TOP 4 in their PURPOSE - MISS WORLD 2024

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all right ladies now it is your opportunity to pitch yourselves as the next Miss World to the sharks of Shark Tank India and don't forget you only have 60 seconds to pitch your purpose all right let's start with our first participant Trinidad and Tobago all right you're pitching to the sharks of Shark Tank India as the next Miss World give it a shot thank you Namaste everyone sorry I'm excited so firstly when I stand here I represent 1.4 million people of trinad and Tobago and what I can offer misr is the mindset of my people in India I know you say vas KU sorry I butchered it but the point is you say the world is one family in sweet TNT we say may every Creed and race find an equal place and so when I the way I live my life is with that motto with that Mantra and I believe Miss R has a similar Mantra I believe when you have compassion and understanding for differences you can really make a difference in the world and work hand in hand to create a bright future for me I'm so honored to be here and to share the mindset of TNT because we can truly make a difference in sweet trinad and Tobago we acknowledge our similarities but more importantly we celebrate our differences we see the beauty and diversity and we promote inclusion so I would love to be part of this organization and to do so and work with you all to create a brighter future and a happy world thank you so much well done Trinidad and Tobago you can relax a bit now our next participant is [Music] [Music] Botswana looking beautiful tonight I'm just going to fix your hair a little bit there you go all right now it's your turn to pitch the sharks of Shark Tank India thank you and good evening everyone I believe that I should be the next missor because I am the true essence of Beauty with a purpose for as long as I can remember I've always used my skills my passion my talent my intellect and my love to uplift the lives of those around me I've done so through my Genesis Project which levels the playing field for children living and poverty I use my legal expertise to offer legal solutions to those who cannot afford them and each and every day I share love and kindness but most importantly I love this platform I love it with my whole heart and I aspire to see a world where Beauty with a purpose is not just a misor concept but where each and every person uses that quality that makes them beautiful to uplift the lives the the lives of those around them and I know that I can't do it alone and as Julia mly says is it not better to Light One Candle than to not see in darkness I aspire to be the driving force that inspires the world to light their own little candles thank you thank you so much bwana now let's hear for our next participant Czech [Music] Republic [Music] all right Czech Republic now it's your turn to pitch why you should be the next Miss World good evening dear shark Tans I want you to imagine one thing imagine that you're a child and you have your dreams and your hopes but as you grow older your dreams are going further and further away now imagine that you are a parent and your child needs to go through the same situation having a dream but while growing up the dream is going further and further and that's because the children doesn't get the proper education to fulfill the dream career as of 2024 it's still a fact that 250 million children are out of the school worldwide and that's why my lifelong mission is providing quality education to unprivileged children I believe that education is a fundamental right every child deserves and I'm here to advocate for those children it's something what I've been doing for a very long time much before I entered the pageantry it's something was really close to my heart and what I'll be doing either I win or I don't win the Miss World thank you so much thank you Czech Republic of course our last but not the very least participant is [Music] Lebanon all right Lebanon now it's your turn to say why you should be the next missor Marhaba again well I see missor as a very strong Confident Woman but most importantly a woman with a purpose born and raised in Lebanon I've learned how to spread love wherever I go how to have respect and how to rise after every fall because even the biggest non-nuclear explosion in the history couldn't stop us from dreaming and achieving so that's why I want to share with the word resilience resilience love respect and compassion so to everyone listening to me now I just want to say thank you Lebanon for teaching me how to be a Miss World thank you thank you so much Lebanon all right so now that we've talked to the ladies over here sharks do you have anything to say to our top four for the 71st missor yes uh hi we're all just so impressed with all your purposes and uh it's just amazing to see uh you know especially with education for all uh you know this year's theme is Beauty with purpose and usually if you watch Shar tank we are never had a loss for words but today you women have left us speechless so I'm thinking that I don't know if we can pick one or two causes what do you guys think um do we get to ask them questions do we get to ask a question well as of now what I'm asking is just to pick a winner for tonight okay super so they've been spared from the shocks tonight um so Rees what do you think um instead of us picking the causes because they're all so lovely should we just leave it to this wonderful panel here to pick the finalist and then we will support the causes um of the three finalists sounds good listening to those four incredible ladies I believe that as somebody runs a global business across Denmark Europe Asia many other countries I believe each one of the causes are going to make a difference not just in their countries but across the world so I believe all three of us are happy to come together and support any decision that the panel makes and support the ideas that these young ladies we're going to do an all Shar deal all their causes all right Namaste and Mrs congratulations on your very very welld deserved award couldn't have thought of anybody better all right thank you so much sharks and that was some life experience right there thank you once again for your valuable support and thank you for the eye openening presentations ladies we're very very excited to find out who the next missor will be we'll see you guys after a break thank you
Channel: Awesomethony
Views: 223,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Uh8MPSFqoi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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