Top 5 Craziest Experiments (2019)

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At this time of year, when people are struggling with darkness and light, it is refreshing to be reminded that "we're still good."

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Today we re-experience our best experiments. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical special holiday episode. - And merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah. - Yeah! But no matter what you're celebrating, Rhett and I come bearing gifts. It's Mythical content. - Yeah, starting in the new year, we're gonna be dropping vlogs every Saturday over on the Rhett and Link channel. - Subscribe! - All new food videos with Mythical Chef Josh on the-- - Subscribe. - Mythical Kitchen channel and a bunch of new content on the Mythical Society. Sign up at - But now, let's continue to count down the best moments of the year, and today you voted to determine the top five of our sometimes dumb, sometimes ill-advised, but always Mythical experiments. - [Stevie] Our number five experiment of the year comes from Wet Dry Food versus Dry Wet Food. When Rhett and Link enjoyed a refreshing glass of Mountain Dry. - Snack city. Where we have dried Mountain Dew, we got some Mountain Dry. Look at this stuff, it's freaking rocks! - I gotta know how you guys made this, and I know Nicole, our Mythical associate food producer, made this, so what was the process here? - [Nicole] I pretty much made a candy out of Mountain Dew, corn syrup, and sugar, and I heated it to 290, and then I pulverized it in a blender, like a mountain. - This seems like, definitely seems like something that the astronauts, yeah, like a mountain! Ah, yes. - [Nicole] Thank you. - I appreciated that pun. - [Nicole] Thank you, someone did. - This is like what astronauts, this is how astronauts enjoy all drink. - And their pee comes out like globules. - Yeah, astronauts don't consume any water the whole time they're up there, it's all dry. - Oh, I can't bite it. - You gotta try to bite it. - It's un-biteable. Ooh, that's hard. - It is like just biting into the side of a mountain. - It's a frickin' rock. - But, no you don't bite it, you suck on it. - It's rock candy. It's absolutely just that. - It's just like going to the Blue Ridge mountains, just biting into the side of a hill, - [Link] And you know what? - That's something I've always thought about doing. - It's not too sweet, it's not a overwhelming flavor, - It's good! - It's actually the perfect amount of not-too-sweetness, it's more rock than candy. It's more mountain than dew. (both laughing) (mimics explosion booming) Yeah man, we got a fun job. - That's, that's-- - We sit here, and we eat rocks. - Rocks, man. That is one that I'm actually surprised that nobody from the world of Mountain Dew-- - Called us. - Didn't jump on that one, man. I mean, just Mountain Dew rock candy. I mean, you got the mountains, it totally makes sense. We demonstrated how great it was. What are we doing wrong, Mountain Dew? Like, what I wanna know is-- - What're we doing wrong? - I mean, look! We look so, it was so compelling! I mean, I watched it. I wanna eat it now! So it's like-- - Yeah, I'd buy that. - If you just made that into a commercial. Buy some Super Bowl time! And you show these two fools eating your rock candy, it'll sell like hot cakes! - I mean the slogan's just writing themselves. "Get your rocks off." - Yeah, right. Yeah, that, well-- - Bite your-- - That's a late night. - "Bite your rocks." - But I think when you said, "more mountain, less dew." Whatever you-- - That's right. - I don't know what you said. But whatever it was, it was good and we'll write it down! - That's right, right. We'll remember it because we-- - What are we doing wrong? - Watched it again. What are we doing wrong? - Really should be asking Pepsi, cause doesn't Pepsi own Mountain Dew? - No. Let's watch another one. - [Stevie] Next up at number four, the guys ask the Mythical Crew to put cheese wheels on a car. And of course, they did just that. - You guys know that Rhett and Link have a lot of faith in all of you, so what they've done is they've tasked us to task you guys to take the tires off of a car and replace them with tires made of cheese. (drill buzzing) - There it is. - We're ready to roll. One, two, three. - It was that easy. - Yeah, I knew this was gonna work. (metal clanking) (sighs) - I guess I need to let the guys know. - [Rhett] We just want cheese wheels, man. - [Link] If it tastes like cheese, and it looks like cheese, and it's a wheel, that'll work. - This probably looks super appetizing. Just me, mashing it in. All right, that's that! We'll just let it sit for a while and get set up. And I'm gonna slap it on the car. (gentle violin music) - Cheese wheels! (Rhett laughs) Cheezin', baby! - This is so satisfyingly stupid! (Rhett and Link laughing) - What do you guys think? - You did it, sir! - Well, hold on! - Well, I mean, you may have done it, sir! - I may have done it. - This looks great! I mean, this tire, it is a cheese tire! It doesn't smell great in here, guys. Art team, reassemble! - All right, I'm gonna go into neutral. Shifting into neutral! (triumphant music) - You ready up there? - I'm in neutral and the brake is off! - Go! Go! It's wagglin'! - [Rhett] Not a smooth ride! - Come on, guys! We need more help! Little more help! - [Crew Member In Blue Shirt] Let's get this baby going. Pedal to the metal! - Go! - [Rhett] Oh, gosh! I kinda feel like I'm off-roading, but I'm just off-cheesing. - It's like we're on a boat. - No, I'm on-cheesing! (laughing) - Can you smell the cheese? - Oh, the cheese is wafting. - Whoa! It smells better in here now. - It really is wafting. That's what I remember about that moment. - Yeah, it was a big moment. - The cheese wafting with our entire crew pushing us, and now, ever since that day, we don't use our car engines. The crew comes to our homes and just pushes us to the office. It's not demeaning at all. (both laughing) - Gosh! I mean, but I really enjoyed watching the process, because like, Paisley, the rest of the Art Team, I mean, you're commitment level to making things happen, as stupid as they are, is just, it's-- - Unwavering! - Unwavering. (clapping) - Unwavering. - Unwavered. - I mean, really, we just keep thinking that you're gonna push back. But you don't. - That car-- - We will find your limits! - That car, I don't miss that car. - [Stevie] Coming in at number three, Rhett and Link may fail to cook a burger on a toilet barbecue, but don't worry, because they're still good! - Now usually when I get a belly full of barbecue, my next stop is the toilet. So we thought, why not make it the first stop and make it the barbecue? - [Rhett] Lucas basically just took all the innards of the tank out-- - Is this where, "We're still good" came from? - [Rhett] And then drilled holes on each side. - Yeah! So the top of this thing is actually gonna be the grill grate. So, Link, just fill up the, basically, the whole tank with coals. (sizzling) - Do not try this at home. - Yeah, that's smart! Glad you put that! - Oh, yeah. - Before the toilet completely deconstructs, we're gonna see if we can grill this ground pork. Cause a piece already fell off. (toilet cracking) (both screaming) The back side busted! (toilet cracking) - Whoa! - Look at that, crack! - That's a big crack! - The ground pork patty's still there. I think we're still good, man! We're still good! (laughing) - Is that it? Flip it! For the first one? (laughing) - [Rhett] That wasn't a flip, I'm not-- - [Link] Oh God!! (laughs hysterically) What are you doing, man?! - We're still good! Hey! - We're still good! - We're still good, man! - We're still good. - We're still good. - [Link] We're still good. - (laughs) Yeah we are! - You don't have to see, you don't have to see the other side of that. We're still good, man! - We're still good! - Unlike the-- - [Both] Whoa! - It continues to fall apart! It's like Jenga! - But we're still good! - Yeah, man, we're still good! The burger's still up there! We're still good. I mean, we could toast some buns. That's what the other side is for. (toilet cracking) (screaming) (Rhett laughing) - You broke it with the bun! - It happened before I touched it, man! - We're almost not good, but we're still good! - Yeah, we're still good! (laughing) - Flip it! - You want me to be able to see the other side? - You mean the side with ash on it? - Ash! "You mean the side with ash on it?" It's tough to flip a burger on top of a toilet, I'll tell ya. I had trouble. - [Rhett] Yeah, look! Look at that! That's cooked! It's a little bit cooked! - That's ash! - [Both] We're still good. - You sure you don't wanna baste some barbecue sauce using a toilet brush? - Definitely. (laughing) - Is it warm? Is the sauce warm? - I don't think so. Oh, yeah. - Forget all about that ash now. (toilet breaking) (screaming) - [Link] Oh, my goodness! - Okay, well. Are we still good? (both laughing) - That's the genesis of "We're still good, man!" - Yeah! We're still good, man! - We're still good! - Can you say, say A-S-H. - Ash. - Oh, good. You can say it. 'Cause you said it, "ah-shh." And then, I don't get it. - That's-- - [Both] "Aah-sh." - Hey, I can't believe that wasn't number one, y'all! What could be a more amazing experiment than that? I mean, it generated, - Well, we got two more. - "We're still good!" - We got two more?! - We got two more! - Dang! Let's get to it! - [Stevie] Our number two clip features the surprising sugar destroyer pill. And even more surprisingly, no prank on Link. - Gymnema sylvestre. - Yes? - Oh, it's (laughs). Also known as gurmar, or -- - Yes? (laughing) - Or sugar destroyer. - Hmm?! - Is a climbing, woody vine. - I gotta keep saying, "yes" cause it just keeps working. - It's been used in ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, and it is commonly used to treat diabetes and reduce the risk of heart disease. So today, we're trying it to test its claim, that it makes sweet foods taste nasty, by blocking the sugar receptors on your tongue meat. - Feed us. - Oh. - It just tastes like dirt. - It tastes like, yeah, like you-- - It's like I've eaten a sand castle. - Straight into a sand castle, but the consistency makes me think I'm in kitty litter. (Link coughs) - Sugar destroyer works! - It definitely works. I mean, I'm walkin'-- - [Stevie] You ready to try and guess? - On the beach, "Oh look, "there's sandcastle!" (imitates a whistle sliding) (crew laughs) "Just get the, "let me get the pinnicle!" (imitates a whistle sliding) - [Stevie] Okay. I'm gonna need a guess in, three, two, one. - Brownie? - Yams. Oh, brownies. - [Stevie] What did you say, Link? - Yams! - He said yams. - You know, like sweet yams! - You know sweet yams! Y'all know dem! - [Stevie] You can take off your blindfold. - Sweet baby yams. - Oh! (crew laughing) I was like-- - Freakin' Ho-hos? - "There's nothing in front of me!" What? This is it? Crumb! (laughing) - [Both] Um. - Gurmar? - Yes? - Do you (laughs), what are you tasting? - Dryness. - Action! - [Rhett] Oh my gosh. - I hated it. (both gagging) I had trouble with this one. - Uh!!!! Gimme the, gimme the, gimme the! (gagging) Not funny! Not sweet! What the?! What the crap was that?! (Rhett groaning) - [Stevie] It's Stevia-coated liver. - Well, you know, when you can't taste sweet, and then you put something sweet on liver, you know what you're left with? - [Both] Liver. (laughing) - Yeah, that was-- - That wasn't a happy moment. - That was visceral, man. - But that stuff works, man! - That was a low point. - You been destroying sugar since then? - Um, no. I haven't gone back to it. - Missed opportunity. - Have you thought about it? - No, here's the thing, I don't think about it, ever. (laughing) - It's not the type of thing that like-- - After we're done, until I'm reminded of it. - You know, in like, quirky, party conversation. You know, like, "I took a pill once, "and it took away the sweetness." - Oh, that does happen. Sometimes people say something and I'll be like, "Mmm!" but I don't say, "I have this show, "where I do a really long list of weird things, "that if you think I just did these in my normal life "you would think I was a very interesting person." - But then they realize it's an internet show and they feel cheapened. It's cheapened. - I leave. I, George Costanza before they come to that conclusion. I leave. - So you take your shirt off when you use the bathroom? - Yes. I do that as well. - What could number one be?! - [Stevie] And our number one, craziest experiment of 2019, Link gets hypnotized into liking his least favorite food, tomatoes. - [Hypnotist] How you feelin'? - Good. - [Hypnotist] Do you feel good and relaxed? - I still feel weird about this. - [Hypnotist] This shows how well you concentrate. now breathe in, breathe out, and sleep down even deeper than before, letting it go. (bell chiming) I'm gonna give you a drink, just to kinda refresh you. It's gonna make you feel so much better. And when you take a sip, it's actually gonna be really funny. Go ahead and just, you can open your eyes and look, and just take a sip. And it's gonna be delicious and really, really funny. - He's like, "okay." - [Hypnotist] Take a sip. How funny is that juice?! (laughs) Is that the funniest thing you've ever tasted? Take another sip, it's even funnier the second time! That's twice as funny as before! (Rhett laughing) It's ten times, it's ridiculous how funny it is! And when I touch you, it's three times funnier! Take another sip! The more you sip, the funnier it is! - Look at that face, man! - [Hypnotist] It's hysterical! (laughing) Sleep down. - I feel like I'm watching my dad get hypnotized. - Yeah, you remind me a lot of him in this. - [Hypnotist] You hear that again? Did somebody say, "Red tomato?" - I love tomatoes. - This is gonna be the sweetest peach you've ever had in your life. So go ahead and hold out your hand. And take an awesome bite of that peach. You are gonna love every minute of it! How good is that peach? - It's sweet. - [Hypnotist] It is super sweet, right? - It's sweet. - [Hypnotist] It is amazingly sweet. - So sweet. - [Hypnotist] In fact, in a minute, I'm gonna try to take it from you. But you're not gonna give it to me. Can I just, can I borrow that? Can I, can I? No? Can I have it? No. So go ahead and open your eyes and order that pizza. - I'll take, I'll take a tomato pizza. - Okay, so the crust and - [Both] Tomatoes. - And some cheese and sauce and the tomato on top? - I want, I want a tomato, tomato pizza. - I don't understand. - I want it all to be tomatoes. - Ask her, "What is wrong with you?" - What's wrong with you? - [Hypnotist] "You're not hearing me." - Are you not hearing me? - I just, that's not how a pizza's made. - Just make it with all the tomatoes. - I can't. - Just stack it! - [Woman] I can't. - Just stack it! - [Woman] I can't stack the tomatoes. - Stack the tomatoes! - "What don't you understand," tell her. - What do you not understand? ♪ I want a tomato ♪ ♪ And I only want a tomato ♪ So, he told me to sing, right? - I think so. ♪ On the pizza ♪ - Just sleep! Back down, deep for now. Good! (laughs) How you feelin'? Welcome back! Take a minute. - Why is he laughing at me? - Take a minute. - Cause he's never had a subject like this. - [Hypnotist] So what do you remember? - I don't remember. (Rhett laughs) - "I don't remember." - Did we do it? - Oh, we did it. (laughing) - I'd forgotten about that, and I'm-- - And listen, everyone-- - It still makes me feel weird because, it's like-- - Everyone still thinks that you were acting. Now, you saw when I tried to get hypnotized by, for, to hate, to love cats, whatever. I was acting. And I really tried. I really committed. But you, he wasn't acting. That was legit hypnotism. - And we talked to our friend, Mike, who likes to hypnotize people too. And I was like, "I don't, "I feel weird about it." He was like, "Well, it's normal to feel weird about it." So, at least I feel okay about feeling weird about it, but I don't like watching it. - All right, let's watch it again! Okay, that was it! - Can I have a gift to make me feel better? - That was the-- - It didn't stick. I don't like tomatoes. It didn't stick. - Oh, well, this is a gift from the Art Department. - "Dear Link and Rhett," - Oh, nice touch. (laughing) - "This is Lucas, your prop master. "I know you guys love when I smash stuff. "And I also know you love Lionel Richie." - Did you smash Lionel Richie? - "So for this holiday, I decided to combine "two of your favorite things "in this exciting home video." (ominous music) (glass shattering) (choral singing) (laughing) - There's no way. (laughing) That was kinda special to us. - Lucas, we need to have a talk. - All right, so-- - Off camera! - No, I want to inspect this to see how this was faked because they went through a lot of trouble to reframe a fake. - I can see what they did. - [Lucas] It was totally fake. - It looks real, but I know that there's other places, we got a bunch of people. - They copied it. - Gotcha! (both laughing) - They copied it! - Bring out the original. The one. - [Lucas] The original was the fake. - Yeah, this is a print. But you framed a fake? - [Lucas] It wasn't fake. - I've been in my office this morning and it's still in there. When I go in my office every morning, I scan to see if anybody's stolen anything to destroy it. - But did you look closely? - Or if Chase's butt prints are on anything new. - Right. All right, put it back in the box. - [Stevie] Merry Christmas! - Okay, come back tomorrow for the top five most immature moments of the year. What? We don't have those around here. - You had me for a second, though. - [Rhett] Don't miss out on our Mythical mugs! Collect all three at before they're gone forever!
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Views: 997,479
Rating: 4.9476371 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, Top 5 Craziest Experiments, craziest, top 5, best of, 2019 in review, best of 2019, top videos
Id: gIHt5QpXRfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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