TOP 5 Cringiest Audition Videos On American Idol | Idols Global

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(Music) It's Okay, take your time man. You know- You guys are awesome! (giggles) (Off key singing) Why? Why Whyyyyyyyyyyy Whyyyyyyyy (Very loud off key high pitched singing) WHHHHHHHYYYYYY WHGHGHHHGHGHGYYYYY- (Raspy voice) Insanity laughs under pressure will crack and can we give ourselves one more chance?! Why can't we give love that one more chance? Why can't we give love give lovhvhvhve? (laughing) You don't look too pleased Simon? It was almost as bad as it can possibly get Brenna. I mean in the intro in particular that wine- Ohho God God, [do] you are missing something else right now? I don't want to hear anything more than because I just hated the audition why because it's pointless You're not going to go through to the next round. I don't understand why you want why you won't give me a chance, [okay]? Why because it just heard you sing? okay, um but I have ten years of training so I don't understand why uh tell me ten years ago that I wasn't good because I feel I'm gretta because I wasn't your teacher I'm sorry But hey, it's really cool you to audition on the show and we get to be on TV on your favorite show Yeah that's good news is Brenna No, it didn't work, sweetheart. I have a degree in vocal performance. All right Brenna, it's a no, darling. Are you sure? Is there anything that I can do to improve? Leave. That's horrible. Oh Telling you Massachusetts want to be singing stars needs to be the hardest word just admit it with say hello to Volterra Yeah, all right. How's it gone? What's gone down? Oh, baby, nothing nothing, really? So Derek and it says here that you you think you sound like Chris Brown and the eagles you [Big] Chris Brown fan Um I just like how he touches young kids all around this world. You know right right its beautiful What you gonna sing sorry seems to be the hardest word right off you go What I go What do I gotta do to make you love me? Yes, one or two and lightning strikes me can't wait to find but y'all not there What do I gotta do to make you want me? What do I gotta do to be heard one or don't over and sorry seems to be the Hardest word, it's Sad So sad, why can't we talk it over? Hole seems to me. Sorry streams bring the hardest word. Thank you Derek Don't catchy oh Thanks all the Derek's [but] [fourteen] is here. It is like a group Multi Derek Other people you're channeling through that Who was the first voice which one was that the little small? On what's that noise? That was that was Little Derek? I Don't think are you happy for everyone? Yeah? It's an utter rubbish Derek. He don't sound like Chris Brown. He doesn't sound like the eagles. Maybe an eagle Yeah, but it was just like [there] were 20 of you in there and every one of them was horrible [that] [was] the problem, okay. Sorry. [sorry] alright. Thanks What you singing? I'm singing every time we touch by a cascade. Oh wow okay ready, I? still feel your touch when you sleep next to me I Still feel your kiss on my lips [doctor] and up at times we've been through them all You make me rise when I bow Cause everytime we touch I get the feeling and I we saw me thought I reach the sky life I'm kind of nervous. Oh my God again. Hey. It's okay. Take your time. [you] guys are all so Amazing by the way, thank you [try] again Sure, yeah, okay, cuz everytime we touch I get this feeling and every sorry I'm so nervous I forget [the] [lyrics] but I i have [to] sound pack I used to do that all the time You do yes forget what I'm saying, so when you get really into some things sometimes And you can see that you're really into that song oh yeah, I'm excited to be here. I'm going to be the next America I want to inspire people like Michael Jackson spired me now. You now never hired me. You know you know The whole thing even the fact that you were singing like that with a beard made it even more [true] What what do what I mean, you know [you] sing like a three-Year-old girl Dress like the Toya Jackson you've got a beard the whole thing was [just] too weird No, but it's going to have to be a no I'm sorry Shucky holloway, hi. How I am Good Jesse do you think you can win this competition? Yes, sir. Why? Because I have unique vocal range and I have my passion for music. It's like I think these are the [best] and what most I've seen out [here] because I mean [usually] because I feel music expresses itself Other than most people just into it for a glittering diamond when it's in my heart and attached to some kind of whatever [nothing] Why why what makes you unique? well First off, I thought I'm unique because I can hit like some notes, then right here [I] have a nice range for a mill, okay wow all right off you [go] well You know a lot of pressure come on there alright, jesse. This is your moment off you go Every night in my dreams I see you Do you that is how are you you go? Far across the distance and spaces between us you Have come - can I go get some watches. I'm real nervous, right? Season six leave in the middle of your audition. [I] always leave it at that. [I] [probably] Are you come back? Every night in my dreams I see you I feel you That is how I know you go ona for across the distance and spaces between us you Have come to show you know I can't See why did you come back in the room? Because I [sell] hours prepared through seeing my song They were so different Helpful [worth] excruciating I don't I thought when you left for one. We're on the same page We'll let me try another song well, no Why not? What are you that? I'll see you Michael Jackson. Don't stop [you] get enough. Oh, oh yeah, [Jerry] in here Jesse Jesse why do you think we are looking for a two-year-old who can't sing? You're not looking I can't sing and I'm proving that to you right now if you just give me the chance to finish thing yeah, I mean I'm nervous. Just did prove that Jesse. That's my point That's your point. [okay]? You're entitled to your opinion, but I'm here and I'm trying to sing my heart out I'm attempting to sing but [I] hang it over my nervousness But just think you didn't sing with respect part of being a professional musician is stone now no matter what you do honestly you just watch free songs in a row II for one It was enough Yeah, it's an absolute Categorical never I mean I'm right here. I'm on National television I'm right here, and you talk [about] making a fool out of myself. I didn't say that Jesse. I don't know oh, yes Oh, yes, it all. I said was you couldn't sing that was it and [guess] was that jesse. It's true. Okay, randy. Yes on that No, no, jesse man. It was not doing a dog not good no no no no chill not a chance pull up nope It's a note [thank] [you], [just] for coming down. Thank you, Jesse No, [but] [stuffy] yeah, yeah, can I do like one? What's that thing something? Yeah, please elmo? Dr.. Thomas is Gonna play. Oh sure I Just did as a warm-up way got it or nothing now. So that wasn't the audition um okay? I guess I'll start my edition alex, okay. Yeah Okay, what do you think? I'm gonna do I'm living on prayer [inside] bon Jovi of course okay? She says we got Hold on What we got? Makes no difference if we make it or [not] we got each other That's your [love] [for] [love] We'll give [it] a shot oh We're half way there, woah Livin on a prayer take my hand and we'll [make] it. I swear, woah Livin on a prayer There we got a prayer What the bloody hell was that this is a weirdest audition man Okay, now I was I was rough on. I know it wasn't good. It was the one that shit About the 2030 notes on that one was rough. Yeah Yeah, taking a drink of water. Take a deep breath relax. Why are you? Okay, doug. Let me know what we're gonna have to eat it up. Just a little bit because you know why okay? Sharon Tate, so you Out in hands of something you fit what cash, so I guess what kept my composure Just like energy being that little [what's] [all] about. Okay, Douglas. I'm doing it He's [filling] up Douglas just keep going around and try where you are. [God] [blows] circle keep douglas yeah Douglas I don't want to hear any more of this stupidity Well, I've been worried about if that [one] screw up like this Well you did and you're sweating and you're nervous, and you're walking around [in] actually, okay? Just try one song no time no, and you'll whispering and morning and doing all this strange stuff and [oh] Halfway Halfway, that's what you were Listening take my hand and we'll [make] it a [quiz] score my oh Mel being on a prayer. He'll be on a prayer Wow, you're really projected on that one. I was trying to better. Yeah What did you say it was better not? be projected on that uh Yes, or no [phone] [all] right. No one in a million years is ever [gonna] pay to hear you sing, but you [wanted] a few seconds, but I know that better talking she'll never Gonna Do this anything tightness that you're feeling opened up a little bit. Oh come on Yeah, true like when your voice is tight, you cannot resonate you can make it funky Sorry, man, you do singers like [you] doesn't matter. I mean none of it matters You're gonna do it [again]. Are you cool of course? maybe you could be my Get out oh, yeah Maybe you still [petryís] [plus]. [they're] gonna take you somewhere safe. It's gonna make sure you give up what you? Thank you much. They're going to take you to a safe you
Channel: Idols Global
Views: 6,083,261
Rating: 4.7666645 out of 5
Keywords: cringiest audition, idols global, cringiest, cringiest videos ever, american idol, worst idol auditions, cringiest auditions, worst auditions, cringe, american idol cringe, cringiest compilation, cringe compilation, top 5 worst auditions, top 5 cringe auditions, american idol auditions, bad audtions, bad auditions idol, american idol bad auditions
Id: YAk5VfBr53c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2017
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screams! lol

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