TOP 5 MOST OVERPOWERED GUNS IN MW3.. (Best Class Setup) COD Modern Warfare 3 Gameplay

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today's top five might raise a couple eyebrows now we're taking out the MCW a gun that I put in a lot of top fives does not deserve to be in this one right here in fact actually we're putting a gun that I never ever thought I would throw into a top five we're going to throw it in the number three spot you guys will see that I mean it's just a it's a gun I never thought I would put in all right but let's get into it guys let me know down in the comments below do you think the MCW deserved to be nerfed again I I honest to God don't think so it gets nerfed every single season every single mid-season update every single update there is it seems like the MCW is catching a Nerf and I'm not happy with that but anyways guys drop a like on this video sub to the channel those no you turned on let's get straight into the class setups the first one I want to talk about is the MTZ 556 this gun ever since the MCW got nerfed has been coming up and up and up it is so good it is so overpowered that's just really nice so this is the gun right here as you guys can see we're going to go ahead and shoot it there's barely any recoil to it if anything most of the recoil is visual it's so easy to hit targets so easy to draw people pretty quick as well I mean for having a big mag and stuff like that we got 50 we got a drum mag on this thing and it's still really nice to draw people with it so yeah it's going to be it right there now obviously we got some some things you guys could go ahead and copy here if you need to like the Infantry vest we got steem thermite munition box assault gloves cover sneakers ghosts and then my core 45 for this class I will move my face here so you guys can actually go ahead and see the whole entire class this is my secondary for the core 45 probably one of the best core 45 classes there is I love this class guys I love it but let's get into the X RK the xrk the MTZ class because this is the nice one that I want to talk about the first attachment is going to be the Jack BFB muzzle all right this is going to give you guys a lot of that recoil control that you really need on this weapon now the reason we're running this is because we're going to be running a lot of other stuff that give us more ads focus more on Sprint to Fire and all that kind of stuff so having this on is going to be really nice it gives you 55 recoil gun kick 20 horizontal recoil and 35 vertical recoil it's really nice then we got the MTZ vldl 3568 Barrel it's say that five times as fast as you can it's so tough these names are so weird but anyways this one gives you that ads speed it gives you that Sprint to fire speed and it gives you sprint speed it's really nice you're actually getting seven ads and you're getting eight Sprint to fire which I think is worth it and the reason for that is because we're going to have the 50 round drums on this class this one's going to be taking away quite a bit of everything it's taken away 12 ads and Tak away two Sprint to fire so it's pretty pretty heavy but in all fairness we're throwing on other attachments to kind of counter that we got the Jack glassless optic as well for an optic on this gun now this one right here it takes away ads guys takes away 2% ads it sucks but it's a nice optic site it's a nice one I didn't like it at first when it first came out but it is what it is it is a nice one and then for the final attachment we got the rear grip which is the Rival Ace grip this going to give you that ads speed it's going to give you more Sprint of fire speed movement speed aim walking speed let's move my face here so you guys can see that and you can see exactly what I'm talking about the movement speed goes up by four ads goes up by four ads movement speed goes up by four and Sprint to fire as well goes up by four now you guys want to see the class setup without my face in the way this is the entire class setup for the MTZ 556 right here this is probably one of my favorite guns in the entire game I I I love it it's good it's really nice but it's not my rebirth Island gun and I play a lot of rebirth especially ranked rebirth this ain't it this ain't it but it's still good on multiplayer going to number two we got the striker 9 not to be confused with the striker the striker 9 in my opinion is the better weapon to be using all right look at this right here you guys are going to see it is fast it doesn't shoot slow it is accurate you guys already watching the gameplay in the background and stuff here you can see like it looks like it has recoil and stuff but in the actual gameplay in the background it has no recoil whatsoever I'll show you guys you guys you guys will see what I'm talking about right here so the actual class setup for this is going to be the Jack BFB again this one's going to be really nice you're going to get that gun kit control vertical horizontal all that you already know the deal is 55 20 35 that's what you're getting for this right here in terms of recoil control we're losing 13 ads in Sprint of fire but it's kind of worth it it's kind of worth it after that we're going to run the striker Elite long barrel and this one's great cuz you're getting 12 effective damage range 13 minimum damage range and 15 bullet velocity but you're also getting recoil gun kick at six horizontal and vertical both at nine which is great in my opinion you're losing no ads but you are losing 9% Sprint to fire so it's pretty crazy but this gun already has a pretty decent uh Sprint to fire right off the rip so I wouldn't mind actually losing a little more of that and just in case we got the vlk laser 7 megawatt here to give us 5% ads and Sprint to fire back on this gun just in case we need it it's going to be good right there now we're not positive in Sprint to fire yet but it's it's not bad let's be honest it's not bad at all 40 round mags is going to take some of that stuff away again one Sprint of fire really nothing just one you barely even notice it when playing the game six ads that that one's a little a little high but it ain't too bad and then finally we got the RB crotalus assault stock this one's crazy because you're getting gun kick control but you're also getting recoil control but the best part of it is you're getting those two with firing aim stability that takes away a lot of that visual recoil but you're also getting ads that's crazy you're actually getting ads this you're getting 5% ads with this recoil gun kick 12 and then it's it's just really nice and then the firing aim stability you can't see when you actually look into it here it doesn't show it here but it is there and it is really good let's move the face you guys could actually go ahead and get the actual class setup for this right here really nice class really good class and I just honest to God I like this one a lot now let's move on to the gun that I said I didn't think I would be adding into this video that's the M4 guys the M4 why am I adding an M4 into this well there's actually two reasons one this thing is going to get a very good buff soon I have a feeling I have a feeling it's going to get a buff because they're going to bring a conversion can aftermarket parts to this weapon eventually I think sometime this season so it's going to be a viable option but number two it's ground Loot on rebirth the M4 is literally ground loot they're going to make this gun usable again and it's really good like this class right here obviously the Modern Warfare 2 guns have a little more visual recoil than the Modern Warfare 3 guns but it doesn't miss it doesn't miss it has a very fast fire rate and it's just overall an amazing weapon to be using so let's get into the actual class setup the Jack BFB for the first time ever on the M4 you couldn't do it before you couldn't put this on because it was only in Modern Warfare 2 this gun and then when it came to this game Jack BFB wasn't here originally well here it is guys you can actually throw it onto this gun and it's crazy because it's giving you that 55 20 35 that you need in terms of recoil controls it's actually really nice then we got the edge 47 grip we're going to run a Modern Warfare 2 grip on this one just cuz I think it's worth it you're getting 444 for recoil gun kick horizontal and vertical you're getting a nice amount of all those sacrificing 10% ads we already saw it it's not bad the ads is really not bad on this gun whatsoever 45 round mags this one is going to be optional if you're cool with the 30 run the 30 I would recommend like a VK laser if you go ahead and do that I think 45 is fine I I like it it doesn't make the gun too slow but it is what it is another attachment that's new to the M4 not this season but it's new because it's a new attachment and stuff is the back glassless optic and this one's great this one makes the M4 really really nice but if you like the iron sight I don't but if you like it go ahead and use the iron sight as well then we got the x10 grip for Sprint of fire and ads 3 ads 13 Sprint of fire so it's really nice it's a quick gun for an assault rifle you guys are going to see right here let's Sprint a little bit not bad whatsoever really easy to hit your targets and just overall a really good gun I don't know what was happening there but I was like getting one frame per second it felt like anyways drop my controller all right let's move on to number three let's move on to number three here guys the number three or four actually the number four weapon on this list is going to be the bp50 this gun slept on I was using the SVA like crazy on Reaper Island I was doing all right I was doing actually pretty good with it but then I switched over to the bp50 and it's night and day man this gun is so so good all right this gun is like probably the best gun on Reaper Island right now now I don't know if this is my rebirth class but this is my multiplayer class and I still like it so I'm going to share this one with you guys we got might maybe after after the number five gun maybe we'll go back to my rebirth class it might be the same might be different I think it's a little different but what whatever anyways Jack BFB guys already know 5520 35 really nice to have on really good to have on then we got the lore 9 heavy barrel for bullet velocity and range gun kick control recoil control and firing aim stability 15% effective and minimum damage range 18% bullet Velocity Five recoil gun kick seven horizontal and vertical really nice to have right there hex 40 grip for the hipfire spread recoil control and tag stand spread I don't think this is my war zone class I don't it might be let's let's go check it out after we're going to go check it out after you're getting nine in terms of everything for recoil control so it's nice in terms of accuracy you're getting hipfire spread minimum 11 HIIT fire spread max four and tactical spread three losing 11% ads it's nothing honestly it's nothing don't care about losing that think I showed you guys the barrel already let's move on to the 45 round mags because yeah who doesn't want that many especially on rebirth 45 is going to help you guys out a lot and then the mo 40 stock I'm pretty sure I have this one on rebirth as well gun kick control ads aim walking speed and recoil control right there 25 gun kicks six horizontal in vertical 3 ads this gun you guys are going to see I'm going to show you right here in the firing range it is nice there's like no recoil to this thing and I've shared this class or at least a similar class with you guys I think it was a similar class um with you guys a couple of weeks ago and you guys loved it man you guys had some of the best games you've ever had using the bp50 so use it guys it's actually really really good now that was the number four weapon we're going to go over to the number five it's somewhere here it's actually I think it's this one yeah right here the HRM 9 this gun is good I think this is my secondary on rebirth as well I'm pretty sure probably a different class I'll just show you guys the whole class after but either way it's really really good we got the stair 45 Sky Fury compensator as actually hold up I think I forgot to remove my face here for you guys if you want the whole entire class this without my face in there you guys go there's the bp50 pretty sure I forgot to do this before there you guys go and maybe the M4 as well I think I might have forgotten the M4 as well let's go ahead and do that as well let's just move it just so you guys I know you guys like taking screenshots of this and stuff without the face in the way so there you go you guys can go ahead and do that as well right there now actually going on to the HRM 9 this gun is crazy so like I said star 45 Sky Fury compensator s for that recoil control you're getting 18 horizontal and vertical which is nice you're losing 14 ads but it's a small SMG don't worry about losing that we're going to be losing more with the 50 round drum anyways we're going to be losing another 10 ads that and one Sprint to fire so I wouldn't mind losing that a little bit the dr6 hand stop is going to give us back seven ads nine Sprint of fire but also let me move this right here so you guys can see six movement speed 11 Crouch movement speed three ads movement speed so overall overall really nice attachments to have on then we got the tack Handler grip for tax s spread but the main reason we're using it is for that Sprint to fire speed now you're losing eight in terms of all that recoil control but you're getting 13 Sprint of fire so I kind of think it's worth it especially if you're only using this gun for close range and stuff The Recoil control is not too important and we got the stair 45 already right here which is going to give us 18 for both of those so honestly losing a little bit is not that bad and then finally we got the folding stock for recoil control gun kick control firing aim stability nine recoil gun kick horizontal 14 vertical 14 so that's pretty good right there now I'll move my face right here for you guys so you guys can actually see the class setup and that is it right there now we're going to move on to my actual rebirth class because I want to just make sure it's not the same maybe it is it might not be but anyways let's go over to rebirth this season guys I'm hitting Crimson all right I'm doing it I'm definitely doing it I already hit Diamond again I already came back to Diamond I think I was at like plat one or two or something but this season we're definitely definitely hitting uh Crimson 100% so let's go here uh let's go to weapons and this is my class setup so this is my whole entire class setup actually for reyl we got smoke we got thermite and then my perk package which I'm going to be changing a little bit is uh IR radiated not really that important let's be honest Mountaineer probably one of the most important ones to run Mountaineer super important I keep forgetting I have it on so I keep pulling out my shoot when I don't need to but I got to get used to rebirth away rebirth plays and stuff we got quick fix super nice to have you start your health regen as soon as you kill someone and then higher alert again super important so I might just mess around with the radiated for a second but so far these three are probably some of the most important ones to have on within the game now that now here's the HRM 9 it seems similar but I don't think it is so here we'll move my face I don't think it's the exact same class the folding stock is the same the 50 round drum might be the same dr6 hand stop is the same I think these two are different so we got for the muzzle we got the zon 35 compensated flash hider which is giving you a lot of stuff it shortens the radar pings which is great but you also got vertical and horizontal recoil control 5 and 15 respectively or actually not respectively five horizontal 15 vertical so right there you're losing 5 ads but it's not that bad and then the thorn 90 barrel right here as you guys can see this one's going to give you that ads that Sprint to fire both at seven really nice to have an overall just a good class in general and then right here I'll keep my face off just so you guys can see it we got this one right here for the bp50 now you're getting vt7 Spirit fire suppressor I don't think that's what I had on multiplier the Brewin heavy support I don't think I had this either the lore 9 heavy barrel I think I had this one on I'm not sure 45 round round mags we definitely had and the mo 40 stock again we definitely had that but in terms of these three right here I don't think we had this this one is going to give you that 5% minimum and effective damage range bullet velocity at eight horizontal at seven vertical at seven and then the lore 9 is going to give you some pretty good stuff as well 15 effective Diamond range and minimum Diamond range which is really worth it on rebirth Island and then 18 bull of velocity you're getting five recoil gun kicks seven horizontal and vertical and then finally the brew and heavy right here to give you 10 recoil gun kick pick and eight horizontal so we're going to actually I'm going to show you guys this class it's nice maybe in the fying range it's going to bounce a little more than it normally does but this one right here is definitely a straight shooter and look at that right there it's there's like no recoil no visual recoil just nothing in general on this gun really easy to actually hit those shots and stuff and I actually love this class on rebirth Island I think we won like two or three games yesterday and this was the gun I was using for I think two out of those three wins so it's actually really nice it's it's actually a really good class and overall probably one of the classes that I would recom me to use at all times this is it and it does me nice this class does me nice we're going to switch out the thermite probably for a throwing knife I'm going to do that right now actually because throwing knives are good to have if you just want to finish people just thirst them just go ahead and do it it's Raper Island man you got to get those kills anyways that's going to be it for the video If you guys did enjoy it make sure to drop a like I guess I gave you seven guns seven classes not bad not bad all right yeah sub to the channel doesn't already you turned on and let me know down in the comments below did the MCW deserve that Nerf it did in my opinion it 100% did not deserve that Nerf again and I think it's the only AR you could use in ranked on multiplayer so stop nerfing it honestly stop nerfing it that's going to be it for the video like I said drop that like guys thank you for watching my name is Nick and I'll catch you in the next one peace
Channel: ItsNick
Views: 27,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 3, Modern Warfare 3 Gameplay, Gameplay, Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer, Multiplayer, COD MW3, COD, MW3, Modern, Warfare 3, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Modern warfare 3 best class, best class setup, best guns, best gun, mtz 556 class setup, class setup, best class, best, class, setup, mw3 best class, op class, overpowered, striker best class, SVA 545, top 5, cod mw3 best class, modern warfare 3 best gun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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