Top 5 Hand Saws for Preppers

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the saw is the most underrated but arguably one of the most useful tools in your camping or survival kit today I'm going to share with you my top five saws that will cover all the bases in this department let's get to it if you're wondering why there's six fires burning behind me watch the last video so today we're gonna check out my personal favorite saws now there are a couple old-school traditional buck saws that I might start carrying at Canadian Preparedness calm but I can tell you they're very expensive and they're really only built for homestead use if you haven't watched my video bow saws and Buck saws whirs silky saws the go check it out the gist of it is this show me a boson worth caring and Al carryin there's a few key reasons why saws like this are simply all-around better for survivalist campers the first thing is they're quick to deploy most beau saws require you to fold them out and string them up and you know tie some wing nuts and all the rest you don't have to do that with this number two is that they cut much faster and they only cut on the pull so you get a chance to rest and it's much easier to pull than it is to push especially if you're you know trying to cut a branch up in a tree gravity's gonna do the work because the work is gonna be done when you're pulling down it's very hard to push up if you're trying to get a high branch with a bow saw the next thing is the curvature of the blade this curvature ensures that throughout the entire cut you're making contact with the uncut wood that's very key because if you have a straight blade which is good if you're doing some like bush calf carpentry and you need a straight cut you need straight cut wood there are situations where you need that but in terms of just wood harvesting nothing beats a curved blade there's also much less of a learning curve blow saws require a bit more technique and safe handling this is simply pull it back let it do the work the other thing is that both saws and buck saw is need sharpening regularly because they dull very quickly these silky saws are not only rust proof because they're chrome plated but there's also a very intensive heat treatment that they do so these blades take a long long time to actually start to dull a blade like this is gonna be very hard to sharpen in the field most silky saws are not sharp in a bowl I mean you can try to sharpen it but the steel is just so hard that it's not even really gonna be worth your while now just to clarify silkies larger saws like the katana boy 650 and the katana boy 1000 you can actually sharpen these saws they do sell special files for them you can get them at Canadian preparedness calm other things you can't do with a buck saw well that you can do with this easily is a horizontal cut so if you have to fall a tree it's very awkward to do it with a buck saw it's as you watch people do it and it just looks awkward and those things are big they're clunky you know if there's brush in the way of the the branch that you're trying to cut it's gonna be much easier snagged up on one of those where is this very slim streamlined you can get into all the parts of the tree that you need to without much impediment now in terms of axes to harvest firewood it's really silly this day and age it just takes so long and so much energy it's not as safe I mean you just use a saw man like there's guys who like to do it because it's more traditional and I guess you know there's definitely an art form to to cutting with an axe don't get me wrong but in terms of actual efficiency and getting stuff done in the field nothing beats a good saw now I just want to clarify here then in ax is an essential accessory tool they're a lot more durable than a saw and they're gonna last a long time they're great for splitting wood and it's just a great all-around aggressive cutting tool the axe has many roles to play in camp life harvesting and processing large logs is not one of them now there is a purpose for an axe or preferably a hatchet like this with a nice long surface cutting area and that's the hack at those small branches which it doesn't make sense to individually saw I'm really liking the pistol grip saws because they're just easier to use if you're a person who you know I don't know you got carpal tunnel or you got any sort of muscular ten tendonitis issues the pistol grip is gonna be a lot easier for you to use it requires less muscle contraction when you're using a long saw you really have to tense up a lot with your forearm so it requires a lot more forearm strength to hold the saw this simply wrap your fingers around it and pull so this is the silky Zubat one of the things I like about it I'm guilty of bit of vanity here but I really like the sheath the black sheath has a detachable clip on it so you know you could wear this on your belt you could detach it if you you don't want it you don't have to take your whole belt off and fits right in there nice and snug it has leg loops on it so if you wanted to you could what are the arborist what they'll do is they'll attach it to their legs so when they're up in the tree it's not kind of getting in the way of the range of motion they can just pull that sucker out get to work most silky saws are available in different types of teeth configurations so the finer teeth are for the harder ones the medium teeth are for the medium size woods and the bigger teeth are for the green wood or the really soft woods the Zubat is just built really well this is one of the best-selling silky saws there is for good reason very reliable up next is this little guy this is the silky pocket boy very very durable and nice comfortable rubber grip on it very small this is something you would put in like a miniature survival kit it's not their lightest weight saw and it's actually a little bit more expensive than the f-18 II and that's because it's just built a bit more sturdy like you'll see it's got a lot more heft to it so but it's a nice small little saw really tough and because the blade is so short even though you know it's not the thickest blade you don't have to worry about snap äj-- this next saw addresses the long saw grip problem so typically with a straight saw like this this is the katana boy you have to it requires a lot of forearm strength the biggest problem with folding saws is that most of them don't have any curvature so there's no pistol grip aspect so there's no nice curve that allows you to get that nice opposing force which would minimize the amount of strain on your wrist in your forearms so this one addresses that I prefer this over the big boy mm even though the wood you can cut maybe not as big in terms of the comfort of use it's much more comfortable has a nice rubberized grip and that curvature is going to minimize strain and overuse so this is probably one of my favorite saws it's very durable it's essentially a hybrid between your folding saw and your fixed blade saws this design also is that you can carry extra blades and easily replace them in the field some saws like the big boy series have different types of blades so if you're in a forest that has hardwoods and softwoods you can easily switch out a hardwood blade with a softwood blade up next is the good old katana boy six-fifty after using the katana boy 1000 this seems small this used to be an overkill oversized saw not anymore thanks to me and you guys and all the survival and YouTube community we've made this normal here at North America anyways starting to get normal in Europe as well but the silkie katana boy man it's it's a great saw you know it can't be beat in terms of your ability to process large amounts of wood with minimal energy expenditure and that's the key factor here is that especially if you're in a survival situation I mean you'd be lucky if you had this in a survival situation it won't even really be a survival situation because by the time the search-and-rescue caught up with you you'd have a log cabin built but I tell ya I mean it makes processing wood so easy and in winter time that is absolutely crucial you want to be spending you know the majority of your day collecting firewood if you want to be out there fishing doing some hunting doing some construction around the campsite I tell you a katana boy 650 it's certainly worth the price these retail for about 209 99 and it is absolutely razor-sharp silkies a company that's been around for a hundred years they take a lot of pride in what they do I've met the owner he came actually to my hometown to visit me and it was a blast great guy really believes in what he does now the King Kong of saws this saw is actually starting to wear on me if they suddenly decided to up the ante a little bit more I would be ready now before I wasn't ready before I was like okay this is this is probably way too overkill but let me tell you something after you use this and you go to the katana boy 650 you're kind of like oh this is kind of slow and not even so much that it's slow the katana boy 650 it's a bit easier to handle so you can cut wood almost just as fast but you it requires a lot more energy this you one-stroke it's like you're halfway through the the log already even though that one stroke because you know you got to be precise and your placement and it might be pulling and moving the log around a bit I tell you this thing is just an absolute savage and it's such a thick thick blade this thing ain't never gonna break I guarantee you this thing ain't never gonna break if you break this either it's a one in a million factory defect or you got problems man because this thing is thick like this one of all the saws they make and this is the one saw which you may have issues at the junction but like I've said I've never seen that before this thing is just an absolute tank you really got to feel it in your hand to understand how much of a monster this is I mean right when it touches wood it's like you know when you get a jeep or you get an off-road vehicle it's not until you go off-road that the car kind of knows where it is it's just like that with this saw you put this on wood and right away it's like it's instinct what it's made to do kicks in and it just starts tearing up the wood before we even start pulling the thing back so it is an absolute monster and the teeth are big enough that it's more practical for you to be able to sharpen something like this but man this thing is just it's a work of art I really should be doing more videos showing me use this because it is an absolute monster now there is the silky katana boy 500 which I didn't really demonstrate much in this video terms of straight folders that's the smallest I would go I wouldn't go with the big boy anymore I would go with the katana boy 500 actually got one here to show you some people like the katana boy 500 because it's black it's tacticool you can still cut really big logs this was their first monster saw that they ever came out with and this is how I found silky because I was looking on the internet one day I'm like man I want the biggest saw money can buy and the katana boy 500 at one point in time was that saw that was then this is now okay I'll post a screenshot so you can get a good size comparison of all these saws but this is the big boy bushcraft community go back 10 years people were talking about how this was a monster size saw okay then myself and others came on the scene with this this is a katana boy 500 people were like that's way too much that's way overkill man what are you trying to do then I came on the scene 5 years ago I showed off this bad boy people are gonna be thinking I got some kind of inferiority complex here so you know all was well in the world ok this is this was considered you know out of most people's reach price-wise and it was scoffed at by a lot of traditionalists because they thought why would you ever need something like that so to add insult to injury I decided you know what let's up the ante a little bit more you can see everything in America by America mean North America keeps getting bigger and badder you know at some point we're gonna have to start downsizing but I think this is as big as silkies ever gonna go who knows maybe though I think there was talk I heard rumors but it's probably just rumors because I really don't think it's practical for them to go much bigger than this but what they could do if they wanted to is put another handle on this okay so here this is one recommendation going a little off-topic this is one recommendation I would have for this saw to have a grip right here so that when you're pulling it back so you can grab it maybe you know maybe you could even put the just the thing that you would screw in to the back there so it sticks up perpendicular like that and you could just pull it because that would give it a nice pistol grip aspect and man you would be you would be deforesting everywhere whatever remains in the forests in Canada after next year's forest fire season you'll be coming in there to scoop it up anyways those are my favorite saws the saws that I personally use I sell all kinds of saws about 20 different types of saws and these are the ones that I personally rely on and I take into the woods when I'm coming on my you know day trips like this or when I got projects to do or from just going camping in the backcountry those are the five saws if you have any questions let me know in the comments section thanks for watching don't forget to Like comment subscribe Canadian prepper out the best way to support this channel is to support yourself by gearing up at Canadian preparedness com your one-stop shop for premium high-quality brand-name products that have been tried and tested by myself and other youtube gear reviewers my subscribers save 10% off by using the coupon code survival prepper all one word in caps of
Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 70,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, doomsday, prepper, preppers, preparedness, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, economic collapse, end of the world TEOTWAKI, survive zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, survivor, post-apocalypse, silky saws, silky, katanaboy, pocketboy
Id: W16JjWIadc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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