Top 5 Must-Try AWS AI / ML Tools

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okay so last week AWS just took a huge step forward in the generative AI race they announced a whole bunch of new tools for developers and they're giving away access to one of their AI tools completely for free in today's video I'll first provide a quick recap of the updates AWS announced last week and then we'll dive into the top 5 AWS artificial intelligence and machine learning Services I recommend learning for each service I'll be sharing what it does why it's important and how you can use it to build your own AWS Cloud project let's get into it so starting off with the updates one of the most exciting announcements is the general release of AWS code Whisperer you might have heard of this service before because it was announced back in June last year but they've just made it free for everyone which means you can now use it to generate code provide recommendations and identify issues all without having a subscription plan you can kind of think of code Whisperer as your own AI coding companion similar to GitHub copilot next up AWS announced Amazon Bedrock which is a tool that helps developers build and scale generative AI applications without having to invest time and resources into training Their Own Foundation models or FMS it gives people easy access to FMS built by AI startups including AI 21 labs and stability AI as well as Amazon's own set of FMS called Titan speaking of Amazon Titan it's a family of models trained in-house by AWS giving developers the opportunity to build powerful AI tools there's currently two models that have been launched but probably with more to come in the future at the time of recording this video Amazon bedrock and Amazon Titan don't seem to be available to the general public but if you have a startup or business you can fill in this sign up form to express your interest so on the same day of all of those announcements Amazon also released two AWS ec2 instances one powered by the company's inferential two chips and one powered by AWS trainium by having instances that are tailored specifically towards Ai and machine learning use cases AWS will be able to deliver better performance whilst offering a lower cost now I think it's pretty cool that AWS is providing the underlying resources help customers build their generative AI applications because there's definitely been a trend where companies are against the employees using public tools like chargpt in order to protect their private company information and avoid potential security breaches there was even an article published recently where employees have admitted to using chagibut as a way to work multiple full-time jobs but I feel like that's just a whole nother problem altogether anyways now that you're up to speed with the latest updates I'd like to share with you the top five AWS AIML tools I recommend learning for 2023 as more and more companies start adopting AI into their workflows we're going to see a greater demand for people who are up to date with the latest advancements so whether you're a job Seeker or someone already working in Tech familiarizing yourself with these AIML tools can really give you an edge in the market it's also just really fun to learn about as well with all that being said let's jump straight into the first service which is AWS code Whisperer as I mentioned earlier AWS code Whisperer is kind of like your own personal AI coding buddy all you have to do is integrated into an ID like Visual Studio code and then let it help you generate real-time code suggestions what's really cool about it is that it helps you identify errors in your code and has built-in security scans to help you detect application vulnerabilities the reason I recommend learning how to use code Whisperer is because of how much faster it can help you write code it will not only help you save a ton of time but it can also make sure code is written at a high quality what's even better is that AWS code Whisperer is optimized for AWS apis like Amazon ec2 AWS Lambda and S3 so if you're using other AWS services in your application code whisper can help you work more seamlessly to get started you can check out this free online Workshop where you'll learn how to build a fully fledged serverless application for image recognition the workshop uses code Whisperer and a bunch of other AWS services like Lambda API Gateway dynamodb and S3 I'll put a link to it in the description below and if you decide to try it out let me know how it goes next up we have Amazon Sage maker this was launched back in 20 2017 but has gone through significant improvements over the years sagemaker is like a One-Stop shop for creating training and deploying machine learning models on the cloud you get access to Jupiter notebooks for writing code building machine learning algorithms and tools to fine-tunior models all in one place Amazon has been in the tech space for a really long time where it started as an online bookstore nearly 30 years ago and so Amazon sagemaker is built upon all the experience Amazon has gained from their own products anything from personalized shopping to customer recommendations Robotics and so on I'd recommend learning Amazon stage makeup because the service lets you tap into the power of machine learning without having to be an expert in the field companies like Airbnb grammarly and Pinterest or use Amazon sagemaker to build and deploy their own models and with the growing demand of people with machine learning expertise learning Amazon stage maker could be a really good start if you're looking to get hands-on experience with Amazon sagemaker you can check out this free AWS Workshop that provides a great starting point you'll begin the workshop by creating a safe make a notebook instance and then interact with it through sample Jupiter notebooks the AWS CLI and the sagemaker console and then throughout the workshop you get to explore different data sets create model training jobs and set up endpoints to make predictions from those models another resource I'd recommend is this 12 hour udemy course that teaches you about Amazon sagemaker feature engineering and other machine learning Concepts it does follow the curriculum for the AWS machine learning certification exam so once you complete the course you could take the exam and get certified the third AWS service I'd recommend is Amazon recognition which is specifically used to analyze images and videos all you have to do is provide an image or video and recognition will identify the objects people text and things around it this can come in handy in many types of situations for example if a company wants to check how many people entering the office is wearing a mask they can use Amazon recognition to identify this through real-time video streams so if you're interested in visual data analysis I definitely definitely think it's worth giving Amazon recondition a try and as always the best way to learn is by getting hands on AWS has two free tutorials that are about 10 minutes long and teaches you how to use Amazon recognition in the first one you'll learn how to detect analyze and compare faces you'll be given an image and then with recognition you'll compare it with other images to see if the faces belong to the same person and then in the second one you'll analyze a 30 second video clip of an ultimate frisbee game as I mentioned both tutorials only take around 10 minutes each so definitely give it a go if you're interested in learning more about Amazon recognition next we have Amazon Lex a fully managed AI service that makes it easy for you to create chat Bots and conversational interfaces it's kind of similar to charge ubt in that it's designed to enable humor-like interactions but Amazon lacks focuses more on providing developers a platform to build conversational interfaces into their own applications so every time you're on a website and you see a little chat with no pop-up asking if you have any questions chances are is is probably built with a conversational AI service like Amazon Lex as we've all seen with chai gbt chatbots are on the rise and can be a fast way to answer common questions or help complete a simple task with Amazon Lex you could build customer support systems reservation booking tools or even a personal assistant to increase your productivity to get started I'd recommend working through this Hands-On tutorial that teaches you how to create a chat bot for a banking application you can see that the tutorial will cost less than two dollars and it takes about two hours to complete and then once it's done it should look something like this and you can interact with it by typing in messages last but not least we have Amazon comprehend this is one of my favorite AWS Services because it's pretty much like your own AI power detective that can unlock hidden inside some text items like documents social media posts and customer reviews it uses sentiment analysis to understand emotional tone or sentiment expressed in certain sentences which is quite important for companies who want to figure out how their customers feel about their products and Services learning about Amazon comprehend lets you dive deep into what customers are really saying without having to read one sentence at a time and over time as more data is generated insights can then be provided with more accuracy so if you're interested in Amazon comprehend and want to get Hands-On with it you can take a look at this comprehend immersion day workshop and work through the labs this immersion day is a bit longer than all the other workshops so definitely don't feel the pressure to complete everything all in one go alright so there you have it five AWS AI services to learn more about in 2023 and Beyond if you've watched this video all the way through please give it a like and comment below which AWS service you're most interested in starting to learn alright bye for now
Channel: Tech With Lucy
Views: 38,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aws, ai tools, aws ai, top ai tools, aws aiml, aiml, aws cloud, top 5 aws ai tools, aws ai services
Id: 8DmqNhCDtDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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