Top 5 Films of 2021 So Far

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Hi guys it's Sophie. So I wanted to make a kind  of chill like Sunday feeding video today and I   thought I’d do something a little bit different  I don't think I’ve ever done this before but I   was gonna recommend some of the best films I’ve  watched in 2021. I’m just gonna do five because   I haven't done this kind of video before not sure  people will be interested not all of these films   came out this year obviously I think in general  the film world has had to either adapt and make   different kinds of things or put things off  for the last couple years so these are 2019   to 2021 releases but they're ones that I’ve  watched for the first time this year I do think   it's interesting like thinking about film more  generally about the types of films that have been   made this year and the way that people have had  to make things differently but I’m just going   to go with the five I really enjoyed just  a little quick fire video recommendations.  So the first film I want to recommend is Baby  Teeth. Baby Teeth is a film which looks at the   relationship between a very unwell teenage girl  and a sort of drug addicted boy that she befriends   it is this one was absolutely heartbreaking  so Tom and I watched this one together   and Tom doesn't cry a lot because of his medicine  but we were both in floods of tears at the end   it's incredibly moving the way that it's shot  is beautiful there's lots of colours there   the relationships felt very genuine very real and  sort of I suppose quite challenging so the kind   of relationships that's being built is one that  you might not necessarily agree with but you can   still see the value within the relationship it  is a gorgeous little film it's Australian if you   haven't heard of it I would definitely recommend. Then the next is a horror film which falls into   the genre of the way we've had to work the world  differently with COVID. I think lots of people   have seen this one but I wanted to recommend  it anyhow it is Host. So Host is a horror film   told through Zoom I thought that it would be far  more gimmicky than it is I watched quite a lot of   horror films but I actually found it to be really  well done for what it was and I often get that   scared but I found like it was quite chilling  I felt like the concept was well executed and   I think it didn't feel like too COVID-y to  be off-putting like the fear was something   else other than the fact they were Zooming all day  yeah it is around a group of friends who decide to   set up the zoom party one night to do  a kind of online séance between them   they begin the séance and the woman who's running  it loses connection and we follow the impacts   of that on all told through laptop cameras. The next one is a documentary probably the next   like highest thing I watch apart from horror  is documentaries and this is Richard Jewell   this tells the story of a man who was a security  guard and found alerted people essentially to   a bomb threat at the Atlanta Olympics and  we follow the case that spun around him as   a potential person of interest for the bombing  itself this again was so moving I thought it   was like just beautifully done the whole  way through and they're kind of feeling of   sort of true crime mixed with these events I mean  it is rather than it being sort of live video it   is shot throughout but it's just brilliant  it felt you felt so much for the characters   within the film and I’d not heard the story  before in terms of what was happening to him   and I really enjoyed the process of watching. Another film that was also very emotional but   this one wasn't as like tear jerky as Baby Teeth  is Dick Johnson Is Dead this film is about a man,   Dick Johnson and his daughter and I think in some  ways it's as much about his daughters is about him   but she is a filmmaker and she has asked  her father to help her film this documentary   thing about his own death through kind of  these quite like comedic stagings of his death   but also exploring the fact that one day she  won't have her dad anymore and how will she   cope with that but she's doing that sort of  pre-emptive grieving with him in her life   it was very touching and a very kind of different  exploration of what that grief process looks like   I know it's come highly recommended in a lot  of places but I yeah I just really enjoyed it.  And then the last one I have to recommend and this  is what kind of prompted me to make this video   today is Inside, Bo Burnhams Inside I’ve watched  this twice I watched it two nights back to back   and adored it. I posted on my Instagram story  that I’d watched it and just said like I cried.   Bo Burnham was a sort of YouTube comedian back  when I was pretty young like I think I remember   watching him when I was about 15 and he sings  kind of comedic songs online that's what you   did originally then he had a period of making  comedy specials with a similar kind of format   and this is him doing what he does whilst COVID  is going on and I don't want to say too much so   for people who know him already you'll kind of  know like the kind of comedy he does and the ways   that he's funny it's a very kind of a acerbic wit  definitely that kind of quickness with language   but this film is more about what isolation  and the mental health impacts of COVID   does to the human mind than it is anything else  I adored this. I said to Tom that I agree with   some of the reviews calling it a masterpiece I  think this is so special and if you haven't seen   it yet or like maybe you're expecting it just  to be like fairly light I would just encourage   you to think again I think it's brilliant and Tom  asked me when I’d watched it the first time he's   oh do you think it's gonna like fly under the  radar and I’m like no I really hope not so if   you haven't heard of it or you'd heard of it and  we're expecting one type of thing and maybe you   weren't like fully convinced I would definitely  say to give it a shot and see what you think.  Yeah so that was just five films I’d like this  year that I would recommend I know I’ve never done   a film recommendations before but hopefully you've  enjoyed it let me know if you are interested in me   doing sort of semi-regular stuff on what films  I’ve watched or shouting some out of facts of   any interest at all I definitely read more than  I watch but I do watch a fair amount of films   throughout the year so yeah be interesting to  know whether this is something you'd like to   see in future. I'll see you guys again soon in my  next video and look after yourselves until then. Bye!
Channel: Sophie Islington
Views: 725
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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