Top 5 Animal Team Combos

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This was one of the most fascinating videos I have watched. I knew about stuff like the clownfish and the birds pecking buffalo, but the badger-coyote, frog-tarantula and grouper-moray eel partnership was so unexpected.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
this episode was sponsored by Skillshare every character in the game has its weaknesses for example crocodiles which possess the strongest bite attack in the game currently get completely shut down by a single grab she does the fastest land build in the game get grieved to no end at low levels because even at their peak strength they're too weak to defend themselves and their party from attacks from the other players in their region seals have high speed in the water but I mean look at this what is this there are two main ways you can circumvent your character's weaknesses the first would be to reallocate some of your stats to create a more well-rounded character one example of this would be the seed line which is a more well-rounded version of a seal while they aren't quite as good as swimmers as seals are they do have great water mobility and can also hold their own on land the second option and in my opinion the better option would be to team up with another player whose character complements yours so that you can cover each other's weaknesses without sacrificing the most impressive aspects of your build so today I'd like to highlight the top 5 animal team combos starting off with number 5 mammals are uniquely susceptible to parasites like biting flies and ticks since many of them don't have long grasping arms or opposable thumbs they don't really have any way to remove a parasite that's biting them this is where the oxpecker comes in oxpeckers can cleanse any mammal of their parasite debuffs an indispensable important perk to have the oxpecker gets a free source of XP and also gets protection by sticking with a party of players in a much higher weight class this potential team combo is one of the biggest benefits of playing in herbivore class as opposed to an omnivore or carnivore because oxpecker players avoid those builds next we've got the coyote and the Badger both of these builds are solid mid to high tiers on their own and they don't have too much of a problem securing eliminations without help however against other team strategies such as prairie dogs they do run into some issues coyotes can out speed prairie dogs on the ground but they can't do anything to prevent them from simply hiding in their burrows badgers conversely can easily dig up burrows but aren't nearly as mobile as coyotes so to cover all the prairie dogs options coyotes and Badgers will team up and hunt cooperatively prairie dogs that flee their burrow will get by the coyote and players running from a coyote back to their burrow will be caught by the Badger this is a similar technique used by the grouper in the marine server groupers are some of the strongest fish builds in the game well not quite as powerful as the shark or as fast as the swordfish they're a great jack-of-all-trades style built with few bad matchups however similar to the coyote they don't have any good options against a target hiding in the crevices of a reef that's where the moray eel comes in similar to the Badger on land eels don't have a particularly high mobility stat but they can weave in and out of tight spaces without issue and so a grouper and an eel will team up to trap targets just like the coyote Badger combo fish fleeing the EO player will get caught by the grouper and the looming presence of the grouper will intimidate other fish players into trying to take cover in the reef where the eel is positioned to strike but as powerful as this combo is the reef is home to an even more unstoppable combo anemones are unique in that they opted for a sedentary play style completely sacrificing their mobility stat and trading those points in for other abilities some do retain their ability to move but these options aren't particularly fast and leave them highly vulnerable while doing so anyways sea anemones have the death touch ability similar to jellyfish but because they have such bad moving options they don't have many choices when it comes to catching their prey or escaping an attack this is where they benefit immensely from teaming up with clownfish so clownfish are pretty much perfectly SPECT to cover the anemones bat matchups they have immunity to the death touch ability so they aren't insta killed by the anemone they also have one of the lowest stealth ratings of any fish which would normally be a huge weakness but used in conjunction with the sea anemones powerful trapping potential it actually ends up being a powerful offensive tool the clownfish can essentially serve as bait luring in other players who then get caught by the anemone in addition clownfish are actually skilled rushdown fighters that can easily chase off builds that pose a threat to the anemone in some cases chasing off players far beyond the clown fish's weight class but if the con fish does encounter a player that they can't fight head-on they can safely retreat to the protection of the anemone it's pretty common knowledge that frogs are some of the least viable builds in the game with their extremely low-power defense an HP couple with having one of the most vulnerable starts and their reliance on moisture and it's not hard to see why the amphibian player base is on the verge of collapse but they do have a few upsides most notably their fast tether grabbing as well as one of the highest jumps in the game the tether grab specifically is why it makes such an effective teammate to the tarantula spiders in general are extremely effective against flying Biltz like moths dragonflies and wasps however because tarantulas didn't put any skill points into web building instead using those points to increase their base stats they don't have as good a matchup against fliers and actually end up getting bodied pretty hard by them this is where the frog comes in most tarantula players usually treat frogs as pretty easy targets as their fangs can usually defeat them in one hit but experienced tarantula Mane's will actually party up with them as their tether grab is super effective against flying types perfectly covering the tarantulas weakness meanwhile the tarantula will protect the frog from pretty much any ground-based threat it's an awesome team combo one of my personal favorites more tarantula and frog players need to adopt the strategy teamwork is one of the most effective ways in the entire game to win encounters but working with others presents its own set of challenges for example if a clownfish fails to use the brush emote frequently enough it will lose its immunity to the enemy sting communication is the most important factor in teamwork and understanding what makes communication effective is something that comes with experience but you can also learn about it by taking communication classes on Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community where you can learn tons of valuable new skills to level up your game it's one of my favorite resources and several of my favorite youtubers have made classes on there as well the first 500 people to click the link in the description will get two months of skill share for free thanks for watching and Happy New Year I've got a ton of fun stuff planned for 2019 so be sure to subscribe lastly thank you to my patrons on patreon and until next time good luck out there [Music]
Channel: TierZoo
Views: 4,220,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anemone, clown fish, grouper fish, eel, moray eel, runescape, smash bros, coyote, badger, cooperative hunting, mutualism, symbiotic, symbiosis
Id: wztl2s0x0Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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