style is it um very Grand uh it's Henry VII's old hunting lodge my sister's wedding was very Grand so I need to go that little bit extra we're looking to have a silhouette artist which I feel is quite different a magician a string quartet a sparkler exit at the end but when we leave the venue my fiance is called Michael so we met six years ago through work and we've been together for two and a half years Michael and I have a daughter together her name's Frankie she's 15 months old and she's going to be our flower girl when was your wedding so mine was three years ago my dress was like really big wasn't it yeah like core City like ball gowns or style my wedding dress was I'd say very princessy yeah it was Boo chubby very like sparkly and then it just literally just went out but the bottom massive train at the back so um I'm looking for a slinky backless yeah maybe sleeves uh lots of bling lots of Sparkle mermaid yeah um long train lovely and what sort of price point would you want to stay under do you have a figure I'm looking at around three thousand three thousand as the top Mark all right perfect Chloe dally what are we looking for so um my bride she's a twit yeah and we're looking for something Grand she's having a really really beautiful venue the family bond between identical twins is so special but when a bride looks in the mirror on her wedding day she wants to see herself and not her sister if she's got a great figure yeah what price of Point are we here one one zero two that's good oh we'll have that why do we try ball gun that we've always eliminated this one yeah no that was gorgeous because she wanted something with a really nice back and that cut out back there is absolutely I love this let's go Hello darling well I know you don't want to look like a sister but this one because you've got a great figure and you want to be different I thought that one I love the sleeves on this great I got a ball gun because every girl looks great with organ really anxious about trying the ball gown dress on okay have fun thank you thank you um I didn't want anything really remotely close to what Nikki had on um quite nervous why is it so important that you want your wedding to be bigger than your sisters being twins identical everyone Compares us but I have to make mine different I have to be different Laura set herself the challenge of finding a dress which is different from the ball gun her identical sister wore on her big day so she's trying on the ball gun show first to rule it out first of all I'm really shocked that I love the First dress as much as I do it's got everything that I wanted Sparkle Glitz uh bling backless oh my goodness how'd you feel darling I I really love it I love it bling you love The Bling I love the color which I didn't think that I would like the lace I didn't think I would like lace so darling you you were married first right it's a twin was this anything like the dress that you had I mean well it's big at the bottom this dress is so Grand it's perfect for our grand theme but it's similar in style to Nikki's you know this is actually the very first Bridal gun you put on very first dress it's like it's been made for you she picked the same dress of course she's gonna look beautiful in whatever she wears it won't bother me the slightest but I know she just wants completely different to me do you want to try more try more on just I try more I just want a comparison really fast dress I know I think as much as Laura loves this dress she's hesitant about it because she wants to break the family mold Laura is looking for an over-the-top wedding gown to rival her twin sisters but instead of going for the opposite style she's fallen in love with the same silhouette so should we go for this one next yeah this is the dress that I described I'm really excited to try on the slinky mermaid fishtail dress this is what I wanted this is the dress that I've been looking at how are you feeling I love the bottom I love the beading I love the sparkle I'm not blown away oh this is so hard turn around let's have a look what do we think mummy I didn't get her the same feeling as she walked out your faces didn't look no I mean when it came out so you look gorgeous in any wedding dress I think yeah but if comparing um 100 not I don't think I like this dress I don't think satin really suits Laura this dress is definitely a no for me I didn't get the same feeling that I did in the big dress right but this is the dress that you thought you'd wanted slim I know slinky what do you think I'm not sure the fact that I'm picking thoughts yeah says it all being that the dress is satin it's not very forgiving and I just feel that I'd be very self-conscious all day shall I get you back into your princess dress yes I'm going for a dress that's very similar in style to Nikki it sounds like she's set on the first one like it doesn't sound much she wants to try anymore on because I think she's done now the opposite Style oh I absolutely love it it is gorgeous I absolutely love Lauren this dress she just looks beautiful I wanted the second time being in the dress to feel the same reaction and I did great so I'm really happy although this dress is similar in style to Nikki's it's very different in that it's a lot of beading a lot of a lot more bling than Nikki's dress and I think it's enough to make this dress my own I think it's absolutely gorgeous and you look stunning in it so I'm not going to cry but I might do I'd like to make me cry so more importantly how much is it how much is it um this dress is by Ronald Joyce and it's 1726. so is that within budget oh wow I'm gonna spend the leftover money on some really expensive shoes so it leaves me the question are you going to say yes to this dress I'm saying Yes to the Dress I can't believe I've managed to find a grand dress to match my grand venue um I could actually see myself in Laura's dress but I do like my dress better hi ladies Hi how are you busy shopping hi I'm David Emanuel this is Sears nice to meet you nice to meet you and who are this Lord You're Entourage yeah this is is my best friend this is my friend Amy and my bridesmaid my mum's best friend Kay oh hi when's the big day 30th of September next year right and any theme in mind it's kind of like vintage but with a lot of Sparkle you like the glitz I love the glitz and the gun I like sparkle because I'm a little bit of a show-off I like to braid about kind of like a model uh with like a peacock with all its Leathers out what do you put in there um this is my mum's wedding dress oh wow yeah so this is 80s this is 80s yeah we've got a lot to pull out put it that way I fell in love with my mom's wedding dress years and years ago as a little girl and I've always wanted to try her wedding dress on because my mum is my absolute world this looks Vaguely Familiar it looks like copy of a certain wedding dress I think when I designed Princess Diana's dress in 1981 it was the best thing in the world it was like a shot of adrenaline do you want us to remodel this what I want to do is I want to try to dress on right because my mum obviously looks stunning in it back in 1989. this inspired millions of wedding gowns around the world but time has moved on what's on garage wasn't it I love the Train on it skirt on it and I just felt like a princess you want 80s inspired Glitz slightly wrong wedding Diana or Kate Middleton hang on we've got a different Cloud shoe of stars but anyway let's get down to the Bare Essentials budget around about two thousand pounds she wants a miracle for two-thirds well the challenge is aren't done oh no I think we'll just have to cut the train just to add a little something I have been making these scorecards for a good three days now from one to five one being a no-go five being that is the dress I'm hoping to get threes and above if I get anything below three I'm just gonna be like what so darling kid do you go to the Dress room right and get change I want to see when that's off you go my fiance's name is Stephen farrugia I've known him for 10 years we kind of took our time getting together I need Stephen was the one when he took me out for a drink and he passed a lemon face test so I had just handed him a lemon wedge and he just pulled the most ugly looking face and I thought well if that's your ugly face then I've got nothing to really worry about oh wow oh my God oh my God it's not gonna fit that's it it will try my dress on in front of David Emanuel is gonna be somewhat of an experience as he designed the most iconic 80s wedding dress ever this is what they were in the 80s oh thank you so much for that cheers [Music] wow there's a lot of frogs here that's a statement I feel that I've kind of just stepped into a Disney film [Music] one one two two well you're mean oh my gosh now what I want to know mum you wore this on your wedding day oh Mommy I always thought to myself if I ever have a little girl maybe she'll want to wear my dress how did you feel mummy seeing your wedding dress on her I feel very emotional but okay it's not me but now no way okay you can't wear that dress what a mess well you've tried it on tried it on it's done no it's not happening Hallelujah God I just didn't get the feeling I thought I was gonna get from that let's turn you and get you straight into the 21st century yes please thank you oh wow what do you think I am not a fan of the mesh at the top here I feel so restricted it's unreal and no okay that's it you can give a girl what she asks for and then she says no I feel way too big I wouldn't know how I was gonna fit in a car in that dress let's see what your judges think shall we I'm dressing it please [Music] all right then okay right let's just get it off I don't feel like Princess Diana and I don't feel like Kate Middleton I don't even feel like Katie Price just know you know what perhaps it's all too much we're looking back we're not looking forward enough so rather than half on about the Royal weddings and other influences yes let's go forward let's find something that really really shows you all right okay yeah let me do that we can let's go we need to forget the whole princess thing and focus on Katie's own style this is everything that you wanted and now you don't want it um yeah uh wow I have no words she told her she loves Glitz and Sparkle So the next dress is 100 bling this bling kind of makes the dress look gray so this is a no to this dress I'm really worried that I'm not gonna find anything that I love [Music] oh oh [Music] well you wanted Sparkle yeah you wanted lace yes how'd you feel a lot more like myself I was wondering what it would look like with a veil [Music] operation big let's go now I think I think I can see the magic now oh that changes everything you see oh my god do you see when you do that oh now that I have the veil on I feel that that's completed address and I feel so much more like a bride so mum what do we think darling I think it's absolutely stunning and it's really so true Katie yeah you like The Perfect Bride oh [Music] Katie is shining in this dress it's just Katie I can tell it was so she felt good in it who's the designer this is morally okay and the prize is 1211 pounds oh my goodness mommy will be happy with the prize I'm very happy I am so pleased that my dress is under budget it just means I can spend more money on other sparkly things from my venue am I going to see the scores from your judges [Music] to address so the jury have made up their minds now the final question are you going to say Yes to the Dress [Music] because now it's completely different to my mom's wedding dress I'm actually quite thankful I'm so glad to be out of the 80s and into the 21st century it's the 21st century congratulations [Applause]
Channel: TLC Australia
Views: 521,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tlc australia, tlc, dr pimple popper, tlc australia youtube, tlc youtube, watch tlc, say yes to the dress, tlc uk, wedding dresses, say yes to the dress uk full episodes, say yes to the dress uk gok wan, say yes to the dress uk curvy brides, david emanuel say yes to the dress, david emanuel, wedding songs, wedding dance, wedding dance performance, Wedding Dresses, bridal makeup, brides, Wedding dress, Bridal, Bride, say yes to the dress uk, bridal shopping
Id: 2VzfeCt98bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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