Top 5 Arknights Characters With The Worst Fanbases

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top 5 arcanized characters with the worst fan bases number five Scotty Scotty fans might be the horniest people on Earth I'm telling you they would [ __ ] anything they can get their hands on I'm talking Pringles cans empty toilet rolls door knobs with the hole in the middle I've seen a gif where she uses her sword as a pole and slides up and down on it like a stripper but yeah I know a lot of you expected Scotty to be number one on this list since I always talk [ __ ] about her fans but trust me there are characters who have much worse fan bases number four project thread let me give you some advice if you ever meet a project Red fan in real life do a complete 180 and fly out of there these people if you can even call them that will bark and growl at you if you say anything bad about red they'll try to catch you off guard and when they do they'll crawl towards you on all fours and bite you they are feral creatures and I suggest you always carry a textbook around with you since they seem to be allergic to education number three Axia Axia is one of my favorite operators actually that you guys didn't know that but her fans man profends there's a 90 chance that those scream apple pie when they're making an order just for the cashier to turn around and go uh sir we sell [ __ ] computers and worst of all ogens I know it's only like 0.1 percent of you who make these dojans but it's enough to make me hate the rest of the 99.9 like bro why are they doing this to her over some KFC number two suzeran bro do I even need to say why she's on this list rapid fire spamming that crying Emoji every time you see even a pixel of her molecule on screen you people disgust me man 90 of you bastards need to be put in a straight jacket and locked up in a super max prison where you can scream oh you [ __ ] one I think it's Humanity's greatest mistake that we let Caesar and fans roam the streets freely number one Golden Globe just kidding [ __ ] it's [ __ ] Scotty ugly [ __ ]
Channel: Box2
Views: 140,011
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Keywords: arknights, arknights meme, arknights box2, box2, box2 arknights, box2 goldenglow, arknights new update, arknights guiding ahead, arknights guiding ahead trailer, arknight fiammetta, arknights fiammetta summons, box2 fiammetta summons, most hated arknights operators, Top 5 Arknights Characters With The Worst Fanbases, worst arknights fanbases, arknights characters with the worst fanbase, arknights top 5, arknights top 10
Id: fdVHmAuUaAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 4sec (124 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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