Top 5 Hacking Gadgets 2022 - Every hacker should have

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel so today we will be talking about some useful hacking gadgets and if you are a hacker or you want to become then you must know about them so the number one is rubber ducky now rubber ducky is an usb with this you can add malicious scripts in it and then you just have to plug it in any computer and then it will hack the computer system and yeah it works really fast hackers use this rubber ducky for keystroke injection attacks and there are all kinds of tips and instruction out there to help you basically this tool is for penetration testing the security expert use rubber duckies to test the computer systems number 2 is raspberry pi you may know about this or maybe you have heard about it raspberry pi is just like a cpu but a small one or you can say a small motherboard it is a thin client you can install and run kali linux or any other operating system it is great for penetration testing and if you are a hacker then you must use it because of its portability and compactness you can also do some projects in the raspberry pi you can even convert your normal tv into a smart tv it has wireless connectivity hdmi port ethernet port three usb 3.0 port and the raspberry pi is really worth it you must try it and it is cheap too not that expensive so yeah number three is bug it is a pocket sized land that is local area network that lets you bug ethernet connections using usbc type connectivity you can do network sniffing like you want to sniff traffic from one device to another device it is a great gadget for passive recording and as well as active scanning of network it can work as a switch the plunder bug would go perfectly for any hackers number four is wi-fi pineapple this will allow network security administrators to conduct penetration testing now how it works well a pineapple sits between the user's laptop and the network inspecting the data that flows the pineapples controller intercept the information being transmitted back and forth between the network and the wireless device that's using wi-fi basically it allows hackers to steal data shared on public wi-fi networks never use public wi-fi number five is alpha adapter well the alpha adapter improves the range of receiving wireless signals which helps the hackers to do attacks on wireless devices from a safe distance the adapter utilizes an internal wireless router and translate the wi-fi signals data used by the host computer so that is for today guys comment and tell me which gadget you like the most comment me if you want another video on hacking gadgets so thanks for watching like share and subscribe you
Channel: Byte Chazer
Views: 15,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hacking, gadgets, spy gadgets, spy kids, hacker, plunderbug, Rubber ducky, Rasberry pi, Rasberry pi 3, Rasberry pi 4, wifi pineapple, Alpha adapter, wifi, ethical hacking, black hat, kali linux, linux, programming, top 5, 2022, Hacker, how to become a hacker, networking, best hacking gadgets, cool gadgets, hacking devices, Dangerous hacking Gadgets, hak5, hak 5 gadgets, Gadget zone, Amazing gadgets, password hacking, cyber security, bugs, bug bounty, python, script, virus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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