[Top 5] BEST & WORST Episodes of The Powerpuff Girls 2016 Season 2 (Part 2)

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hello and welcome back to my top five best and worst episode ranking of the Powerpuff Girls 2016 season two I'd recommend watching part one of my list if you haven't already seeing as I'm starting at the number three entries for the beginning of this video it would certainly help if you were fully caught up that said on with the video so before continuing on with the list portion of the video I wanted to share a little experiment with you guys that I've slowly been testing you on over the course of the season or reviews some of you probably never noticed this but I know that some of you did ever since mini-golf madness I've actually been leaving polls at the end of my season two reviews asking you guys to rate the episodes on a scale from one to ten I ultimately had you guys do that not only to get a general consensus of what people feel about the episode but also so I could compile the results for all 41 episodes at the end of the season and rank the average scores for each of them in this video oh yeah I play in some of these things out way ahead of time unfortunately I didn't get this bright idea when I started with the last tiny coin so I ultimately had to resort to making community posts on my youtube channel over the past several weeks leading up to this video to get a general idea for those episodes so they may not be entirely accurate but what are you gonna do I thought this would be a neat way to get some viewer interaction and figure out which episodes you all think are the best and worst new season and see how they compare to my own list these numbers may not be a 100% accurate representation of the general consensus due to my influence of bias but I thought this would be a fun method of viewer engagement nonetheless that said here are the top 10 best and top 10 worst episodes of the season based on the scores that you provided it's pretty interesting to see some of the general trends here and there but also a few noticeable differences as well oh and not to worry I already wrote recorded the rest of these videos before looking at your results so none of this information influenced me to change my list based on the popular opinion now where were we [Applause] [Music] mission accomplished so despite the lack of a signifying character or setting that would make this episode stand out splitsville is actually one of the best episodes of the entire season as plain as it is there's no gimmick introduced here to distract us from the central plot it's just a straight-up Powerpuff Girls episode through and through the number one thing I appreciate about splitsville over any other reboot episode in the entire series is that it gets the quintessential Powerpuff dynamic spot-on each girl has their own personality which affects their way of dealing with things that gives them their own identity while simultaneously serving a purpose for the greater good of the team this episode teaches the girls the value that their sisters bring to the table an ideal that has barely been represented in the series after so much time typically episodes just used the girls differing personalities to make stupid jokes or whatever they've hardly been used to emphasize the importance that their skills bring to the table usually it's just Oh Buttercup saves the day while the other two watched but splitsville goes to show that all three girls do matter it's just a shame this is one of the few episodes that recognizes this the story starts with a typical sibling argument over their most recent battle with a monster because none of them could agree to fight it in the way that they personally believed would be the most efficient this of course leads to the girls wanting to solve crimes solo because they can't seem to work together and they even plays bets on whoever can solve their personal crime and get back to the house first gets to pick the movie they watch for movie night the plot then of course sends each of the girls into a situation that their sister is more fit to tackle challenging them to step outside their comfort zones and realize how their sisters strategies can be effective given the right circumstances Buttercup tries to brute-force her way through this dog monster but it multiplies every time she punches it bubbles needs to solve a logic puzzle and can't ease our way out of it through cute his song and dance blossom tries a methodical strategy to take down this robot but it can already predict her every move and prepare accordingly the end result sees Buttercup playing with the dogs and having them do tricks just as bubbles would like roll over and play dead which is actually how she defeats them ironically enough bubbles logics our way through the puzzle by channeling her inner blossom and transporting things in a set order and blossom pulls a Buttercup by going completely berserk and spontaneously destroying the robot in recklessly random ways so that it can't predict her actions each challenge puts up a resistance the girls main method of crime-fighting and forces them to adapt a new strategy while simultaneously coming around to respect their sisters a bit more than before it is an excellent premise the results in an enjoyable watch that I knew would make the top 5 the instant I saw it for the first time it really goes to show that methods other than the ones that you come up with all the time have the potential to work and you should give them a chance when making this list this was the first episode I wrote down as one of the best no questions asked and it's definitely the most Powerpuff esque episode the reboot has ever seen you're not even in the room and you're already banned for life huge we are the baddest girl learners math the more I've thought about it the more I just can't stand Buttercup versus math talk about the pinnacle example of forcefully shoving all logic and reasoning aside just so the Buttercup can take the spotlight away from our other sisters when she's already hogging more than enough of it in the sheer multitude of other episodes that she gets to star in and saved the day herself you would think an episode about math would be composed of logical reasoning but nope that's thrown out the window entirely I apologize for dragging my distaste for this episode into other reviews long after I am finished it but I really want to emphasize how out of character this is for buttercup this episode is sold on the premise that Buttercup is magically good at math now despite never showing any semblance of this in any other episode both before and after this one that's right never again is buttercups math skills seen in this season it is purely for this one and only episode blossoms entire character is built upon being numerical logical methodical all traits that someone who is strong in math would have buttercups character is completely unfitting for this role her personality clashes with the entire concept and I've seen every damn episode of this show to know what I'm talking about when I say this is inadequate and inadmissible for her character there's not a single reason why Buttercup should have these math skills when blossom is in dire need of something to make her character stand out at this point every character trait she could possibly have with the exception of obsessive cleanliness is possessed by the other two why is she even in the show there is no reason why Buttercup should just magically be capable of performing mathematical equations in her head faster than all of these other stereotype donger students when blossom is clearly more suited for this position and that's another thing I thought this show wanted to take an open-minded all accepting approach towards its audience so why the hell did it resort to depicting math classes as rooms solely containing introverted gross snotty impolite acne covered teenagers I get such a thing as hyperbole but this bothers me because of the motive behind viral spiral an episode where bubbles was thrust into suddenly being a computer programmer even though that also did not have any relation to her character prior to that episode according to the press surrounding viral spiral that episode was claimed to have been made to inspire kids of all ages of any background and any personality to become programmers by depicting it as this fun cool activity that anybody can do if they try even though the episode didn't really do that whatever it was a publicity stunt scenes proven time and time again that's all it uses the show for who would honestly want to have a class with these people like can you imagine a child watching this and saying man I really want to get into honors math when I grow up in an ER high school and then there's the fact that none of these students can even get the question right because they all just inappropriately shout a bunch of random responses without any signs of etiquette only for Buttercup to get the question right this is honors math right so why is literally every single student in this room incorrect except for buttercup and furthermore since when is honors math a class offered to six-year-olds no six-year-old is gonna be able to figure out what the sides of a triangle are equal to you don't learn that [ __ ] till middle school even from a storytelling standpoint this makes zero sense it omits all logic just to force an unfit and undeserving character into the role of the star pupil and then the way the climax results in blossom being forced to solve this unsolvable equation in one go while Buttercup gets to solve all of these smaller easier ones and put up a legitimate fight that blossom should be fully capable of is just an excuse to have her fail this whole episodes premise is forced to the point that it is egregious easily the worst example of Buttercup being shoved to the center of attention for no real reason because she's clearly undeserving of it especially when blossom barely got any episodes dedicated to her at all this season [Applause] who's ready for the most fun place in outer space [Applause] it's somebody booing while home-sweet-home sick isn't the best episode for a powerpuff premise it is a good episode as far as the standard cartoon goes the story isn't exactly what I'm looking for out of a superhero series but the fact of the matter is that I can look past that if it's still an enjoyable episode nonetheless and while home sweet home sick may not have the most original title considering it's the same exact pun that horns sweet horn did in season 1 to me it just shows how uncreated and dry this series as well is but regardless it features a story about how blossoms expectations of what space camp is meant to be like don't exactly measure up to reality she ultimately ends up very disappointed when she realized that space camp isn't all it's cracked up to be this is a premise that I very much relate to myself as I too was led astray as a child into believing certain experiences would be these grand epic adventures only to be hit with the fact that it's really just as underwhelming and mediocre as one could imagine don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with letting kids experience these things but I'm of the belief that you're better off keeping quiet and surprising them instead of getting their hopes up so high that they ultimately resent the experience because it wasn't what they were led to believe there are quite a few different instances I can recall feeling that way towards and I'm certain that I'd have fonder memories of those experiences had others not convinced me that it was better than reality blossom has to experience this the hard way for a week as established at the beginning of the episode she was excited to go to this space camp for months so that she could learn all about science and astronomy because it's the same space camp that this acclaimed astronomer she looks up to known as when DQ'd allen went to when she was younger when she sees that all of the activities on the brochure aren't quite as advertised it causes her to become upset and disappointed because she's getting something lesser than what she was expecting this ultimately sours her overall experience and leads her to seclude herself from her sisters and all the other kids who are running around the camp having fun and playing together she doesn't want to play she wants to work and learn her interests are clearly aligned differently than the rest of the kids some time later she stumbles upon this life-sized perfectly functional rocket that NASA donated to this camp which honestly is the most preposterous aspect of the episode because who the hell would keep all that fuel inside this thing you have a position for liftoff if that would cost like millions of dollars blossom launches this thing into space and treats us to a musical number that isn't forced or contrived for once it's a genuinely enjoyable homage to David Bowie that meshes well with the atmosphere that it's creating it is during this sequence that she also stumbles upon this video recorded by the very same astronomer she looks up to who says to enjoy being a kid while it lasts and man do I feel that this is of course the ultimate lesson in the end and blossom returns to Earth to celebrate Space Camp with her sisters with the remaining time that she still has and even though I normally hate when shows just outright state the moral for its audience at least it's semi disguised in this video message that serves a narrative purpose rather than just X positive for no real reason it still spells the lesson out but it's better than the professor standing there and saying here's the lesson blah blah blah yeah I definitely see the appeal here that a lot of others have found in home sweet home sick so I'm an agreement with the majority that this is indeed one of the best of the season [Applause] [Music] what's going on all right but you better go to the bathroom now I don't want to have to stop my story in the middle okay okay here we go the episode that kicked off season two on the completely wrong foot good god is if Donnie wasn't unbearable enough in the first season this just took him to the next level because this episode cannot go more than 10 seconds without him finding some way to be as irritating and unpleasant as possible what bothers me most of all regarding the last tiny corn is that unlike almost all of the other reboot episodes this is trying to tell us a serious story from beginning to end between the dramatic opening to the Terminator like chase to the dark and gritty atmosphere to the secret headquarters to the lord building backstory to the antagonist army to the fortress infiltration to this grand master plan to the takeover of the world to the villains dummy thick ass cheeks it is clear it was trying so hard to convey a legitimate story with a serious tone but it fails miserably there's nothing wrong with comedic relief in a serious story it's almost needed to ease the tension for the audience and make the viewing experience more enjoyable but this special Chuck's in an obsessive amount of needless cutaway jokes and unrelated gags that caused so much mood whiplash it's impossible to figure out what this is supposed to be it's like it's trying to be a Marvel movie where there's a serious story filled in with comic relief here and there but it completely misunderstands why that works so well for Marvel no matter how much time passes I cannot for the life of me figure out what this wants to do and it is filled to the brim with inconsistencies and contradictions as well as a multitude of unanswered questions that leave me completely baffled this episode plays off of the chosen one trope ie that it's Donnie's destiny to save everyone from the grave danger that's approaching what we have here is the unexpected hero idea that has been done so many times before and those usually have a reason for why their hero is the chosen one makes Donnie the one that can save the entire world and not literally anyone else well as the episode might make you believe it's because he's the only one capable of making the villain laugh yes the main bad guy of this plot is only evil because he's never left nor smiled in his entire life and he spilled with so much anger and misery that he feels the need to SAP away everyone else's joy so that they can feel his pain - and then Donnie just makes a face at the end that's apparently so [ __ ] funny that the villain can't hold back but the audience never gets to see it and it's annoying because this character is implied to be the funniest guy alive and yet not a single one of his jokes make me laugh and yes comedy is subjective but you would think that the quote funniest character in the show would be able to make anybody laugh we did get to see this one however and boy did that give me nightmares for weeks the sheer incompetence of Donnie makes almost every single scene with him unbearable he is not a lovable idiot he is a detestable idiot the opening scene when he is trying to escape this Terminator unicorn was a great hook but it is ruined by Donnie's inexplicably bad dialogue and behavior the backstory was interesting until Donnie decided to clumsily fall down the stairs for half a millennia the final battle was interesting until Donnie intervened every regular scene that could have been invigorating to watch is hampered by his irredeemable actions I think the fact that I was able to make a 50-minute review of the episode speaks volumes to all of the issues I have with it I give this episode such a hard time because it's not just an ordinary throwaway 11 minute cartoon that's easily forgotten like the other 90% of the show this is the season 2 premiere we're talking about here and the first 22 minutes special it is trying to sell us a serious story and I'm criticizing it as such so many questions go unanswered here why is the terminator' unicorn a sock why did five unicorns come out of the mirror when Donnie activated it if there were only four unicorns of the Apocalypse is there a connection there why do bubbles and Donnie idiotically blow their cover why do the girls bother disguising themselves instead of just busting into the fortress with their superpowers if that's what they end up doing anyways after they're captured in jail how did Donny's mother know Donny reactivated the mirror if nobody was around to see him do it and he ran straight to the Powerpuff Girls as fast as he could without stopping to tell anybody what was going on where did these for unicorns even come from to begin with what is the source of their power what are the other three unicorns motivation in helping Stanek horn I could go on and on and on it is a riddled mess that just doesn't make any sense in terms of the decisions that the characters make as well as the general believability that they would succeed in acting like this this guy just sits on his ass and fumbles around in a backpack for 30 [ __ ] seconds while this Terminator unicorn just stands there and waits for him to find the convenient deus ex machina that will allow him to get out of the situation unscathed and defeat it ugh the only compliment I can really give this episode looking back is that it's action is still some of the best in the show but that's only because so many other episodes lack it outright but that's about it everything else is one giant slimy mess [Applause] how do I look girls fantastic didn't we burn that the trouble with bubbles is unquestionably the greatest reboot episode ever made as of season 2 I mean wow an episode that features legitimate action with a competent villain and a semi mysterious story that isn't completely butchered by the reboots dumb decisions imagine that it was a different episode I already talked about this episode does feature some of the reboots bad habits of echoing voices blossom and Buttercup fist bumping each other after a terribly written joke is a form of self affirmation to conceal fragile egos and lol so random jokes that don't fit the overall mood it's setting up I also really wish the title card didn't spoil the mystery behind the episode because had this been designed a different way it would have left us in the dark a bit more however despite these shortcomings this episode earned its spot on the principle that it has a solid set up climax and resolution with believable care actions and intriguing fight scenes that brings the entire premise together blossom and Buttercup are led to tie-in events that they witness in real life to the television program that they're watching about alien invaders the program even lists examples of how to identify signs of an alien such as traits like being super organized completing a to-do list and vacuuming the ceiling yeah that bit doesn't really work especially because two of those traits are traits that could be applied to blossom but had these been changed to something else it would have worked super well for example had the television listed extremely efficient multitasking sudden outbursts and the unusual desire to tackle cats is a sign of something being an alien they would be more specific to what bubbles does in this episode and yeah I realize blossom may be good at being efficient but multitasking hasn't really been her strong suit in this series she could stressed out pretty easily no episode is perfect mind you but the solid ideas that are present here do service the episode well there's another scene where bubbles appears to be strangled by some alien tentacles or something and it works because we only see a silhouette on the wall behind the characters it is a great way to trick the audience via cinematography into believing one thing while later revealing that it was actually just cloned bubbles tying her up with some rope yeah the humor is not really there but I spy some genuinely creative thinking in here and finally silico is a threatening villain again he finally does something that isn't half-assed they're stupid and he actually loses in an interesting way that isn't convenient for the plot he was betrayed by his own creation something that he didn't anticipate on happening I even appreciated the whole felt puppet summary thing that bubbles gave during the fight because while a bit spontaneous it isn't random it legitimately serves a purpose and wasn't a bunch of nonsensical [ __ ] that didn't enhance the story it did enhanced the story because it presented us with bubbles as perspective through a different means that reflected bubbles his artistic personality when something like this has a reason to be there and serves a purpose in the narrative I'm fully accepting of it when it doesn't I'm not simple as that the entire idea of having to fight a robot copy doppelganger of oneself may not be the most original idea ever but then again what even is original nowadays the execution is what matters and in this case it is superb easily made the number one spot on my list unquestionably it is well deserved by comparison to every other episode in this show because it feels like a Powerpuff Girls episode almost to a tee and I really wish the rest of the show was like this because then it might actually be worth a damn the trouble with bubbles gets a hearty recommendation from me it only makes me wonder what could have been I don't even know where to begin with this one you're a good man Mojo Jojo is the pinnacle example of exactly how not to do a Christmas special which is sad because out of every Christmas story in existence that it could have parodied it chose to be yet another Christmas Carol episode the most simple and overdone Christmas plot known to man yes despite the general outline of events having already been laid out this entire premise was somehow flubbed up and diminished into this meaningless insignificant waste of potential for mojos character so back when I initially reviewed this I was under the impression that the title was meant to be a reference to you're a Good Man Charlie Brown because well the show usually just replaces a random word or name with one of the show's own names and caused it a day and I figured well the episode features a staged motif to present its apparition so I can kind of see the connection between naming after a stage play even if the play it could be referencing has nothing to do with Christmas and then it hit me when you guys pointed this out in the comments this is supposed to be a reference to you're a mean one mr. Grinch and Wow suddenly this title is way worse than before now this stage play motif makes zero sense and is completely out of place because it only shows up for a combined total of 42 seconds and is completely omitted in one of the ghosts hallucinations blossom and bubbles present the past and present with a stage and then it's just dropped when Buttercup shows up for no reason what was the point in using this a framing device exactly honestly I can do a 10-minute analysis on everything wrong with this episode's title and why it doesn't work but I'll spare you with the abridged version it fails because it is so forced that the reference that is trying to make is indiscernible and can be confused for something else entirely unrelated leading to its viewers to interpret the episode in ways that hinder their perspective which ultimately causes the titles downfall it fails because the Christmas story it is referencing is not the story it actually parodies it fails because the original song refers to the Grinch when he's evil who eventually turns good whereas here it is implying the reverse for mojo by stating that he is a good man except that he's also a mean one seeing as he's the antagonist main character just like the Grinch wasn't his story by naming it this way it implies that mojo is a good guy who's gonna turn bad this special has hints of the Grinch sprinkled throughout it alongside the Christmas Carol plotline but the special does a very poor job of emulating either story it's just like the rest of the series trying to balance two things but failing to do either correctly sure mojo steals presents at the beginning and returns them at the end but those are the only parallels to the Grinch in this entire episode it's way more of a Christmas Carol episode than the Grinch which makes the title contradiction all the more noticeable unless there's like a line in A Christmas Carol where somebody says you're a good man mr. Scrooge after he's reformed or something and despite all this clear Christmas influence for some asinine reason the episode intentionally goes out of its way to avoid saying the word Christmas even though literally everything in the episode is unquestionably inspired by it I raise an eyebrow to this because this series is known for trying to preach messages that it clearly has minimal understanding of who's to say this isn't another case of that why ignore the word Christmas when it's clearly a Christmas episode this is not an all-inclusive holiday special because no others are represented I don't see any Judaism or Kwanzaa here and if it was trying to mock the whole idea that we can't say Christmas anymore without offending someone well why what's the point in doing that Christmas exists you can say the word it's not gonna kill anybody anybody who's offended by the men changing of Christmas that's their own problem they need to just accept the fact that culture is ingrained in this holiday and just because there are some religious ties to it doesn't mean the entire holiday is purely about religion this episode is not clever in any sense so it just makes me ask what the point of it was you can tell it was clearly intentional because of how obviously they danced around it and it doesn't make sense because there's a season 3 episode that does name-drop Christmas so it's just like why I haven't the faintest idea taking inspiration from the three phantom structure from the original story mojo is visited by three ghosts that looked like the Powerpuff Girls that each show him the past present and future in the character order that I can at least agree with blossom chooses to show him a time when he used to be the professor's lab assistant when he was good and saved him from an explosion although this raises its own melting pot of questions it may seem sweet on the surface but it completely mucks up Mojo's origin even more than power of 4 dead because it now shows us that he used to be a well-behaved loyal chimp who obeyed and protected the professor on a whim that wasn't ever in the original so how did mojo become evil exactly if he didn't push the professor into chemical X what made him evil why is he evil now this was the perfect opportunity to get mojo a new backstory if it really wanted to but instead it just confuses everyone who watches it both old fans and new the seasoned veterans like myself will watch this and point out blatant contradictions like how he was a child when bliss was around so he would obviously age by the time the professor made the girls so he wouldn't have been able to push him meanwhile the new fans are just like how did he become a bad guy he was good he was the professor's assistant since when why is he evil now how did he get from A to B you would have been better off not acknowledging a backstory at all and instead saying oh he was born evil and always has been it's not important to the continuity by explicitly bringing attention to this aspect of the character it becomes an issue when originally would not have been and that's why I barely questioned his back story until bliss came along because origins don't matter until something makes it matter silicon origin never mattered to me until the show made it matter I didn't need a backstory for silico I just wanted to know more about his present self and what his motive was that doesn't need to be tied to some tragic backstory where he used to be good and then turned evil or something like that it's the same principle for mojo like I will not care about the fashionistas origin or man boy's origin unless the show decides to make them known but wait there's more bubbles comes along with the worst scene in the episode where she not only shows mojo about how he made these puppies sad earlier by stealing their jukebox which doesn't make any sense to me because they can still play piano and sing so what's the big deal here the whole issue is that they can't play music but they explicitly can't blame music because they have a [ __ ] piano but whatever mojo doesn't care that doesn't faze him and it doesn't really faze me either I don't feel bad for him so she decides to do the worst thing imaginable shoving Jared for literally no reason what supposed to be looking at who is this guy there there was no reason for coming here was there glasses I cannot even begin to describe how insulting this is the fact that the show openly acknowledges there's no point to this and yet does it anyways just to give Jared attention is [ __ ] obnoxious as I said in my muscle Cup review it's not that I don't like those who worked on this reboot that's not true at all I'm sure they're fine people but let me ask a question what if you worked really hard on something like really really hard and it became mega successful then somewhere down the line somebody else took your success took your work and used it to promote themselves by plastering their name and face all over an inferior version that shares the same name as your creation essentially riding your coattails Buttercup also comes in with her ghost of future future shtick that serves no purpose and basically scares mojo into believing he'll be working retail for the rest of his life which by the way is what scares him into turning good not something tragic like dying alone and having no one loved him or something like that no he just doesn't want to work retail that being stuck living in his mother's basement the fact that mojo not wanting to work retail is the reason why it becomes good creates a breakneck 180 degree turn that doesn't fit his character why should I believe he's suddenly a good guy because of this we don't see his fear and desperation grow the way we do with Scrooge in the original story the apparition Buttercup tells him of also implies that the girls failed to do their duty and save the day by the way and while I do realize that this is all in Mojo's head it's still an oversight on his part but the ending oh boy the ending is so frustrating beyond belief so mojo is reformed right because of the nightmare he had well he decides to return the presents to the citizens of Townsville only he's met with some opposition from said citizens when he tells them of the good news because for no real reason they all want him to destroy the tree they want him to be evil they want him to bring their lives agony and misery but here's a question that's never answered why he tries to explain that he's good and pure and understands the meaning of the holiday but they begin to chastise him and insult him for not being evil watch under certain circumstances I could see being a satirical take on the original premise but here it does not come across that way not at all it makes no sense it's not done in a campy way like the original series would do where it would make it citizens bumbling idiots for comedic sake it's a mean-spirited tone that paints mojo is the bad guy when he's done nothing wrong don't get me wrong I'm perfectly fine with mean-spirited episodes if the punishment is deserved but here it is clearly not and for that reason I detest this he's not the one at fault now he has redeemed himself he is fine the Powerpuff Girls even see this event go down and don't do anything to the citizens of course as you would guess their words get to mojo so he starts destroying everything again but then the girls beat him up anyways despite witnessing the citizens egged him on first hand do the citizens get punished for this no the girls let them go scot-free which is just so aggravating and I think that's what bugs me most with that conclusion hold the ones accountable for causing this responsible I don't know this whole episode is just one colossal failure and I can easily say this is the worst Christmas special from a cartoon that I have ever seen yeah needless to say you're a good man Mojo Jojo is easily the worst episode of season two in my humble opinion with buttercup versus math and the last Donnie corn not that far behind and with that season to officially draws to a close the top 5 best and top 5 worst episodes of the season have been named and there's nothing left to discuss on that front I highly encourage you guys to name your personal picks for the best and worst episodes of the season in the comments and I hope you guys enjoyed the second season of reviews just one more to go and then the reboot is complete thank you everybody for watching and I'll see you in season 3 [Music] you
Channel: Shadow Streak
Views: 37,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shadow Streak, Animation, Review, PPG, Powerpuff, Powerpuff Girls, Cartoon Network, Powerpuff Girls 2016, PPG 2016, Powerpuff Reboot, Season 2, Worst, Best, Top 5, Top 10, Countdown, Ranking, Donny, Bliss, Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, The Last Donnycorn, Mojo Jojo, Buttercup Vs Math, The Trouble with Bubbles
Id: JNb3yIK3Dgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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