Top 5 Go Mistakes in April 2022

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[Music] [Music] hi everyone my name is stephanie welcome back to the monthly mistake videos in today's lecture i'll be showing you the five mistakes that i find in april so now let's get started the first mistake is played by 30 to 20 kill players why just play the c4 to connect the cutting point there the question here is would should block take the corner by playing b2 at d or should i secure both cutting points at a or should i get out by playing b or c so in the actual game black played move uh a here the reason why this move is a mistake is the cutting point on the second line barely works so if we choose one of the stones if which is one of the options on the outside i were in the corner so the cutting point actually doesn't work for a weight avoid cuts on the left block can atari and if weight cuts on the right side black can also atari here so both cutting points are not actually not working for weight so if the cutting points do not work for weight should block to the corner by getting more eye space where's your block to play b or c to escape so the correct move in the situation is the outside is a bigger than taking the corner which is the beat two so if black plays the extension on on the outside and after weight harnessing the corner which is really big move locally but if we compare the whole board thinking if we use the whole board thinking to connect the lower right corner after i have this move now i can make the knights move up and form a framework the moyu in the lower right corner and now you probably have a question how about c if i play c here isn't it better to get a bigger framework but the question here is c is too risky locally f2 the cutting point on the left side doesn't work but with the cutting point on the right side and after white makes that exchange move first and now the cutting point becomes incente then the four stones will get captured so that's why c actually doesn't work in this situation the second mistake is played by 19 to 10 q players white just played a one space jump to the square which is a really pretty shape and right now black needs to make a decision should i save the two stones or should i try to save the two stones if i lose the two stones without any gain on the board then the lower right corner territory is way too big so should i sacrifice and by connecting my weakness and get careful in the top right corner or should i try to save the two stones at a or should i just approach the lower right corner and get something over there or should i just locally live in the lower right corner by playing the three-three invasion so in the actual game black decided to connect here which is the mistake because if we compare with uh saving the stone at r12 or try to save the two stones uh in the in the in the center area here of course the two stones in the center is way bigger than the stone right here so that's two i would say two chicken all right and then b is two is a riskier than making a nice smoother here so the correct move is the ninth move the re uh one of the reason why this is the best to move in the situation is because this move not only helping the two black stones get some eye space on the side but also that's that's a setting so the four white stones are not completely settled yet so in order for a way to protect the four stones white needs to use the cutting point here and capture the stone to get some eye space so with my stomach q8 nights move here now i can make uh approach and get some eye space on the side so after i get some stones right here there's no problem for black to make up to make two eyes over here i can simply jump out there's already uh bend four which is already a live shape and move b is a is the wrong direction because if black can get ascented a of course it will be easier for black to make i space on the right side and c is a little too safe um so in order to lif there's no problem for black to live in the corner but in order to lift in the corner wait we'll get a lot of snows on the outside and after white gets stones on the outside now black already lost a chance to make a live inside of white's territory so that's why in that situation um a is the best move this game is played by nine to one q players so black just played a one space jump to protect the two stones right here now it's white to play should white cut through from the left side or secure the territory at c in the center or cut through from the right side at a b so earlier both players both players it had um a trait like a huge trade so this black grip is dead everything on the right side is dead over here and then black to kill this small dragon so now it really depends on whoever plays a better end game or late mid game in order to win this game all right so what do you think is it more important to cut through an ad or cut through a b or just to secure material for a c so in the actual game white decided to play the tiger's bath which is to save two chicken um i think the reason why white didn't uh continue attacking the three stones is because uh if we cut through from b that's a gote and obviously there's a perfect connecting move for black's plan the kasumi and if we play a d that's a sente but still after block connects here there's a miai either to connect on the right side or still play the kasumi over here to connect the three stones so in that actual game i assume white uh thought the three stones are already connected there's no way to uh to kill it but the correct symbol in this situation is a so that's a sentence after this night smooth block needs to play additional move to secure those two stones otherwise if black and tanuki and connect the three stones in the center and white can follow up with another knight's move here and now we can see the two stones are almost dead and then the three stones over here are also in danger so not only this move is a cutting point but also that's the vital point to take the eye space away for the entire group on the left side so that's why the correct move is a sentence so after this um white already cut through black in sente and now we just need to secure the other side and the three stones now are are captured this game is played by one to four dime players why just played one space pincer to attack the approach here the question here for black is should i make a one space strum to escape or two space jump to escape or give a little bit of pressure on the white stone at r4 by playing the press or knight to move on the top or should i just totally ignore my approach move to settle my r-10 stone by extending at d so first of all black already made the wrong choice in the top right corner for the joseki so right now it's really a vital point for black to make a decision how do we connect two weak groups together so in the actual game black played a one space jump which is a good move locally but the reason why it's a mistake in this situation is this move doesn't help block connect both groups so after white plays the knights move now we can see there's no way for black to connect so black has to deal with the two stones here and the stone at r10 at the same time so the correct move is the knights move so in order in order for black for weight to respond to this move white has to extend and block can keep pressing on the top and slowly connect the r10 stone if everything is connected for black and white stone the one space pincer will become more more dangerous so that's why the press on the top the knights move is a lot of better than the one space jump and d is just too small compared with losing the approach down here and then two space jump locally it doesn't work for the one space pizza so everyone should remember the shape i i have seen a lot of people are confused between one space drum and two space drum in order to respond to our pencil moves so in order to respond the closer pincer the one space low pincer one space high pincer we should always play the one space jump or the knights move the two space drum only works for the further pincer like two spades high two space low three spaces high three space low so that's why move a the ninth move is the best move in this situation this game isn't played by five ten above players uh black just connected here wait now is chasing the dragon in the center so the question here for white is should we attack from the left side at a d or should we take the sentence a or should we attack from b area here and c as indirectly uh attack the dragon but at the same time i can protect my stone at j4 so in the actual game white play to move a which is a mistake it seems this is a sente but if we look closer more closely on the board the three black stones right here is already half dead so white can always connect back and capture the three stones so if the three stones are already dead by adding additional stone over here to capture the five black stones here it only gives a weight additional 15 points so during the fight and now as more importantly both players are in a in a very serious fight in the mid game the 15 points uh move is not really big so move a is an impulsive move so some people call the reflecting move we always assume our opponent will respond to our sente but actually that's a pretty small sentence so the best way to avoid impulsive move is we should always calculate how much value that move is on the board and then try to try to think whether your opponent must respond or there's always a better move on the board or bigger move on the board so the correct move in this situation is to attack from the left side because um there's already a lot of stills over here by adding additional stones for white it doesn't help wait to get more points or more territory so we should always remember the ultimate goal of winning is to get territory so if we always have that concept in mind then every move you play on the board you always think how much value how much territory i can get if this move doesn't have any points that means it's just dummy on the board then you should always avoid those kind of moves and move c it's locally is a good move but um since both players are fighting the center if we tenukia right here it gives the black a break to settle that weak group and b is the same um same reason that's the wrong direction of attacking this whole group alright those are the five mistakes that i find in april if you enjoyed the video give me a thumbs up then i will see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: NYIG_Go
Views: 1,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NYIG, NYGA, Go, Igo, Baduk, Weiqi, 圍棋, 바둑, 囲碁
Id: d1iGJb1t8L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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