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we are going back in time to show you lanky box's top five old videos ever from a crazy hide and seek game with piggy to a hilarious can't say no challenge these videos will keep you entertained for hours stick around till the end because we even show you one of the oldest zero budget videos we've ever done on this channel let us go today we're seeing if we can play hide and seek with piggy but before we get into it guys as we mentioned yesterday our big surprise was the lanky wait we have to show an item from inside of here let's go whoa now this first product is a game changer okay within the lanky box box one of the first things we'll show you no way what is it what's in the the foxy magic mug now hold on pass down it's too crazy just off the bat uh-huh look at how clean that is whoa it's foxy that's me now look at how cute that is now now this already is incredible you could have your morning cup of joe right right right magic mug butt no wait it says magic month is it magic i am blessing this cup with all kinds of thickness okay now watch this okay i have some hot water here so let's say this is some coffee some tea whatever some hot cocoa you know uh whatever you want okay watch what happens when we pour this in okay this is live there is no video manipulation going on three magic mode two one [Music] whoa okay give it a second give it a second wait so you pour it in the hot water pour it in the hot water that's all you do whoa wait wait wait wait wait it's overly magical no way what's that spelling no way what does it say it's just like ebola it's spreading the purple are you okay justin no okay no way dude it turned the foxy purple and it says lanky box whoa okay now guys we didn't speed up the video we don't do anything that it happens that fast it works with any hot liquid it's literally magic and that's just one of the products that are in the boxy box there's probably like there's like eight or nine there's a lot of just insane products on here it's nice this is so crazy foxy just let me take it whoa it even tastes better now guys hey be excited we're going to be showing this product a little bit more in the future but stay tuned we're going to be showing some more products from the side here the products in here are crazy insane dude this is the first one this is the first one fox says yeah i'm a fox in a box and i'm now in another box dude that's sick now this is going on sale on june 18th on the lookout mark your calendars and we're gonna be showing you guys more items in the coming week let's get into the gameplay okay now we have a bunch of nice costumes now this bunny cosplay is looking pretty good that's really spot-on so you have a piggy cosplay i have a bunny cosplay and then we're going to try some other stuff too let's see if we can hide from piggy okay okay now i got my bunny cosplay we'll see if it works without working it's not working no no no it's already a fail oh no [Applause] your bunny cosplay in the game or foxy's bunny cuz i can't tell either pretty good it looks like we're playing on infection but i don't think this guy's falling for our disguise maybe they think we're already infected yeah exactly okay i'm gonna just post up maybe maybe type in the chat like we're infected we got a fool i need to carry oh watch out watch out you let it right kill me while you're doing this i'm trying run the other way okay okay okay okay okay okay let me just type in the chat is this a bot he's only on me i'm already infected bring me a carrot please bring me a carrot let's see if he falls back oh it is a box oh no okay we gotta try this in a different game okay okay we're in house now oh this one i'm just gonna post up right here there's no way this won't work maybe someone will try and feed you a carrot yeah i said bring me a carrot please i need it no adam don't stand next to me what are you doing i'm saying we need to carry our dad do not know how to play hide and seek go away oh yeah i gotta hide i gotta hide hey okay he'll never find me over here okay okay he's chilling downstairs i would go upstairs see if you can find me upstairs i need a carrot i hit real well i need a carrot i'm just gonna chill right here oh man right here i'm gonna look like an official bunny on duty hide-and-seek is working so far nobody has detected us let's see what he goes for first adam at a party at any social gathering yeah i'm kind of shy i'm just posted up okay post it up chilling are you really good at hide and seek yeah bring me carrot i will attack piggy for 20 seconds let's see if they fall before we'll see if it works now i'm pretty sure on this level there are no carrots so we'll see if this actually works wait the time is going to run out we haven't been caught though this is working it's actually working i do i see you too wait torture's coming up here the piggy's gone wait this is promising i'm gonna go flex on him and see if he realizes that i'm not a bot i do look like a bot will it work yeah hopefully he you know i'm just a bot i'm just a bot wait you fooled him wait is he lagging wait you actually tricked him but he actually doesn't know it's either that or he just fell asleep we have fooled him i think he's so bamboo so confused that he might not be lagging and i'm not talking about his computer i'm talking about his brain oh no it didn't work he got your friend no oh no way okay we gotta go back to hiding okay i'll come upstairs we'll hide together last minute last night in the corner head over here okay okay if i can't see him he can't see me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'll stand guard bye got your back thanks buddy's got you you kind of look like the wall like the blue and white wall yeah blend it in i'm blending in okay hopefully this person said there is no carrot in this chapter okay let's go downstairs let's go see if we can find the rest of our team wait can you make this jump no i think you die wait what if you like land over here i'm gonna go for it yeah go for it three two one go no i died oh almost oh wait what a year honey yeah now this is a level with an actual bunny on it so i'ma see if we can fool somebody dude you actually look so much like that's what i'm saying and in real life i know it looks great okay let's go now this is the problem in this level bunny's kind of depressed yeah i just stay right here i can fool some people oh i think so i think so okay okay okay oh yeah and he doesn't move so like that's actually probably good hey adam you go hide somewhere else okay go okay okay okay where should i please bring me parrot i'm gonna hide over here now the whole squad has the right idea we're all hiding i'm gonna hide right here oh yeah okay i'm a master guy dude i think we're actually gonna fall this might actually work this might actually be high iq dude this person okay they're thinking about it you got a carrot oh wait from a distance if i wasn't like knowing that we were trying to hide it actually that's what i'm saying it came right for me wait [Applause] okay now we're on the hospital so it's also bunny with buddy but in this map i think you can move bunny so we're gonna try and push buddy around and i'm gonna hide as the real bunny oh okay he's smart this is high iq oh yeah dude i actually think people are gonna bring you kids this might work this might we're gonna be so confused if that works that'd be crazy okay okay okay okay i got my box covered right next [Music] all right let's just okay we can just push him in this corner put it right there okay now you go somewhere else i'm gonna hide as the real bunny okay i'll hide ah oh i don't know i went in the room the body was okay or peggy okay okay okay i'm gonna try and hide okay i'm the real wait this is actually high iq this might actually work this might actually work okay i'll die don't die i'm trying to kill some time i'm seeing these people actually bring me a carrot oh am i working my work this is insane hold on can we beat the whole level like this no way wait let's see if because like people spawn right here so yeah let's see if adam can help us escape while i just wait here right under the piggy's nose yeah wait this is crazy this is my work i'm just oh someone has a carrot no wait let's see if they bring it to you gonna bring it to me no i died oh i was like i was following the guy with the carrot but he might give it to you wait let me let me see where the guy was oh wait wait wait wait boy oh no buddy oh and i'm right back to that high-level gameplay oh yeah you'll have no idea he won't know which bunnies figure it out how no i'm the real buddy you try no way dude his vision is too good i can't oh no oh no what was that okay now we're looking closer to real life yeah the ultimate disguise actual garbage okay now we're on the city map this is perfect because the city vibe is big and in a city you would find trash cans right okay we're both in the trash costume we'll see if we can hide we won't hide tickets together right here i'll hide up wait this this guy's waiting oh there's an actual trash can in the alley this guy does not work okay okay let's oh wait there's there's one's in here too yeah maybe right next to that one okay adam you watch this side of the alley i watch yours oh wait watch out grandma no run or not oh i forgot there's a bot on this level oh yeah that's okay that's okay we can outrun her great we are fast tracked oh granny okay okay i'm gonna go piggy piggy's on me too okay okay you chill you chill i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna hide right here okay it's a good spot i'm gonna hide the corner and see how long we could possibly stay alive this is actually good whoa okay who who who would find me other than the bomb only the box grandma found me grandma found me oh grandma that's not fair she could smell the trash oh wait but i turned to mr p oh no no no can you like protect me oh yeah i'll protect you yeah okay okay where are you oh i see i see you okay i see you i see you as you okay okay okay follow me follow me follow me i will protect you okay thank you mister back up back up okay here we go go upstairs okay i'm going up go hide right next to this trash can right here oh okay stand right here okay okay i'll try to body block thank you granny oh please mr p will protect you with his life and my his blaster yeah you know what you don't want none of the hash brown dance you sure you don't want to catch that in this heap okay look outside oh wait i'm gonna block this i'm gonna block this entrance okay you see me you don't want oh did you run through me oh no pony leave him alone i'm just some chad there's piggies down here okay run into the alley run into the alley i got you okay i'm going to the alley closing the doors for you i'm closing the doors i'm slowing them down i got tater tots on back okay all right okay a body block dude that was amazing this is my iq the hash brown dance you don't want me to work brown i blocked you i blocked you oh thank you i can actually block her wait look i can push her look dude no no no no no no no no no no we blocked her she literally can't get me yeah dude i'm too greasy yeah i'm safe move it or lose it move it or losing i like pushed her she i'm i'm she's in the trash whoa wait is she stuck dude is she stuck wait i've actually broken granny whoa wait this is sick and i stopped no no no no no no no no she's moving okay okay okay okay okay we're gonna have a nice chitchat you where is the tater tots sauce she's free she's free oh no granny listen up i have a real heart to heart literally i'm pushing her i'm pushing i'm pushing her okay i'm gonna try and go around her i'm pushing are you ready oh it works yes okay granny's on somebody else you're free okay i'm sorry i actually got our teammate oh am i the only one yeah now our teammates gonna catch you oh no no now there's only one way that i would ever want to go out what is that it's by letting you get okay with mr p let's do it with dignity mr p still wait come here start dancing those disguises actually work the bunny disguise actually worked yeah like that the alley with the trash can actually definitely worked out man you guys should try that out now hey i already know what mr p's thinking he says that was a nice disguise yeah i'm gonna go get deep fried today we are revealing our opposite morning routines in adobe okay adam now we do have very different personalities and different morning routines for me i start the morning i'm sleeping upside down because i'm just built different i start my morning by sleeping in i'd be like sleepy boxy i'm knocked out i like to get up real nice and early so i'm gonna head to my bedroom i'm normally up normally around like 6 a.m because that's where i like to watch like my cartoons and stuff in the morning before justin gets up so here i am in my bed sleeping i hear you know the rooster crow in the morning and then i'm up i'm ready to go i got tons of energy now something real cool about my morning routine is i sleep in but i have my tv in front of me on the ground and it's programmed to automatically at 10 am sometimes noon it starts playing lanky box and it wakes me up when the alarm goes off oh i just fall out of bed dude i fall out of bed and you already know first thing i'm doing hey i'm getting that breakfast snack i'm getting some donuts as you listen to the chicken wings oh yeah and so foxy we eat our donuts and we do our morning exercise we do ten sets of hazes [Applause] and what are you having for your breakfast huh before breakfast i actually like to do a bit of cardio to keep myself trim as i've said so i immediately just get right into jumping jack i'm trying to hit 100 jumping jacks so after my jumping jacks my appetite is normally pretty high so what i normally like to do is head to the school and pick up a little snack the school has those free apples right oh yeah so that's typically what i like to do is i like to get a couple apples in the morning those just keep it going adam's getting his little breakfast of apples like spiderman i'll be on the walls i'm getting more donuts then i eat the donuts and i go in my hot tub and adopt me and in real life what happens when you drop the donuts in the water i don't do that i eat them and i see the hot tub aka the bathtub and i'm getting real clean and i'm getting full adam you'll notice just ran to school didn't even shower didn't even get dressed he just at school i'm taking the teacher's apple and i'm eating it we're real opposites aren't we adam you really just go to school with no care for your personal hygiene adam i do that after i eat an apple that's crazy i gotta all right i gotta pick out my outfit for the day so after i get in the tub after i have my breakfast i gotta get swagged out you know what i mean now i already looked pretty nice i got the foxy shirt up i said it's me but today i'm feeling like i'm a flex where's that money costume i like so much oh yeah oh yeah i'll be flexing now guys i almost skipped a very very important part of the day wow very early on in a day right as i wake up usually after i'm eating breakfast i go and adopt me and i just i buy a bunch of bucks because you know that's that's important part of my day so it's weird because my credit card company always says there's a bunch of charges to my credit card right around the morning time to guess what it is part of the routine also is using starcode box which i will demonstrate right here with a lanky box and i edit and adam's face comes up and then i spend the money yeah my money not the money not money or money oh you know oh and i'm swagged out you already know on my screen after i eat my breakfast that's normally when my brain starts to come alive right oh i normally like to before i head home to take a shower and like pack up for the day i normally like to get a few mental exercises in so i'm in the classroom doing some adam learning and this is where i've been practicing my english hey we applaud a man getting his edumacation yeah you want to say that job don't test me all right i'll meet you at the school i'll meet you at the school oh it smells like somebody didn't shower this morning or take care of their personal hygiene i do that after i do my mental brain exercise it's like it's been like three hours since you woke up you're just not gonna brush your teeth you're not gonna shower or anything come on i know i i'm gonna do that in a little bit okay okay adam i'll be your teacher okay go ahead sit down okay i'm gonna put on the board how to spell animal with long neck oh boy spell spell giraffe is that right no i don't know you need to work on that adam you need to go home you need go that was such a tough question though i only had like five apples so normally my brain is more warmed up than that adam you need to go home complete your morning routine because all you've done so far is eat an apple okay and do jumping jacks part of my morning routine oh he's gonna go in a dummy hatch a bunch of pets and give some away you already know let's go all right i'm going to go to the bathroom i'm going to shower off and i'm going to brush my teeth oh i got a glitter hey do the glitter hey do the glitter dance do the glitter dance away somebody recognizes us hey hey i am showered and i'm ready to go for the day nice i'm gonna go meet you in the town center now that i'm all ready okay guys i said here's a clip though i'm giving people stuff okay i'm still had i gotta complete my morning routine i've had you to give away some pets let's go all right they say oh do you have a big fan okay nice that's why it's awesome that's why i gave him a glue though hey he's a good two dancers okay we got a little tasmanian tiger now normally i hatch about 10 eggs in the morning uh you know what i mean a hatchback that's expensive yeah but hey we give away the pets i'ma feed the glypto the apple stop pushing us around oh it's eating it nice it was licking it's like added eating a salad now we finished our hatch and we finished giving away some pets adam what else do you do for your morning routine you know how we normally like do a little drive all right so i get in my rory which adam has finally acknowledged is a real car and i drive us around and why don't you hop in and just like in real life my orange robbery will have in my orange rory and we no dude i forgot you literally can't crash your robbery for the next like month what do you mean that is crashing the rari it disappeared it crashed so hard i know but it's you know you're no you're you're normally used to crashing in the water you're normally used to staying at english camp guys guys adam is almost done with english camp he's chilling we've seen some messages better we've seen some big improvements for you adam but yeah i keep i keep eating those pb and j's and they keep working what do you do next in your morning routine i have now i have showered i've eaten i've had some pets i spent some money i gave away some pet and then i did some exercise so normally at this time foxy night we gotta go have brunch you know we gotta go have a brush you just ate how about you stop judging us and focus on your own routine around this time because i don't like to dress too flashy but i know my pets like my pet unicorn loves to dress flashy so i normally check out the the pet shop and see if there's any new like accessories oh okay okay adam's going to the pet shop and i'm going to the supermarket see if they got anything there's like a cute little backpack here that's kind of cute okay nice whoa dude i'm banned i'm banned from the store dude i can't get in let me see if i can get in i can get in they banned you from the store nah say it ain't so yeah i can just easily get in wow okay i gotta reset my character okay okay stay there i'm gonna teleport to you it says you it says you teleported to me i'm outside of the map why is it only happening to me am i actually banned from the grocery store i bet that's it they wanted to make sure that the cake stayed ins in stock wait can i actually glitch out wait dude i actually can't get in let me try and just walk in normally yes okay i'm in i'm in i mean the taco if you love a taco take it for a walk of hey and i gotta get an extra taco for rocky up my rocco friend uh we going rocco mode i guess he's not at the gym or is he back oh rocky's still at the gym right now he's getting rock hard abs we got doesn't he just already have rock hard abs because he's a rock yeah but adam he's got to work on he's got to maintain it you wouldn't understand dude it's not easy being on that rock life check out my brunch i got some soda pop which i'm not allowed to have in real life and i got some kate and i got some other stuff i'm gonna take off from here okay and i think it's time to buy a new car okay okay that's part of adam's morning routine i guess is buying a car well i'll come with you i normally do it like only once a month when i save up enough money would you buy a new car once a month bruh and adopt me yeah and adopt me oh dude i've been doing my morning routine in real life this whole time oh wait you have a car in real life yes i have my rory what are you talking about okay well then i have my hot wheels so that counts as a real car too then i guess adam out here going room room with a little plastic car i think it's real huh the audacity of this man your car is literally made of plastic no it's not it's made of titanium magnesium alloy i'm gonna get the g wagon i'm buying a bike i'm buying a bike i'm being a foxy purple bike that's right normally in the morning after i eat brunch i like to do a little bit of cardio a little bit exercise you know i mean yeah are you still training for the tour de france uh yeah uh yeah i'm actually a triathlete they'll eat no nah nah what are the three things that you do then eat sleep dance hey hey i've been training i've been training okay that's not a triathlete justin it is a triathlete a triangle yeah okay and then after i do my training i like to go to a you know a sauna i like to just really just chill decompress for that recovery you know i mean i'll be chilling and i'll be grilling bro yo my roblox just crashed oh look at the lag i might actually what is this lag whoa yeah it's getting buggy for me too is it because guys is it because they're rolling out the the winter update right now i'm stuck in the rocks below the water i am stuck on the rocky today we are playing a dummy but we cannot say the word no and just said it okay well that one doesn't count but there's gonna be a counter on the bottom of the screen that's gonna show us how many times we say the word this ad zone exactly because you can't say yes that word you might not be able to just uh do you want to go back to english boot camp the opposite of yes is my answer what's that no dad would you like to hop on my banana yes please i think i'm gonna be able to win this challenge we're gonna i think we're gonna make like a banana and split hey wait you still have my mega evil unicorn oh yeah i gotta give that back oh i almost said it i almost said okay okay i'll trade you i'll trade i am stop moving otherwise i can't give it back to you sorry sorry sorry you're not giving it back no i think honestly bro i should take the mega unicorn and trade it away bruh i think that's a terrible idea that's my dream pad should i do it though i think you should trade the crow now hey you can't do that that's mine that's mine you can't trade my evil unicorn foxy don't moonwalk on me right stop moving and i could give it back to you sorry my bad my stop moving you declined i'm trying to give it to you let it go did you watch the new ariana grande documentary on netflix if you're really there i know she has like a christmas album yeah did you see the documentary i have not seen it yet oh okay yeah did you listen to our new album i listened to it yes i did did you hear that song on it called gingerbread man uh-uh i'm trying to trick out of it won't work so far there's only two points for me and you guys still have not cracked don't call me an egg but i won't crack okay can i call you humpty dumpty no [Music] [Applause] stop god where do you want to go now i'm in the town center oh well you can ice skate on the on the fence why did you know that [Music] when i said did you know that that's a different version of the word that's hey now yeah yeah i'm aware i'm aware but i tricked you just saying in three more times and i got the mega yeah it's so hard to should i go for this to not say that word go for this whoa no give me my pen back stop moving i'll give it back wait did you say it in there no i said stop moving i'll give it back you just said it okay i'm not giving it back you said it though that counts i get wow i'm not giving this back oh come on you're trying to trick me just to get a point i'll try to give you back your your dream pack because you refuse to stop moving fine i will stay still like i'm in timeout okay here we go yeah you got it back you got it back okay okay now what should we do next i think we should i'm gonna go for my own world record here oh really i don't know how people get like 53 or whatever i saw a world record somebody got a 53 seconds bro really i don't know how man adam just got oofed aren't there like shortcuts that you can like take though like you can like take the corners like i'm looking i saw you could like you could actually skate on the fence like watch this like watch me i'm on i'm on skates right there's you can actually skate while you're on the fence i almost i almost said it there i was gonna say there's way that actually works it does not you try to trick me and it almost works it almost worked i almost gotcha yeah almost here i go here i go here i go all right can justin get 53 seconds i know it's faster to go on the ground than is to go up ramps i wonder if it actually if there is like a glitch where like if you bump a penguin it can like push you like through the geometry of adopt me and give you like a high score a penguin hack bruh yeah okay okay this looks pretty good this run looks pretty promising right now nice like sonic the hedgehog i gotta go fast come on you got this please please please please please please please please watch out for the i know if i bump something right now i will say the word oh this is a good run right here don't bump anything watch out for the penguins oh that was close they're going to world record that would have actually been a really good time oh look at how sad she is there i'm staying positive foxy has fallen over completely positive foxy has said the word zero time yeah but he says i don't slip up she's not a penguin she doesn't slip up i'm like why i have a toucan that's really cool oh cry you could try cr craving without trading with them i'm gonna need you to be honest adam remember that friend you met at english camp who you convinced me to marry and tricked me yeah did they help you on your homework you guys doing some cheating she was my tutor and she did help me on my test yeah yeah i cheated no it's a tutor two minutes 42 seconds a far cry from my best yeah i think that's actually the worst score on the board i'll be honest i don't know how to beat 56 seconds bro see if we can do it i'm gonna go for one real race right here they say we're starting here we go we said rocky it's good luck here we go here we go here we go oh that first penguin always slips me off it's faster to go on the ground here i know that you gotta jump right at the top at the tippy top of the ramps i was watching on youtube uh-huh you could shave a little bit here by jumping oh oh oh oh i said it oh you said it i said i said it that count don't even notice it oh i said but hey i'm still about 10 less than you no we're close it's so hard to not say that word okay adam you're doing your best you know what everybody's so nice in the server we should give away free frostbite this person was very nice i'm gonna give him a frost fury because you are awesome okay and teleported to me okay i'm accepting i'll make certain with the evil uni oh yeah oh yeah adam got his evil uni back they said can i give you something can i give you something i'm gonna give you a prosperity they're giving us a chill good wow how big is your chicken collection right now oh oh i'll show you i'll show you got a whole farm oh man we got we're good nice let's look at the chickens oh bugs in look at all those chickens foxy chicken chicken this was supposed to be my chicken yeah why did it go on her account it went on my account because we got it for foxy but we were not able to trade it i think foxy maybe had to get her trade license on that account yeah oh man i see i see so you stole it from her he would steal from me aiden then why is your mega chicken in justin's account because we're buddies and we share stuff at him so you don't ever steal from her no why aren't i still from foxy you just said it i don't care i'm so close no no no i'm still in the leaves oh my god i thought you were close it's not even close baby yeah we're necking them you're gonna win why would you do that to boxy dude i bet i could bounce it behind me and still catch them all man that's gonna be really impressive actually oh i had a soda pop and he spilled dad do you want some no i don't want it i got you again okay we're seeing if we can beat this evil puppet okay okay now this game is apparently very similar yeah so this is the party where is everyone it's like a real life yeah no one shows up to our parties i guess i'm the first one here and the only one here okay dude it's a pizza party again [Applause] [Music] okay let's have some pizza okay now i do notice this game is very similar to piggy even the levels are very similar i mean this game it's like almost identical yeah they have the pizzas over here wait that's like the exact same level oh no it's okay it's different slightly different okay i got a red key i got a red key oh nice okay i'll follow you let's go this way oh man oh there's the outside area too okay they have a well okay and they have a shadow never mind it is like very similar almost identical oh i see a shadow no it's elmo oh my gosh oh that's so scary okay the map is slightly different oh no am i trapped okay i'm going upstairs who shot me okay there's a pink key oh there's a bunch of cogs okay wait really i'm gonna get the blue lock i'm gonna get the blue key instead okay i'm looking for where the hammer goes oh wait how is that not the blue lock what it's like it's like a light blue lock i gotta go back outside we can get the pink key i don't understand oh someone has the cogs already okay our team thank you wow our team's good hold on where's the pink key did someone take it no someone took the pinky i'm useless i'm actually useless oh no oh ho no justin justin yo look at the way we crouch what oh look at your legs [Applause] i have a surprise for you guys yo this guy's just singing live okay go in here go in there go in here come in here right here okay okay okay it's time to meet your bench hey yo adam's flex i have to do it one time [Music] by the way make sure to go to get the foxy and the foxy plushie uh you cannot get the elmo plushie at but you can get foxy there what can we do okay orange keyboard dude you can jump these boxes and get in here that's pretty cool oh that is handy okay nice oh no elmo's on the move on the move oh man okay i'm going to go upstairs i know the order is out yo elmo's actually zooming okay elmo i'm on the hunt almost hopping watch out watch out almost coming up the stairs oh man okay where does the orange key go i don't know i saw a yellow door i don't know if it's orange though it's not no definitely not wait i'm upstairs i'll look i'll look for you i think the orange wait who uses who has the wrench oh oh yeah we need the wrench for the front door and that thing it's over here nothing i guess we really need the wrench to open that area maybe yeah oh what emma wants me i'm sorry about the flexion i'm sorry about that where does the orange key go sorry yo wait we're actually going to run out of time which is kind of sad because elmo has not even been trying yeah okay this guy's the green key he doesn't even have it green keys for downstairs oh green oh wait we need it yeah dude this guy's afk please mr feets one wake up man oh he he's here oh tell him to come here i'll like lead him oh no elmo got somebody no tell this guy can you go downstairs green key he's not listening dude one of them is big quack i got a big bird cookie monster can we get the big quack skin please please 500 coins okay 500 coins okay that's not too bad okay you can spend our money do it do it do it big quack okay wait in the game dude there's new traps all this black hole kind of like piggies wait what are fire traps try getting those wait do i need more i need more coins i need more coins okay it's only okay 95 robots not bad okay okay okay i got a coin okay get in the game okay oh wait hey i'm big bird oh no big bird yeah just what i thought the elmo impression was the worst i've ever heard you topped yourself that's not what he did what he sounded like he sounded like then a big bird [Applause] no [Applause] big bird this guy oh oh oh oh oh big bird oh wow one big burst big bird's having a pizza party we're all invited to want me to party no i don't want to go but i'm the only one eating this pizza do you hear me i'm the only one it's fine the flame traps look sick wait what this game where did the cogs go big bird says i know but i'm not saying who's that no it's not me it's not me oh big bird oh we're gonna make it out this guy's laying he got the blaster no oh but it's not good enough yeah do it put the trap down oh i'm looking for where to put the cogs i don't know oh the blaster nope nope oh no is dustin gonna get a taste of his own medicine oh i got somebody else wait more people are spawning in big bird where are you big bird come here come here no i don't get it get it get him yeah i still got somebody somehow what i love hair okay now is our chance guys now's our chance team big bird he's so confused this question mark's coming out of his head i'm get your clogs at him no i don't want him okay okay i have to i'm about to take you to sesame yeah big bird oh i got somebody else yeah you're going down are you literally the last one alive oh no there's one other person i'm looking for the red door the person i am thick i might have to let him live okay please do i'm putting a trap here i i think he's i think he's stuck now no oh no where's the red door i'ma let him go because he's thick i'm gonna let him go i'm gonna let him in the door i wait he doesn't have any ammo okay i broke that oh no oh no oh no get out look at this dude he like shot me in midair so i'm just flying good i'm not trying to be mean but you guys are not even close i haven't even opened the basement i don't know how to get downstairs no no justin justin oh that was scary big bird's on the move okay big bird let's make a deal yeah if you help me make it out i will buy you chicken for lunch big bird says i'm not a cannibal no you ain't foxy what i'm not gonna eat my own my own chocolate huh what do you think you are it's time for you to taste a bit coconut okay okay we gotta get out okay guys me and boxy are the killer what and we actually equipped the new cookie skin oh the cookie bot cookie monster that that impression is pretty accurate that's pretty good i say that pretty often cookie time oh oh oh oh okay okay you're making progress making plays are you even i'll pick you you're not even i'm no it's just like piggy i think i get up at 9 30. wait is this okay i'm alive oh time for cookies [Applause] no you don't i equipped the new like aqua traps i don't know what they do but i'm excited to see okay okay okay i'm gonna put them by the front door i know where this goes oh yeah and finally i unlocked i did something okay i know where this goes oh man dude the whole team is rallying oh man are you upset i see you no no no you don't look at this person huh this person's like an upside down character there's a trap here let's go for the traffic oh he's dancing better run justin why are you taking me go away i see you oh my god someone said look in the chat someone said it's mall cop time yeah it is wait someone had the blaster wait oh no oh this guy's the blaster this guy no no no blast them all cop him no don't do it please go go go go go go go step in the trap no we need to have them no we're idiots follow me here we go i know we're going to find this guy we got to find this guy some ammo oh i almost got him i almost got him oh oh i got one of your friends no he like walked into him he's the lambo it's the lambo this guy's dancing okay oh man they're doing the justice while you're flexing hold on hold on okay okay putting the trap right there okay okay is there ammo in here where's the ammo we gotta find it we gotta find it for our mall cop friend hey it hits party in the backyard okay now i'm gonna come to the backyard though no romantic parties oh man i can't wait to join everyone what's dude adam what is this trap placement what is this i don't know you better not step in it though who what oh there's a green goes over here over here yes yes oh no the car i got caught i still don't know where all the cogs go dogs go in the shed leave me alone adam stop oh someone unlocked the basement oh there's ammo no no no no no no oh all you need is the red cogs for the shed yeah yeah oh and someone unlocked like the downstairs oh hello oh i got one of your friends oh i got the guy with the blaster he mauled cop r.i.p no oh okay i must avenge you i'm gonna try and get me i got i gotta get that blaster i'm not even focused on trying to stop you from getting out i'm just trying to not get attacked with the blast we gotta get it i'm i will not get shot with the blaster i guarantee it the mall cap says justin mall cop him someone has the uh the red cog they're going out to the shed okay okay let's see if they can do unlock that where's the blaster what did that give them they they put all the cogs in but like what does that do is that for the front door oh no oh the door's open oh it is yeah but oh no i also have so many traps no somebody wants cookies i'm gonna go upstairs you wanna come down you wanna come to the escalator no i don't i have i'm not gonna escape yet i have one final mission no way they're all dancing here we go i gotta go no i'm scooting up i won't let you guys get out scoot me i'm scared i will not get shot i guarantee you here we go donut power they're saying in the chat i do this for you this is the last step this is it i'm gonna dodge it this is it i'm gonna dodge it no no no no no no no no no no no no no how did you get me no there's only ten seconds until i'm awake eight seven six no no no no no no no no no no no no wait oh whoa wait this cutscene is intense whoa heads up get us ground now it's cookie dog oh no you got the wrong guy wait it's not us they think it's you is that why level two's the prison it's probably because your impression was so good today we are seeing if we could win this roblox pet show okay wait wait wait wait oh dude we already have about no way okay wait wait wait wait it's already doing the dusty dance i didn't even have to train it okay i didn't even train it this might honestly be one of my favorite games we've ever played yo we have three minutes justin to design our pet to look the most evil no dude you're dancing already okay okay so you think you can get first place in this we gotta try it we gotta try okay now the goal of this game is to basically design your pet to like look the coolest and on theme so the theme that we have first for this show is evil pet okay so what do you think is like evil looking dude i want to buy these pets [Applause] it looks like a chicken yeah looks like a little ducky okay okay okay okay okay okay okay we have two minutes how do you how do you dress them up okay i'm gonna uh you have to go to like these little like areas over here and then click to equip okay i'm gonna give mine some red eyes okay okay now i'm gonna give it a face let me see some purple oh man here we go here we go how does it look wait you're supposed to make it like evil not adorable oh it's cosplaying as foxy now it's so cute dude still dance okay that's actually so cute now guys wait make sure to go to get the boxy and the foxy plushy there okay okay we're ready to go on stage okay there's a minute left we need last minute how do you go on stage when the timer stops and auto puts you in place oh dude okay i'm gonna change boxing says i've always wanted some wings let's get some wings oh man it's a flying foxy whoa foxy little okay okay okay i wait this game is hype this game is so hype i i have uh i have made your decisions about mine evil oh you gave it a scorpion tail it must look evil oh oh oh oh come over to the toys hold on there's some special ones i know you're gonna like foxy looking real mischievous what is this look up on the top shelf a taco if you love a taco take it for him and then do it get her some chicken oh yeah oh wait you gotta buy this oh man it's worth it it's worth it it's working it's chicken okay get it down this is insane if i have everybody beat all okay now we are in the mystic woodlands this is the start of the pet show now what we do is like we rank people as they go up and then people are going to rank our play okay okay oh man i hope i get a five okay let's see let's see okay oh he also went with the scorpion tail pretty evil grin with the horns i'll i'm gonna give a four out of five i'm gonna say four i'm gonna do like four because i don't know i don't know what a five looks like yet boxing would give them a round of applause if he could clap his hands but he cannot not bad not bad not bad okay let's see pretty good pretty good okay oh okay okay oh how do they get them on fire i like the wings i like oh i like the grin this is just that that's a she named it the pet devil that's what that's about guys comment below what your favorite pet is that you see in this video this is pretty cool man i wish i thought of that idea okay i think my keyboard's actually broken oh when i slammed my head against it on the tower yeah okay okay oh i like this approach okay it looks very cute yeah it's very cute but it has like a mischievous side box give it a four i'm gonna give it a four okay okay okay now what would you rank your donut squishy if it went up on the pet show she said don't even worry about it okay five out of five for the frosting oh okay evil fox this looks like swiper from dorado okay i'm gonna give it a four okay she's got a big five she got a pizza shirt so hey you know oh yeah she knows she's extra points oh man i'm getting nervous oh what is that oh it's like snakes coming out of its head uh i'm not a huge fan of that i'm gonna say i'm gonna say three i'm gonna say three i'm so confused yeah it's gonna be a weird sensation yeah it kind of reminds me of medusa yeah okay four okay okay hey boxy's thinking he might be oh okay okay show off your pets dude i'm gonna give you a five yeah about to cast some spells on you yeah with her chicken wand she's still eating on her way out oh next time next adam's up next i have made some poor decisions dude what is that okay i'm gonna give you a five for effort thank you thank you forever thank you very much piggy supreme okay hey piggy oh okay so a lot of people went with this this idea it's like the the devil wings oh yeah i'm gonna say four i'm gonna give them six four four okay now on the leaderboard it looks like we both have a hundred diamonds and a hundred treats wait oh there's leaderboards yeah so i think uh if you win uh the show you get uh treats and uh and diamonds okay okay but who will win oh wait the medusa one oh wait what this is the one that you gave it three yeah we didn't win wait oh you got fourth okay okay i got a fifth okay not bad okay and then i immediately died oh mimi me is the theme i'm talking to lily lily from the daycare oh video if you if you play roblox you can submit your own theme for a pet show that's kind of cool do it okay i'll do it after this okay okay okay me mini me okay we got five minutes on this oh this is easy i'm just gonna make foxy look exactly how i did before okay okay so many accessories legs okay there's also a vip section oh really let's see how you get in here yeah oh there's like some special items that only vip can get let me see oh are you gonna get them it's 200 to get in 200 robux i'ma buy it i'm gonna buy it i'm gonna buy i need to win i got fifth last time should i try and get in there you unlocked a new title vip pet master okay okay this is really cool okay now what is your plan for this mini me uh mini me outfit this guy says do the thick dance that's my plan dude okay okay hey oh hey oh they got boxing okay okay okay what's over here okay this is hi guys okay this is a vip yeah i do there's some really cool stuff here let's get in here man i might upgrade like what type my pet is what's in here oh little glitter you gotta give her the justy glasses oh yeah oh yeah that's real cute that's real cute yeah i'm gonna go over here i'm gonna give it some nice cute eyes what else oh i gotta get it oh no we got three minutes we got three minutes okay okay what place are you gonna aim for this round i don't know are you going for that first place i uh yeah you know i i would be happy with pretty much anything because it is so cute already okay i'm gonna give it a toy okay okay okay i'm going for that first place yo i saw your pet i didn't even know it was yours and i thought in my head that was a cool pet and then i realized it's yours so good job okay i wish i could i wish there was a cardboard box that would be nice wait there's like purple boxes really be foxy oh there's just cheese oh cool just cheese yeah just a block of cheese yeah i'll try and i'll try and give that because my guy is a mouse this round true wait it's supposed to be minnie you why are you making a mouse because the mouse is like really small what that how does that answer my question at all because a mouse is tiny so it's like minnie it's minnie you minnie adam oh i didn't that is it he said cause he's really small yo you trolling i didn't want to feel like i'm talking oh no now i gotta change everything a minute guys my iq is not very high i don't understand okay what are you doing okay i gotta change it i gotta change it to me change that change that yo you must be trolling i'm trying my best i have a minute to change it all don't worry okay you're good yeah you're good you're good you're good oh but they do have like a yellow beanie that kind of looks like my hair oh okay look at mine now look that's identical to how i love mouse man i gotta get first place but you can't do it you can do it okay okay okay i'm changing the years out don't worry i'm changing the ears out swap it to those oh i gotta change my eye color to be blue you know i was good i was gonna mix it up but i'm going back for that chicken that's what she wants that is a mini you honestly she wants oh no okay time's up how does mine always end up looking like an alien okay wait oh pop five okay it's foxy vibin oh yeah oh foxy passes the vibe check says good vibes okay here we go okay uh let's see it i think she forgot to bring her pet there's no pet what [Music] when you show up to a pet show and you forget i mean i have to i can't give this anything i had to give it two yeah i like wait what if ours are also invisible i don't know i don't understand okay okay okay okay oh wait this actually matches her that's really [Applause] do it she got so hard she got some jackets let's go with the glasses okay adam's up next oh man it's a mini me owen thank you thank you thank you wait that's like a pikachu one okay that's so cool okay i'm gonna give style points don't go to oh for that i'm going to say a four it doesn't really matter yeah that's what i was thinking it doesn't match but she gets style points yeah okay nice okay the all blue oh and they have boxy and foxy oh okay five five five five five nice nice nice oh this one's pretty cute too and they have the donuts you got the donut too yeah i'm gonna say a five and boxes that's the five tonight i don't know if we're even gonna place on top three but we'll see we'll see foxy says everyone's looking real nice i like how the ears like flap yeah okay oh oh a backflip how do you how do you do these cool tricks when you go on stage i think you can buy emotes in the store oh yeah little bodybuilder damn foxy okay five i'm gonna say five doesn't really match but hey [Applause] okay okay let's go let's go okay let's go one final round wait i'm gonna try and submit oh yeah your id i'm gonna submit yes yes yes [Laughter] check oh wait can he get past it sick and starts with t aka thick and is what happens if you eat lots of donuts check it submit it okay submit it submit it you have to have a really big brain just even understand that oh yeah oh yeah oh man okay okay okay okay wait this theme is dark and creepy okay oh man dark and crazy let's hope they accept your theme dude that's a okay dark and creepy okay now wait i know i want to try out those new emotes i'm going to try and get in the top three because i don't think i've gotten top no we gotta get out of the game okay okay okay okay and we're going for that win whoa what you got wait come over here come to the thing that that looks like it says collars and premium in it okay okay i'm coming dude there's a pet in here that i think you're gonna really like so can you buy these pets though yeah like look at this octopus pet wait it says this squishy boy will impress everything wait but i can't equip it i'm clicking it you have to buy it yeah okay yeah but can you just equip it that's not fair you can use it in a show where other people don't have it i don't know can you i like the invisible one oh i did yeah click on the octopus oh you can't wait okay whoa that's so cool wait now yeah he really really dopey zooming dude okay okay this is the greatest game ever i think i have a pretty good chance with this see-through neon pet it's pretty cool dude and we got a bunch of people that have foxy and boxy in here this is sick 13 seconds i don't know i don't know oh man oh no this might be my round what's happening yeah yeah yeah octopus i can put struck lit a little bit struggling a little bit okay okay okay okay time for the show we're back at the woodlands guys this is the final round can i get in the top three we gotta get that win foxy really wants a trophy okay this is pretty good already this is the dark and creepy theme oh okay scary five that's a five four dude a goddess i'm giving him five that is pretty fine five okay you're up next good luck justin [Music] [Applause] okay i said i went with bright and happy i misread the prompt i misread it dark and creepy i went bright and happy i'm sorry i like it's a okay okay oh okay here's mine there's my pen five let's go that is pretty good it's creepy it's dark wow thank you voted voted oh man okay that was pretty nerve-wracking okay okay this person's up okay okay default default default skin i'm gonna say i mean the color of three is the same color as the the fox i'm gonna give it a three i'm gonna give it a four okay four for effort okay wait this is sick wait oh man dude oh wait she got boxy up boxy that's a five that's a five five that's a five it looks like that pokemon you know what i'm talking about uh gengar oh yeah yeah gengar like that okay okay oh nice these are good oh man these are good these are really good oh man this is good and she got boxy that's it ah yeah that's a five it's a five that's a five five [Laughter] oh she got foxy never mind oh and the merch and the merch five oh man oh good luck to everyone somebody has somebody said in the chat she has foxy and the merch has a five that's a five okay here we go can i get a top three oh man can my glowing neon get in top three oh man please please yeah let's go this game is sick we were so close to getting the prizes we're gonna go get some fries [Music] [Music] okay foxy what do you want from the vending machine not again there's food online what is my phone i [Applause] [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 998,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, roblox, roblox games, compilation, cant say no challenge, roblox puppet, pet show, lankybox, justin, adam, foxy, boxy, rocky, sticky, ghosty, canny, thicc shark, lankybot, milky, fnf, friday night funkin, fnaf, five night's at freddy's, kissy missy, mommy long legs, glamrock freddy, chica, boyfriend, girlfriend, sonic, knuckles, tails, shadow, game, mod, spongebob, flash, flash game, minecraft, robux, bunzo bunny, try not to laugh, amanda the adventurer, hilarious pranks
Id: 75rJYncUaQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 2sec (3782 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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