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it's as simple as e pluribus unum from many one from many shades of lipstick one that belongs to her from a basket of kisses she picks one it makes her unique it colors her kiss and her kiss well it colors her man bells you ly lipstick mark your man I only see one lipstick in your drawing women want colors lots and lots of colors mark your man it's pretty cute oh you like this well maybe we should cut down to five shades or one I'm not telling you to listen to anyone but this is a very fresh approach it's okay Kenny I think there's much else to do here but call it a day gentlemen thank you for your time said all you're a non-believer why should we waste time on kabuki I don't know what that means it means that you've already tried your plan and you're number four you've enlisted my expertise and you've rejected it to go on the way you've been going I'm not interested in that you can understand I don't think you're three months or however many thousands of dollars entitles you to refocus the core of our business listen I'm not here to tell you about Jesus you already know about Jesus either he lives in your heart or he doesn't every woman wants choices but in the end none wants to be one of a hundred in a box she's unique she makes the choices and she's chosen him she wants to tell the world he's mine he belongs to me not you she marks her man with her lips he is her possession you've given every girl that wears your lipstick the gift of total ownership sit down information on penny socks that had huge upside potential with very little downside risks is that ring a bell okay great well reason for the call today John is something just came across my desk John it is perhaps the best thing I've seen in the last six months if you have 60 seconds I'd like to share the idea with you got a minute name of the company aerotyne international it is a cutting-edge high-tech firm out of the Midwest awaiting imminent patent approval on the next generation of radar detectors that have both huge military and civilian applications now right now John the stock trades over the counter ten cents a share and by the way John our analysts indicate it could go a heck of a lot higher than that your profit on a mere six thousand dollar investment will be upwards of $60,000 exactly you could pay off your mortgage John one thing I can promise you even in this market is that I never ask my clients to judge me on my witness I asked them to judge me on my losses because I have so few and in the case of error time based on every technical factor out there John we are looking at a grand slam home run 4000 that'd be 40,000 shares John let me lock in that trade right now and get back to with my secretary with an exact confirmation sound good John great hey John thank you for your vote of confidence and welcome to the investors Center accounts for his team leader when I was a junior broker I did it in 26 days okay you know I send out press packets anymore under this Debbie the time-life operator bull so get on the phones it's time to get to work get off your ass move around motion creates emotion I remember one time I had this guy call me up one to pitch me right want to sell me stock so I let him I got everything rebuttal out of this guy kept him on the phone for an hour and a half towards the end I started asking him buying questions like what's the firm minimum that's a buying question right there that guy's got to take me down it's not like I asked him what's your 800 number that's a golf question I was giving him a run and he blew it okay to a question like what is the firm minimum the answer is zero you don't like the idea don't pick up a single share but this putz is telling me you know uh 100 shares wrong answer no you have to be closing all the time and be aggressive learn how to push talk to him ask him questions ask a rhetorical question doesn't matter anything just get a yes out of them if you're drowning and I throw you a life jacket would you grab it yes good pick up 200 shares I won't let you down ask him how they'd like to see 30 40 percent returns what are they gonna say no you I don't want to see those returns stop laughing it's not funny if you can't learn how to close you better start thinking about another career and I am deadly serious about that dead serious and have your rebuttals ready guy says call me tomorrow bull somebody tells you they got money problems about buying 200 shares is lying to you you know what I say to that I say hey look man tell me you don't like my firm tell me you don't like my idea tell me you don't like my necktie but don't tell me you can't put together 2,500 bucks and there is no such thing as a no sale call a sale is made on every call you make either you sell the clients in stock or he sells you on a reason he can either way a sale is made the only question is who's going to close you are him a be relentless that's it I've done well here mahmud one I'm going anyway let's talk about something important put that coffee down coffee's for closers only but oh um I got your attention now good because we're adding a little something to this month's sales contest as you all know first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado anybody want to see second prize second prize a set of steak knives you've got Leeds Mitch & Murray paid good money get their names to sell them the leads are weak the leads are weak only one thing counts in this life get them to sign on the line which is dotted a b c a always BB c-- closing always be closing always be closing these are the new leads these are the Glengarry leads and to you they're gold and you don't get them why because to give them to you was just throwing them away therefore closers you
Channel: Jonas Caino
Views: 851,909
Rating: 4.7312279 out of 5
Keywords: Mad Men The Wolf of Wall Street Boiler Room Glengarry Glen Ross, mad men, boiler room, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Wolf of Wall Street, Sales Movies, Sales Scenes
Id: rylwgRSgjG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2017
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